Cuckolding/lesbian/crossdressing story

The evolution of desires.
Ch 1. A night in town changes our lives.
We are out in town, it’s been a great night so far, out with some of your friends, ending up in Hoochies. I rolled my eyes when it was suggested we go there, but I went with it – I want you to enjoy yourself so it’s worth it.
The night is going well and you’re having a good dance with some random woman you’ve gotten chatting to, as the friends have all headed off home and it’s just us left. A guy starts giving you the eye and dancing over to the pair of you. The woman gives you a theatrical wink and dances away as the guy comes around to face you. He’s tallish and good looking, with dark hair. He has very fetching stubble and smiley sort of face with dimples. He says something to you and you both starting chatting as you dance.
You motion over towards me, I assume you’re telling him that I’m your hubby. And he sort of nods and I smile and give you both a little half wave. I’m enjoying watching you both dance, he is a good mover and I’ve always loved watching you dance!
He says something funny and you laugh, leaning forward and putting your forehead against his shoulder briefly, just like you would with a close friend. It’s all very good natured and it looks like you’re really having fun. I then realise that I’m not jealous. I’m just happy to see you having a good time and it really looks like you are.
You start to dance closer after that, and I catch you glancing over at me so I smile, pleased to see you enjoying yourself. It’s quite late and we’ve all had a few drinks so we’re all less inhibited than normal. You look up at him and he sneaks a kiss! On the lips! I’m shocked but it looked like such a beautiful thing. You respond! Not a full on ‘snog’ but a lingering kiss, mouth a little bit open. The dance floor is quite dark now and everyone who is single is at that stage of trying to find someone.
I think to myself is that how she looks when we kiss? She looks so beautiful like that, god I’m a lucky boy!
I realise I want you to kiss him back. Then suddenly you do, this time it is a full on ‘snog’, eyes closed, heads moving slowly, rhythmically. Such a beautiful sight to see two people lost in the moment. Your hand goes to his hip. He puts his hands on your hips too and pulls you a little closer. I can’t believe what I’m seeing. But more than that, I can’t believe it is actually turning me on. To see my wife enjoying such uninhibited pleasure, to see her glow and look so beautiful, is the most amazing sensation. I want to tell you to carry on, but you seem to need no telling!
After a couple of minutes you break off and leave him standing, coming straight to me with your head down. You look so guilty. I tell you it’s fine and you looked so beautiful like that. I enjoyed seeing you dance and, I’m shocked to admit, I enjoyed watching you kissing too! There is no jealousy, I know you love me and I know I love you too.
You take some convincing and another G&T but you stop feeling guilty about it (and you have no need to). It’s nearly the end of the night and the club is closing. The good looking guy hasn’t pulled and is looking slightly down as he’s going home alone. I tell you to say good night to him, you look at me like “really?” yes! Go on, if you want to, tell you had a good time as it certainly looked like you did.
You go over as we’re all heading outside and the two of you chat a bit as we’re walking out. I keep my distance respectfully; I don’t want to appear to be the jealous husband! I see you both giggle a little and he bends in to give you a good night kiss. Perfectly normal, ‘It’s only polite’ I thought. You kiss him back and it turns into a quite passionate long deep kiss. Hands go wandering and I’m trying not to stare but I really want to! I’m actually aroused now. I want things to happen. I can’t believe myself. I walk over, you break off the kiss and both look a little shocked and guilty at me. “You two look like you’re having a good time” I grin as I say it, “which way do you live, mate? Maybe we could share a taxi?”
“Erm, yeah. I live in Shiremoor actually, you know those houses near the Pavillion?” He says. I’m just about to reply when you say “oh well that’s close to us, we can share a taxi, no bother at all. No point both of us paying when we can share it, d’you think?” I nod and smile as he looks at me as if to say “are you sure?”
I nod and smile and we head to the taxi rank. Our taxi pulls up and I open the back door for you, “why don’t you two love birds get in the back?” I laugh and wink at you both. You both giggle and John gets in, but you turn to me before you get in, with a questioning look in your eyes. I whisper “ I love you more than anything in the whole world, I trust you completely and if you want this little adventure then I want you to enjoy it” and give you a little kiss. You have a little nervous giggle and you’ve got an excited look in your eyes as you get in the taxi, which makes my heart skip a beat. I too start to feel excited!
The taxi driver assumes that I’m single guy and that you two are the couple and he starts to chat on to me about football, so I just chat along. I’m conscious of a little chatter and giggling in the back but I try not take any notice as you really did look excited and happy when we got in the taxi, so I don’t want to pry or make you self conscious.
We get to ours first, so we can get out before the taxi takes John home. I ask the drive how much to here when I notice you both get out, “Ah ha” I think, someone’s has obviously been invited in for coffee or something! No worries, I pay the taxi and get out to see you fumbling for your keys as John is standing respectfully back, looking in my direction. He looks at me; “don’t want the neighbours talking eh?!” he says in a quiet voice.
How considerate, I think as we all go in. My heart is beating hard now and I am very excited, in my mind allsorts is going on, but I keep saying to myself ‘it’s all innocent, they’ve just hit it off, they might even become mates’, we’ll have a coffee and some chat and then he’ll go. But you look excited too, your eyes are sparkling and you’re super smiley and that is really turning me on. Really turning me on and to be honest, I’m struggling to hide what’s going on down below!
“Who wants a drink?” I ask. “erm, yeah great, a beer if that’s ok” he says. You look at me and bite your lower lip on one side “ok, we’ll emm, we’ll just make ourselves comfortable in here” as you nod towards the living room. Now you look a little nervous, like first date nervous. John sees your look too and he assumes it’s because we all know what’s going on but no one wants to say it out loud but nobody wants anyone to get hurt, so he points at the front of my trousers and says to you “I think he’s fine with it you know” and gives you a smile and a wink. Your eyes widen and you grin, you look relieved, really excited, very happy and somehow you have a very ‘naughty’ expression on your face. You look absolutely lovely, glowing from within. I wonder to myself what you two having been talking about in the taxi! I guess it wasn’t just chit chat! You take John’s hand and go into the living room while I go to get the drinks.
I go to the kitchen to get some drinks. My head is spinning and I’m pretty sure these drinks won’t even be touched but I’m going through the motions anyway. I can hear the unmistakable sound of some pretty passionate kissing, some movement and the rustle of fabrics. Was that a zip?! Jesus.
I’m a bit shaky as I carry the drinks through and I nearly drop them when walk through the door. You are both on the sofa, kissing very deeply. Your dress (the Ted Baker toucan print one) is half unzipped and John is gently caressing your breasts as you both kiss. Neither of you look up. I sit in the chair and just watch in disbelief. This is an actual fantasy come true. Your hand wanders to his zip, you must have already pulled it down because your hand goes straight inside. I can tell that he’s definitely a bigger boy than I am!
He pulls at your zip and gets it all the way down. The top half of your dress falls forward, and your gorgeous breasts are freed (no bra tonight!). His hands wander but you have other ideas as you move down his body, undoing his trousers. My mouth is dry and I’m probably staring but you two are in the zone and I don’t think you’d notice if an aeroplane landed in the street.
He lifts up slightly to help you and his erection springs out. Bigger than me for sure, thicker too. You take a second and just look at it, your face is flushed and you are a little breathless. You wrap your right hand around his cock then, good god you’re going to do it. Holy shit, you take his cock in your mouth. I let out a little gasp and I feel a twitch in my pants and I’m harder than ever. You slowly work his cock in and out, sucking, making little satisfied noises, working your hand up and down as well. His eyes are shut and his head is back, his hands gently caress the side of your face as you pleasure him.
You are totally uninhibited now, free of any fear of jealousy, supremely confident in your own self image as an attractive sexy woman and loving the sexual arousal you are feeling. I am sitting there watching, so happy that you are able to express your desires, knowing that we trust and love each other and that you’re gaining a physical satisfaction that most women and wives would be terrified to even think about for fear of jealously and hurt.
He starts to breathe heavily and you sense he is close to his climax, so you take him out of your mouth and pull away. You stand up and push your dress down so it falls to the floor. You’re wearing hold ups and – another shock for David – oh my god, no knickers! How did that happen? I wonder to myself. It doesn’t matter, I’m so aroused and tingling all over and you are clearly having a sensual and beautiful time! You look round at me and hook the dress with one foot. You kick it over to me and say “Enjoy yourself” and you wink “we’re certainly going to”. Jesus. You turn back to John and you straddle him on the couch as I frantically strip and pick your dress up. I slide the gorgeous warm dress up my naked and trembling body, oh god it smells of your perfume! This is so incredible as you lower yourself ever so slowly onto his cock, it’s glistening and shiny from being in your mouth. Slowly. Slowly lowering onto him. “Ahhhhh, FUCK!” you gasp out as its goes all the way in. Your hips buck and your head goes back. Holy shit, surely not! You’ve orgasmed straight away with his thick cock in you. Oh my god, this is amazing you’re going to be worn out! But so satisfied! I think to myself as my own heat and tingling is building up all by itself, my precum is flowing almost freely and there is wet patch on your expensive dress. I’m fully zipped in and feeling unbelievably. The slightest touch right now will send an unstoppable flood into this delicious fabric.
Oh, god! He’s taken off his shirt and clearly this boy is no stranger to the weights, he looks like a poster boy for Calvin Klien! You grab his shoulders as you’re moving up and down on his shaft. “look at that body! That fuckin’ body!” you say. I can see you squeezing his cock as you ride him for all he’s worth. You sink down on him hard and tense up as you climax for a second time! The noises, the gasps and moans, you are having amazing sex with a stranger and loving every minute and I can’t get enough of seeing this. His hands are on your breasts; your face and neck are flushed red with your orgasms and it looks like he is about to explode too. Suddenly you both cry out together! He thrusts into you hard, his hands on your hips pulling you onto him. You cry out and tense up, your hips bucking as he holds you, his hips and stomach spasming as he cums, jet after jet after jet. I can’t take any more. I shift my position slightly and the friction on my cock sets off an absolutely earth shattering orgasm. Floods of semen pour out of me soaking the front skirt part of the dress, my skin is hyper sensitive to the silky lining and I am in raptures. After what seems like the longest orgasm of my life it subsides and finally you both relax too. You slowly stand. You look back at me and I smile I mouth the words “I love you” and then you do the same back to me. I could burst with love at this moment. He looks at you then at me and then at you again “that was mind blowing, you were amazing” he says then he looks at me “you’re a very lucky bloke. A very lucky bloke indeed.” He stands and gets himself together, as you walk, well almost strut, infact looking so confident over to me and straddle me. “I’ll er, let myself out. Wow, thank you, that was. Amazing” he gives you a quick kiss, a goodbye peck, and leaves. I look into your eyes “You look beautiful tonight, I hope you’ve enjoyed this. I just want you to know that I love you forever and I’m one hundred percent secure in the knowledge that you love me. I trust you completely and if you ever want to do this again, with me here or with me not here then that’s fine. It’s just sex, that’s all. What we have is love and trust and that’s totally different, when we make love it’s not just physical, it’s two people loving each other. You’re the only lover I ever want, but I don’t want you to feel like you can’t be in the company of men or you can’t flirt without making me jealous, or even, well, even this amazing scene we’ve just had. I just want you to feel desired, and confident and sexy where ever you are and whoever you’re with but above all, I want you to feel loved by me. You smile and kiss me deeply. His seed starts to flow out of you and onto my lap, mingling with my own and ruining your dress. “I think we need a shopping trip my love. I owe you a new dress!”. “mmm” you grind your pussy on my lap and i start to get erect again. “mmmm, you are a dirty boy aren’t you?” you say, lifting the hem of the dress and puling it up my legs, exposing my cock, now hard again and soaked with my juices from cumming. I’m a flame once again, and I can tell you are too. You lower yourself onto me, just as you did to a stranger 15 minutes ago. You are so wet and slippery, my cock slips in with no resistance.
“Now fuck me you dirty dress wearing boy, I want your cum in me too. And just so you know, our sex life is about to change, I want to know your darkest desires, because I’m going to act out all of mine! Some of them might even involve you darling.” And with that you fuck me like never before, cumming another twice before I finally unload inside you, exhausted.

CH.2. Afternoon tea with Sophie.
After our adventures you turn into a much more confident woman and rightly so. I’ve always known that you’re beautiful and sexy, but now you know it too and it’s an amazing thing to behold!
Our sex life really goes into overdrive and you take a very assertive lead! You even dress me up sometimes! After one of these times you ask me if I know any other cross dressers, knowing full well that I do sometimes chat online to other CDs. “Maybe we could have one of your friends round and you could both dress up? For tea maybe? I could help you both with make-up, because I can tell you’re dying to give that a go!”
I’m stunned. “wow, yes for sure” “ I think my friend Sophie would love to do that! I mean obviously I would too!”
I drop Sophie a message the next day and after a few messages back and forth and a facetime call with both of us, she agrees and says she’s really excited to be invited to tea as Sophie.
We plan the day out, and I pick out a lovely tropical print maxi dress, and you decide to wear the dark blue ted baker dress with matching heels. Afternoon tea in the garden with cocktails is the theme and once we’re all ready we look like a couple of ladies off to the races!
The table and chairs are all set out in the garden (not overlooked!) and Sophie turns up at 3pm as agreed. Sophie looks every inch a real lady, in a shorter summer dress to mid thigh. It shows off her very long legs which look even longer as she’s in 5” heels!
She comes inside and we all exchange nervous greetings and ‘air kisses’. I catch you looking Sophie up and down in disbelief that this is actually a man!
We head out into the garden a take a seat in the most secluded bit where the table and chairs are arranged.
It’s all very civilised as we nibble on scones, sip our champagne and chat about anything and everything. It just feels like a really nice chatty fun afternoon with Sophie and me are in full girly mode.
The champagne runs out and you rise to go and get another bottle. Sophie and I both volunteer to go instead but you protest.
“Actually Sophie, why don’t you grab those plates and bring them through please? That would be great.” You say.
“You just enjoy the sunshine my love, we’ll only be a tic.” You wink at me.
I do as I am told and relax. The warm sun on my legs, the delicious friction of the dress as I cross and uncross my legs. The soft breeze tugging at my long hemline. I get a little lost in my feelings and then realise it’s taking you two a while.
I get up and stroll into the house, hearing the murmur of conversation from the kitchen. I hear a knife or something drop and I stop. The door is ajar and I can see you both.
You stoop to pick something up just as Sophie turns around. You look up and her crotch is at your face height!
“oh! Shit! So sorry!” Sophie gasps and you smile up at her. I know that smile.
Suddenly Sophie brings her knees together and backs away slightly looking embarrassed, but I can’t quite see what about.
You remain kneeling and say “Heyyy, that’s ok!” as you reach towards her. “Let me help”.
I move slightly keeping quiet and I see that Sophie has popped out of her panties and is making a very impressive tent out of her summer dress ! Sophie looks so embarrassed as you lift her dress to help put her back in.
“OH” “NOOO” Sophie cries out as possibly the biggest load I have ever seen fountains out from her spasming cock. It covers your face, lands in your hair, and plasters your immaculately dressed breasts.
Your look of shock is priceless, as Sophie looks aghast. She starts to sob, poor girl.
“No no no!” You say in your soft voice and do the only thing that will remedy the situation. You take her now limp cock and put it in your mouth.
My mouth falls open as I watch you tenderly sucking and licking her beautiful and somewhat large cock. I maintain my position of cover to watch the show and to spare Sophie any more embarrassment. I feel my arousal straining against my panties and I smooth down the front of my dress, pressing on myself as I watch Sophie start to grown hard again.
“Oh my dear your cock is fucking beautiful, I’m so pleased this happened. I’ve wanted this from the minute you walked through the door.” You say to Sophie as her shame is very quickly replaced by lust and arousal.
“But –but what will Davina say?!” Sophie gasps as she tries to catch her breath.
“I think my sissy husband would love it, darling. It seems he – sorry, she – likes to watch me have fun.” As you bring Sophie back to fully erect.
I am frozen to the spot as I watch you start to work on Sophie’s shaft, moving back and forth. A drip of semen falls from your breast onto your lap and the suddenly the sight of you, immaculately dressed and made up but covered in semen, is the most erotic sight.
I walk slowly into the kitchen, you are both lost in your lust. The sounds are a mix of Sophie’s low moans and your delicious slurping at her engorged cock. I lift my dress slightly and kneel behind you, slowly brining my hands round to massage your beautiful breasts, wet with her cum.
“MMFFFF” You moan out as I spread Sophie’s cum all over the bodice of your dress.
Sophie opens her eyes wide, suddenly aware of my presence. She licks her lips as she watches me smear the front of your dress with her cum. As I start working my hands further down, you pull back from Sophie;
“Sophie darling, kneel down. Yes just here.” You guide her down in front of you and lower yourself onto all fours.
“Oh fuck!” Sophie exclaims as she realises what’s about to happen. You hitch up your dress and stick your bum out at me and wink, then Sophie’s cock is guided straight back into your mouth.
I slide your dress up over your bum and lift my own dress to free my engorged cock. I slide deliciously into you, feeling your warm, wet softness enveloping me as I match my rhythm to yours as you pleasure our guest.
All three of us are clearly feeling very horny as the moans and little squeals of pleasure soon begin to become more urgent . Sophie places her hands on your head and starts to pull you onto her shaft and then starts fucking your mouth! I hear you gag once, twice and I think you’re about to pull away when you grab her bum and start to pull her deeper into your throat!
I place my hands on your hips and pull myself as deep into you as I am able, feeling your hot, soft wetness on my cock as my dress swishes to our rhythm.

Ch 3. A night out with Tracey.
After our night of discovery your confidence levels are noticeably higher. It’s a joy to see! You have a twinkle in your eye and a spring in your step and a lot more smiles for guys who catch your eye (which gives me a little thrill every time I see it!).
One Wednesday you mention that you’re going for a girls night out with your friend Tracey. She’s still single and neither of us can work out why – she’s a very pretty 50 something lady with long blonde hair, a good figure and a wicked sense of humour! On top of all that she’s a very successful lady, running her own estate agency in town.
You’re quite excited with your new outlook on life and after your encounter with John. Before you go out I tell you to remember what we talked about and to have a good time and enjoy yourself. Support your mate and help her find a guy!
I have a quiet evening while you’re out, I start to think about what sort of night you might be having. I start to fantasize about you hitting it off with some guy or bumping into John again. I must admit, I even think about you and Tracey sharing a couple of guys between you! Very naughty of me, but my mind starts to run away with itself.
My phone goes at 12:30 just as I start to think it’s getting a little late (by your usual standards anyway). Your message says –
“Hi sweetie, me and Tracey are going back to hers. We’ve met a couple of friends, having a great time, don’t worry!” You sign off with a smiling devil and a big heart. My heart skips a beat as I automatically assume my 4 way sex fantasy is about to happen in my absence. Very presumptuous of course, but a guy can dream.
I reply. “No worries sweets, let me know when you want picked up and I’ll come, don’t worry about the time. “ I’m now convinced that you’re going to have sex with one of these ‘friends’ and my urges take over. I go up to the bedroom and open your wardrobe.
Hands shaking slightly and my bulge getting ever harder, I take your grey work suit off the rail. It’s a grey and black illusion dress, mid calf length on you but just below the knee on me and a matching grey jacket. I strip, leaving my clothes in a pile and I slowly slide the dress up my body. The cool slippery lining feels fantastic as it slides up my legs, over my hardness then my belly and finally I am encased in the gorgeous fabric. I zip myself in, wondering if you are being unzipped at the same time. I slip on the jacket and complete the outfit with you black 4” patent heels. Trying not to think too much about what you’re up to I go online and distract myself with a little chat room banter online.
About an hour later I get a Whatsapp message from you. It’s just a picture of you straddling some muscular black guy on Tracey’s sofa, like you sometimes used do to Marco at the works Christmas party! The light in the picture isn’t very good and I feel slightly disappointed at how tame it is. Especially as I was sure you’d be up to some naughtiness by now. I guess I was expecting too much really, I mean this is the first time you’ve gone out with the intention of ‘having fun’ so maybe it’s just a step too far this early.
Both you and this guy are laughing in the picture and I do start to think rude thoughts of course. Straight away I get another text message; “Shit! I’m so sorry, Tracey though it would be funny, I’m so sorry, I’m coming home right now.”
I’m a bit shocked at your reaction as it looked sort of innocent. Ok, it’s a little bit risqué but that’s all. I look at the photo again. HOLY. SHIT. Looking more closely I can see his cock is out and it’s hard as a rock lying against your tummy. It’s slightly hard to see against your black top and in the poor light but I gasp and my cock twitches against the delicious lining of your dress.
I’m shaking and panting a little as I text you straight back;
“Don’t be silly! We’ve talked about this and it is absolutely fine! You’re not leaving me for someone else, you’re just having some harmless fun. Or at least it looks like you want to ;) .“
I put wink at the end of the message and hope you take me seriously. The blue tick appears straight away so I know you’ve read the message. We had talked about this and I know this is turning me on but there is a little lurch in my tummy! The thought of you being taken in front of me was one thing, but to think of you fucking someone else somewhere else. Gosh.
The next message is five minutes later and is a photo of Tracey asleep in the chair! She’s out for the count! It looks like she dropped her drink as she nodded off and there is a wet mark down her silver blouse and in the lap of her gorgeous black skirt. I text back.
“Oh dear! Would you like me to come and get you, sweetie? “ I’m thinking that if she’s out for the count the party may well be over so to speak. Disappointed again, but slightly relieved.
Another message comes back.
“Your wife might be a little while – want a pic?” Jesus what is this? I think. I text back.
“Yes, I’d love a pic! Who are you? Is she ok?”
“She looks pretty happy to me.”Says the reply.
A video message immediately follows it.
OH. MY. GOD. It’s taken by the guy in you were straddling earlier, who is now fucking you from behind as you are on all fours! I’ve never heard you make noises like the ones on this video, it sounds like you’re having the best sex of your life so far! The video pans up and there’s another guy, naked in front of you, with a pretty impressive hard on!
As he kneels in front of you, you grasp for him and take his cock greedily into your mouth. I can hardly believe it’s you! You’re clearly loving this and are so wet by the sound if it!
You’re trying to talk with a mouthful of cock. It sounds like, “Fuck me!! Fuckkkk meeE!!!”
I’m amazed and astounded. The video ends. I get another message;
“She’s going to keep us busy for a few hours yet.”
I’m sitting there, wearing your clothes and I’m harder than I’ve ever been. A wet patch of pre cum very prominent on the front of your dress. God I’m horny right now and sitting here dressed in the suit you wore at work today is just heightening my arousal.
This is more than I’d ever hoped for, so I text back the spurting icon to your phone! Then a video call comes through.
Someone has propped the phone against the sofa and all I can see is you, my darling wife, on all fours and stark naked, being fucked doggy style by another man while you suck the cock of a second man who is kneeling in front of you.
The sight is beyond belief, the noises are amazing! I watch, transfixed by this. You milk those two cocks for twenty minutes, having at least 5 orgasms as I watch. I dare not touch myself. At one point I feel like I’m about to pass the point of no return, so I slap my cock HARD. My orgasm subsides with the stinging. But I keep watching this spectacle of debauchery unfolding on my smartphone.
Just when I didn’t think I could be shocked any more, you cry out; “Come in me!! Both of you fucking come in me NOW!”
Then after another 20 seconds or so of gorgeous wet noises as you fuck and suck, the two guys start breathing really heavily and then moan as their orgasms take over . They fill you with their cum at each end as you cry out loudly with your own orgasm: The biggest orgasm I’ve ever seen you have and I have to say the sight is beyond amazing.
Your body is wet with sweat, tensed up as all three of you lose yourselves in an intense sexual climax together. I can’t stop looking, this is the most amazing sight.
Suddenly I feel it happening. My orgasm rips through me, the spasm in my loins and abdomen almost bending me double as I soak your work dress! Ohh fucking HELL this feels so damn good.
I can feel the wetness of your dress clinging to me and I can smell your perfume still on the dress, I’m basking in the afterglow of an amazing climax as the call cuts off.
I sit up and start typing a message. Just as I’m typing, a message comes through from you.
“Hi Sweetie. I hope you enjoyed our show! I’m going to stay here tonight, but there’s a key under the mat if you’d like to come and keep us company?”
I’m speechless. My mouth goes dry.
Another message arrives, “Which one of my outfits are you wearing? Leave it on if you want to come over.”
Holy fuck. So I can go and what? Watch? Join in? But I have to wear a cum soaked ladies suit in public. I think about what to do. I can get in my car in the garage, shut the door with the remote so no problem there. It’s now 3am, so I’m unlikely to see anyone. Fuck it. I grab my keys.
My adrenaline is going wild as I drive to Tracey’s house but it is an uneventful 15 minutes and I reverse onto her drive with a feeling of immense relief.
I’ve had a few extra squirts of your perfume to cover the scent of my earlier excitement and put on my blonde wig and a face of make-up. I look reasonable convincing and I’m feeling very turned on at being outside en femme (despite the obvious cum stain on my dress!).
I pick up the door mat and sure enough – there is the key. With my heart in my mouth I put it in the lock and open the front door.
I venture in and close the door behind me. I can hear voices – two male and two female, I guess Tracey has woken up!
“Come in, you sweet thing!” You call from the lounge others laughing in the background. Holy fuck, only you have ever seen me dressed before. I’m beyond nervous, but I put my brave face on and my loveliest smile and go inside...
The scene that greets me is one I’ll never forget. You are sitting between the two guys, all three of you naked and slightly sweaty, limbs on top of limbs. One of the guys has his cock resting against your leg and you put your hand on it as I look, immediately showing that you’re your own woman now.
The heating is on full blast and the room is very warm. Tracey is sat on the arm chair, still fully dressed and looking immaculate apart from the wine stain on her skirt and blouse. The stain gives her a definite slutty edge, which I love and my cock immediately betrays by flexing beneath my dress!
“Well hello sweetie, I was a bit worried that all this might be a bit too much for you, but it seems you’ve made a special effort” you say “I see you like Tracey’s outfit too! “ You make eyes at my rapidly expanding dress tent and everyone has a little laugh.
I roll my eyes, “Guilty!” This is such a strange situation.
“Well, you’re here so this is lovely that you’ve come. Come quite a bit looking at what you’ve done to my dress!” much sniggering.
“This is Adam.” You look at the guy on her left while gently squeezing his rather large thick cock “and this is Ryan.” You turn to the guy on her right and give him a very deep and wet kiss. Holy shit.
“H-Hi” I stutter weakly and I take a seat on the other sofa.
“I’ve been telling the guys and Tracey all about you. About how understanding and lovely you are about my sexual appetites and about how you like to dress up in my clothes and wank yourself off when I’m out.” I gulp. “Now since we’re all having such fun tonight I thought you might like to watch us all getting each other off? No touching for you mind, eyes only!”
“There is a bonus though, David.” Tracey speaks up.
“oh? Tell me more”
“Well, I’m having a clear out of my wardrobe.” My eyes widen. “So David, anything on those two rails in the dining room is yours to wear tonight if you want to.” She smiles her naughtiest smile and starts to unbutton her wine stained silver satin blouse.
“Or maybe you would like to start with this outfit? “ she purrs, taking off the blouse.
I nod vigorously and she throws the blouse over to me and unhooks her bra, her gorgeous tanned breasts swinging free. I start to strip out of your suit and look at you with wonder in my eyes.
“You enjoy yourself my love, we’re all adults here just having fun.” You blow me a kiss and bend towards Adam , taking his stiffening cock in your mouth.
“Catch!” Tracey throws me her gorgeous black midi skirt and I see she is not wearing any panties! “I think I’ll call you Davina from now on.” She says, and walks to the sofa, kneeling in front of Ryan. She takes his already hard cock into her open mouth and starts slowly working his shaft up and down, reaching across to massage your bum at the same time!
I’m truly in disbelief at the hardcore movie scenes unfolding in front of me. I step into Tracey’s skirt, still warm from her body and I slide it up my legs. Ohhh, fuck it feels so good and fits me perfectly! I finish buttoning her blouse and I take a seat opposite the sofa to watch the show.
The two ladies are greedily sucking cock side by side with lots of gorgeous wet slurping and sucking noises and the odd grunt and sigh of pleasure. Tracey’s hand is massaging your bum and she cheekily slides her hand between your cheeks. I hold my breath. I know you don’t like anything in your bum, so I’m hoping Tracey doesn’t persist and risk the mood.
To my utter astonishment (and envy) you grab her hand and press it into the crack of your bum! She pulls her hand away and slips two fingers into your sopping vagina, pulling them out and sliding them slowly up your bum!
You moan softly as her fingers slide in and she starts working them back and forth. I feel a little humiliated, why won’t you let me do that?
She pulls away from Ryan’s cock and turns to you, sliding two fingers from her other hand into your pussy.
“Mmfff!” You stop fellating Adam and cry out, “Oh fucking hell Tracey!” Your eyes roll back in your head and your mouth is open as you turn to give her better access. Jesus. You always said touching another woman was a massive turn off for you! It doesn’t look that way now.
Adam looks across at me and smirks, he stands up between you and Tracey and slides his cock into your open mouth. You gag at first but them grab his hips and pull him onto you, holy FUCK you have never ever deep throated me. But here you are with Adam’s cock buried to the hilt in your face like a pro.
Ryan is slowly wanking himself off as he watches the show, Tracey having abandoned him in favour of you. Your body starts to shake and the familiar colour rises to your chest and throat, your face blushes. You sit down hard onto Traceys fingers, forcing them all the way into you front and back as you cry out, pulling Adam’s cock out of your mouth.
“TRACEYYYYYYY! FUCKK MEE!! FUKKKK!!” You convulse and buck in your ecstacy! Suddenly, SQUIRT! SQUIRT! SQUIRT!! Three torrents squirt out of your convulsing vagina all over Tracey’s hand and the carpet as your orgasm rocks you with a second wave.
Tracey’s face is a picture of shock and pleasure, obviously happy that she’s brought you off so intensely but amazed at the big wet patch on her lounge floor!
You collapse onto your back, smiling. Meanwhile, the guys who were enjoying getting their cocks sucked before Tracy started on you, turn their attentions to our beautiful hostess.
Adam guides her down onto all fours as she reaches for his cock. Smiling up at him, she slides his hardness between her ruby lips. At the same time, Ryan enters her from behind and starts to fuck her with a slow rhythm.
I leave my seat and kneel down next to you. I stroke your face and you turn to me smiling. You reach out and gently slide your hand over the front of Tracey skirt, brushing my erection.
“Mmm, I’ve already made one person cum in this skirt today, maybe it’s time for number two.” You purr as my hardness twitches against the expensive fabric.
“W-what?” I ask.
“ Hee hee! I made Tracey cum in the toilets in Bar Luga, my love.” I just stare open mouthed.
“ I watched her pee and then brought her off right there in the cubicle.” You say.
“I did say things were going to change, sweetie.” You say with a wry smile.
“Oh god that is so sexy!” I gasp, as you start to massage my iron hard cock through the fabric of the skirt. You tell me more as you rub.
“I didn’t really like the taste of her pee at first, but after she came her flavour changed and I started to like it.”
Holy fuck. I didn’t realise you’d brought her off with your MOUTH! This is too much, and I can’t stop myself. I cum all over the inside of Tracey’s skirt as you grin, knowing how shocked I am at your revelation.
I was totally lost in myself but as I come down from my ecstasy, I’m aware of Tracey standing up and the guys pulling on clothes.
It seems we’re all cummed out and the party is over. You and Tracey show the guys out and head upstairs to bed.
I head into the dining room to see what delights await on Tracey’s clear out rail.....
เผยแพร่โดย Davina917
3 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
โปรด หรือ เพื่อโพสต์ความคิดเห็น
Davina917 ผู้เผยแพร่ 10 เดือน ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
ถึง bobby3072 : Fantastic! I aim to please xx
ตอบกลับ แสดงความคิดเห็นเดิม
Silverbiguy 1 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
mmm so erotic
bobby3072 1 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
Wow, what a fantasy filled story,  I was hard the entire time I was reading it.  Thank you Davina.  
Davina917 ผู้เผยแพร่ 1 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
ถึง kst10 : Thank you :smile: x
ตอบกลับ แสดงความคิดเห็นเดิม
Davina917 ผู้เผยแพร่ 1 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
ถึง nwukcupl : Thank you! x
ตอบกลับ แสดงความคิดเห็นเดิม
nwukcupl 1 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
Mmmm, horny and excitingly written !
kst10 1 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
hot story