Coffee shops/Supermarkets

Coffee shops and Supermarkets are great places to pick up women. In coffee shops I chat with women in the queue or if they are sitting near me making small talk and then decide whether to move the conversation along to test the waters to try my luck. There used to be a branch of Starbucks in my town centre that was very popular with mums and I had quite a few hookups there over the years(also with some of the staff). When it comes to Supermarkets I pick up a product and stop someone and ask if they have tried it depending if they are chatty I would talk about the weather then move it on ask if… Читати далі

Автор публікації chelms38 1 рік тому 3

Variety is the spice of life

I have learned that variety is the spice of life and over the years I have tried many so I think people should not stick to the same variety all the time. Why not try something new, you might just like it and wish you had sampled it earlier in life. I know there are many things I want to do and try before I die and I aim to explore and enjoy my life.… Читати далі

Автор публікації chelms38 1 рік тому

Country lanes/fields

Country lanes/fields to enjoy outdoor fun close by. Fancy it when the weather picks up? Feel free to contact me if you do.… Читати далі

Автор публікації chelms38 1 рік тому 1