Therapy Sessions - Chapter 4

It was getting late in Kenny's first semester of college and it was time to take his Thanksgiving break and go home for a few days. His professors had been kind to him and his term papers were due before the holiday rather than ruining the holiday for him and having them due when he returned. It made the two weeks before the holiday hell, but he was mature enough to know it would be better all the way around in the long run. He had worked his ass off all semester to keep good or excellent grades. He knew his adoptive parents would not have accepted anything else. Even though he was getting almost as many hours in bed with Candi and a couple of other women as he was class time, he was aiming for at least a 3.5 GPA and was pretty sure his parents were going to be satisfied with that result. He was also pretty sure his dad would be pleasantly surprised since he was against Kenny going away to school when the local city college would have been cheaper and just as good. Kenny wanted to prove him wrong and good grades would be the best way to do that. So he worked hard and made sure nothing - not even Candi's hot, tight pussy and nearly insatiable sex drive - would get in the way.

He talked with his mother Tuesday and arranged for her to pick him up at the bus station late Wednesday before Thanksgiving. She sounded excited to have him home, but she also seemed somewhat subdues. He had nothing to base it on, but got the feeling that she was down about something and wouldn't talk about it.

She was waiting for him when he stepped off the bus at 7:30 Wednesday night and gave him a tight, loving hug. Rachel, was a tall, imposing woman and Kenny had nearly forgotten how unintentionally intimidating she could be. She was 5'11" tall, raven hair that reached the middle of her back. She had an oval face with high cheekbones and dark eyes that could stare right through a person. She had plump lips, but not huge and a wide smile with nearly perfectly white, straight teeth. Her shoulders were broad, but narrowed quickly to a small waist, then quickly widened out to a beautiful set of hips that soon tapered back into long, slender, shapely legs. She had modeled for a number of years when she was younger and could still today if she wanted, Kenny thought. She did not intend to intimidate, but her height and dark eyes, along with the ever present appearance of having her shit together made her difficult woman to approach by other women and men avoided her as if they knew she was too good for them and stomp their egos to death if the dared make a pass at her.

The reality was that she was lonely for friendship from other women and was a very compassionate woman. She ran her own fashion studio and knew what she wanted and didn't give up until she got it. But she wasn't a bitch about it, just determined. Kenny didn't feel the intimidation from her because he was several inches taller and knew her well enough to know what she was really like. He only feared her when he was out of line and she called him out. When he deserved it and she delivered, he feared her. But she was always much more likely to hug and kiss and compliment him and she was his fiercest supporter and his biggest fan. This evening, she wore a red dress, her favorite color, with all the coordinating accessories and polishes. There was nothing intimidating about her tonight other than her beauty. No one on campus that Kenny could recall came close to her beauty. In spite of the fact that this woman had adopted him and raised him, he felt a bulge developing where it should not be. He dismissed it and they walked to the car together arm in arm.

They made small talk all the way home and she seemed relaxed and content. It was clear she was glad to have him home.

"I hope you don't have to spend the entire holiday working on term papers, Kenny. I have really been looking forward to spending some time with you."

"Nope, I got lucky and all papers were due before I left. I will have to start studying for finals when I get back, but the weekend is all mine - and yours."

That's my boy!" she said enthusiastically. She gave him a high five and then kissed him on the cheek.

"Where's dad?" Kenny said, looking around, expecting him to have entered the room by now to say hi.

Rachel went silent and the smile ran from her face. "He had to go out of the country for a couple of weeks to handle some company business. His boss said it could not wait and that he was the only one who could take care of it. He won't be home until early December. If he comes back at all, that is."

"What is that supposed to mean?" asked Kenny with sudden and deep concern.

"We had a big fight about it. One of many recently. It seems like work is taking over his life and he is never around. Now not even for Thanksgiving. I told him it was time he grew a pair and set some boundaries with his boss and that just made him madder. So, I don't know. I am beginning to wonder if he really still loves me anymore."

"Oh, mom. You know better than that. You two have always been on the same page about everything. I couldn't get away with anything between you two. You were that connected."

"I know, but people change, life changes. Sometimes things go wrong. It happens. But, hey," she said, smiling again, "I am probably making a mountain out of a mole hill and in either case, it is not your problem and I don't want you worrying about it. It'll all work out."

They spent the evening sitting on the couch just talking and catching up in more detail about his semester and if there were any girls - which he denied - and how her business was going and all kinds of other things that didn't matter. They just enjoyed being together and talking and hugging. When Rachel realized it was almost midnight, she suggested they call it a night, promising to fix him breakfast the next morning. She had made reservations at a restaurant that was hosting a holiday buffet since it was just going to be the two of them. Kenny was relieved. His mother was the type to fix a huge dinner even if would have been only the three of them. That was her.

Kenny woke up early the next morning, and headed for the kitchen for a glass of juice. He had gotten in the habit of sleeping naked and roaming around the frat house that way since that was what most of the guys there did. He didn't think anything of it. The only drawback about being home for the holiday was that it meant no emptying his balls in Candi for four days. He stood at the kitchen counter with his juice, back to the doorway, when his mother quietly walked in. Her eyes were still half closed and she didn't notice he was naked at first.

"Morning, mom. Sorry if I woke you up. I tried to be quiet."

"You didn't wake me. I promised to fix you - What the hell? When did you start running around the house naked?"

Kenny turned without thinking, his long cock hanging halfway to his knees and his huge balls bulging. Rachel couldn't help but see his endowment and gasped.

"Damn, son! Cover that up!" She turned away and covered her face. She herself was wearing a robe that she was holding closed with her hands. She hadn't tied it, used to being home alone or with only her husband around. When she covered her face, she let go of her robe and it hung open, giving Kenny a very brief and incomplete view of his mother's best parts. He scooted past her and hustled to his room and put on some clothes. When he returned to the kitchen, his mother was also dressed. He fully expected to get his ass chewed and that feeling of being confronted by a formidable woman swept through him. But that was not what happened.

"Kenny, I am sorry. I reacted poorly. You are a grown man and should be able to wander around your own home how you see fit. I just wasn't expecting it since we have never been a family to run around the house naked. I know some families do, but that was never us. Just don't let it happen when or if we have guests."

"I won't let it happen again, mom." he said with his head hanging a little.

"I didn't say that, son. Your dad has always been the puckered one. As a model in my youth, I got used to a lack of modesty and didn't mind, actually. I knew I had a good figure and men, as well as women, liked looking at it. And I liked having them look at it. I great figure is a gift and should be shared. In fact, with your dad gone while you are here, if you have been going around like that at your frat house, then we could both just relax and enjoy doing that around here. I know I would enjoy running around like that again. I have to confess that I have some with you and your father gone. Clothes seem so confining in your own home."

Kenny had no idea how to respond, so he started with a shrug. "I agree with you. At the frat, all the guys seem to be of mind that there is nothing to hide around each other. I found it to be relaxing. The rules are so tight about women coming in, that we don't have to worry about someone seeing us that shouldn't," he partially lied. "So when the house mother leaves for the evening, off come the clothes." His smile was sheepish, since there was a whole lot of ass fucking and cock sucking going on, but what his mother didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

"It's settled then. Off with the clothes. But at this point, let's wait until we get back from our holiday dinner," she said, giving him a reassuring smile.

Now Kenny had a new problem. How was he going to keep from getting hard? A naked woman always got him hard. And there was no hiding a cock 11 inches long and as big around as his wrist. And what would his mother say the first time she gave him a boner? He decided too late that he should have objected. It was going to be a long holiday break.

They both dressed in what his mother called business casual for their dinner and she looked stunning as always. She wore a pair of black slacks that made her look taller and a pink blouse that fitted her form snuggly and accentuated her large tits. Because of her height, her D-cup tits did not look as big as they were. Kenny thought to himself that he could not wait to see them, but then realized he was getting hard in his dress slacks and had to quickly shift his mind to something else. They enjoyed a leisurely dinner with a couple of glasses of wine. His mother told a white lie about Kenny's age and the server seemed to not really care anyway.

Mom and son returned home about 3 pm. Rachel suggested they have another glass of wine and Kenny had no reason to object. They sat on the sofa like they had the night before and sipped their wine, side by side, without saying too much. They talked about binge watching some shows on TV or playing a board game and then Rachel remembered her recommendation and Kenny's agreement about spending the weekend at home naked like both preferred to do. For Rachel, it was a poke in the eye at her husband for abandoning her for the holiday. So far, she thought, the limp dick bastard hadn't even called to wish her a happy holiday and to make sure Kenny got home alright.

"Alright, time for us to shed these clothes, not matter what we decide to do with our afternoon. I don't know about you, but I have been looking forward to being naked ever since we decided that was going to be our private little plan."

"Yeah, about that mom. There's one small problem."

"And what would that be?" she asked oblivious to any potential problem with it for Kenny.

"Mom, you are a beautiful woman. And..."

"Why thank you, dear. That's a good thing right?"

"Right, but, know...what if..." and Kenny blushed, giving away his concern.

"Ah, I see. What if seeing my naked body gets you aroused? Is that it?"

"Uh, yeah."

"It sure as hell better get you aroused. If not, I would be worried. Not to worry. I won't be surprised if you wander the house all weekend with an erection. That's how it works, you know. And that is why we never took that approach in this family when you were younger. Hard to explain to your son why daddy has a stiff dick. Besides, have you given any thought that I might get aroused by your naked body?"

"You? Really? Aroused by me?" Kenny had not thought of that.

"Well, of course silly. The first time you spend time naked with someone, if they are halfway attractive at all, there is going to be some arousal at a minimum."

"Yeah, well that makes sense. But it's not going to be as obvious on you as it will be on me."

"Fair point. So the best thing to do is just be honest with each other about how it is making us feel."

"Don't think I can get away with a lie about that."

"True. From what I saw this morning, it's going to stick out there quite a distance." Rachel snickered, which helped put Kenny a little more at ease. "Now, let's get our clothes off and deal with it. The very worst that could happen is that you get blue balls and I go around with my thighs soaking wet all weekend."

With no pretense, Rachel stood up and began to undress. She had her back to Kenny and told him to stand up, undress, and turn his back on her. Both could hear the other shedding clothes and tossing them on the chairs near the sofa.

"Okay, now let's turn around and face each other, and let's get a good look at each other. If it helps us both get more at ease, we might even agree to touch each other to get the last barrier out of the way. I might even jerk you off to get some of it out of your system."

Kenny thought his mother must have lost her mind. This was not the woman he knew.

When he turned around, she was facing him and already admiring his ass. She made no attempt to cover herself. Her large firm tits had small, pink nipples that looked like pencil erasers and they pointed straight out at him. Her tits were perfect globes and he licked his lips without realizing it. Her kitty was neatly trimmed in a small triangle between her legs and he thought he saw the gleam of wetness shining between her legs. Everything about her - above her tits, between her tits and her kitty, and below the kitty were perfect. If he were to define the "Perfect 10" it would be the woman in front of him now.

All Rachel could do was stare in awe, mouth hanging open, as she saw the full length of his erect cock sticking straight out and aiming directly at her pussy. She bit her lip as she admired the manliness a large, hard cock represented and she had to hold herself back from reaching out immediately and wrapping her hands around it.

"Okay," she began, "I have to say that this may actually be a big mistake. I had no idea I would have the reaction I am having looking at the manhood of the son I raised."

"You said something about possibly touching each other and getting past that barrier. Let's feel each other up. No harm in that, is there?" Kenny said, seriously wanting to get his hands on every inch of her body.

"No, no, I suppose not," Rachel said, distracted and only half listening.

Kenny walked up to her and as he reached out to hug her and feel her ass, she wrapped both hands around his shaft and noted that there was still another hand width of cock left uncovered. Kenny sucked in a deep breath as she pulled on his cock ever so slightly. The touch of one on the other caused both to breathe erratically in almost a shuddering gasp. Looking each other in the eyes, her with his cock in her hands and him with her tits in his, both opened their mouths at the same time to speak, "I'm going to fuck you," they both said at the exact same time.

Rachel knew from the moment she saw her son's cock hanging in all its glory that she was going to have it. After all, she always worked until she got what she wanted and she wanted that cock. It was only partly true, an exaggeration actually, about going around undressed as a model. She was normally much more modest, but she wanted his cock like nothing she could think of in recent memory. Kenny lifted her off her feet and laid her on the couch and got in position to mount her. Normally she liked more foreplay, but she was ready and figured the foreplay could be after play and foreplay for the next round. Right now, she wanted him to fuck her with every inch he possessed.

He took it slowly at first, knowing from experience that a woman needed time to accommodate his girth and length. She immediately groaned loudly as he sunk halfway inside her. Her back arched and her legs extended straight into the air as he plowed the rest of the way in, bottoming out as his balls slapped the space between her cunt and her asshole. Her pink little nipples were hard as rocks already and her fingers dug into his ass. There was no need to be patient and take it slowly. She was ready to be fucked like a whore and he was ready to give to her that way. His ass rose and fell, driving every inch of his log into her like a jack hammer using long and fast strokes that set her brain on fire and caused every nerve in her body to fire a tingling sensation throughout her body. He had only been fucking her for a couple of minutes before she lost all control, climaxing harder than she had at any time in her life. She sounded as if she were being tortured and she swore like prison inmate as she felt the climax to the ends of every extremity. Even her fingers and toes tingled.

When it finally subsided, she breathlessly told him he could cum inside her. "Shoot your load inside me, Kenny. I can't get pregnant, so enjoy it all and fill me up!"

Kenny's own body was on fire and her words finished what the rapid thrusting started. He grunted and groaned as he felt his balls tighten between his legs. He tried to hold back, but it only intensified the sensation. She felt his cock twitch and throb and he felt the rush of thick, voluminous cum erupt from the head of his cock and wash the insides of her pussy walls in the white salty fluid. Her love box was already too hot to feel the warmth of his cum sloshing around inside her, but there was enough that is diluted the sensation of his thrusts and she could feel it begin to drain out of her pussy and run down the crack of her ass onto the couch.

Kenny was far from done. Still hard, he pulled her off the couch onto her hands and knees, leaning her over the seat cushions and re-entered her from behind. He started fucking her again, cupping her tits in his hands and going in deep again. Then he moved his hands to her shoulders, allowing him the leverage to pull her back on his cock and go in as deep has her womb would allow.

"Oh fuck!" she said, "I don't know if I can take another round so fast, Kenny!"

But Kenny didn't hear her. All he could think of was making her explode again and for him to do the same thing. As he continued fucking her, he noticed his cum in the crack of her ass and ran his fingers between her cheeks, smearing it over and around and finally into her asshole. She groaned all the louder as his finger slid into her asshole, coated in his cum. Her hands moved to her nipples and she twisted and tweaked them until they tingled, indicating the rise of another climax. Her upper body collapsed on the sofa as her cum blasted through her again and again. This time, several orgasms wracked her physical form. Kenny slowed to a very steady, rhythmic motion, allowing her to recover as much as possible without losing the progress he was making on shooting another load.

Just as she lifted her head to turn and say something to him, he grunted and jerked and began emptying himself in her again. There was no room for more cum in her, so everything he pumped in her began flowing from her and either ran off his balls or poured directly on the floor between her legs.

"Shit!" she said, "I have never been fucked like that before," she said still trying to catch her breath.

She looked around her at the massive wet stain on the couch and the puddle on the floor. "How many men just fucked me anyway?!"

Kenny laughed through his efforts to catch his own breath. "Just me, but I can call in reinforcements if you don't think I am enough for you."

"Yeah, right. Give me two more just like you and I will be dead before bedtime. Fuck, Kenny! Where do you get all that? Nobody cums that much."

"I'll pull out next time so you can see me cum and know that it is all just me," he said with a laugh.

"Good idea! I'll suck you off the next time and you can shoot it all over my tits." Then Rachel realized that Kenny was still hard. His cock was shiny with their combined bodily fluids. "Well, crap, does it ever go limp?"

"Sometimes, but probably not as long as you are naked around me. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever known."

Rachel smiled with pride and fatigue, but leaned in and began sucking his cock, taking the head in her mouth and using her two hands to stroke his cock. Kenny watched the beauty of her face and the beauty of her actions on his cock and wondered if he could go back to school. He now thought maybe he should do as his dad had wanted all along and go to the city college and live at home so he could fuck his mother whenever he wanted.

Rachel tirelessly gave him the hand and mouth combination, surprising even him at how quickly she could bring him to the edge of blasting another load. He kept her prepared for when the time was right so she could pull away and let him shoot it all over her. He stood up, taking his cock in his own hand and stroked as she knelt before him, holding her tits together for a target and collection point for his cum shot. She saw him wince with pleasure and knew it was close. His head tilted back and he grimaced, launching shot after shot. He was 12-18 inches from her body and the first shot hit high, splattering on her cheek and chin, the second hit her in the neck and the final three shots splattered all over her tits. What was on her face and neck, ran down and pooled with the direct hits to her tits and drained into her cleavage, leaving then entire area shiny wet with a pool of white between her gorgeous tits. Rachel admired the volume and bowed her head, stuck out her tongue, and tasted the opaque fluid between her tits. Kenny watched the erotic act and his cock twitched again. Even he needed a break for a bit. His balls ached.

The two agreed to take a shower together, washing each other, fondling each other and rubbing each other sensuously as the hot water flowed over their bodies.

They snuggled on her bed and slept for a couple of hours. Kenny awoke to his mother stroking his hard cock.

"Hello there," she said, with a sly smile on her face. "You have one more chore and then we can do it anywhere, in any position, and in any hole you want."

"What's that chore?" he asked.

"Fuck my ass," she said defiantly.

"You sure you can handle that?" he asked not really believing her.

"Oh yeah. Yes, you have monster here, but your dad loves ass fucking as much as anything and so do I, so my ass is game if you are."

Kenny saw the tube of lube she already had on the bed and he coated his pole. She spread herself wide and Kenny took his time, but soon was balls deep in her ass. She slipped both hands between her legs, rubbing her clit with one and playing with his balls with the other. Rachel laid there enjoying the sensation of having his huge cock up her ass as she fingered herself. She came several times, moaning through much of the butt pounding Kenny was giving her. The nap had rejuvenated both of them, but they were now ready to settle into slower, more romantic love making. Kenny took his time and then unloaded another large amount of cum deep in her ass. She could feel the warm cum enema flooding her other canal and when Kenny had finished, he kept his cock in her, laid on top of her and kissed her neck and massaged her tits under him. He began to grind on her a little as he felt his cock stiffen again. She responded by humping upward against him until they were in full blown fucking mode again.

"Mom, what if I don't want to go back to school? What if I want to stay here with you?"

Mmm, sounds like a good plan, but you finish the semester first and then we can talk about the future once we know more how other things are going to turn out. Just know that between now and Sunday night, you better keep that tree trunk of yours hard and ready to make me cum."
Ким опубліковано: jamesmasters40
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Baqcrc 2 роки(-ів) тому
Great story. Thanks
bingobob3018 2 роки(-ів) тому
Great piece of writing. Hope Kenny can get home for the Holidays and give his mom a great present ! (Something like continually filling her tight pussy with cock ?)
dmf399 2 роки(-ів) тому
Holy shit!  I hope there's more of this.  Nicely done.