Tough times

Why does she takes her to these lady again, she has openly told her and pleaded with her. Doesn't she realise how that ?" that was Faith thoughts. She was walking with her foster mom to Ms Williams once again, Me Williams was a retired headmistress and one of the richest lady in the village. Faith was a 16 year old orphan. She had been living at the orphanage until 2 months ago when she reached 16 years, the rules of the orphanage was that if you reached 16 years without been adopted you got to live the orphanage and create space for others. That meant you could go to any households that really cared to have you and never been checked. Mrs Thompson live with her two grandson of 17 years and 14 years respectively, she isn't the wealthiest of woman nor the poorest. The 60 year old Mrs Thompson is a widowed and really needed a girl to help out at home when she decided on fostering, not like a girl will be a maid but she will go to school and grow up decent only if she could do girls chores around the house. Mrs Thompson too believe in corporal punishment but to certain age of course, that is until 15 years but the 16 years to 18 years could get if they really persistent on been naughty. She knew Ms Williams for many years and it was at church where Ms Williams saw the 16 year old Faith, Ms Williams was a sadist and immediately longed for faith. She made a surprise visit to the Tompsons and offered them a weekly wage only if Faith could come around on Saturday to help out cleaning and of course she will tutor her as she is a former teacher by profession. "Tell me Thompson, do you discipline her properly?" asked Williams after Faith had given them tea and left. " She really does not give me much problems, but yes I have scold there and there and hand out punishment of extra chores" responded Tompson. The former headmistress shake her head and smile "you should cane dear, a girl at these age only respond well to the cane. I will cane her at my house" and the foster mom was a bit surprised at the headmistress but the hefty money that was offered clown her judgement. On a very first week she went there Faith came back with a sealed envelope and in tears, she handed in the envelope to the foster mom and went to her bedroom. She couldn't just tell as she was embarrassed and the boys were with their granny. On the second week she again came with the sealed envelope and with red eyes, clearly she had been caned again. She found Thompson alone and these time told her " Oh really? What did you do to get the cane?" as she was smiling and the girl told her she couldn't answer well "Oh dear, only got yourself to blame then. Don't worry, it will feel better in no time. Let me see then" and that was when the boys entered and Faith caught not knowing what to do but Thompson adamant "come girl, skirt up knickers down. The boys know the cane is on bottoms" and there was gasp and whistle as the boys were not aware and Faith protesting but really had no choice "Oh my, she really got caned" said the 14 year old and the 17 year old said "she must have felt that, red striped bottom" and the mother laughing said "Of course she felt them, it was ba re bottom" and since from there everyone knew she is caned. It was the fourth time now going to Williams today, the arrangement was Thompson drive het and Williams drive her back.

It was on these Saturday when Faith had these really thoughts, she had been not talking at all on the drive to Williams. They had been slightly late and Thompson had made a joke about it, well funny to herself but not Faith "we a bit late dear, I am sure mam there is going to take out a cane. Sore bottom just early in a morning ey dear" and she laughed alone. Up on arriving there, Williams was outside collecting a newspaper "15 minutes late, thaught you not coming today girl" as she saw them and Faith had developed a respect and fear for her "No mam, I am coming". She went outside the car and lesson to a conversation between the two elders. "She has been on the bad mood since from yesterday, she was even doing slow these morning. Hence we so late" said Thompson and Williams sternly looked at Faith before responding to Thompson "so it's her fault she is late, dont worry I am going to deal with that right away. And she is going to be politely when she returned". The foster mom laughed again "She thinks she is hard done, I have told her we too did get the sting on our bottoms when growing up. It's not the end of the day and she will live" said Thompson and Williams smile "Oh she think, oh shame sorry dear. Bottom sting when growing up dear, let's get inside" and with that they went in. Inside straight away they went to the study "No hone chores today Faith, my maid was here yesterday and did everything" as Williams spoke taking the chair to the center of the room and the cane already on the table. Faith knew exactly what is to happen and she rubbed her bottom and plead "please man, please dont cane me today" but Williams had already had the girl where she wanted and she just took the cane "late coming, over girl. Six of the best" and tears fall as she went for the chair, bend over it and felt her skirt raised "it's bare bottom only from now on" and now Faith openly cry. Williams aimed tap! tap!! 'Really these girl bottoms recover very well, no sign of last week caning" she thaught to herself and let fly with the first stroke "ouch ow" as the girl knew she isn't allowed to stand Up, she had learned that the hard way. Tap! Tap!! Tap!!! Crack!!! as the second one visited the bottom and a good yelling followed. Williams smiled "it is just good to be an elder, you get to sting girl's bottoms" she thaught Tap! Tap!! "stay still Faith" Tap!!! Thwack!!! and one foot rise as the girl clench and unclech. The elder smile again "beautiful, really beautiful. Girls bottoms are beautiful" again as she thaught to herself and bring three more to the bottom before allowing her to stand up and compose herself. Faith had not been aware she got thwelve strokes of the cane every Saturday, in set of sixes. Ms Williams believed in correcting rather than hurting, twelve was always enough on a girl's bottom. The past three weeks was six over knickers and further six in the afternoon on bare. It was still the morning and she was ordered to sit down and do some work on geography, Ms Williams was marking the A levels assignments as a part time gig and it really paid well. After 30 minutes or so Faith was still sobbing while writing and Williams got annoyed "stop that sniffling girl, it's irritating. You supposed to be a big girl, you only got six. Do you want another six girl, do you?" And immediately it was a complete silent as the girl did not fancy another six. It was 12:30 when she was told to stop and they going for lunch, today for the first time they went out to some restaurant in town. Faith bottom was still sore but Williams acted as if everything is normal, making dry jokes and decent conversation. They met Mr Howard and he immediately asked to join them, he too is a former headmaster. "What a nice looking girl you have here, granddaughter?" And Williams said No, she is a learner. "Oh my, you still on the game. Burning bottom?" asked Howard and Williams just nodded. Howard wanted to get on the game too and he was given Thompson's contacts "I am telling you Faith you won't want to sit for a very long time once i got my stick on you" promised Howard and Faith just let one tear fall. Back at Williams the essay was marked and got a futher six of the best.

It was at the gate when Williams is to drop her off, Faith came out still in tears and rubbing bottom. "How did it go today dear?" Asked Thompson and she politely said "well mom". Williams laughed "I just gave her six few minutes back, really a naughty girl these one. It's bare bottom only now" and Thompson whistle "oh dear, must be a really naughty girl. Cane on Knickers no longer effective on you girl?" And Faith just burst into tears as Williams continued "there is some gentleman called Mr Howard, he will give you a call. He also want to get at Faith here or her bottom, we will alternate Saturdays if its fine with you". Thompson was a bit sceptical at first but when told about Howard doubling the wages she get from Williams she never hesitated "it's only bottom dear, no harm there" Williams emphasize to Thompson. Faith was in tears and pleaded with the foster mom but Williams was there to reason "it's not our fault really Faith, you really got big bottom. Have you seen it on the mirror, big and beautiful. Definetely for the stick girl". The girl was really pleading her case "But, but i am a girl and Mr Howard is a man" and the two ladies said "so" both at the same time "my bottom, he.. he.. he isnt supposed to see my" before she can finish Williams sternly asked "are you seeing boys already Faith, are you dating?" And the girl just shaked her head "then that bottom is for discipline girl and don't worry about Mr Howard, he had seen plenty of girls bottoms". The envelope came out and Thompson asked if he isnt the Howard that was headmaster of St Paul few years back and Williams nodded is him "Oh my, oh i am so sorry for you Faith, he really know how to cane that one. He will put boys to tears through their trousers and underpants, he is really a b**st with a cane" and Williams smiling added "and he said it's bare bottom for our dear Faith". "Ouch" said Thompson and ushered the girl in, she must go for a second girl at the orphanage she thaught.
Ким опубліковано: Africa01
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Nice read - thank you
A fine story !