I am (she)Hitler!

So...I know I do a LOT of complaining and I'm pretty ignorant, but I don't push myself on random people...I don't. I rant and I bitch, but it's on MY page, on MY blogs. It's my space. I think disagree with many people about many things, but I do not try and convert them or chastise them personally now matter how different or against them I are. Mostly because I don't care but still... Apparently I'm a Nazi terrorist:

*Since the douche wants to block me, I'm posting his username.


"Dear Thelambofdeth,

I found your profile because of a rude post you wrote on someone's page. Then I clicked on your page and saw the saddest and most fear driven and deeply wounded profile I have ever seen.

Plain and simple, I am living proof that your generalization of men is fallacious and reeks of ignorance, and I have just my family and the men who are okay with the women being the top bread winners and being respectful and driven by the reality that women and c***dren come first or we are doomed to fail as proof enough that you are incorrect and that your wonderland is a horrible place to live. Both men and women in my family are college educated, the women are brilliant, beautiful, feminine and strong, and the men are sensitive and smart and athletic and can kick ass literally if need be, and almost all the marriages but one are inter-racially mixed marriages, even our gay uncle Gary is in a mixed marriage.
I do not wish to befriend you or look at your vids or to even chat since clearly your views are faciast and simple and beneath most everyone I know.
I only ask that you consider that maybe your type of angry ignorant thinking you cavalierly display is the exact type of thinking that perpetuates the supposed things you hate.
Myself and my family alone are easily proof your feelings that ALL men are the same is just so fallacious it is ridiculous.

And no one need try and prove how flawed and corrupt and sad and scared and how narrow your decision making paradigm is because you perfectly show your ass on your very own page. Your injuries are so severe you are unable to stop the bleeding from getting into everything you do.

When you wake up from your nightmare world you call wonderland, I recommend you move to San Francisco, CA. I love it and you can have your views and your sexuality anyway you want it, and everyone there will be in accordance becasue they are doing what ever the fuck they please too. And they are not threatened and feel controlled when they are to assert themselves by the worry they feel over what someone might think.

Alright, well you probably didn't read this, but regardless, I wish you way more than luck."

But it doesn't halt there...

"This is really sad. You are a female version of Hitler with all the same views but you just hide it behind your corrupt view of feminism. Meager minds like yourself have always made the big mistake of wanting equality, when what you can do makes you vastly more important than men. There are people living all over the world who believe in the lifeboat principle: Women and c***dren first. Did you ever study history or any literature? Yes, it is riddled with how religion and scared men with the assistance of mad women like you, slaughtered and oppressed and did unfathomable wrongs to women and most learned that this type of thinking, your type of thinking is the broken thinking that inevitably leads to the shit you're complaining about and supposedly fighting against. This type of hyper-corrupted thought so clearly leads to the oppression and v******e you claim to hate. The feeble and scared and ignorant nature of your page has me wanting you to meet some real feminists who are actually brilliant and use their powers to participate and have their valid concepts looked upon by all so as to help the movement forward. Your page similar to hate and terrorists pages looking to recruit the weak minded such as yourself; you write about v******e as you lash-out violently with your role reversed hatred and ignorance. You and this page are stuck in the angry phase of whatever you were so severely injured by that you are unable to move on. In my world, women and c***dren come first, and I support amazing non profits like Open A Door Foundation and various a****l rights movements. The men I am from love and respect women and have a long line of saving a****ls and never hitting their women. This world of mine exists, as for your world where every corner and home there lies a sleeping murderous man is a perspective that has you stuck in the middle of the very thing you hate. When are you going to deserve to be better than your apparent **** or beating or injury you suffered by the hands of a bad person, because your page and your views help no one...you do realize, right? And, your approach forgoes the point and forfeits it to embellish and maintain some nasty fascist approach. I am lead to believe this is a misogynists page and he is wanting people to hate women so he writes in disquise as a feminest, and he writes these Hitler and Stalin type writings that are flat-out propoganda. Good luck in Wonderland. Wow, what a horrible place that is.."

Mind you I've never said one thing to this guy, but apparently we all live in a PC world where we all sing happy camp fire songs and everyone accepts everything....I just think it's funny. Women are always called the catty ones, but I'll be damned if I don't get a message every couple of days telling me how bitter, stupid, hateful, blah, blah, blah...I am, while telling me how cool and how progressive and charitable they are... I mean is this guy for real? And NOF COURSE like all men he happens to block me right after the comment. AND most of his uploads are pusedo-**** scenes...I do love hypocrisy and I love how people throw around the word "terrorist" and "Nazi" without knowing what they really mean. Nazi's can be totally hot, though. Time for me to gather up the recruits!

Good day

Ким опубліковано: Thelambofdeth
9 роки(-ів) тому
Будь ласка, або , щоб залишати коментарі
кому Thelambofdeth : Sorry to burst your bubble but the vast majority of men in the world don't rule anything. Men are MORE likely to be a victim of violence, more likely to commit suicide, die at work or become homeless. Men are constantly screwed over in family courts. Women aren't the only people who have their struggles, the sooner people like you realise that the better. Self pitying whining from pampered privileged western women is hilarious.
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IF people don't like what you say then why they keep coming back and reading what you wrote they are just mad because they don't have the courage to say what they want so they take it out on people that do
кому suburban_perver : GO FUCK YOURSELF , YOU WANNA BE
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кому christianbalerant : LOL
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кому angelicgirla : HE IS FUCKED
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кому suburban_perver : Says the tranny. Now I'm REALLY insulted.
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кому Thelambofdeth : Okay, now I'm thoroughly convinced you're just a troll.
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кому laurrren : Is a pretty kewl guy who killed teh Jewz and doesnt afraid of anything?
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кому christianbalerant : Ew, Lennon...
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I am she and you are she and we are she and himmler all together...john lennon
on a slightly different note, if anyone is near the los angeles area this exhibition sounds incredible. i wish i were close enough to go--
".It's a ready made excuse that they just "don't know any better" and it lets so many men off the hook and put the focus on men being just as chained as women(even though he did it willing and the choice was taken from her). . ." absolutely, that's the infantilizing effect i was talking about.

" If men are "oppressed" it's self-inflicted and you have no one but yourselves to blame and your own ruination. If men are in a cage, men created that cage, and unlike most women you people are given a choice to be there or not." again, very true. although i will say from experience it is harder to escape from it than you might think.

" but we're also supposed to pretend all the preemptive advantages for men are just "our imagination" and it's all fair. It's so insulting.." which is why i would never make that argument.

".That's never going to change as long as most men are continually physically stronger than women and people have the capacity to hate one another for any reason they can pull out of a hat. If people don't hate because of gender, it's race, or religion, or region, or class, or nationality or whatever else. Nothing ever changes, no matter how much I or anyone else rants." on this one i hope you're wrong. i've always held the absurdly optimistic belief that change is possible and that the combined acts, large and small, of millions of people will be the source of that change.

i know you don't have much sympathy for the ways men have been negatively effected by the patriarchy and i don't expect you to. i can't think of any reason you would. my original point was that the liberation of women will be to the benefit of all. even if i had no other reasons for cheering you on that would be enough.
кому drchuck : Yeah well, you can't have preserve your cake and eat it simultaneously. An owner can't lock or confine a cat into a cage then expect sympathy because he can't rub his pet anymore, while the damn cat is still stuck in a cage. It's just comical hearing about men being oppressed when EVERYTHING is set in their favor for THEM to prosper and it's that way because MEN say so. If men are "oppressed" it's self-inflicted and you have no one but yourselves to blame and your own ruination. If men are in a cage, men created that cage, and unlike most women you people are given a choice to be there or not.

It's like having ten luxury sport-cars, but complaining that they take up too much garage space, or people sympathizing with the r*pist and not the victim because he was "forced into such acts because of the nature of society and he is in just as much anguish as the victim"...Oh wate! That does happen...It's a ready made excuse that they just "don't know any better" and it lets so many men off the hook and put the focus on men being just as chained as women(even though he did it willing and the choice was taken from her), but we're also supposed to pretend all the preemptive advantages for men are just "our imagination" and it's all fair. It's so insulting...Still, It's 2014 and you still can't be gay or a minority and expect equal anything....That's never going to change as long as most men are continually physically stronger than women and people have the capacity to hate one another for any reason they can pull out of a hat. If people don't hate because of gender, it's race, or religion, or region, or class, or nationality or whatever else. Nothing ever changes, no matter how much I or anyone else rants.
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кому Thelambofdeth : to quote myself ". i realize you probably don't care about the oppression of men by the patriarchy . . ." and your contempt has been earned by the practices of centuries. i agree with pretty much all you say but the keeping of one part of society down distorts the other part of society as well. being white, male, and middle-class has invested me with enormous privilege from the day of my birth but i have questioned the privilege and the oppression since i was capable of rational thought, a practice i continue to this day. i have fought hard to give back to the society and the times i inhabit in the ways that are available to me. i look to a day when attitudes like those expressed by darrelict are a rarity instead of the norm, where a woman is paid a fair wage for her work, where no woman has to fear death or assault for speaking her mind or just walking home at night, and where men aren't so infantilized by their privilege as to expect anything from a woman purely on the basis of their gender. though the bars are gold it's still a cage, a cage which distorts men as much as it immiserates women, and from which i've run as far as my intellect and experiences have allowed so far. you have a powerful, profound, and idyosyncratic voice. i hope you are listened to as well as heard because your cause is dear to me.
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Usually when I get mean comments I can take credit for it. yet like he notes above not only did I have no prior contact with him, but he was simply white-knighting for the defense of some dude...Which IMO, is pretty gay....At the very least it was one of funniest things I've ever read on this site. Thanks for your comment.
кому drchuck : Ha...I'm not exactly sympathetic. Not only do men get to rule and control the entire planet and reap all the MASSIVE rewards associated with a society that admires them(not to mention MEN were the ones that established the patriarchy in the first damn place) the benefit of every doubt but also the luxury of narrow-minded opinions, ignorance and feigned victimhood. While we on the other hand are discriminated against in the work place, in culture, on the street(etc), stereotyped, oppressed, r*ped, beaten, killed, ignored, held down/back, patronized, under-estimate/appreciated,,(un)subliminally brainwashed, and pushed into a great wall of submissiveness and servitude just because men say so. So yeah, I'll trade some small-mindedness and disinformation for "council-sanctioned" gang-r*paes and acid-burn scars because you declined to marry some man. You guys have it easy. The last thing men need is "liberation", IMO.
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to quote someone on your comment wall--"the patriarchy isn't going to fuck itself."

i applaud your efforts no matter how limited your audience because i deeply believe the patriarchy oppresses men as well as women. i'm certainly not going to say that it does so in the grinding, pitiless, physical way it does women but it does so nonetheless. just look at the comment that darrell character posted to you, that man is trapped inside his narrow little mind and doesn't even consider, doesn't know to consider, that there are other ways of thinking and being besides his. the ignorance and fear lurking within his words is palpable and yet he sought you out, perhaps thinking that by confronting you--that mean, dangerous lambofdeth he heard about from someone--proved something about his "manhood." and it certainly proved something, mainly what a half-assed coward he is. you are having an effect and i admire you for what you do. i realize you probably don't care about the oppression of men by the patriarchy but every blow you strike against the patriarchy helps to liberate men as well. keep it coming!
кому Thelambofdeth : he wrote his stupid ass comment because he has nothing to do obviously and i am sure he spent hours thinking what to write and keeps editing his comment before posting .. i was going to send this guy a message but then i decide not to ..he doesn't even worth it and it will give him the Impression that we care about his stupid ideas and i am very certain that no one bother him self to read his long ass speech comment .. be well and stay strong
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кому angelicgirla : I mean he can't say he doesn't care...because I've written college essays short than that, and he had to know it wasn't going to inspire some "moment of clarity" for me and I was just going to up and change because he said so. I just wonder, why waste his time...then block me like a coward. I wouldn't have written anything to him anyway, but just on principle. What a sad sack. Thank you for your comment.
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кому Gabriele : May I present to you the darrelict family meeting:


Gary is the one with his pants on, trying not to blush, lol.
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кому Thelambofdeth : He's the white guy with his college educated wife sucking BCC cocks :smile:))
I dare not think what his perverse uncle Gary is up to :wink:
ROTFLMAO :smile:)

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кому Gabriele : Hey! He's busy being a smart, sensitive man saving kittens and kissing babies with his color-blind family tree, while instructing holier-than-thou wisdom to lowly Hitler-esque terrorists like myself. Show some respect!

lol! Taking one look at the scenes he uploads I think he probably caught his "wife" in an abandoned alley one night. Or he slipped her roofies.

And he won't respond to you because he's a damn coward.
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i am just wondering does he really thinks that he did something marvelous with his stupid comment and feel happy with it ... this guy is even worst than " keyboard warriors " lol .. he doesn't have the courage to receive a respond to his stupid comment ( which i think he would never get anyway )
don't worry you will be used to it and this guy will never be the last .. world is full with stupidity

... Both men and women in my f****y are college educated, the women are brilliant, beautiful, feminine and strong, and the men are sensitive and smart and athletic and can kick ass literally if need be, and almost all the marriages but one are inter-racially mixed marriages, even our gay uncle Gary is in a mixed marriage...

Sounds pretty much the americanTV role model family :smile:)
Bring them to xhamster and let's have fun :smile: ROTFLMAO

btw darrellict, your knowledge about Hitler tends to be next to nothing you clever shit, LOL
кому Dark_Witch : Yes! Where's Viper when you need her?
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кому christianbalerant : Haha, you're using logic with this guy. He doesn't have time for logic, he's busy with he gay uncle, rescuing puppies, all his race-traitor friends, and uploading JAV r*pe porn.
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кому katachthonios : Russians > Germans anyway
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