The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 13

The Great Adventure with Flesh Gorton, Ep 13

The Dimensional Wing is now orbiting around Mondas, the last planet in the Sol Solar System. After calculations are made we will make the long jump to the planet Porno and to the domain of the evil, dastardly and insane Emperor Wing. We're just waiting for Flexi Jerkov and Flesh Gorton to make up the flight plan...

On the bridge, Flexi is getting a handjob from Annapajamas, her reward to him for allowing her to pilot the Dimensional Wing into orbit from the surface of Mondas. Meanwhile, Flesh and Dale are conversing with Michael Valentine Smith, the Man From Mars, while several others are milling around the bridge, making unrequested comments and generally getting in the way.

All the ladies on the bridge (and elsewhere aboard ship, for that matter), all except for Annapajamas, are dressed in the uniform of the day, their birthday suits. --And what a gorgeous uniform it is, too! I couldn't have designed a better one!

Lapis Lazuli and Lorelei Lee are the tw1n s1sters of Lazarus Long (AKA: Woodrow Wilson Smith –no relation to Michael Valentine Smith--, AKA: Ernest Gibbons, AKA: Captain Aaron Sheffield, AKA: "Happy" Daze, AKA: Proscribed Prisoner No. 83M2742, AKA: Mr. Justice Lenox, AKA: Dr. Lafayette 'Lafe' Hubert, AKA: Corporal Ted Bronson. The list of aliases goes on, but you get the picture) The tw1ns were clones of him actually, taken from his DN4 to help entice him to want to continue l1v1ng and to take the rejuvenation treatment for the good of the Howard family (the family of which Lazarus is the p4triarch) are standing around shamelessly flirting with anyone and everyone, including their own br0ther. Lapi and Lorie are famously flirtatious and both y0ung ladies thoroughly enjoy their nooky with just about anyone of either sex.


In the forward lounge, AskMe and Taylor Swift were lost in their afterglow, kissing and cuddling each other. The only others left in the lounge were Volfy and the redheaded Russian girl, and they were involved in their own cuddling. Volfy pulled his tongue out of the redhead's throat and she dove down to take his big volf dick into her mouth. She engulfed the head, then she pulled back and spat on it, took it back into her mouth and began to go down on it. For a small girl with such a small mouth, she was very good at taking a whole cock, and in just a short time she had him all the way in her throat, her lips grazing the hairs on his groin. Without stopping, she pulled back, took a breath, and swallowed him whole once again. Up and down she went, and in just a short time he was hard and had to pull her off him before he let it go down her throat. He wanted to fuck her properly, and her m4ddening sucking would have set him off if he didn't do something quickly. He pulled her up and then went down on her.

People like Volfy are very good at eating pussy. With his long tongue he can get back into all the nooks and crannies. With the flat of his tongue he rubbed against her G-spot, making her gasp and start to pant in short breaths. Then he pulled his tongue out and st4bbed it back in before she had a chance to catch a regular breath. She began to whine from the intense feeling, but he didn't let up. He see-sawed back and forth into her channel, pushing deeper and deeper with each forward thrust. Each time he pulled back he rubbed along her little rough bump, causing her to shudder with each retreat of his tongue. Then each time he thrust in she would catch her breath as he came closer and closer to the little ring of her cervix. Her cream was dripping into his mouth and he sealed his lips over her entire vulva and sucked her juices like he was eating a peach. In and out, in and out with his tongue he went, slurping her secretions from time to time. Finally, he reached her womb with the tip of his tongue but he didn't stop there. He entered her little cave and wiggled around, giving her more shivers.

The redhead was right on the edge. As Volfy pulled his tongue out of her hole he rubbed the whole thing against her G-spot one last time. She was as tense as a bow, and rubbing her little bump just pushed her over the edge. She came and as she did he licked up all her cream that she let down to him.

The redhead was as limp as a rag, but Volfy flipped her around and mounted her like a d0g mounting his b1tch in h34t. His cock jackhammered into her cunny and he fucked her without let up! As limp as she was, all she could do is lie there and take it while he held her around her waist and rammed his volf cock deep into her little pussy. The h4mmering of his cock into her hole caused friction, and as a result her pussy got hotter and his cockhead got bigger. The bigger he got the more friction and heat it created. He was knotting inside her! His see-sawing gradually diminished from this friction, but he had rammed himself so deep into her his cock head was up against her little inner ring when it came to a standstill. All he could do was vibrate, but that was enough! His seed boiled up and out to squirt against and into her inner hole. It filled her womb, splashed out around him and gushed out of her!


Luckymike was wandering through the hall when he came upon dumb_slutty_bimbo, and as is her want, his eyes bulged out, his mouth began to water and his dick took notice. Bimbo babe dresses and acts like every man's dream of a fine fuck. She lives for dick. She thinks about cock every second of the day and she even dreams about it at night. She'd subsist on nothing but a liquid diet of sperm if she could, but she can't so she makes up for it by drinking it every chance she gets and from whatever source. She knows her place in life, and her place is on her knees with a masculine member in her mouth. Or pussy. Or ass. Or anywhere else in, on or around her sexy little bod that he cares to put it. She's made for cock and she intends to make the most with what God gave her. In fact, she decided to meet God's calling and embrace it any way she could. At a very early age (In the f1rst gr4de) she gave her first hand job and decided at that moment that she really didn't need to learn anything more than one plus one. She got into trouble with the powers that be quite a few times until she learned to take her beau of the moment behind the bushes. She gave her first blowjob at a ridiculously early 4ge, too, when she was confronted with the number “three.” Where to put that third penis? ...Ah, HA! Eureka! Problem solved! DSB soon became quite popular with the fellows in her sch00l and quite hated by the girls, and a life-long hobby was started.

I could go on and on about her popularity in h1gh sch00l, but you get the picture. At the moment she was looking back to see if he was looking back to see if she was looking back to see... and she saw that he was. The little lady sex machine turned around and dropped to her knees right there in the hallway. Crooking her finger at him, she smiled and licked her lips expectantly.

Well, what should a gentleman do but to give the little lady what she wanted? Luckymike walked over to stand over her. She unzipped his pants almost timidly and his big black walnut wood sprang out. It h1t her in the head before she grabbed it. She admired it for a second, running her nails along it's length and teasing it with her finger tips before stuffing it into her mouth. Right there in the hallway, in front of God and everybody, she commenced to suck on his legendary length, making it grow and inflate like a big black twisty balloon ...except this twisty balloon was quite a bit stiffer and heavier and there was not a chance in the universe that it was going to break.

She settled onto her knees, getting comfy for the happy task ahead. Licking all around the head of Mike's cock, she caressed its long trunk with both hands, staring at it cross-eyed since it was so close to her face. She tilted her head and took it into her mouth again to begin her worship of it. This was not a penis, it was a phallus; not a cock, but a dick! A big old black dick, and it was all for her! She licked the head, pulled back and admired it, then extended her tongue and licked it again.


MEANWHILE, over in Wet052389's cabin, Mike is putting peter to pussy in Missy's little pink princess part and drilling Anna's sweet girly hole with his tongue. Missy is sp4sming around his dick, making him have to think about other things, ANY other things, just to prolong the ecstasy of it and not erupt in her too soon and end the thrill of fucking this little minx. She and Anna are tongue kissing each other, and when Anna twitched her cunny on Mike's tongue at the exact same time that Missy twitched hers on his cock Mike couldn't take it any longer! Being cummed on both fore and aft was too much for him and he released his seed right into Missy's vitals. He came inside her! Squirt! ...Squirt! ...Squirt! ...Squirt! ...Squirt! ...Squirt! ...Squirt! ...Dribble, dribble, ...done. It came gushing out in spurts and and all too soon he was finished. What a ride!!

All three of them collapsed on the ladies' big bed. During several minutes of them all catching their breaths they all three hugged and kissed, laughing and giggling and reliving their tryst. Once they all regained their breaths the girls both thanked him very much for his thoughtful felicitations. He thanked them for theirs, and that was that. He got dressed and made his way to the slit in the wall. They each gave him a very warm kiss and he reluctantly went on his way.

The ladies waved at him as he left and as they did they noticed this big black man standing there with his anaconda in the mouth of the pretty blonde girl from down the hall. Dumb_slutty_bimbo may have been the only female on board who was dressed, other than Annapajamas. ...Well, sort of, anyway. A micro-miniskirt and a see-through top IS dressed when you compare it to nekk**. Sometimes a little bit of clothing is sexier than nekk**, though. Anyway, both ladies almost gasped at the size of the man's pecker which was being loved on by the pretty blonde. They looked at each other and then ducked their heads back into their room. “Was his thing as big as it looked to me like it was?!” Missy asked.

“I think it may have been bigger!” Anna breathed. Both girls' girly parts clinched. “Come here!” Anna ordered and she threw Missy onto the bed again. They both laughed as they started caressing each others steamy bodies all over again. After their –very satisfying-- round with white Mike, though, both their minds were stuck on the princely pecker of BBC Mike. Luckymike. Now there's a name.

MEANWHILE, Gena was just recuperating from her epic orgasm, so she decided to go back to the lounge to see what was going on. She picked up her dress and then remembered that it was Naked Friday. She dropped the garment and walked out of the slit in her room into the hallway. --Only to run smack dab into Luckymike getting his knob polished right there in the hallway outside her room. “Uh, excuse me,” she apologized. She walked away quickly, but the short glimpse of Mike's pecker wood was captured like a photograph in her head. She shook her head and tried to think of something else. Trouble is there wasn't much else to picture in her mind except the life-like dildo she'd just fucked herself silly with. As she walked along the two visions, one of the dildo sliding in and out of her hot wet pussy and the other of Luckymike's big log sliding in and out of that blonde's soft wet lips, kept playing in her mind.

In the lounge, AskMe and Taylor Swift were still wound in a writhing clinch, their lips glued each to the other's and their legs intertwined in a scissoring pussy-to-pussy tribald, while Volfy and the redheaded Russian girl were still stuck together in their knotted fuck. Volfy's knot had started to shrink and he was able to slide back and forth inside her again, so they resumed their fucking where they'd left off a few minutes ago. This time the girl took the lead, though, and (did I mention that she is double jointed and very limber?) she swung her leg over his head from their d0ggy position and faced him. Then without uncoupling, she pushed him onto his back and mounted him in the cowgirl position. With that she proceeded to ride him like a bronco buster. Yippii ti yi yay!

Gena just stood there frozen and stared with her mouth open. Volfy saw her standing not six feet away and called over to her, “Hi, searcher! How's it hangin'?” Gena was aghast. The redhead was plunging her pussy up and down on that big pecker of Volfy's . A part of the man-turned-girl imagined the feel of how the man's dick was being gripped and swallowed up in that hot wet hole; the other part felt that dick sliding in and out of the redhead's vulva as if she herself was the redhead. If she was still male Gena would feel her dick jerk and begin to swell, but she wasn't male any more. She was female and she felt her hole secreting its cream in sympathy to the woman imp4ling herself on the man's stiff cock. She pulled her eyes away from Volfy and the redhead and tried to concentrate on AskMe and Taylor. There was a scene she'd like to get into. She walked over and sat down one table over from the two girls. She glanced back at Volfy and the Russian girl one more time... Then turned back to watching the two ladies getting it on with each other.

--There's that song again! Where IS it coming from?! “Thus Spake Zarathustra”

ON THE BRIDGE, Annapajamas has Flexi Jerkov's pump primed and he is just about to erupt all over her hand. The strains of the song from “2001, A Space Odyssey” reach a crescendo at the same time that Flexi's sperm boils up and sprays all on the pretty girl's face and chest.

“Aww, crap, Flexi! You got your stuff all over my clothes! Now I”m gonna have to go change!”

“No, you won't, Anna!” Lori cried. “It's Nekk** Friday. You're overdressed as it is. Just strip down and you'll be just like the rest of us. Here, let me use your jumpsuit to wipe your face for you. ...There. That's better. You look fine.”

Flesh was busy at the computer plotting a course to Porno while Dale was trying to shoo all the others besides Flesh, Flexi and herself off of the bridge.

Jubal Harshaw got the hint. “Come, Katie, let's go leave these k1ds alone to plot their course. We don't want them crashing us into some star nobody ever heard of!” He put his arm around the girl and they started for the slit. “Coming, Michael Valentine? I hear tell they have cabins for all of us. Yours even has a Martian atmosphere to remind you of home. Isn't that thoughtful of them?”

“Come with us, Mikey!” Lapis poutingly pleaded. “Lori and I have something we'd like you to bless for us...”

“Yes, Mikey, please do!” Lori chimed in, smiling. “We really, really do need you to bless our... somethings.”

The two naked tw1ns wiggled their butts for Smith's benefit as they sashayed out the bridge's slit in the wall into the hallway.

“Yes, go with them, Michael, please.” Lazarus pleaded. “I need some rest. Folks, thank you for your indulgences. This old man is going to go to bed ...alone!” Lazarus Long walked wearily out the slit.


Anna had a devilish look in her eyes when she opened the drawer by their nightstand and pulled out a feeldoe. Missy beamed when she saw what Anna had in her hand, but Anna warned her, “Don't get too happy, babe. I'm not going where you think I'm going.” Anna inserted the “fucker” end of the toy into her own pussy and clamped down on it, but she reached into the drawer again and withdrew a bottle of lube. Staring her girlfriend in the eye, she began to slowly apply the lube to the “fuckee” end. “Turn over!” she commanded. Missy rolled over onto her stomach and drew herself up on her knees. The two of them had done this before and Missy knew what was coming.

Anna tightened her kegel muscles to hold the toy inside herself and knee-walked up to the prone girl's back. She placed the business end of the feeldoe against Missy's brown flower and inched it slowly into her rectum.

“Oooohhh,” Missy breathed out as she relaxed her ass for her lover. The toy slid into her while Missy stroked her clit and outer lips.

“So now you want a big black dick to fuck you, do you?” Anna berated her friend. “Slut!” she spat. “I'll fuck you like you want him to fuck you!” She began to plunge the phallus in and out of the girl's ass. Missy continued to moan and feverishly rub her pussy while Anna fucked her butt.


Out in the hall, luckymike was totally enjoying the blowjob DSB was giving him. He watched those soft, plump, loving lips glide along his cock while she teased the underside of his helmet with her hot tongue. This is living! He thought. It's good to be the only BBC on this ship with so many beautiful eager women who want to fuck me. It's worlds better than the last ship I was on! I feel like I've won the lottery! “Play with my balls while you do that, sweetheart. That's a dear!”


As he passed the forward lounge Lazarus thought he'd just stick his head in the slit and see who was in there. Just out of curiosity.

He looked in and locked eyes with Gena. What a beautiful girl, he thought.

Just then Gena spoke to him. “You're Lazarus Long aren't you?!” she said.

He looked at her sitting there naked to the world and thought she looked very desirable. “Why, yes I am. And who might you be?”

“I'm Diogena, the searcher for truth and honesty. But you may call me Gena. Please! Please come in. I'd really like to talk to you.”

“I was just on my way to my cabin. I'm awfully tired, young lady.”

Young lady?! She thought. It continues to amaze me that I'm a real babe now. ...And I'm a NAKED babe at the moment! “I'm sorry, but until just a few hours ago I was a man. An old man, much more decrepit than you. I got zapped by the Sex Ray and now I'm a young vibrant female.” Lazarus stepped two steps into the room and the slit closed up behind him.

“I've read about you, Mr. Long. You're hundreds of years old, but you have had rejuvenation treatments and you look much younger than you are.”

“Yes, but I often feel older than I look, especially after a long strenuous day. OK, toots, since you're easy on the eye I'll give you 10 minutes, but make it march. I really am old inside and I don't have a long attention span these days. What's on your mind?”

The old male searcher in Gena wanted to ask him about his longevity and how he stays interested in living, but the new Gena's mind dwelled on what this old man's cock might be like. She shook her head. She does that lately, as if doing so will shake the bad thoughts out.

“I'm not sure,” she said. “We have something in common is all. Like you, I've been rejuvenated --in a sense. I was old and now I'm young. I've been turned into a girl, though...” Her voice trailed off.

“I see that!” said Lazarus. “A very pretty girl, too. --And a redhead. My s1sters have red hair. I did, too, back in the day...” His voice trailed off. He was thinking that this lady he was talking to was quite attractive. Hmmmmm? He wondered what it would be like. But, he thought Now is not the time for that.

“I'm sorry, Lazarus. I'm keeping you up. Go ahead and go to bed. Maybe we can talk later.”

“As a matter of fact, on second thought why don't you come with me?” Lazarus asked. “It takes me a while to relax and you can let yourself out after I fall asleep. You probably know yourself that after a certain age a person tries to cram as much into each moment as possible”

Gena paused at that and thought about it for a second. “All right, if you'd like...” She got up and walked out of the lounge with him. “It feels really strange being a girl,” she said. “I have urges like I always did as a male, but now I also have other feelings. Like those a girl might have. I'm more emotional. I...”

“You also rattle on like a girl, y0ung lady! Focus! Think before you speak.”

Gena had her mouth open to say something else, but when he said that she lost her train of thought. As they walked down the hall together they passed Luckymike and Doris (That's Dumb_Slutty_Bimbo's name), and Mike was just cumming in Doris's mouth. The girl swallowed and then continued to swallow, but Mike was cumming too much and too fast for even her, so some of his sperm was dripping out of her mouth. Gena and Lazarus both saw all of this taking place, but they both acted as if they hadn't. They quickly walked on a few paces.

“That bothered me.” Gena told him finally.

“How is that?”

“I can empathize with both of them!”

They finally got to Lazarus' cabin. “You really are changing into a girl, then. You've been a male for a long time, and your male self would naturally identify with him. It's like somebody who lost an arm. You get 'gh0st feeling' in that arm as if it was still there. But now your new hormones are kicking in and you're starting to think and feel like a girl. I almost envy you!” They walked through the slit in Lazarus' room.

“How is that, Lazarus?”

“--You can call me 'Woody,' by the way.” His eyes got that dreamy look as if he was thinking of something far away. “Well,” he began. “I'm well over 250 years old. I've gone everywhere and done everything I could imagine I could do. A few years back I was ready to call it a day and check out of life's hotel. There are other adventures besides this life, you know. There really is a Heaven; I'm certain of it.

“But my ch1ldren's ch1ldren's ch1ldren's ch1ldren...” he added another 's' --”'s ch1ldren had other ideas. Some of them were geneticists and they wanted to keep a viable sample of the g3n3s, I guess. They came up with this bright idea to clone me and give me two beautiful d4ughters slash s1sters to occupy my mind for a while. It worked,” he laughed. Then his eyes got thoughtful again. Finally: “But one thing I've never ever done is experience sex from a female's point of view.” He smiled, then he unzipped and shucked out of his jump suit, pulled down the covers and got into bed. “We Howards are known for our sex drives. I've had a very satisfactory sex life,” his eyes closed and he quickly began acting drowsy, “ but I've never...” His voice trailed off.

Gena stood there for several minutes. He certainly seemed to have fallen asleep. She thought she should leave and let him have his rest. She knew what it was like to be exhausted to the point of falling asleep in mid sentence. She started for the slit in the wall. --But just as she turned she noticed his eye lids were fluttering. He was dreaming already!

I wonder what he's dreaming about? “We Howards are known for our sex drives. I've had a very satisfactory sex life, but I've never...” Never what? He's never experienced sex from a female's point of view! Hmmmmm? I wonder what it's like from a female's point of view, too! No! She turned back around and started for the slit.

Then she stopped. She looked at his face. Sure that he was dreaming, she thought What the heck. Just one little peak won't hurt anything, and he's asleep. No one will ever know. She quietly, sneaking over to the bed as stealthily as she could and, holding her breath, reached down and lifted the covers. His cock was turgid. Not hard, but starting to rise. She glanced at his eyes. The lids were still fluttering. He's dreaming. Holding the covers up with one hand, she shyly touched the head of his cock with her other. His lids were still fluttering, but he made no other move. She caressed the length of his dick. He moaned. Keeping her eyes on his eyelids, she gripped him ever-so-slightly-more tightly. He moved! She let go of his member. Then he seemed to relax again and showed more signs that he was dreaming. He smacked his lips and then resumed breathing rhythmically. She gripped his cock at the base and moved it over to point directly at her. She checked his face again and then touched her lips to the head. She felt a drop of pre-cum, so she tasted it. It tasted just like hers did back when she was a man. She licked the head and it flinched. Quickly, she checked his face. Still asleep, so she took the head of his cock all the way into her mouth.

I'm a whore! She thought with a shock. I'm a slut and a worthless tramp! I'm queer and ...and... and I think I like it! She smiled as she dove her mouth down on this man's rapidly hardening dick! She took it past her tonsils and almost choked on it, but she loved the feeling.

Lazarus (Woody to her) groaned again and reached down and grabbed her head when her lips touched his groin. I've swallowed him whole! She thought with triumph. I'm a better cocksucker than almost all of the women I've ever been with! I can take him to the root! She pulled back and gently disentangled her head from his hands, then checked again to see if he'd woken. He hadn't! She opened her mouth wide and plunged down on her man's pecker once more. Cocksucker! Slut! Make him cum for you, whore! Use your mouth to fuck his big dick with, you nasty little cunt! “Cum for me, baby! Blow your load in my little bitch mouth!” Cunt mouth! Oh, God, I'm lubricating! I'm leaking down my slutty legs! I want this big cock in my whore snatch! Her mouth was very wet from her saliva and it glided easily up and down his now rock-hard cock. She fucked him with her hot wet mouth, wiggling her tongue around the head when she came up for air. Then she immediately plunged down again. She fondled his balls tenderly, knowing how she never liked a girl to play with hers. She couldn't resist, though. Is that a girl thing? Wanting to play with a guy's balls? I'm playing with them, so it must be a girl thing! Oh, God, I think I'm cumming!

The female in her was taking over and she could sense it. She was feeling more and more girly. She WANTED him to cum. Her mouth watered for the salty taste of his semen. She needed it! She craved it! She checked his face once again and then sped up her plunging up and down on him. The male part that was left in her knew just how to make him cum, and she did exactly that. Within seconds he tensed up, his cock got rock hard and he spewed his sperm right down her throat! She hardly got a taste of it. I'm disappointed! Next time (Next time!?) I'll have him cum on my face or my tongue so I can taste it! ...I'm such a slut! Hehehe!

She coughed quietly and daintily then licked him clean, getting rid of the slutty evidence. Then she pulled her head out from under the covers, checked Woody's face and stood up. She smoothed the covers back down, turned and tiptoed out the slit in the wall. I made it! I got away with sucking a cock! Cunt! Bitch! Whore! SLUT! She couldn't help but giggle.

Gena passed Doris (Dumb_Slutty_Bimbo), who was still standing in the hall. Both smiled in sisterly salutation to each other. We're both slutty cocksucking bimbos! Slutty, slutty sluts! Both of us! Gena thought as she passed the other girl. She giggled again as she disappeared into her own cabin.


Missy was masturbating her pussy furiously while Anna rammed the feeldoe in and out of her butt hole. Both ladies were as wet as could be and both were about to have an orgasm from the fucking one was giving the other. Then Anna reached around and switched on the vibrator and they both went ballistic! They both were creaming so much the feeldoe slipped out of both of them and landed on the bed, still buzzing. They both collapsed in each other's arms, kissing and hugging and laughing at the sheer joy of having just cum so hard.

Then Missy caught her breath and grabbed the feeldoe. Switching it off, she pushed the fucker end into her own sweet snatch and ordered the other girl, “OK, your turn! Gimme your ass, bitch! I'm gonna fuck you in it!” She wiggled her hips, causing the feeldoe to sway back and forth. Then picking up the bottle of lube, she slathered a liberal amount on Anna's ass hole and butt crack and then put more all over the fuckee end of the dildo. Anna got into position and Missy put the tip of the plastic cock against her ass hole and pushed. As soon as the whole thing went in to the hilt and her groin was touching Anna's hips, Missy asked, “So tell me, cocksucker, do you want that big black dick in your mouth, pussy or ass? --Or all three? Be honest with me, now!”

“Yes!” Anna said through clenched teeth.

“Yes what?”

“Yes, I want to suck that big dick and I want to fuck it! And I want it in my ass, too! But right now I want you to fuck my ass with that big dick of YOURS! Fuck me, damn it! Fuck my ass!”


“Check it again,” cautioned Flexi Jerkov. “For this long of a journey we have to be absolutely sure.”

While Flesh was checking his calculations, Dale was shooing the last hanger-on, Annapajamas, off of the bridge. Anna left and Flexi asked, “How far, Flesh?”

“How far is it to Porno? In normal time/space it's 65.9998 THOUSAND light years. Almost precisely half way across the galaxy. ...Well, that is if you don't count the spirals.”

“Oh, what are a few spirals, anyway?” joked Dale. “How long is it going to take us to get there?”

Flesh checked his gauges and then counted on his fingers. “Roughly 29 hours at Harvey Warp speed.” With a devilish look on his face he added, “But what are a few thousand light days, anyway?” Dale s1ugged him on the shoulder.

Flexi pushed the intercom button and announced: “Ladies and gentlemen, in just a few minutes we will be under way to the planet Porno. The journey will take us about a day-and-a-half and we will be landing on the planet's larger moon. For those of you who do not know, Porno has two moons and a planetary twin, also with two moons, opposite its sun. A more detailed description will be on your in-cabin video screens. I suggest you all get some rest before we land. We may all need it.” He switched off. “Ready to hit it, Flesh?

“As ready as we're gonna be. Let's do it.” They both took their stations and got ready to hit their Easy Buttons.

“Ready?” Dale asked them both. “GO!”


Space... The final frontier... Boldly going where no man has gone before!

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Wetness abounds! a