Eating Cum

When I think about it, I know my desire to see my wife with another man can be traced back to my first sexual relationship. Back in high school when everyone was fumbling about with "who-likes-who" and "I-know-she'll-never-like-me," I was lucky enough to meet Kimberly. We both were shy. We both were quiet. And somehow, we both found the other attractive and had enough wherewithal to admit it. In my case, I was lucky. First of all, even though I wasn't an ogre, I certainly wasn't the most handsome guy in school. But Kimberly saw something in me that she liked. Secondly, I thought Kim was one of the cutest girls I had ever seen. Here eyes sparkled when we talked. Her smile—shiny with lip gloss—could melt my heart. She wasn't fat by any means, but she wasn't rail thin like most of the "beautiful" girls. She had curves. Nice ones. She also had gorgeous breasts: large, full, wonderfully shaped, and when she walked, they jiggled so beautifully. On her 5' 3" frame, they looked phenomenal. I wondered what god I had pleased to have her come into my life.

Our relationship developed quickly. Fumbling kisses soon gave way to fumbling gropes. Eventually, when no one was looking, she began giving me quick flashes of her lacy bras—and the tops of her creamy breasts. The day I saw them in all their glory is still among the best in my life. We were in my bedroom and my parents were out for the afternoon. Kimberly and I were kissing, deeply and passionately. I inched my hands up her arm, across her back, then right to her breasts. She moaned and pulled away from me. She had a look in her eye that, to this day, the memory of which gives me an instant hard on. She Just stared at me with her lust filled eyes, then pulled her sweater over her head. Her bra jiggled with the motion as her breasts jostled. She then reached behind her and unhooked it. She slid the straps off of her shoulder and tossed her bra at me with a wicked giggle. There sat Kimberly, topless for the first time in our relationship. I almost came right then. She cupped her breasts and offered them up to me. I dove in and suckled and thought that if I died right then, my life would have been worth it. Our sexual relationship progressed pretty quickly from that point. But nothing was ever as exciting as playing with Kimberly's breasts.

Unfortunately, as fledgling high school romances go, our began to hit hard times. We didn't have the maturity or experience to know how to develop a good, lasting relationship—or to recognize the problems. We grew apart. By the time we graduated, the only connection we had was sex, and that wasn't feeling good, either. Kimberly still turned me on—I was a horny young man after all—but our sexual encounters began dwindling.

Then one night, the bomb dropped. A friend of ours, Dan, was having a party at his place. It was one of those keg and a shot type affairs: nothing fancy, just drinking and blowing off steam. On the way to the party, Kim and I bickered. Once we were at the party, the more we drank, the more we fought. Eventually, she disappeared into the party and I didn't go looking for her. The night wore on and I hadn't seen her for some time. I figured I'd go look for her to tell her I was taking off. I didn't want her to have the last bit of ammunition ("you should have at least TOLD me you were leaving!") to sway the fight in her direction. I asked around, but nobody had seen her for a while. I went upstairs figuring she was just hiding out with her girlfriend, Renee, bitching about what an ass I was. As I walked down the hall, I saw a light coming from a partially open door. I walked right up to it and looked in, innocently enough.

What happened next will forever be etched in my sexual memory. I saw Kimberly smiling her cutest, sexiest smile. I saw her eyes flashing that smoldering look. And I saw her unbuttoning her shirt to expose her lacy bra to my best friend Dan. She shimmied a bit, causing her breasts to move obscenely and I heard Dan moan in wonder. She reached behind her, and unhooked her bra, like she had done for me so many times. Then she tossed it at him, like she did for me that first time. She offered her perfect breasts up to Dan who didn't hesitate one second. He dove in, mauling her. He groped, he squeezed, he sucked, he bit. And like a fool, I just stood there in the shadows of the hall way, watching. I was so engrossed in the scene unfolding in the bed room that I hadn't noticed my hard-on. A part of me screamed "get out of there you fool!" but a larger part of me wanted to stay and watch my best friend enjoy my girlfriend.

The sex escalated quickly. Soon, Kimberly shimmied out of her jeans and panties, posing naked for Dan. He shook his head and said with honest disbelief, "I can't fucking believe John doesn't want you anymore."

Kimberly giggled and shook here breasts and ass. "Do YOU want me Dan?"

"Oh, fuck," was all he said as he shed his clothes, too.

They were naked and soon fucking. I have to admit that when I saw Dan's cock enter Kimberly, I got a bit sick. Jealousy, however, is a strong aphrodisiac as I would find out later in life. My cock hurt, it was so hard. I couldn't resist. I had to stroke myself. I slipped my hand into my pants, not wanting to fully expose myself in the event someone came upstairs. My underwear was soaked with pre-cum. My cock was harder than it had ever been. I touched myself and thought I would blow right there. Then Kimberly began to moan. Dan began to moan. They fucked. They kissed. He squeezed her breasts. I rubbed my cock. Soon, his bed was squeaking with the motion. Her hair was matted to her sweaty forehead. I watched as his ass moved up and down, thrusting his cock into Kimberly's wet pussy. I had never seen two people fucking in person before. The fact that it was Dan and Kimberly only made it so much more intense. Her moans became squeals. He kept grunting.

She was close, I could tell. I knew her signs. She clawed at his ass the way she used to claw at mine. Then she said, "I want it! Give it to me! Cum in my pussy and all over my tits!"

This was too much for Dan who cried out, "oh fuck yes!" I saw his ass constrict and I knew he was cumming in my girlfriend. He then yanked his cock out of her and scrambled up to her chest where he proceeded to finish emptying his balls on Kimberly's soft, luscious breasts. As Dan was cumming, I came, too. My hand, cock, balls, and underwear were soaked with sticky cum. I had never orgasmed so intensely.

Dan rolled off of Kimberly and panted, trying to catch his breath. She rubbed his cum all over her breasts and nipples with one hand while fingering her sloppy pussy with the other. "I'd better get dressed," she said, "but first...." She then did something that really surprised me. She took her finger that had been playing with her soaked pussy and licked it, sucking off all of Dan's cum. She never liked me to cum in her mouth, claiming she didn't like the taste. But there she was, savoring Dan's cum. I was pissed, jealous, and much to my dismay, hard again.

As she slurped it up, she looked over toward the door. I think she was surprised that it was ajar. I don't think she saw me because she didn't stop cleaning her fingers, but she did say again, "I really should get dressed and you should get back to the party, lover." And with that she gave him a wicked smile and went to kiss him. He backed away, not wanting to come in contact with her cum smeared mouth. She punched him on the shoulder and half playfully, half perturbed said, "it's good enough for me, it should be good enough for you." At that moment, I realized something that would stay with me for the rest of my life: I wanted to kiss her. I wanted to feel Dan's cum on her lips, in her mouth, on her tongue. I wanted to taste Kimberly, all sloppy and messy. I pulled my hand from out of my pants, reluctantly because I was hard again and wanted desperately to cum once more. I ducked down the hall and fled down the stairs. Most of the people had already left or were passed out.

I grabbed a beer and downed it in just three gulps. A moment later, Kimberly walked down the stairs. Her breasts swayed and bounced more than usual and she looked stunning. She walked past me, with barely a look. I reached out for her arm but she gave me a wilting stare. "I thought you would be gone by now," she said flatly.

"Kimberly, I..." I didn't know what to say or how to start.

"You what, John?"

I looked into her brown eyes, and almost lost myself. I looked at her mouth and saw a tiny smear of Dan's cum. My cock twitched.

"I'm sorry," I stammered.

"Sorry for what, exactly?" She gave me a hard look. I could tell she was trying to remain calm and dispassionate.

"I'm sorry...we, I mean...Kimberly, I'm sorry about all the shit. I'm sorry about not working harder at our relationship. I'm sorry we got to where we are." I saw a flicker in her eye, a tiny reaction that told me she was listening, processing, considering. "I love you, Kimberly. I always have and I know I always will." I had no idea where that came from, it just came out. Kim, too, reacted with shock.

I saw a tear well up in her eye. "Why are you saying that? Why are you telling me that right now? Why now?"

"Because I do." I told the truth. I reached out and enfolded her in my arms. Her body was stiff and resistant, but she didn't pull away. I kissed her temple and she threw her arms around me. I looked down into her face and wiped the tears off of her cheek. Then I kissed her. I kissed her on her mouth that only minutes ago was covered in my friend's cum. I kissed her deeply. She kissed me back. I felt love and passion coursing through my body. Then I remembered the smear of cum at the corner of her mouth. I ran my tongue there, licking her. I thought I tasted it and about passed out with desire. "Let's go back to my place."

We barely got the door closed before we were all over each other. I peeled her sweater over her head and her bare breasts greeted me. For a split second, I saw panic in her face when she realized she was braless. I didn't say anything about it, and I guess she figured that in the sexual frenzy I didn't notice. I nibbled on her neck and fumbled with her jeans. At the same time, she unbuttoned and unzipped my pants. As I worked my way down her neck to her breasts, I could still smell the faint remnants of Dan's cum on her body. It was a heady experience. Her pants fell to the ground and I pulled her wet panties off. I could smell her sexual arousal, but it was different. I soon realized it was because she still had some of Dan's cum inside of her. This only made me want more. I kissed her soft stomach. I massaged her full ass. Then I nuzzled between her thighs. I felt her body tense up. I knew she could smell Dan's cum, too.

I stood up and in one smooth motion, I picked her up and carried her into my bedroom, laying her on my bed. I removed my boxers and she reached up to gently stroke my hard cock. I kissed her some more, and worked my way down her body. I felt her tense up one more time as I approached her soaking wet pussy. But the more I kissed and licked, the more she relaxed. Eventually, she spread her legs for me, inviting me to kiss her pussy lips. And I did. It was as if I was kissing her for the first time. I savored the feel of her labia on my mouth. I inhaled her scent. Then I thrust my tongue deep into her pussy and tasted my Kimberly. But it wasn't all her. I was also tasting another man's cum. And I was ecstatic. The more I ate her, the more she writhed. I couldn't get enough and neither could she. I felt her legs tighten around my head as the first orgasm washed over her. My mouth was flooded with her cum...and the last of Dan's. I kept eating—feasting—until she came again. This continued two more times until she begged me to stop and let her breath.

I slid up from between her legs and collapsed next to her. I softly fondled her breasts and kissed her nipples. I nuzzled her neck. I kissed her cheek. I caressed her stomach. Then, I said it. I don't know why, but it just felt so right, so natural. "Kimberly, you tasted so good with him in you."

She blanched.

"I saw you."

She pulled the covers over her naked body. "Oh John...." "Kim, don't. It's alright. It's more than alright. It's how I knew I loved you so much."

She turned to me, her eyes full of tears, confusion, and a touch of anger. "I did it because we, well, I thought we were through."

"I know," I said as I kissed her cheek. She pulled away.

"John, don't."

"But I want to. I love you." I kissed her cheek again. This time she didn't recoil. I softly kissed her mouth and she kissed back. I kissed her chin, her neck, her ear. I caressed her breast. Her nipple puckered in anticipation.

She moaned softly, then whispered, "John, why are you doing this?"

"Because I love you, Kimberly."

"But I," she paused, considering her words, then asked, "how much did you see?"

"All of it."

"ALL of it?"

"From beginning to end."

"Oh god. I can't believe it. All of it, huh?"

I licked her ear lobe. "Yup." I pulled the covers off of her body and marveled at the way her breasts swayed. She looked like a vision, a goddess. I kissed her cleavage then suckled her nipple. "When I saw you with him, it made me crazy. The jealousy almost got to me. I was going to either leave or burst in on you two. But then something happened: I realized I had a hard-on and that the whole scene turned me on so incredibly much. Just seeing you with him, seeing how much you excited him, seeing you enjoy yourself was simply amazing."

I kissed her beautiful breast again and her hand snaked down to my rock hard cock. She played with my pre-cum that was making a considerable mess on both of us. Then she gently caressed my balls, causing me to moan loudly.

"You haven't cum yet, John."

"I came while I was watching you two."

"You did? Really?"

"I told you it was so erotic."

Then she sat up and gave me a look that said she understood. I don't know how, but she did. She cupped my balls in her soft hand and gave me a gentle squeeze. She shimmied her breasts for me, causing them to jiggle in that sexy way. "So tell me," she said with a wickedness that melted me, "what part did you like the most? Did you like when I showed him my tits?"


"Did you like when I sucked his cock?"

"God yes!"

She climbed on me, and inserted my cock into her dripping pussy, asking, "Did you like when I...FUCKED him?"

"Oh, Kimberly! All of it!" I barely fucked her five strokes before I sent a shot of cum coursing into her. Wave after wave it came, tearing through my cock and jetting into her body. She cried out. I moaned. I pumped my sperm into her. She mashed her breasts on my face. I suckled and thrust my cock one last time as deep into her as I could manage. Then she collapsed on me. I held her closely and told her I loved her.

"Are you sure? Are you absolutely sure you love me? Because what happened tonight cannot un-happen."

"I know. And, yes, I love you with all my heart."

She kissed me slow and long. After some time, she asked, "and did you like eating Dan's cum from my pussy?"

"More than you can ever know, Kimberly."

The wicked glint came back to her eye. She caressed her body lazily, running the tips of her fingers over her nipples, down her soft stomach and down to tease her swollen pussy. "I know it's not his, but my cunt is filled up again. Would you like to have seconds?"

I didn't hesitate. She giggled as I spread her legs and began eating my cum out of her. As I slurped, she came again. It was a long, slow orgasm that forced my cum into my mouth. As I lingered there, kissing her puffy lips and savoring our mingled flavor, I knew with absolute certainty that I would spend the rest of my life with her. And after 20 years, we're still going strong. We have a wonderful marriage, a beautiful daughter, and an amazing sex life that still includes Kimberly's affairs. I couldn't be happier.
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6 yıl önce
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God I love this story. So sexy. So yummy. 
Yanıt Ver
Wow, what an amazing story and hot couple 
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wow :smile: so hot :smile:
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kime DobbsCD : Did she ever confess to you that she had been fucked. Would you enjoy her being fucked again by a stranger?
Yanıt Ver Orijinal yorumu göster Gizle
Love it, I've only ever tasted my own spunk from my wife's cunt though.
Yanıt Ver
I remember the first load i licked out of my wife and have had many more 
Yanıt Ver
Omg was that hot!!
Yanıt Ver
Great Story - Loved It! My dick is so hard right now. I might have to stroke it and cum on my wife's dildo, then suck the cum off. 
Yanıt Ver
no better way to show your lady you love her 
Yanıt Ver
Hot story!!
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My ex wife came home after a girls night out. She was very drunk and fell asleep spread eagle. I touched her pussy and it was dripping. Her undies full of come. I slid them down and licked her. She woke and froze, tried to stop me but my tongue was deep inside. I quickly stuck my cock in but lasted seconds. She pulled her knickers back up probably happy that the evidence was now hidden. I loved the taste of mixed juices. She was so red and swollen in the morning . I think he must have fucked her hard..
Yanıt Ver
I love eating cum.
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i had the same kind of experiences with my first wife and loved it. However my wife left me for one off her big dic boyfriends, seemed she liked big cocks more than she liked my tongue
Yanıt Ver
Lovely and wonderfully sexy story, it made me so hard
Yanıt Ver
Wow hot story had me hard all the time so good it turned out so well for you both
Yanıt Ver
Great story. Thanks for sharing
Yanıt Ver
woooooooooooow, awesome story, please more
Yanıt Ver
wow the horniest story ever
Yanıt Ver a wet filled pussy!!
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OMG this is reminiscent of my girlfriend and I when she broke up with me and I saw her fucking my best friend Gary.  His cock was 8 1/2 inches.  I too was extremely jealous and very horny at the same time.  I ate her freshly fucked pussy after he fucked her full of cum. 
Yanıt Ver
Fucking hot.   Wish my wife would do that for me.
Yanıt Ver
wow, very hot erotic story. Made me cum very hard and continued reading to the end as I licked up my own hot load.
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oh yes. few things taste better than a well fucked  vagina.
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Good sex will kept you together
Yanıt Ver
such a well told and extremely tasty story. do like the parts about Dan and you seeing her gorgeous tits for the 1st time, among other hghlights
Yanıt Ver
Thanks for sharing. Very erotic! 
Yanıt Ver
An excellent tale. I love origin stories, what started us on the path we now tread. If you have time you can read mine on my profile, I'd appreciate your comments
Yanıt Ver
kime talleyrand2 : Thank you.
Yanıt Ver Orijinal yorumu göster Gizle
What a story - incredibly well written and erotic! 
Yanıt Ver
I would love to see a pic of Kim as a story
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