Senior moments

Stephanie lay staring out of the window, as the birds started chirping,
announcing the start of a new day. She noticed that her husband's arm
was making movements under the sheets like maybe he was stroking his

"Yes, his big thick black cock".... she thought. That piece of meat
that had kept her satisfied now for well over 50 yrs of their marriage.
Even after they both reached their 60's, Charles seemed proud that he
could get an erection at a moments notice, and still bring Stephanie to
an orgasm. The problem was that for the last year or so, he seemed to be
using it on her, less and less. He would still reach over and start
fondling her once in a while before they both would fall off to sleep,
but the hard poundings he used to give her no longer seemed to happen.

Now as he woke up, his arm stopped its short jerking motions, and he
threw the sheets back and pulled his underpants on, which normally lay
at the side of the bed.

She realized that they were both getting older, with him being 75, and
her just turning 68, but she noticed that when they would wake up in the
morning he would be sporting a woodie with that 8 inch piece of meat
between his legs. Even trying to get him to stay in bed so they could
fool around, didn't produce any results, with him saying there was work
to be done in the garage or in the basement.

He had joined a bowling league, and on Fridays it would be 11 or later
before he would get home, and it was like the bowling was sapping his
strength away, as he no longer would initiate sex. He would usually
take a shower after bowling, and if Stephanie started messing around, he
would come up with some excuse that he was tired, or had hurt his back
bowling, or one of the other many excuses that would pop up.

She never suspected him of fooling around with anyone else so she feared
that maybe her lover was starting to show his age, but little things
started to come to her her attention, like he would be talking on the
phone to someone, and when she would walk into the room, the call would
abruptly end, or he would lower his voice and say a few words before
hanging up.

It had been yesterday when she did the laundry, that she had decided to
grab the towel out of his bowling bag to clean it, when she noticed that
it was still perfectly folded up like she was sure it was from a couple
of weeks ago when she had washed it.

Bowling...., yes he did go out on Friday nights, but.... he also seemed
to be going to the library downtown quite often lately. That was
strange, cause she had noticed that on more than one occasion she had
seen that he would leave his glasses at home.

Stephanie, decided that maybe she should take more of an intrest in what
her husband was doing lately.


Across town Albert was getting ready to wash his car for the umpteenth
time that month. He didn't really have any hobbies that would keep him
busy, so he was forever tinkering with the car, or messing around with
his stamp collection.

"Breakfast is ready, hon!" Nell yelled from the kitchen window.

As he came into the kitchen, she was bent over the sink doing something,
and Albert walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around his wife of
50 years. Yes he thought, as he moved his hands up to cup her breasts
under her terry robe, she still filled them out pretty good.

"Albert, stop it dammit, your gonna get my robe dirty!"

The hard on that had started to develop, just as quickly deflated, as
his wife pulled away from the sink, to get his coffee.

"You know Nell, lately I cant even cop a feel anymore without you
snapping at me."

"Oh honey, you know that I've got a load of things to do today. I've
got to go get my hair done this morning, cause tonight I've gotta go
over to Mattie's and help her with her ceramics."

"It seems like you spend more time over at your sisters house than here
lately. Every Friday night your over there, and then you two get so
involved with that ceramics shit you cant even answer the phone when I
call you."

Nell ran her fingers through he blondish grey hair, and looked at him
and sighed. "You used to bitch at me cause I never went out and did
things, and now that I've shown an intrest in a hobby, you want me to
stay home."

He knew he had said the wrong things, so he started jabbing at the
scrambled eggs, while she went upstairs to change clothes. His mind
suddenly went back to what he had said.... you cant even answer the
phone when I call you. Now that he thought about it, he wondered why
that was. He also was aware that she seemed to talk on the phone a lot
more than what she used to. She had told him on more than one occasion
that she was talking to Mattie, but he noticed that her voice was more
quiet when she was on the phone, like she was whispering or something.

As he got up to put his dish in the sink she came back into the kitchen
and asked him if he could run to the market and pick up some milk and
more eggs.

Albert just nodded his head, and before he could turn around and say
okay, she had already left.


Stephanie was wheeling through the aisles looking for something
different for dinner tonight, when she accidentally ran into the white
guys cart.

"Geez, sorry Ma'm, I wasn't watching where I was going."

"Oh no, it was my fault" she laughed, as she turned the corner to go to
the next aisle.

A couple of minutes later, the same white guy with the full set of grey
hair that made him look like a lawyer or banker again met at the middle
of the aisle. As she went by him, she stopped to reach for a can of
beans on the bottom shelf, when she noticed out of the corner of her eye
that he had stopped also. Pretending not to look at him, she could see
that he appeared to be checking out her butt, so she rummaged around the
bottom shelf pretending to look for a different brand of bean.

Yes, he was definitely checking her butt out, and she smiled to herself,
as it was more attention than she had received from Charles in a long
long time.

As she straightened up and put the can in her cart, she looked over at
him, and noticed that he quickly turned to proceed down the aisle.

"Why the old fart, he HAD been checking her out."

She smiled to herself, and figured that two can play that game. She
kept watching over her shoulder until he turned to go in the next aisle,
and she quickly went into that one too.

Yep, he wasn't making it a secret of looking at her, so she pulled her
shoulders back a little to accentuate her 40DD breasts. She had put on
an old blouse this morning, that was a little tight on her, and when she
pulled her shoulders back, it really made her breasts look bigger than
they were.

She noticed that he wasn't even looking at anything on the shelves,
except stealing glances at her. A frown crept over her face as she
grabbed her purse and kind of hung it outside of the cart, and when they
got close again, she made sure their carts knocked into each other

Her purse fell from her grasp, and several things spilled out of it and
onto the floor.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry!"

"No no, it was my fault, I think this cart has a bad wheel on it, and it
keeps wanting to turn sharply when I don't watch it" she said.

As they both bent down to pick up her lipstick, their head butted
together, and both of them started laughing.

"Okay, now that's it, I better get out of the store before we knock each
other out." he joked.

They were only inches from each others face, and she got her first close
look at the baby blue eyes that were trying not to look at her breasts.

She smiled again, and immediately made her mind up.

"Well, the only thing I can think of is that you owe me a cup of coffee
for trying to run me over." she said.

Albert almost stammered when he agreed that would be the gentleman thing
to do.


With their carts sitting side by side, they were now looking over the
small table from each other, and an instant attraction was starting to

For Stephanie, she had never so much as looked at a white man before, as
that would be looking for trouble she thought, and here she was sitting
across for this great looking guy, who still had trouble trying not to
look at her breasts.

"Their real....."

Albert almost choked on his coffee when she said that, and then he knew
he had been caught staring at those magnificent breasts of hers. Whereas
Nell's breast were at best a C cup, these on this black woman where so
large that he wondered if she got a back ache from carrying them around
all day. "Fuck" he said to himself, "get your mind out of the gutter."

Stephanie was all smiles as she knew she could play this guy just by
moving the right way and having her breasts jiggle like she knew she

"I'm sorry, I know I was staring, but you are the most beautiful woman I
have seen in a long long time..... uhm except for my wife of course."

"Of course..." she smiled back at him.

"Their.... their uhm real?"

Stephanie, broke out in a fit of laughter as she came back with a quick

"You want me to pull em out and show you?"

Albert rolled his blue eyes up into his head, and knew he had been

"Okay, you got me.... I'm sorry.... Stephanie, is it? You are such a
beautiful woman, and that body of yours is almost too good to look at."

All of sudden she took note when he said that. Was this guy hitting on
her, she wondered?


Nell spent less than 30 minutes at the beauty salon, as she told the
hairdresser to just spiffy it up a little. The reason she was in a
hurry was because of the lingerie she had seen the other day. She knew
that Charles liked her to dress naughty, and the crotchless undies she
had seen would look great with the bald beaver look she was going to
surprise him with.

She was just glad that Albert hadn't tried to run his fingers down
between her legs, instead of feeling up her tits this morning. She
figured she would have had to give him a blow job to stop him from
asking why she was now bald down there, and his 7 inches of cock were
okay, but she wanted that mighty black knob of Charles to munch on

She started getting wet, just thinking about meeting him at the bowling
alley and them running off to the motel tonight. Yes, Charles always
blew his load, when she took her dentures out before sucking his cock,
and she was sure that tonight would be no different.

He loved how she would gum his fat cock head, until the blood made it
turn an ugly purple, and then shove his cut cock into her throat. It
amazed him to no end how she was able to take that 8 inches into her
throat, and seemingly tighten her throat muscles to milk that uncut cock
head of his.


No matter how hard he tried to look her at her face, her comment about
them being real brought his eyes back on her magnificent breasts.

"Albert....? you don't mind if I call you Albert do you?"

His cheeks colored again, as she had caught him looking again.

Stephanie leaned forward, and brought her shoulders inward so that her
breasts seemed to want to explode out of the tight blouse she was

"You said you are married?"

"Uhm.... yea, sorry Stephanie, it's just that you are more woman that I
have seen in a long time, plus I've got a problem."

Her eye brow raised at him wondering what was wrong.

"I don't know how to say this, but since I turned 70, I've found it
increasingly hard to control myself."

"I don't understand."

"Well I'm almost ashamed to say it, but if I were to stand up right now,
I think you would laugh at me, cause I've wet my pants."


"No.... I didn't piss myself, it's just that I tend to cum a lot quicker
than when I was younger."

A smile swept over Stephanie's face as she realized that this man was
completely smitten by her. Her Almond colored eyes narrowed as she
leaned forward again, as she lowered her voice slightly.

"You didn't answer my question.... you are married, right?"

He nodded his head, expecting her to chastise him for making a pass at
her, but instead he felt her leg under the table caress the inside of
his calf, and start working it's way up to his knee.

"Look, I don't know where this is going, but I get the feeling like you
want to see these without my bra, am I right?"

He didn't even get a chance to answer her, as the wheels were already
turning in Stephanie's mind. If her husband was not going to keep her
happy, hell then she might as well have a little fun with this white boy.

"Geez.... white boy...." it had been many years since she had
entertained thoughts like that, but now sitting across from her was a
good looking older white man, who had just confided to her that he had
cum in his pants, just from looking at her tits.

Her devilish smile told him that he was not in trouble, and her tongue
kept swiping over her ruby red lips, accentuating the big puffy lower
lip that she had. Yes, she knew that it might cause the shit to hit the
fan if Charles found out, but then what the hell, he wasn't paying any
attention to her lately anyways.

"My husband is going bowling tonight, and I was wondering if maybe you
might like to buy me a drink, say around 8 or so?"

Albert couldn't believe what she had just said. Here was this beautiful
black Amazon of a woman telling him that she would like to see him
tonight for a drink, not two minutes after him blurting out that he had
wet his pants.

Stephanie stood up and brought his shopping cart with the bags in it,
and set it next to the table. She quickly looked around and noticed
that no one was looking, and she leaned down and kissed him on the cheek
and told him that no one was looking and now would be a good time to
take the cart out to the parking lot and people wouldn't be able to see
his pants.

As she was telling him this, she looked down in his lap, and saw that he
must still have a hard on, cause his pants were tented, and the wet spot
was quite noticeable. Seeing that, caused a little tremor between her
legs, as it had been a long time since any man had been that turned on
by her.

Albert quickly got up and started to push the cart out of the store,
when Stephanie called out after him.

"You didn't even ask where we were gonna meet."

He felt like a fool, and gave her a weak ass smile, as she pulled up
next to him and said.... "Tony's bar, on 5th and Main, oh and by the
way, I wont be wearing a bra."

She hurried out ahead of him, laughing and shaking her big ass.


When Albert got back home, Nell was outside talking to their next door
neighbor, so he put the groceries away and went upstairs to change his
pants. As he was changing his clothes, he bent down to pick up his
pants and noticed a slip of paper half hidden by the bed sheets. He
picked it up and his heart stopped as he noticed it was the bill of sale
for some clothes that she had evidently bought this morning.

As he looked around he noticed that one of the dresser drawers was not
shut all the way, so he went and pulled it open, and there he noticed the
red crotchless undies.

"What the fuck.... she never bought stuff like this...."

Then the phone calls and the other unexplained stuff started to make
sense, Nell must be seeing someone else, but who?

Albert knew he could go downstairs and confront her, but she would
probably deny it, and an ensuing fight would start.

He knew that she was supposedly going to Maggie's around 7, but maybe he
would follow at a discreet distance and see where she was really was going.

He figured he would still have time to follow her there, and then swing
over to that bar to meet Stephanie..... Stephanie..... wow, that was
some fine piece of woman. Yes, he was going to make sure that he would
not be late for that meeting.


Albert had followed his wife far enough behind her that he was sure she
wouldn't notice, and it became immediately clear that she was not going to
Maggie's, as Nell was heading in a completely different direction. When
she pulled into the parking lot of the bowling alley, he didn't know
what to expect, until she parked towards the rear of the building, and
got out of her car and went over to a big green SUV with tinted windows.

It was already too dark to see who was in the car, but he quickly shut
off his lights and ducked down as the SUV sped past him and was heading
to the unsavory side of town.

He kept a safe distance back, until the car suddenly pulled into a motel
parking lot, and a tall black guy got out and came around and opened the
door for Nell.

"WHAT THE FUCK....? she was seeing some nigger?"

They walked arm in arm to the lobby and a couple of minutes later came
back out and went to one of the units. Albert noticed that as the black
guy opened the door for Nell, he cupped her ass cheek and squeezed it as
she entered the room.

Albert went over and looked at the green SUV and wrote down the license
plate number, thinking that he might be able to find out from that who
this guy was. He looked at his watch, and noticed it was 7:45, so he
jumped back in his car and made his way over to the bar which he knew
was only a few blocks away from where this motel was.


Stephanie saw him come into the bar and waved at him. As he walked over
to her table, she noticed the worried look on his face.

"Your not having second thoughts, are you?" she laughed.

"Uhmm no.... sorry, but I just got the shock of my life."

She noticed that he was serious, and ordered him a beer as he sat
looking to no where in particular.

"I think my wife is fucking around behind my back."

This caught Stephanie by complete surprise, as she leaned forward she
had anticipated showing off her huge tits to this handsome white man,
but even though her nipples were poking holes in the thin blouse she was
wearing, she noticed that his far away look meant he was thinking about
his wife.

"What makes you think she is going out on you?"

"I saw her getting into a big green SUV at the bowling alley, and they
drove over to a motel that's only a couple of blocks from here."

"Her guy took her to a motel in this part of town?"

Albert just nodded his head, and as an after thought added... "He's

Stephanie's jaw dropped and looked at him.

"He's black and he drives a green SUV?"

Albert nodded his head again, and took a deep swig of the beer that had
been put in front of him.

"Was this guy stocky and had a beard?"

Albert gave her a funny look as she said that.

"Yea, and as bald as a bowling ball."

"That mother fucker! Come on, take me over to the motel, I want to see
that green SUV."

As Albert steered his car into the motel parking lot, Stephanie grabbed
a hold of his thigh and squeezed it real hard.

"Steph... what's wrong?"

"That's my husband's SUV!"

"Huh.... your husband is fucking my wife?"

"Kinda looks that way, doesn't it."

Stephanie sat back and glared at the SUV, and then her mood changed
entirely. She turned towards Albert, and quickly unbuttoned her blouse
so that her large tits spilled out.

"Albert, do they look real enough now?"

He just stared at them, noticing how big her nipples were, and how
surprisingly firm her tits appeared. He wet his lips, and noticed that
she was moving closer to him. It wasn't until she scooted up against
him that he noticed her pearly white teeth as they parted and her lips
connected with his.

The kiss was intense, and almost made him think that she was mad at him,
but he mistook that for the carnal lust that she felt.

As their tongues danced to see who was going to enter who's mouth, he
felt her grab for his cock.

"Uhmm Step.... right here in the parking lot?"

"Fucking eh white boy. You just scoot the seat back and let me take
care of you."

He had slipped his pants and under pants down in record time, and
Stephanie inhaled his 7 inches of uncut cock right down to his pubes,
without even a hint of a gag. When she took her middle finger and
sc****d her nail over his asshole, he lost it and shot what he felt was
the largest ever cum shot that he could remember.

He started to apologize, until she raised her face to his, and kissed
him again, letting him taste his own cum, as she had not swallowed it

Albert sat there breathing heavily while Stephanie leaned into the crook
of his arm and toyed with his cock.

"Sorry about that Steph.... you fucking surprised me, and I didn't
control myself."

"Don't you worry yourself about that white bread, I've got plenty of
tricks to get that thing hard again, but first you and I are gonna make
some plans on what to say to our spouses when they come back outside."

"Now you just watch the door, and let me nibble on this wonderful uncut
cock of yours, and see if it can be stimulated to make another run."


When Nell and Charles opened the door to leave, there stood Stephanie
with her hands on her hips, and Albert right behind her.

"What the fuck....?"

"No k**ding big boy.... what the fuck!"

It was then that Charles noticed that his wife's blouse was open, and
her tits were hanging there, without support from a bra. He also
noticed that the white guy's hair was messed up, and he had lipstick
plastered all over his face and neck.

Stephanie broke the silence by taking a step towards her husband and in
and even voice asked him if he wanted to follow her and Albert over to
Tony's for a drink.

"Albert...?" He looked over to Nell, who just nodded her head. A smile
spread across his face as he looked back at his wife.

"Just one thing hon, are you gonna button your blouse if we go back to


That happened about 4 weeks ago, and now there are no more secrets in
either household. No more bowling alley, and no more Maggie's.

The couple regularly switch who's house they go to every few days. Even
Stephanie and Nell have gotten it on, in front of their husbands, who
would sit there and stroke their cocks while their wives made love to
each other.

Even senior like to have sex after they turn 70, if you don't believe
me, just ask these two couples.........
เผยแพร่โดย VirginiaS
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WOW1 great story 
Such a superb and sensuous story, age is not a stop for a healthy sex life.
Mods on this site are now Assholes...
These are my kind of senior fact at age 71, I continue to enjoy sex as much as ever.