
It was the summer of '79. I'd just graduated high school and was going to attend college in the fall. The days were warm, and it turned out that the nights got even hotter.

My family always camped for our summer vacation, as far back as I could remember. We always went to the same place, a state park about 80 miles from home. It wasn't "roughing it" very much. Even though we slept in tents each camp site had an electricity outlet and running water on a pole at the front of the campsite, and a bathroom/shower building was just down the trail for us. There were hiking trails, and a river snaked it's way through the park, deep enough to swim in.

When we first started camping, Dad had bought an old army surplus tent. The thing weighed a ton and was a bitch to set up, but it fit my folks, my older sister Lana, and me. As time went by, we got newer tents, and eventually our campsite had three - one for the folks, one for my sister, and one for me. This year, however, there were only two, since Lana was spending the summer with her boyfriend up north.

I missed Lana. We would roam, explore, and swim in the river all day, then hang out around the campfire at night. There wasn't any sibling rivalry between us, and if we weren't siblings we'd have been best friends. We did pretty much everything together. Without her, I was kind of lost and bored.

I got up early one morning and decided to go check on a tree that Lana and I had carved our names on about 8 years ago. It was a decent hike from the campsite along a trail that, judging by the overgrowth, probably hadn't been used much since her and I walked it. I only kinda-sorta remembered where the tree was, and was walking slowly trying to get my bearings when I first heard it.

The wet, rhythmic sound wasn't anything that I'd ever heard in the woods before. I paused and cocked my head, trying to locate the source of the noise. It seemed to be coming from ahead of me, further down the trail. Quietly, as not to scare off whatever it was, I crept forward.

The trail opened up to a small clearing, and as I reached it I heard a grunt that obviously came from a person. I edged towards the clearing, keeping myself mostly hidden. When I was able to see into the clearing, my eyes flew open in surprise.

In the clearing was a man probably around my dad's age, late 40's or early 50's. My shock was because he had his pants down around his ankles and kneeling before him was a much younger man, my age or so. The younger man was furiously sucking the older man's dick.

I wasn't naive, nor a virgin, nor a prude. I knew all about sex, and had gone "all the way" with a girlfriend in my junior year of high school. But the scene before me, two men having sex, was something I'd never seen or even was primal and it shook me to my core. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the view, and both fear and excitement ran through me.

I felt my dick stiffen in my pants as the older man grasped the younger man's head and started roughly pushing in and out of his mouth. The younger man seemed to like it, his hand flying on his exposed dick as he jerked himself off while getting his mouth fucked. The older man's thrust became quicker and more jerky.

"He's going to get off in the other guy's mouth," I thought, my own dick exploding to full hardness in my shorts. I don't know why that excited me so much, but it did.

My hand crept down to the front of my shorts and I began stroking myself through the material as I watched the older man grow nearer and nearer to orgasm. I almost came myself when the older man shoved his cock deep into the younger man's mouth, enough to make him gag, threw back his head and grunted loudly.

"He is...he's cumming in his mouth," I thought, excitedly. I could feel the wetness of my own pre-cum making the head of my dick slick inside my underwear.

The older man's hands fell away from the younger's head. The younger man, still quickly stroking his own cock, resumed sucking. It was only a few seconds before I sensed more than felt the younger man cum.

I'd been stroking myself through my shorts and suddenly I was cumming too, thick full cum coating the inside of my underwear. I must have made a noise when it happened, because the older man's head turned suddenly in my direction. As my own orgasm came to a shuddering conclusion, his eyes locked with mine.

A bolt of pure electricity blasted through me. I couldn't tear my eyes away from his even though I desperately wanted to. I wanted to run, not be caught by his stare, but couldn't move.

The spell was broken when I saw him smile and wink at me.

Released from my paralysis, I stumbled backwards then turned and almost ran down the trail. My bare legs and arms were scratched from the underbrush, but I didn't notice that until I ran out of breath and stopped.

Once I did stop, my mind played over what I'd seen and my dick threatened to harden again. I shook it off, and suddenly realized that I had a huge problem. The front of my shorts were wet with my cum. It looked like I pissed myself. I couldn't go back to the campsite looking like that.

I made my way to the river, using side trails that I didn't expect anyone to be on. Once there, I made sure nobody was around, kicked my shoes off then took my shorts and underwear off and jumped in. I rinsed my clothes out and washed the cum that was plastered to my dick and groin off. Putting my underwear and shorts back on, I swam for a bit trying to calm myself down.

My folks were up when I got back to the campsite. Dad was at the grill, cooking breakfast as Mom was setting plates and napkins out on the picnic table. "What happened to you?" she asked, looking over my wet sodden clothes and the scratches on my legs and arms.

"Uh, went swimming," I stammered. My heard pounded, somehow expecting her to know what I'd done, what I'd seen.

"You're all scratched up," she said.

"I, uh, went exploring before I went to the river." It was a meaningless explanation, but she seemed to accept it.

"You'd better go shower and get that river water off of you," she said. "Those scratches might get infected. Breakfast will be ready when you get back."

I nodded, then grabbed some dry clothes, a towel, and a cased bar of soap, and practically ran to the shower building. The building had two entrances, one for men and one for women. The men's room (and I assume the women's, also) had toilets and sinks as soon as you walked in then a short hallway led to three showers, each with it's own door that locked. In my haste, I almost ran into someone as he came out of the one of the showers.

My heart stopped as I recognized him as the older man from the clearing. His eyes widened a bit, then a lazy grin crossed his face. "Enjoy the show?" he asked quietly, looking around to make sure nobody else was there.

"Uh, what..." I stammered. I started to try to get around him, into the safety of one of the showers, but he blocked my path.

"In the know, when you watched me get my dick sucked. He's good, by the way, loves sucking cock," he said, smiling.

My heart was pounding so hard that I couldn't seem to catch my breath. Curiously, my dick started to harden in my wet shorts again.

He looked me over. "Did you fall down after you ran off?" he asked, looking at the scratches on me. "You probably should wash them. I'll help."

I wanted to run, wanted to make made my feet move and get away from him. Instead, his hand took mine and I jerkily followed him back into the shower that he had just exited. I stood trembling as he closed and locked the door behind us.

"You're not going to shower with your clothes on, are you?" he asked, pulling his shirt off and hanging it on a hook on the wall next to the door. He pulled his pants off, revealing that he wasn't wearing any underwear. He hung his pants with his shirt, then stepped over to me.

I was seeing a naked man for the first time. He was taller than me, and heavier. He wasn't exactly muscular, but wasn't flabby either. He had a thick coat of hair on his chest, and impulsively I wanted to run my hand through it. More importantly, his thick cock dangled between his legs. The cock I had seen in the younger man's mouth earlier.

I trembled as he took the dry clothes and towel from me and laid them on a short bench, then he pulled my shift off. I didn't know why I was letting him do this as he unbuttoned my shorts and pushed them down. Robotically, I stepped out of them.

I'd never been naked in front of anyone before. Even my one time with my girlfriend, we'd undressed and done the deed quickly in complete darkness. However, it never occurred to me to try to cover myself in front of him.

He started the shower, and gently pushed me under it. The shower head blasted out hot, stinging water, and I felt his hands on my hips as he manuevered me fully under it's spray.

My dick wasn't as confused as I was, growing to its full length as soon as I felt his hands on me. I was literally shaking by now, but I didn't know if was from fear or excitement.

His hands fell away from me for a moment, then returned slick with soap. He gently scrubbed me, his hands roaming all over my body until they converged on my dick. The feel of his fingers lightly wrapped around it made me almost cum right there and then.

I felt his hard cock press against me, rubbing up and down the upper part of my ass as he slowly stroked me. My second orgasm of the day came out of nowhere, raging through me and shooting thick ropes of cum onto the shower wall. I shuddered with each blast, and when it was done I was so weak that I'd have fallen if he hadn't had his arms around me.

I felt so damn GOOD. The afterglow of the orgasm, the heat of the shower, and the feel of his body pressed against my back combined to put me into a state of pure satisfaction. I felt like I could stay like that for hours.

However, he gently pulled away from me and spun me around. His hands slid up to my shoulder, applying pressure to move me to my knees. Instantly, I knew what he wanted. He'd gotten me off, now he wanted me to get him off. In my near-nirvana state, I slowly sank to my knees, his hard cock inches in front of my face.

"Go ahead," he said, "open up. You know you want to."

I did. Never in my wildest dreams or nightmares did I EVER think about sucking a man's cock. Yet, it seemed the most natural thing in the world to do right then and there. My lips parted, and I closed my eyes as his cockhead slid past my lips and into my mouth.

One of us moaned...I'm not exactly sure if it was him or me. Inexpertly, I started sliding my mouth up and down his shaft. He tasted slightly of soap, yet there as a bitter musk there also. The taste excited me, and my limp dick tingled like it wanted to harden again, despite having two mind-blowing orgasms in the last hour.

I fumbled on his cock for a minute before I felt his hands grasp the sides of my head. "Let me," he said, and started pushing his cock in and out of my mouth. Another groan of excitement, one that I knew came from me this time. His thrusts quickened, and I gagged slightly as his cockhead bumped up against the back of my throat, but I didn't want to pull away from him.

My hands found his hips, and I felt them give a little sideways jerk with each time he slid into my mouth. In the back of my mind, I recognized the movement from the clearing. He was getting close. He was going to cum in my mouth!

My dick jerked, hardening slightly as I realized I wanted him to cum, to fill my mouth with his juice. I started sucking hard every time he pulled back, and in seconds I got my reward. I heard him grunt, felt him shove his cock deep into my mouth as my mouth filled with the salty, slightly-bitter taste of his cum. The feeling of his cock throbbing with each pulse was incredible, intoxicating. Instinctively, I swallowed, his thick cum sliding deliciously down my throat.

He jerked a few more times, then I felt him relax. He gently pulled his cock out of my mouth, pulled me to my feet, and wrapped his arms around me. I felt his thick, wet, matted chest hair against my almost-smooth chest. I

"I didn't think I could cum again so soon," he chuckled. He kissed the top of my head, then released me. He turned the shower off, then handed me my towel as he grabbed his.

"I'm Paul, by the way," he said, drying himself off.

"W-Will," I said, slowly toweling myself dry also.

"Had you ever done anything with a man before, Will?" he asked, dropping his towel and picking up his clothes.

"No," I stammered.

"You're a natural," he said, smiling. "You were made for this."

I blushed at the compliment, but knew in the back of my mind that he was bullshitting me. I'd only sucked his cock for a minute, inexpertly. He had done the rest.

He finished dressing, then watched me as I put on my clean, dry clothes. "I'm at site 75," he said. "If you'd like more, that is."

I nodded, more to acknowledge what he said than to agree with him. "I hope to see you again," he said, then cracked the shower door open and peeked into the bathroom. Seeing it was clear, he gave me a wink then stepped out, closing the shower door behind him.

I gave him a minute, then left the building. I stumbled back to our campsite, hung my wet clothes and towel on my tent to dry, and ate a quick breakfast. Mom and Dad said they were going hiking, and I told them I was going to take a nap since I'd gotten up so early.

I got in my tent and closed it behind me. I laid down on my sleeping bag, my mind going over what had happened, what I'd just done over and over again. As I did, my dick grew hard again and despite having cum twice already, I pulled it out of my shorts and started stroking it. I could feel his cock in my mouth still, a lingering taste of his cum still present.

I realized that I was as much excited by his confidence as I was excited about what had happened. He knew I would suck his dick before I knew I would. My hand flew on my throbbing dick as I saw his lazy grin, his thick mat of chest hair, his full thick cock in my mind's eye. A third weak orgasm hit me as I remembered feeling his cock throb in my mouth and fill it with cum.

My poor dick stung after the orgasm ebbed away from me. I'd rubbed it raw. I cleaned my cum up with a washcloth from my backpack, put myself back into my shorts, and quickly dozed off with the bliss of the utterly sated. As I did, I realized that I DID want more. Much more.

I woke up around one in the afternoon, sweating from the heat of the day. At first, I thought my encounter with Paul had been some kind of wet dream, but after a few seconds I realized that it really had happened and that I had been incredibly turned on by it. I felt a little bit of shame, but it was overshadowed by the two huge orgasms I'd had, and the little third one from jerking off back at the campsite. My dick twitched thinking about sucking Paul's cock, but there was a soreness to it from all the unexpected action it'd had so far today.

I got out of the tent and looked around for Mom and Dad, but didn't see them. Once Lena and I were grown enough to manage by ourselves, they had a habit of packing a lunch and spending the day on the trails, returning to the campsite when the light started to fade. I assumed that's where they were.

I went back into my tent, leaving the flap open to get something of a breeze, and tried to read for a while. A few minutes later I tossed down the book, not being able to get into the story. I closed my eyes, reliving the feel and taste of him and how his cum had coated the inside of my mouth and throat.

Campsite 75. That's where he was at. I wanted to go there, experience him again, suck his cock again. My dick throbbed when a sudden thought entered my mind...what would it feel like if he fucked me? How would it feel if he slid himself into my ass and fucked me like a girl? I'd heard about anal sex before. If people were doing it, then it must feel at least a little bit good, right? The thought made my dick painfully hard, both from the idea of being underneath him and the soreness from jerking it earlier.

But that was just me being horny. I'd never have the nerve to do that, never be forward enough to seek him out.

I changed into swim trunks, flip-flops and a t-shirt. Swimming would take my mind off of Paul's cock. Taking my towel from where I'd hung it on the tent, I started walking towards the river.

There were signs wherever the trails branched that said what campsites were down each. The first one I came across had "River Access" pointed to the left, and "70-85" to the right. I came to a faltering, stumbling stop.

I didn't make a conscious decision, my feet decided for me as I veered to the right. I could just go see where his campsite was, couldn't I? Just in case I wanted to go there later? Just a quick peek to get the lay of the land, so to speak.

Paul saw me before I saw him. "Hey, Will," he called out, seeing me on the trail. He smiled, that smile that made me nervous and trembling and excited, and waved me over. Hesitantly, I walked to his campsite.

"I figured I'd see you again," he said.

I was about to speak, about to say some bullshit about just walking the trails when another man stepped out of the tent at Paul's campsite. He looked even older than Paul, with a grey beard and a bald head.

Seeing me startled, Paul quickly said, "Oh, this is Matt. We work together. Matt, this is Will. I, uh, ran into him earlier today."

"Nice to meet you, Will," Matt said, nodding at me, then raising an eyebrow at Paul.

"Uh, hi," I stammered. Shit! I'd gotten this far despite my nervousness, and now Paul wasn't alone. I stood there for a second, desperately trying to think of something to say before coming up with, "Nice tent."

Matt glanced at it. "Yeah, we just got it for this trip. A lot of space for just two guys, but we were hoping to have some company while we were out here. Would you like to see the inside?"

I nodded, not thinking of anything to say. Paul gestured towards the tent, and I quickly walked inside. Paul and Matt followed me, Paul zipping up the tent door behind us. Then, he came up behind me and put his arms around me, pulling me close to him.

"I probably won't be able to get off again for a while," he whispered in my ear. "But poor Matt hasn't had anything today. I told him about your sweet hot mouth, and now he's all turned on. Think you can take care of that for him?"

My heart jumped inside me. I had hoped to do stuff with Paul again. I wasn't expecting someone else. Half of me wanted to bolt out of the tent in fear, half of me wanted to do what he suggested out of excitement and horniness. My excitement won out. I nodded, not trusting my voice.

Matt watched me, his face expressionless, as Paul pulled off my t-shirt and pushed my swim trunks down. I should have felt something...embarrassment at being naked in front of the both of them, but there wasn't. I stood there while both Paul and Matt disrobed, the three of us naked and two of us (me and Matt) sporting erections.

There was an opened sleeping bag on the floor of the tent, and Matt laid down on it. He patted the spot next to him, and I jerkily moved over and laid down next to him. I was confused...didn't he want me to suck his dick?

Matt cleared up some of my confusion by rolling over on top of me, nudging my legs aside and laying between them. I could feel the tip of his cock press lightly against the cleft of my ass. He kept his weight mostly off me, but the heaviness I did feel felt awesome. Unexpectedly, his head dipped down and his lips pressed against mine.

I'd never kissed a guy before and, surprised, I tried to jerk back but there was nowhere for my head to jerk back to. His mouth was insistent on mine, and in a second my lips parted and his tongue snaked into my mouth. It wasn't like kissing a girl...usually I was the one doing the kissing and the girl just kind of accepted it. The roles were completely reversed here, me accepting his mouth on mine, his tongue dancing over mine. My dick throbbed against us, and I felt his throb against my ass in return.

He broke the kiss, and slid down a bit on my body. His mouth trailed down my chin, then my chest, then his lips covered one of my nipples. A shock of pure pleasure ran through me. He nursed one, then the other, soft sucks intertwined with light bites. I always figured that nipples were pretty much useless on a guy, a design flaw if you will, but Matt's mouth proved me wrong. I closed my eyes and let the waves of intense pleasure wash over me. My dick, soreness forgotten, throbbed against his stomach.

After a few minutes of bliss, his mouth disappeared from my nipples. I opened my eyes to see Paul standing above me, stroking his cock to hardness while Matt lifted off of me and sat next to me on the sleeping bag. He was stroking his cock too, and gave me a meaningful glance towards it.

I quickly rolled over onto my stomach and made my way to him. My mouth hungrily captured his throbbing dick, sliding all the way down until it hit the back of my throat. I gagged, then pulled off a bit until the feeling subsided, and began sliding my mouth up and down him. I was rewarded by a soft groan from Matt.

I sucked his cock for all I was worth, taking it deep, stroking it faster. All I wanted to do right then and there was make him cum, and make him cum hard.

"Enthusiastic," Matt said to Paul between clenched teeth, who chuckled. I took it as a compliment, and my dick throbbed as I sucked even harder and faster.

Matt's hand found my head, but he didn't grab it as Paul had earlier today. Instead, using soft pressure, he led me to taking him deep, then backing off until only his cockhead was trapped between my lips. He guided me to set up a long, deep stroke, his cockhead going from my lips to the back of my throat, then back again.

"Jesus, that's good," Matt groaned, and I felt his cock throb once, then twice in my mouth, followed by a surge of his hot spicy cum. It suprised me, he didn't give me any indication that he was about to spew like Paul had earlier. I choked slightly as the blast of semen flooded into my throat, then swallowed quickly while not losing my rhythm. The second and third masses of cum followed the first, and after a few more weak throbs, Matt gently pulled his cock out of my mouth.

I looked up at him with cum-soaked lips, incredibly turned on and wanting more. He smiled down at me, using his finger to trace around my lips, pushing his cum back into my mouth.

"I want his cherry," I heard Paul say from behind me.

It should have scared me, the hungry way he said it. I knew what he meant...he wanted to fuck me, to put his cock into my ass and fuck me like a girl. However, I was too turned on to be scared, and wanted it more than anything.

He grabbed my hips and lifted them up, and I felt his hot slick cock press against my ass. The tip of him touched my rosebud and I felt a sharp pain as it slowly spread me open.

The pain jerked me back to reality. I thought that maybe this wasn't a good idea after all and I tried to pull away from him, but his grip on my hips was too strong.

The second push moved his cockhead into me, and I yelped. That HURT! I pulled away harder from Paul, and my asshole stung as I managed to dislodge him from me.

"Let him on top," Matt suggested.

"Yeah," Paul said, his voice heated with lust. He released my hips and laid down on his back on the sleeping bag. He grabbed me, and maneuvered me on top of him, straddling him. I complied hesitantly. He reached between us and lined his cockhead up with my asshole again.

"Lower yourself on it," he said. "Go slow, take your time." His words urged slow caution, but his tone of voice said to slam myself down on him.

"I..." I started to say, to protest, to say I couldn't do this, but before I could Matt had stood up and his now-limp cock was level with my face. He easily slid it into my mouth in mid-word.

Even though I'd only done it for the first time today, Matt's cock in my mouth was almost comforting. I nursed his cock as I gingerly pushed myself down onto Paul's throbbing cock. At the first twinge of pain, I'd raise off him, pushing against Matt's hands that were gently pushing my shoulders down. As soon as the pain passed, I moved downward again.

After a few minutes, I felt Paul's groin against my asscheeks. I gasped in surprise around Matt's hardening cock. I did it! He was completely inside me.

The pain was still there, but much lessened. I ground myself against Paul, rewarded with a groan of pleasure from him.

"Fuck, you're tight," he said, his hands cupping my ass cheeks as he thrust himself up into me.

The pain in my ass was almost gone, replaced by a dull ache that was completely overshadowed by the excitement of having Paul's cock deep inside me. Every so often, he'd hit something inside me that shot waves of pleasure through me. In short time I was bouncing up and down on his cock, my own dick hard and waving with my frantic movement.

"Roll him over," Matt suggested, taking his semi-hard cock out of my mouth. Without pulling out, Paul half-sat up, then rolled both of us over. I ended up on my back with Paul on top of me, his hands grabbing my legs and lifting them up to his shoulders.

"Fuck me," I said, shocked at both my words and the fact that I wanted him to. The sensation and excitement of being underneath him, his cock buried in my ass, had me turned on more than I'd ever been in my life.

Paul complied with my request, his hips driving his cock into me harder and faster. My own hips fucked back, wanting him to pound deep into me. I was so excited, so turned on, that without touching my dick it began to throb, cum oozing out and pooling on me. I felt my ass spasm with every throb of my dick, and I know Paul did too as his thrusts became harder and faster.

One final, hard shove and he was deep inside me, his cock throbbing as his cum flowed into me. I frantically fucked back, wanting him to fill me with his juice. He shuddered several times, then slowly relaxed. His cock, raging hard and feeling so wonderful inside me, quickly shrank and he gingerly pulled it out. I felt his cum leak from my asshole and run down the crack of my ass onto the sleeping bag.

"Baby, you were made for this," Paul grinned, sweat coating his face. I suddenly realized how hot it was in the closed tent and that I was covered in sweat too. Paul pulled away from me, then plopped down on the sleeping bag next to me.

"That was...incredible," I said, exhaling loudly.

"Agreed," Paul replied. I could hear his breathing slow as he caught his breath.

"So," I heard Matt say with a smile in his voice, "you up for more?" I turned my head to look at him, sitting on the ground next to Paul and I, slowly stroking his half-hard dick.

The excitement had worn off with my and Pauls orgasms, and my asshole ached throbbingly. Part of me wanted to either suck him again, or let him fuck me as Paul had, but there was enough discomfort to dissuade me, plus the fact that my previous nervousness had returned. I could hardly believe that I'd let a man fuck me, or that I'd sucked another one off, or that I had wanted BOTH to happen.

"I, uh..." I started to say.

Matt laughed. "Just k**ding. I don't think I could get off again so soon anyway."

"I probably should be getting back to my campsite," I said hurriedly, scampering to my feet and throwing my clothes back on. I started towards the door flap when I heard Paul speak behind me.

"Will," he said in a deep forceful voice, then softer, "It's ok if you liked it."

I blushed red, then admitted, "I did."

"You know where we're at," he continued. "Come back any time. One of us is usually here."

I nodded, then left the tent as they began to clean up and dress themselves.

I made my way down to the river and found an area with no other swimmers around. Leaving my towel and flip-flops on the bank, I jumped in, allowing the river to rinse away the evidence of what happened.

I thought as I swam. Being honest with myself, I realized that I was more excited by Paul (and Matt!) than I had been the one time I'd been with a girl. But was it the novelty of it, the fact that it was taboo, or that I truly enjoyed having a man inside me? I didn't know.

I swam for about 45 minutes, then left the river and went back to the campsite. It was only about 5PM, but Mom and Dad were already back from their hike. They asked me how my day went, and it was all I could do to keep from exclaiming "It was FUCKING AWESOME!"

After dinner, the cooler evening air was starting to flow through the trees. I was putting the ice chest back in my folk's tent when I heard my name being called. I turned around to see Paul and Matt, and my heart froze inside me.

"Some friends of yours?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I met them earlier today, at the river" I said quickly.

They walked into our campsite. "We were just walking the trails when we saw you," Paul said. I hoped that Mom didn't see the glimmer in his eye. "I hope you don't mind us barging in."

"Not at all," Mom smiled. She saw Matt's t-shirt, and asked, "Huntington College?" I glanced at Matt's shirt and saw the Huntington logo emblazoned on it.

"Yes," Paul said. "We both teach there."

Mom said, "Will's attending there in the fall."

Both Paul and Matt broke into huge grins. "Really? That's a good thing. Huntington has a lot of opportunities for a young man like Will. Lots of exciting programs, too."

Mom gave me a sly look. "Now's your chance, Will. You can get the inside scoop, so to speak."

I chuckled nervously. "Sure, Mom," I replied, then looked at Paul and Will, "if they don't mind me coming over and bothering them."

Matt replied, "It's not a problem at all. We're just down the trail to the right, site 75. We'd LOVE to have you over to discuss what goes on at Huntington."

"Sure," I said, calm now that I realized that they weren't going to spill the beans on what had happened earlier today. "I can come by later, if that's ok?

"Feel free," Paul said. "We're night owls, so we'll be up most of the night. Come on over and we can fill you in." In my mind, I heard, "...fill you UP."

Despite how many times I'd cum today and how tender my dick was, it gave a throb in my shorts. I hoped the "discussion" took place with me on my knees or on my back.

After Paul and Matt wandered off, I went into my tent to read for a bit. Part of me wanted to run to Paul and Matt's site, but another part of me was still nervous and unsure about everything that had happened. Plus, my asshole was still a bit sore, as was my dick. I planned on waiting until the evening cooled more, then go over to their site.

I don't know how long I read for, but I jerked awake hours later still fully clothed and the book I'd been reading on my chest. Shit! I'd fallen asleep.

I probably should have expected that...I had a really eventful day and the adrenaline from the excitement/fear I'd experienced had left me.

I found my flashlight in the dark, and checked my watch. Four in the morning. I laid back down, tried to go back to sleep but as soon as I closed my eyes, images of Paul and Matt's cocks flashed through my mind.

My bladder told me that it needed attention, and I got up off my sleeping bag and stepped out of my tent. Normally, I'd just wander a bit into the woods and pee rather than walk all the way to the bathroom. However I was up and needed something to do, plus it was blissfully cool outside my tent. So, flashlight in hand, I walked down the trail to the bathroom.

The building was dimly lit inside by a single bulb in the center of the bathroom. I walked up to the urinal, pulled my dick out, and let loose. Just as I was finishing up, I heard a soft cough from behind me, coming from one of the stalls.

I gave a start...I didn't realize that I wasn't alone. I hurriedly put my dick back into my shorts, and was about to leave the bathroom, when I heard the soft cough again, twice.

It sounded fake, like he was letting me know he was in there. Curiosity flooded me. Rather than walk back to the campsite, I gave a soft, fake cough of my own.

I was rewarded with yet another fake cough from the stall. Ok, he WAS trying to get my attention. Nervously, but steadily, I went to the stall adjacent to his and stepped inside. I wanted to see where this was going.

I closed the stall door and locked it, then sat down on the toilet without dropping my shorts. In the dim light, I saw there was a hole cut between the two stalls, about 3 feet off the ground. I leaned forward and looked into the next stall.

I couldn't see much except the man's naked legs and groin. He was stroking his cock. Instant excitement filled me. I watched in fascination as he slowly stroked himself, my own dick growing again in my shorts.

To my surprise, he stood up in the stall and turned towards the hole, slowly pushing his cock through it. I could tell instantly that it wasn't Matt or Paul...this cock was a lot skinnier with a big bulbous head, and as more of it came through the hole I realized he was longer than either of them.

I slid quietly off the toilet seat, going to my knees on the rough concrete floor. My tongue tentatively flicked out, sliding across the bottom of his cockhead and I was rewarded with a soft moan from the other side.

Lust and hunger overtook me like a dam had burst inside me. I took his cock into my mouth, sliding it as far as it would go in. It hit the back of my throat, but even then I hadn't taken the whole thing. I fought off the gag I felt forming, then started sliding my mouth up and down it's length.

A hiss of pleasure carried across from the other side. The sound turned me on even more, and quickly I was taking as much of his length as I could in and out of my mouth. My tongue ran along the bottom of his shaft as I did, and I could taste the bitter pre-cum that he was leaking.

All too soon, I felt him throb in my mouth as it filled with his cum. I choked, cum exploding out of my mouth around his cock...there was a lot of it and I wasn't expecting it, plus he was pushed up against the back of my throat when he came.

I recovered, and started swallowing his load, still sucking and fucking my mouth with his cock. I could feel his cock start to deflate right away, and kept sucking hoping that it would stay hard.

He had other ideas, however, gently pulling his cock out of my mouth and back through the hole. Still on my knees, I heard him softly say, "Thanks" then the rustle of clothing followed by the sounds of him walking out of the bathroom.

I got back up and sat back on the toilet seat. I pulled my own dick out and stroked it, so damned turned on that I didn't care if it was still a bit sore from yesterday. It didn't take long before thick ropes of cum shot out of me and landed on the stall's floor.

I slowly came down from my sexual high. I grabbed some toilet paper and wiped off the man's cum that clinged to my lips, then cleaned my mess on the floor as best I could. My hands shook as I did, either from the exertion or from nervousness.

Honestly, I was amazed at myself. Before this trip...hell, 24 hours ago!...I'd never even considered having sex with a man. Yet, here I sat, having sucked three men off and been fucked once and wanting even more. The tangy taste of the mystery man's cum lingered in my mouth.

I made my way back to my tent, and managed to doze back off. When I woke up again it was already mid-morning, and Mom and Dad were nowhere to be seen. I found a note, saying that they were out hiking and there was some breakfast in the cooler. I ate it cold, then left for Paul and Matt's site.

It was hard not to break into a run to get to Paul and Matt's site. Even with that, I was walking so fast that it only took a few minutes to get there. However, when I did, their tent was zipped up and their site was empty, no indication that they were there.

"Well, shit," I thought. "Now what do I do?" My dick was already half-hard at the expectation of being with them again. As I stood there, I heard a noise coming from their tent. Maybe they were there? I stepped up to the tent and whispered loudly, "Paul? Matt?"

There was a moment of quiet muffled conversation from inside the tent, then the door was unzipped and held open. I quickly stepped inside the tent as a naked Paul zipped the door back closed. My eyes widened when I saw Matt laying nude on the sleeping bag, with a shirtless young man laying between his legs furiously sucking Matt's dick. Watching further, I noticed it was the same guy that I'd seen Paul with in the woods.

"We figured you changed your mind," I heard Paul say from behind me as his arms went around me, pulling me close against him. I could feel his hard cock press against me.

"I..I fell asleep," I admitted sheepishly. "Otherwise, I would have come here last night."

"It's ok," Paul said. I could hear the smile in his voice. "I'm glad you could join us now." He gently spun me around to face him, then pulled my shirt up off over my head. I fumbled with the button on my shorts, then pushed them down and kicked them off. My dick was standing at full attention, and he grasped it lightly with one hand while pulling me into a kiss with the other.

I melted against him as his tongue dueled with mine, and I didn't know what kept me from cumming right then and there. I loved his aggressiveness, the way he took control of the situation. Still kissing me, he continued to stroke my dick as his other hand reached around and forcefully grabbed one of my ass cheeks.

I broke the kiss so I could drop down to my knees. I wanted him in my mouth badly, wanted to suck his cock again, feel his cockhead slide down my tongue and against the back of my throat. He gave me an appreciative moan when I slid my lips over him and took him deep.

Too deep. I gagged slightly, recovering quickly to start stroking his shaft with my lips, his cockhead trapped in my mouth, the taste of him making my own dick throb even harder.

All too soon, he gently forced my head back, a long strand of saliva running from the tip of his dick to my lips as he left my mouth. Looking down at me, he asked, "What do you want?"

"Your cum," I said quickly. Lost in my lust, I wanted him to cum in me again, badly.

"I want your ass," he said, pushing me softly backwards until I fell onto my back. I watched him, breathing heavily, as he reached into a nearby bag and pulled a tube of lube out, generously coating his cock, then dropped it to the ground. Kneeling, he took my legs and placed my ankles on his shoulders, lined his cock up with my waiting ass, and pushed slightly into me.

I was so turned on that the pain of being split open by his cock was secondary to the feeling of him inside me again. It did ass was still tender from him fucking me yesterday, but I didn't care. I wanted him in me, his length buried in my ass until his balls were resting on my ass cheeks.

A second push brought more pain, enough to override my lust and make me flinch and try to pull back from him - not that there was anywhere to pull away to, being trapped underneath him like I was. He felt me tense up, and stopped his gentle assault on my asshole until he felt me relax again.

I don't know how long it took for him to finally bottom out in me. There were long moments of pain, short seconds of pleasure, repeating until I felt his groin pressed up against my ass.

"Ok?" he asked, looking down at me.

I nodded. "Yes...fuck me, please." I moaned, twitching my hips up towards him. As it had yesterday, the sharp pain had fled, replaced by the dull ache and the incredible sensation of being stretched open by him.

His cock began pistoning in and out of me harder and faster. Every time he went in, exquisite pleasure ran through me. I didn't know then about the prostrate and how it felt when it was stimulated...all I knew is that it felt incredible. My hands snaked up between my legs, clasping behind his neck, my hips bucking up to meet him.

I could feel my orgasm build inside of me. When he went deep, my dick rubbed across his stomach, and that plus the sensation of having him fuck me so hard, so good, made the cum in my balls boil and get ready to explode out of me.

Before I could cum, though, Paul grunted hard and shoved himself so deep in me that he actually moved me several inches across the ground. I could actually FEEL his cock throb inside of me, felt it pulse as he shot jet after jet of cum deep inside me. Frantically, I tried to fuck back up at him, get more stimulation to push me over the edge too but I was pressed against the ground so hard I could barely move.

I groaned in frustration and need as his orgasm ended and he slowly relaxed on top of me. Before I could react, he pulled his softening cock from my ass and lifted himself up off me, sitting down heavily next to me on the ground.

I looked over at Matt with pleading eyes, but he was sitting on the sleeping bag with the other young man sitting between his legs, slowly stroking his dick. The younger man untangled himself from Matt, then crawled over to me, nesting between my legs and taking my throbbing dick into his mouth.

It only took a few seconds before I exploded, the orgasm running through my whole body. I'd never cum that hard before, and realized as it ebbed that I was holding my breath. I exhaled explosively, my dick's pulsing slowing then stopping. I felt the young man swallow my load, then pull my dick from his mouth, his tongue flicking out to capture the last pearl of cum from the tip of my dick.

As I laid there, I felt a drip of Paul's cum run from my asshole and down the crack of my ass to the ground. I felt more than saw the young man pull away from me, and glanced up to see him move back to Matt.

"I guess some introductions are in order," Matt grinned. "Will, this is James. He's a teaching assistant at Huntington. James, Will."

I waved weakly at James, my breath slowly coming back to me. I felt Paul move beside me, then lay down on the floor of the tent next to me. I moved, rolling over onto my side and placing my head in the crook of his shoulder, my front pressed against his side.

It was very comfortable and I was so relaxed...a warm glow filled me from being fucked so well and having such an intense orgasm. Honestly, I could have fallen asleep nestled against Paul as I was.

"So what are you going to major in?" Paul asked, bringing me back to reality.

"I'm not sure," I admitted. "I thought about computer science, but there's tons of math. Math isn't my strong suit."

"You're in luck," Paul said. "Matt is the head of the mathematics department. I'm sure you could find some way to convince him to tutor you."

"Happily," I heard Matt say. I craned my head to look at him, and saw that James was back between his legs, trying to tease his cock back to life with his mouth.

I turned my head back to Paul. "What do you teach?" I asked.

"English Lit," he answered.

"Maybe I'll major in English Lit," I said, smiling, my hand sliding over to cover his soft cock, then grasping it and stroking it lightly.

"Pshaw," Paul scoffed. "Unless you want to write or teach, there's not much out there for English majors. You'd do better with computer science. That's an up-and-coming field. Besides, English Lit is pretty boring."

"Seems interesting to me," I said, feeling his dick twitch in my hand.

"Would it be vain of me to say that the English Lit professor is more interesting to you than English Lit itself?" he smiled.

His cock was mostly hard by then. I raised up, straddled him, and reached between us to line his cock up with my asshole, still slick from the lube and his juices. "Not vain at all if it's true," I said, feeling his cockhead press against my asshole and slowly spread it open. I moaned softly as I lowered myself onto him, his cock growing thicker as I impaled myself with more and more of it.

Paul's hands found my hips as I raised and lowered myself on him, his cock reaching delicious depths inside me. It felt incredible, and my dick responded, stiffening more with each time I raised up and then took him deep inside me.

"Jesus, you get me going," Paul groaned as he started thrusting up into me in time with my actions. "I don't think I've ever gotten this hard, this quick, before."

I didn't respond, completely into the sensation of fucking him with my ass. My movements were getting frantic, and every time I came down on him my dick would slap his stomach. It didn't take very much time at all before I felt that tingle in my balls that said I was getting close to cumming again.

I looked down at Paul, with a pleading look. He knew what I wanted, and one of his hands slid off my hips and grasped my dick. He stroked me in time with my riding him.

The orgasm hit me hard. I felt my dick throb in his hand at the same time I felt my ass spasm around his cock. I slammed myself down onto him and ground my ass against his groin as my dick exploded, my cum seeping through his fingers and falling onto his stomach. The world contracted...all that existed was his cock in me and my orgasm.

My orgasm left me as quickly as it hit me. Out of breath, and completely sated, I fell forward onto Paul, my chest pressed against his. That position crushed my balls against him and I raised up a bit to relieve the pressure on them, his cock sliding out of me in the process.

"Do you want to me roll over onto my back?" I asked, breathlessly. I don't think he had gotten off when I did, and I wanted to give him the opportunity to cum.

"I don't think I can cum again so soon," he admitted. I rolled off of him, taking my former position next to him, my head back in the crook of his shoulder.

The sweat on our bodies cooled, and I detected the smell of sex filling the tent. "I'm a bit of a mess," I said, feeling Paul's cum drying on my ass.

Paul chuckled. "Yeah, me too," he said, looking down at his cum-and-lubed coated cock and the small pool of cum on his stomach. "I think a shower is in order."

I raised to my knees, letting Paul up, then stood and put my clothes back on. Paul dressed, then grabbed a towel for him and one for me. I looked over and saw James still slowly sucking Matt's dick. He looked like he was really into it. Matt waved us off, saying, "You guys go ahead. I'll be busy here for a while."

I was worried that if we encountered someone on the way to the shower, they'd look at us and know exactly what had happened, that I'd had Paul's cock in me. Luckily, there was nobody on the trails, and the bathroom was empty when we walked into it.

I smiled when I saw the bathroom stall that I'd sucked the stranger's dick in. Paul saw it and gave me a questioning look.

"I came here early this morning, and there was a guy in the stall. There's a hole cut between them..." My voice trailed off, not wanting to admit that I'd sucked a dick in here, but knowing that he'd know that I had.

Paul chuckled. "Glory be."

"Huh?" I asked as we stepped into one of the showers and locked the door behind us.

"Glory hole, that's what it's called," Paul explained.

"Figures there'd be a name for it," I said, pulling my clothes back off and turning the shower on. We both stepped under the water. I soaped up Paul's body, paying special attention to his beautiful cock. He did the same for me, lingering on my ass and my asshole.

We rinsed off, turned the shower off, dried and dressed. Paul did a quick peek to make sure the bathroom was empty before we exited the shower, then walked back to his campsite.

James was gone by the time and Matt was packing things up when we got back. "We need to hurry if we're going to get back by dark," he told Paul.

I gave Paul a panicked look. "You're leaving?" I asked.

Paul grimaced. "Yeah. We both have a summer session to teach," he explained.

My heart fell. I wanted Paul to fuck me again, Matt to fuck me again. I wanted to suck their dicks again and again, and swallow load after load. I didn't realize how hooked on cocks I was until this moment.

"How far are you from Huntington?" Paul asked.

"Actually, just on the other side of town from it," I said.

Paul smiled. "Then there's no reason you can't come see me when you get back, is there?"

"No," I admitted grumpily.

He stepped into the tent, then reappeared with a notepad and a pen. He scribbled something down, then tore the sheet off and handed it to me.

"Here's my phone number and Matt's," he said, "along with my address. We both live in an apartment complex close to the college. Call me when you get back to town."

"Ok," I said, just a little moodily. "We're staying for another three days, and I'll call you as soon as I get back."

Paul looked around to make sure nobody was within eyeshot, then leaned over and gave me a quick kiss. "I'm looking forward to it."

He turned and started helping Matt pack, and I headed back to my campsite. I was feeling down...after discovering how good it was, having a cock in my mouth and my ass, they were leaving and I would have to wait until I got back to town to get more.

Mom noticed I was a bit down on the dumps that evening, but I passed it off as missing Lana. I couldn't find anything interesting to do...I had no interest in the trails, or the river, or my books.

After Mom and Dad went to their tent, I laid in mine for a long while, my mind revisiting the encounters I'd had with Paul and Matt. My dick strained against my shorts, and I was about to jerk off when I remembered something.

Grabbing my flashlight, I left the tent. Maybe there was something interesting to be found in the bathroom.
Ким опубліковано: canadianbbw
1 рік тому
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olderpaul 3 місяці(-в) тому
my dick stayed up all the time i was reading this story. i went camping for years and nothing like this happened for me.r
GimmeHead1 1 рік тому
Very Hot Story
wearimus 1 рік тому
So incredibly hot
flaboyct 1 рік тому
Awesome story 😘
frankotaylor 1 рік тому
Very well written, thank you
Queer69 1 рік тому
Awsome read soaked my panties while sitting at my desk at work reading this.
Queer69 1 рік тому
This story makes me remember the dreams I had during my early teen years. I yearned for this such scenario  to happen to me . Couldn't understand it but wanted it to happen to me .
Wildthing369 1 рік тому
Oooooh fuck that was so hot got me so exictied sure wish i had a camping trip like that m