First night with a black cock

So, this summer was my husband’s, Terry, place of work’s office party. Years past, we have enjoyed the nice dinner, drinks and laughs the night brings. Being a medium-large company, it also brings together co-workers that normally don’t find the time and opportunity to interact on a regular basis. The event is for company people and spouses/partners. No k**s, which is nice to get away and have an adult night out. Date night as we call it. This year, as in past, it was on a Friday night at the country club, which the upper officers are members. For my husband and I, it is a nice experience that we normally do not have access to. The country club is just under an hour drive from the city where we live, but centrally located between his office and the office in the state capital.
Like years past, tables are round, making it easy to carry conversations with the other 9 – 11 people at the table. At each table, the seating arrangements are girl/boy/girl/boy. At our table, was upper middle manager, David. My husband and I have socialized with David at these company gatherings in the past. Terry and David work in different departments, but regularly run into each other for projects. David is a good looking mid 50’s black man, who runs marathons, and has a fun sense of humor. It is easy to forget he is about 20 years older than my husband and myself.

At the table this year, the seating arrangement was turned around a bit. Instead of my husband, Terry, sitting next to me, I was sitting with David to my left, then co-worker Sherry on David’s left, and Terry sitting on Sherry’s left. Our table was a good crowd, funny stories and lots of ribbing of each other, good food and plenty of drinks. The drinks are not a problem, with the distance from home accommodated. The company runs a couple small buses from each office to the country club and back again at the end of the night. Terry and I do like most people, we hire a cab ride from home to the office parking lot to catch the bus and call a cab once we are back. No driving necessary. k**s over night at grandparents takes out any need to be home at a certain time.

The evening took a strange turn for me. Late in the evening, as we are sitting around the table, after enjoying a great meal, but not done with the drinks yet. There is a lively conversation going on to my left involving David, Sherry, Terry, and a few other people. I was leaning in to catch the funny on-going story, turning left in my chair. Caught up in the funny story, looking to get my voice heard above the loud banter and laughter, to lean forward, I laid both hands on David’s right leg, giving my input. I did not realize until I sat back, with my hands still on David’s right leg, under my left palm was not the innocent feel of David’s thigh, but end of his flaccid cock! I remember the moment vividly, the first reaction in my mind was not ‘’move hand away’’, it was ‘’OMG, that thing is big’’. Then I found the sense to move my hands back to my own lap. A quick glance between David and I was one from him of light amusement, probably both of us thinking together ‘’that was unexpected’’ from both points of view. The laughter and banter at the table continued, with no one else the wiser but my mind was stuck on how big David’s cock felt under my hand. I was stunned. I questioned myself, did I really feel what I think I felt? If I did, was it really that big? I tried to steal a glance down, see if it had an outline against his pants that would tell how big it was, but there were too many sets of eyes around that table. No chance I could look down that direction without being noticed. But I could not shake the curiosity of what I felt. With the ongoing conversations at the table, I found opportunity to lean forward again. I swallowed hard, built up my courage and leaned forward placing both hands on David’s right leg. Yes, I wanted to feel his cock again. Yes, I was happy with my marriage in every way, and never was unfaithful to Terry. But at that table, that night, that brief contact of my palm against the end of David’s cock, it ignited a strong curiosity, and, looking back, fueled with some alcohol in my system, I had to feel it again. In my mind, I told myself, ‘’I was just touching it from outside the pants. It was not a serious breach in faith to Terry. It was accidental. I may never ever get to feel one this big again’’ and I really wanted to feel if it was as big as it seemed from the first touch.

Leaning forward, sitting in my chair as I did, David close to the table, my hands were blocked from view, if I was careful. Leaning forward, on the pretense to share something, my right hand palmed against the thigh, my left hand once again found the tip of David’s cock under his cotton chinos. I acted innocent as to where my hand was, my face keeping an appearance, following what people were saying, but there I was, my hand palming a prominent cock head on David’s lap. The way it laid, where it was positioned on his thigh, it was long, and it fitted against my palm like no other cock ever did in my life. I was not a virgin when Terry and I married, I had a few lovers/experiences. Terry is plenty big, certainly satisficed me with no problems. But that night, what I was feeling under my palm on David’s lap felt so much bigger than any man I have felt before. The liberties I was taking, is completely out of character for me. It is not the person I am. I am happily married, love our k**s, have a job I like, enjoy an easy going respectable life. Taking the opportunity to feel up David at a dinner table in a room full of people, is completely out of character. Who was this person I was at that table that night?

Pulling my hand away again, fear of being caught, I noticed something else about myself; I was wet. That night I was wearing a button up long sleeve ladies Oxford style shirt, a black plaid circle skirt, and one of my nice lacey bra/panty sets. One feature about myself I want to share, is that I have long legs. I stand about 5ft 7in, but my legs are long in proportion to my body. I love to wear skirts. Skirts, like my black plaid circle skirt, it sits high up on my thighs, enhancing my long legs, but not looking trashy or slutty. My lacey set that night is light lavender, open lace that allows a good look at my body through the fabric. The panties have a small triangle in the front, and back with a snug fit, allowing it to ride a little up my crack and show off my ass cheeks. Terry loves these lacey sets, but at that moment, I was not thinking of Terry or reflecting on how wrong it was I had done, I was noticing how wet I felt between my legs. I was taken back how wet and how quickly. I remember thinking I had to stop, it was having a strong effect on me and I had to stop. But, as those words were running through my mind, David said something that I did not hear over the table laughter. He then grabbed my chair, and pulled it closer to him, leaning in telling me the joke I missed. Then, as he turned away from me and re-engaged in the conversation, he pulled my hand under the cover of the table cloth, and laid if softly over his upper right thigh. There, like an out of body experience, I felt the heat along a pronounced silhouette. With my hand motionless on his leg, my fingers followed a gentle outline along this man’s covered shaft. I, a married woman, was running my fingers along the length of David’s well-endowed cock. For the rest of the evening as we sat at the table, telling stories, enjoying drinks, poking gentle fun at each other, when opportunity allowed, I would reach down, under the table, and gently touch his impressive cock with my fingers. I would feel it enlarge to my touch, impressing the hell out of me with the size. Even through the fabric of underpants and his dress pants, I could feel details as he stiffened.

Then as the night started to wind down, David pushed my hand away. He was needing time for his cock to calm down, soften up so he could walk out and not be noticed for a large semi-erection to be tenting his pants. So, I let him be, so happy to have experienced the gentle touches through the night, and content to leave it at that, though I would be wanting a hard-passionate fuck from Terry when we get home, and planned on reliving the feel of David’s cock in my head as Terry pounded my pussy.

The two small charter buses waiting outside to take everyone back to the company office, were waiting in the parking lot. Two busses heading to the capital, two buses to take our group back to our home city. I did not see Terry anywhere, as I waited for him to use the bathroom before the ride back. As I waited, the bus continued to fill up. Then I felt David gently grab my arm, telling me we better get to a seat. He led me into the bus, already people were settling in. The seats were arranged with two comfortable seats on each side of the isle. David pointed out two empty seats in the very back. Expecting Terry to sit next to me on the ride back, I was surprised when as I sat down in the window seat, David sat in the aisle seat on my left. This is the first I learned that he came solo, wife opted not to come this year. As David and I carried on small talk, Terry made his way in the bus, saw us in the back, worked his way back, then sat hard in the empty seat in front of David. Terry could not drink like he used to, but he tried that night. I stood and leaned over the back of Terry’s seat, making sure he was ok, asking if he wanted to sit next to me in the back. He, replied he just wanted to sit down and fall asleep on the ride back. As I did the wife assurance that he was ok, I suddenly felt a hand, on the back of my knee. The hand, David’s hand, gently stroked the back of my leg as I stood there leaning over Terry’s seat. It was so daring and sexy, I did not give him any indication he needed to stop. But once I was convinced by Terry he was just going to sleep where he was at, I sat back down, and give David a glance and quietly mouthed ‘’behave’’ but I could not convince myself I was upset by his touch.

I did not blame Terry for just settling in, he drank a bit too much. In fact, most people were happy to ride quietly back. As the buses headed out, everyone settled in and I think half fell asleep before we on the interstate. The bus piped soft music over the speakers for the ride home making it that much harder for some to stay awake.

But David was awake, and so was I. As the bus hit the interstate, David’s hand was softly caressing my hand. I was concerned, I did not want to get caught in a situation with David, not on this bus, not with people sitting so close, and with my husband in the seat in front of David. Two things did go through my mind, telling myself it was OK with David caressing my hand (even though it wasn’t because I am married to the man sitting in front of him); One, it was dark in the bus cabin and the seats were tall comfortable seats that blocked a lot of view. Two, we were in the back row on the right, there was no back row on the left next to us, only some sort of stowage compartments. I was taking in this information, when David gently pulled my left hand on to his lap, over to his semi erect cock. I did not resist. In truth, as soon as my fingers felt this bulge, my fingers actively outlined the profile of his cock through his pants. Quickly, I was enjoying this resumption of sinful soft feeling of his manhood. My head laid back, staring in the dark at his crotch, unable to see much, except when a car light flashed into the cab of the bus. It was wrong, but I justified it to myself, this would end as we pulled into the office parking lot, and then it will only be a memory for me to relive to myself. Once again, I noticed how wet my pussy was feeling, the more I traced David’s cock, the wetter I was getting. I found myself fantasizing what it looked like. If it stood up tall or pointed out from his body on a 90 degree. Was it shaved or hairy? Was the hair salt and peppered like the hair on his head. As I traced the outline and quietly daydreaming, I felt it stiffen, harden to my touch. The details becoming more prominent again. At one point, it adjusted under his pants, laying sideways instead of pointing down along his leg. It was stiffer, it was turning into a proper erection, I could feel the head swell and enlarge with the shaft. Then I noticed, it felt different, I could feel more details along my fingertips than before, less fabric seemed to be involved. I felt the bulge increasing from my touch. David leaned in, asked me what happened. My hand was still outlining this cock, and only paused for a couple seconds, then I leaned into him and asked him if he removed his underpants. He moved his ear from my mouth and place his mouth to my ear and released one soft word; ‘’yes’’. That sent shivers through my body and a rush of warm wetness through my pussy. My body stiffened as I replaced the touch of my fingers with the pressing of my flat palm down the length of his ever-hardening shaft. There, just a single layer of the fabric of his pants was between this large cock and my hand. I silently gasped at this new turn of events.

I used my full hand along his shaft, feeling it grow longer and harder under my hand. David gently caressing the bare skin of my left leg, only touching the skin exposed, never traveling under my skirt. I noticed every motion of his hand along my leg, but was specially tuned in when his hand traveled along my inside thigh. As he caressed my thigh, he leaned in and asked ‘’What kind of panties are under that skirt. Boy shorts?’’ He waited for an answer. When he did not get one, he tried again, ‘’Thong?’’ He looked for a reaction, but I gave him my best poker face. He whispered another try, ‘’Bikini?’’. I just looked at him in the dark, trying my best not to react to his guesses. David tried a new tactic ‘’Show me.’’. That lack of subtleness stunned me at first. He wanted me to lift my skirt and show him my panties? I leaned in and whispered in his ear ‘’I don’t think I should.’’ His hand on my thigh slowly worked up my inner thigh. Realizing where it was headed, my right hand reacted and grabbed his hand. Then, a thought entered my mind. With a quick look around, comfortable no one was looking our way, I reached under my skirt with both hands, hooked the string sides of my panties, lifted my ass and pulled them down my legs. Working them around my shoes, I brought them up, looked around again, then I presented them to David by laying them neatly on his right thigh, smooth it out and then neatly folded it and left it on his thigh. As I leaned back in the seat, I watched his surprised reaction. He touched the lacey fabric, then brought them to his nose and smelled them. I was embarrassed, knowing he would be smelling my wetness. He then placed them in his jacket pocket, did some adjust of his pants. He then gently placed my left hand back on his lap. He was fully erect. It was so hard, stiff, and straining against his pants. I went back to my enjoyment of feeling him through his pants, but now, I fully aware of the air along my exposed wet pussy under my skirt.

Things in my life went very wrong at this point.

Although I was enjoying the feel of David’s prominent erection through his pants in the dark, I was pulled out of my thoughts by slow movements along David’s pants. I looked down in disbelief, as I watched David unfastened his pants and slowly, very slow to be quiet, unzipped his chinos. I froze my hand, taking a slightly firm grip on his cock over the pants, unsure of the intention. With the zipper down, he pulled back the right side, and moved my hand over to his pelvis area. His skin was warm and soft against my hand, but with a quick groin flex, my hand was tapped by his erection as it stood up along his pelvis, pointing to his belly button. He did not need to encourage me to reach for it. Desire? Curiosity? Whatever was controlling my actions, I reached and wrapped my hand around the warm erection of the largest cock I have even experienced. There in the dark, at the back of a bus, with my husband sitting in front of us, the creamy white hand that wore my wedding ring was taking long slow deliberate strokes along David’s magnificent cock. It felt wonderful in my grip. The head was wider than the shaft, defining the term ‘’mushroom head’’. Never before had I seen a cockhead that wide beyond the width of the shaft. It was memorizing. I strained in the dark, watching this thick hard black cock in my grasp as I stroked David. I reached down deeper into his pants, grabbed a handful of his balls, he was shaved smooth. His pelvis was shaved smooth. I loved it. So sexy. The size and smoothness of his balls matched his cock. The more I rubbed and felt, the more I wanted to feel. When the touch of David’s fingers pressed along my pussy, I did not stop him this time. I wanted to explore and enjoy his cock, and if he wanted to enjoy my bare pussy in exchange, I was not stopping him.

As I felt his finger press into my pussy, my eyes rolled back, and I stifled any noise of pleasure my body begged to release. My hand stretched from the wet leaking tip of his cock head down the length, past the base, along his balls to the base and back again. The more I pressured and rubbed, the more David leaked. The precum deceived his excitement.

But when I noticed the distinct musk of a wet pussy, I was forced to pull David away from my pussy and close up my legs. It was too dangerous to risk anyone recognizing the distinctive smell of a wet hot pussy. The look on David’s face was priceless, the look of desire and need for relief. He needed me, and I was loving it. His cock was so hard and warm, I felt proud…proud and really horny. I continued to rub and stroke David. Looking out the window, I figured we had about ten minutes left on the interstate then fifteen more in the city before reaching the office. I reached that point, I wanted to get David off. It was as much for me as it was for him. The problem was how to pull it off in a crowded bus?

Turning in my seat, I changed grip to my right hand. As I stroke with more deliberate movements, I looked around, needing to be assured no attention was on us. The bus was quiet, everyone quietly relaxing or sleeping. The soft music still playing, mixing with the soft hum of the bus. My tempo on David picked up, faster, long strokes. I could feel his precum leaking out, coating my hand as it enveloped his beautiful cockhead. David labored to keep his breathing quiet. He was closer to the edge, but not close enough yet. I continued, picking up my pace and increasing the firmness of my grip. I cannot fully express how erotic it was for me, jacking off a man, not my husband, in the back seat of a crowded bus, in the dark. I have never experienced anything as erotic.

When David reached up and started to play with my nipples over my shirt, I knew we were almost where I wanted him to be. It was when he started moving his hips trying to fuck my hand, that was telling me he was close. At that moment, as a person, I changed from loving wife and mother, into a cock loving whore. Another quick look around, I then moved my body down, laid my head on David’s lap, and took that large warm smooth black cock head in my mouth. That first experience when my lips and tongue made contact with the warm smooth skin, I felt a sexual high never experienced in my life before. I quietly sucked on it like a baby sucks a pacifier, my hand increasing the firm grip on the downward stroke. I continued to suck his cock head as I stroked him, forcing a downward stroke each time, working him closer and closer to the end result. My breathing was labored with the excitement of large cockhead in my mouth, but I concentrated to keep quiet and in control. I never attempted to take more than the head in my mouth, it was too risky. The shaft was long enough I could continue to stoke him with the head in my mouth. When I felt his hand work its way under my skirt onto my bare ass, I sucked like I was trying to pull the cum out, and with a final firm downward stoke, as I released the grip to slide back up, I could feel the release from deep in his balls up his long shaft, rewarding my waiting mouth with the first firm squirt of warm thick cum. My hand worked a firmer downward stoke, encouraging him to release additional loads for me, but that was unnecessary. In the quiet dark of that bus, David released shot after shot of warm thick cum into my mouth. My concentration was tuned to swallowing, taking and swallowing the reward of cum I was so desperately working to get out of him. The head of his cock never left my mouth, I did not flinch or gag, as David relieved himself in my mouth.

When I felt his body relax under me, and his firm grip on my bare ass soften, that told me he was complete, but I continued to softly suck on his helmet, taking in any remaining fluid. Something came over me, as my hand moved from his shaft down to his balls, caressing them, almost like I was milking them in a daze of pleasure. I caught myself though, and back in reality, I pulled my hand out of his pants my mouth off his cock. Sitting back up, we both went to straighten ourselves out. I was still shaking a bit with sexual excitement, my pussy was soaking, but I steadied myself to stand up and look over the seat at Terry, who was still asleep, as was the person sitting to his right. I could see no heads looking our direction. We got away with it.

For the rest of the bus ride, David and I sat quietly in the dark. My hand back on his lap, softly outlining his soft cock, enjoying the taste of his cum on my breath. His hand was back on my leg, gently stroking my thigh. Looking back, I am glad he was not reaching up to stroke my bare pussy (teasing me, he would not give me my panties back), I am sure I did not have the will power to stop him.

As the bus neared the parking lot, we pulled our hands back to ourselves. I should have insisted he return my panties, but I was enjoying the naked feel under my skirt. The bus pulled up, and everyone shuffled out. Terry was half awake, but agreed with David to share a cab. As we climbed in, David suggested Terry sit in the front if he was not feeling well, which Terry did without complaint, and almost instantly laid he head back and closed his eyes. As the cab started out the 30-minute drive to our house, David pulled me to the middle of the seat and laid his hand back on my bare thigh. At first, I resisted his touch, but as his hand worked his way up, pressing back my skirt up my legs, and pressed against my bare pussy, I cautiously surrendered to his touch and spread my legs for his access. David did not delay, he spread my wet lips, and I felt his finger gently slid up and down. I was already wet, still wet, easily allowing his downward movement pressing his finger deep in my pussy, then his upward stroke rub along my swollen clit. While David was pleasuring me in the back seat, he was maintaining a weak conversation with Terry in the front seat. I scooted my bare ass up to the edge of the seat, spread my knees wide, and keep an eye on Terry in the front seat. The deeper David pressed his finger in my pussy, the wider I spread my legs. David was on the edge of the seat with me, on my left, body facing forward, his right hand down between my legs, also keeping an eye on Terry who had his head turned to the right as he laid back relaxing half asleep. It was dark in the cab, but not totally dark. The city lights allowed plenty to be seen if we are caught.

David did not hold back on me. His hand finger fuck me, working faster and deeper. My hands gripped the edge of the seat on either side. I could feel my eye widen and my mouth strain to remain quiet. Suddenly I saw my image in the rearview mirror, my face contorted as David’s hand pushes me closer to a shattering climax. Then I noticed, the face of the driver in the rear-view mirror, looking right at me, directly at my straining face as I am edging to my orgasm. I could not hide it, I did not have the will to hide it and I was not moving off the edge of the seat. I remained right where I was, legs spread to the limit. David then did a first for me, he pulled his finger out of me, then my pussy ached with pleasure as he replaced the one finger with two. I did not look down, but I knew what he did. My face in the mirror, had a look of sexually contorted surprise, and the driver noticed. A quick glance to Terry showed he had not moved, allowing my gaze to return to the mirror and driver. As my body edged closer to my orgasm, my mouth was locked in a silent wide oval shape, a silent scream of pleasure with David’s two finger fuck. The cab probably smelled like sex but I did not notice or care.

He knew how badly I needed to cum. He had his in the bus, but I was still wanting. I expected just to take care of myself once home, Terry was showing no signs of ability to take care of my needs that night, but once David’s touch reached my aching pussy, I was all willing to have his hand meet my needs. On the edge of the seat, I gave myself to David’s finger deep in my pussy. I remember I closed my eyes and started to silently mouth “fuck me….fuck me….fuck me” over and over. I was aware we were driving through the city late at night. Maybe people could look in the cab and see me, but I did not care. I did not care the driver could see me. I felt a hand against my shirt, David was unbuttoning my shirt. Then I felt a rough lift of my bra, exposing my B cup breast and hard nipples. I did not care. I did not care. David’s rough touch on my nipples only enhanced the excitement. The two fingers fucking my pussy pressed me closer to my desired orgasm. At one point I cracked my eyes open, my mouth still agape in a silent scream of pleasure, but the driving was still looking at me in the mirror. I think we were at a red light at that moment. A quick glance to see Terry has not moved, then closed my eyes and rolled my head back as the cab continued forward. In the final moments before my orgasm, my ass slipped off the seat, I was held up only by my stiff arms and my hand’s death grip on the edge of the seat. There, with my ass suspended in midair, David finger fucked me to an orgasm. I pressed my pussy into David’s fingers, fucking him back, and orgasmed. I was cumming, in the back of the cab, my husband asleep inches from me as another man finger fucked me while the cab driver watched. I strained every muscle to remain silent. My body shuttered, uncontrollably shuttered as I came. I hurt my hand gripping the edge of the seat so tight. I felt fluid run down my pussy, along my bare ass. It was the greatest, strongest orgasm of my life. Ripples were running through my body as I started to gain composure, my eyes half open, looking in the mirror at the expression on my face and the reaction of the cab driver. David continued to finger me until it was too sensitive, and a sequel of pleasure escaped my mouth. I quickly pulled David’s hand away, sat back in the seat, and watched Terry move in the front seat. I crossed my legs, pulled my skirt back down. David was quickly cleaning the cum off his hand under his jacket. Thankfully, it was dark enough, Terry would not see how flushed I felt, but the smell of sex, was I imagining it or did it smell like pussy in the cab? In a weak voice, Terry asked if I was OK. I replied with a “Fine. Why?” Terry replied he thought he heard me. A quick assurance he did not, and I was fine, and we continued the rest of the ride home quietly. Holly fuck, we got away with it.

On the last mile before our home, I wiped myself with the underside of my skirt. Again, I thought of asking for my panties, but after all this, I was enjoying my pussy & ass bare under the skirt. As we arrived home, Terry and I unloaded, and surprisingly, after David paid the cab, it took off without him. I gave him a funny look, but he just replied, “I thought I would take you up on that offer for coffee.” As we entered the empty house, Terry stated he had enough for the night, did not want any coffee, and was going to bed. I helped him back into the bedroom and into bed. Tucking him in, I steadied myself before going back out. Why was David still here?

Finding David in the kitchen with a glass of water, he offered me a drink, which I took and finished the glass. As I was refilling the glass, I felt his arms around my body, giving me a warm hug. I turned around, and was caught by his lips to mine. At first, I surrendered to his kiss, loving the way he pressed deep in my mouth. But then I came to my senses and pulled away. Looking at him in the eyes, I softly told him, “No, not here, not in this house. Too dangerous”. He gave me a smile, and then a kiss on the lips. Said he will call a cab, asked if I would wait with him outside. I said I would, but wanted to check on Terry first. A quick glance, Terry was asleep and quiet. I left the dark room, closing the door, and finding David outside under the carport by our cars. It was a warm summer night, and it was late. As I walked, I offered him the glass of water. As he drank, I could see him looking at me over the glass. Finished, he put it down on the car. Leaning in, he wrapped his arms around me and we kissed. This time I did not pull away. We made out like lovers. His hands exploring my bare ass and under my shirt. I was just as bad, my hands under his shirt and down the back of his pants feeling his bare ass. We kissed and made out, softly moaning of pleasure into each other. I remember our heavy breathing increasing. Tongues lashing against each other. Our hands holding each other tight. This continued over and over. Longer than I expected, always expecting the taxi to show up and interrupt us, but not wanting it to end. This may be the last time, as I knew it should be, I would have time with my black man, my unexpected lover. I knew it had to end, but did not want the night to end.

After many moments of making out, I was with one hand on his back and the other down along his ass squeezing and grabbing hard his firm runner’s ass. I felt his waist line loosen, allowing my hand better access down along his ass. He had unfasted and unzipped his pants. My hand had free range along his lower body. My other hand moved from his back down below the waist line also. Soon my hands were roaming along his waist, ass, and up front along his pelvis, finding and grasping his wonderful large cock again. I felt that feeling of desire build up in my pussy again, the fluids flowing again. There in our carport, no walls, only protected from the view of the street by our parked cars the darkness of night. But even those were being betrayed by the street lights. No matter, when he pulled my shirt up over my head, I let him. Then he freely reached back and unfasted my bra., it fell to our feet. His rough hands found my erect nipples. He quickly learned how to play with my nipples to get the most excitement from me. I was moaning in his mouth, no desire to be quiet now. I let my passion dictate my reactions, openly and freely.

David’s pants fell past his hips and to the ground. He kicked off his shoes, and stepped out of his pants. As I was processing this, he pulled his shirt off. There I was only in my short skirt, with a naked fit black man who I had a desire for in just one night. When I felt my ass up against the car under the carport, David lifted me up on the hood and stood close to me between my legs. As we continued to make out, I could feel his cock head touching and poking me between my legs, along my inner thighs and bare pussy. I reached down to find him hard again, not as ridged as he was in the bus, but hard. His cock pointed out instead of up to his belly button as it did in the bus, but it was hard and the cock head smooth and firm. I grabbed his ass with both hands as we kissed. I felt the pressure of David’s cock head pressing against my pussy’s opening. During this night I had stroked and sucked his cock, I could still taste his cum, and know this large magnificent black cock was pressing against my wet pussy. I felt a firm push, enough to split open my wet lips and a more inching his large helmet entering my fold. I did not resist. I wanted it so much, the increasing entry as David slowly, little at a time, pressed his cock into my pussy. It filled me up, expanding my pussy walls like they have never been stretched. I was panting, breathing hard in his mouth as our tongues danced against each other. I surrendered, letting his cock invade me deeper and deeper. At that moment, my marriage did not matter, only to feel his large cock head press deeper in my pussy. He was patient, giving me little at a time. When his erection pressed passed the point of my husband’s cock’s reach, my eyes rolled back, my head pressed in his shoulder. I remember biting his shoulder when he pressed deeper. My pussy was full like never before. I LOVED IT. I wanted more, and he gave me more. I grunted and grunted with his deep penetration. When I finally felt his balls and pelvis against my pussy, as deep as he could go, I was in cock heaven. It was all a dream as he pulled out and then pushed back in, but I felt his round smooth cock head spread my inner pussy as it slid in and out, giving me feelings never experienced. I think I started cuming right away, feeling the long shaft pull out and then press back in, over and over as I sat on my bare ass on the hood of the car. Naked except for the short skirt bunched up around my waist, sitting on a car in the outdoors, with a naked man, not my husband, giving me the greatest fuck of my life. I was a cock whore.

The pace quickened, moving faster in and out of me, but always using his full length in and full length out moving his hips in perfect pace, holding my body in place. First his hands held me by my waist & ass as his cock assaulted my pussy, but as our pace picked up and David was edging closer to his orgasm, he reached under my knees with both arms, holing my legs up, my knees still spread wide, and grabbed my lower back. This forced me to be open and wide for his cock. I have never been held and fucked like this before. It was wonderful. My pussy spasmed in continuing orgasms. He had full access of me. His hips moved, thrusting his long big cock in and out of my pussy, stretching me closer and closer to the orgasm I secretly desired all night. Grunting, he wanted to know how much I loved his fucking. He wanted to hear me say it, and I gave in. it just flowed out of my mouth, mixed with my heaving breathing and grunting. I used words like never before in my life. I told him how wonderful his wide cock head was stretching my pussy. I told him how fantastic it felt with his cock deep in my body. I clawed at his back, I grabbed his ass. I think at one point I fingered his asshole, but it was a blur. The pleasure of his cock deep in my body was consuming all my energy and attention. My pussy spasmed and was a continuous ripple. Why had I never experienced a deep cock fuck like this before in my life. I remember feeling the fluids run from my pussy, down my ass.

The fucking turned into a jack hammer assault on my pussy. I was vocal, and continually told him how good it felt. I used nasty language over and over to express how good this fuck felt. David increased the pace. I was in a daze until I felt David’s body stiffen, then suddenly my deep inner pussy was hosed with a large load of his cum. His own waves of orgasm pressed cum deeper in my pussy than I have ever experienced before. Then his body started to jerk, giving my inner pussy short jerking fucks as his body held mine tight. As his body calmed down, and the jerking stopped, we remained in each other’s arms, naked, struggling for breath. David’s orgasm was massive in my pussy, my orgasms were numerous waves of one after another. As normal breathing returned, so did our kissing and making out. David’s arms still under my knees, my legs still spread wide for his cock.

We continued to kiss and make out, lasting deeper into the night. Finally, his cock softened to the point it slipped out of my pussy. I started to notice how sore my stretched pussy was, a soreness that was to last for several days.

It was while we were making out, I noticed a person to the side, between us and the street, very close to us, watching us. First, I was startled, but David continued to kiss me and told me it was the cab driver. He had been silently watching us fuck for a while. David’s lack of concern was contagious, I had no worries about being looked at as long as David was there with me. David finally pulled from our grasp, took a loving look at my body on the car, and went for his cloths. I scooted off the hood, and intended to also get dressed. Holding his pants, David walked up to me and as natural as if it was acceptable by society, he pulled my skirt down past my hips, and let it fall to my feet. For the first time, I was completely naked for David….and I was naked for the taxi driver. I felt liberated eith the exposure. I am proud of my fit body and was proud to stand there completely exposed for David and the cab driver to look at me.

David faced me, and held his cock out and asked me to clean it, asking me more specifically to clean it with my mouth. I hesitated at first, I don’t normally suck on cocks that just fucked me, and I don’t suck on cocks while being watched by a stranger. But my hesitation was brief, realizing I wanted that cock in my mouth one more time before the night ended. I fell to my knees before David, held his cock and balls tenderly, and proceeded to lick and suck him clean. The taste of our cum and mixed together was intoxicating. My knees were spread, and I felt our mixed juices leaking out of my stretched pussy. I would look over and see the cab driver, watching me, and, yes, stroking his cock as he watched me. I continued to suck the smooth large head of David’s cock, sucking it dry, sometimes while looking up at David looking down at me with a smile, sometimes looking over to my left, watching the driver stroking his erection watching me. I continued to suck that fantastic soft cock until the cab driver came, shooting ropes of cum all over the car port. When he was done, he zipped up and waited in the cab. David then dressed. Gave me a deep loving kiss, and his phone number. I stood in the soft light of the street lights, naked fully exposed to anyone if they came by, watching them drive away. Once David was gone, I gathered my cloths, made my way into the bathroom and cleaned up. My pussy was stretched and sore, but I was so fucking sexually happy.

That was in June of this year, and since then David and I are lovers. I can not get enough of his large black cock. The age difference means nothing to our relationship, especially to me. David is fit and lean, where my husband has a “daddy’s body”. Terry’s cock is of average in size and shape, whereas David has a long cock shaft with a large cock head at the end. David’s cock reaches, stretches and pleases me like no other cock has.

These past months, I have done things never imaginable. One time I sucked David’s cock in his office, with people on the other side of the closed door, none the wiser, meeting Terry for lunch with the strong taste of cum in my mouth. Another time, I took the day off from work, to let David come by and fuck me on all fours on Terry & my bed. David even moved a dressing mirror near the bed, so we could watch ourselves as he fucked me from behind. Once special Saturday, David and I meet up at the local art museum, where we found a handicap bathroom off a hallway, and he pulled my skirt up and fucked me over the sink from behind. One of my favorite adventures was again at my house, and on my marriage bed. With special straps I purchased, I tied David up, spread out on our bed. Taking my time, sucking and teasing him, until it was time for me to straddle his body, and lower myself on his hard-aching cock and, bouncing up & down on his pelvis, fuck myself silly with his shaft. After David came in me and his soft cock slid out of my sore pussy, I scooted up, while grasping the headboard, I lowered my used pussy on his mouth and encouraged him to eat me out. He did, and he loved it, as did I (I always wanted to feel a man eat my fucked pussy again, but Terry was never up for it).

So, my life is fucked up. Yes. I have a husband and k**s, respectable life. I also have a black man who is my lover with the largest cock I have ever experienced, and I am his cock whore. Everyday I worry how this can go wrong, but when David and I enjoy a fucking or adventure (like fucking online for another couple to watch us while they fuck) I know I can not give it up. I love my husband, and I love David. I will adjust my life as necessary to enjoy both worlds.
Ким опубліковано: orhans
3 роки(-ів) тому
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Start  watching some ir porn with hubby and I'm sure he will become excited I'm sure he would want to watch and help out
Amazing, very hot. 
Great story
David needs to take full ownership of the white married slut and take her ass as well!!!
Can't be long before a baby is a consideration.......too much love and passion here for that not to happen!!  J (the turned on wife)