I love gay bathhouses

I used to go regularly to gay bathhouses but so many have closed permanently. One was TNT Health Club in Detroit. I loved to go there because there was always plenty of cock just wanting to be sucked. And I sucked a LOT! But I have fond memories of being sucked. I was taking a break from sucking and just went into the TV room to watch some porn. Most everyone wore a towel around the waist but I strolled in naked with the towel over my shoulder. There were a few rows of chairs set out theater-style and I sat down in the middle of the back row against the wall. A lot of the clientele were older… Daha fazlasını okun

İletiyi yazan rahauser 1 yıl önce 17

Brazilian BBC

I was working when my phone began vibrating. I my knees buckled when I checked received messages. Sender was a young boy I was used to fuck with some time ago and message was asking to meet. I was sure about aim of that meeting. We got in touch 4 years ago, when I moved to my new flat. He was 24 at that time, dark skin, not as tall as me, but with a huge surprise between his legs. We were having fun together on regular basis for nearly 3 year, It was good fun for both, when suddenly he told me he was going to get married and he wanted our intercourse to stop. I was quite sad, I knew I was goin… Daha fazlasını okun

İletiyi yazan Itslut4blacks 2 yıl önce