How Corona forced me to feminize part two

After 7 months of corona it didn’t seem to go away, as everybody checked if they had corona i had learnt that female hormones where much more resistant against the corona virus then male one’s. And since i did not had the urge too dye i decided too take a regimen of estrogens and anti androgen. In this begin period i allready had this soft skin without hair, my body fat relocation made sure i got some lovely ass cheeks, and very sensitive nipples a small heap of breast tissue had formed on both sites.
Because my sexdates too make some money got a very busy bussiness i made sure my customers would have a very entertaining evening/night.
I learnt how to behave at school and talk and walk real feminine, and for some reason i was a fast learner.
Sort of girl born in a boy body, grown up to be a male but since corona let out his supergirl.
Because regularly i had too go on date out of town i bought a company car with chauffeur, he could protect me against bad customers, and it is not that i can’t protect myself but all the homones gave me this musle reduction on my arms and legs what also had this negative effect on my strenght. And not negative in a bad way because my new body shapes and round forms with long hair made me feel great.
And i didn’t had big breasts or something but the whole feel of the estrogen, soft skin , round ass and really everything was great. So to make the feel more complete i made an appointment with an plastic surgeon too discuss what was a nice size of breasts on my body. After a while we had this size who was a naturally looking pair of breasts for on my chest.
And allthough i had a lovely head and face to look at . the plastic surgeon said too do also a little facial feminisation surgery to make it complete.
Here some pictures




So this pandemie should have come 30 years ago, the advantage would be i could grow up as a teenage girl. For me beeing a boy/male is probably thrown away years of my life as it is boring. Beeing this girl/woman has given me something magic from when i decided too try out till today.

XxX Carolanne
เผยแพร่โดย 34carolanne
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Amazing  beauty!
love to see how you are now as I come next month xx
Very pretty/ I like the magic you have
Well allthough small improment is better then when using peuraria mirifca. But this also has its downsides, more depression, anxiety and also because of the anti androgen my male genetalia sort of stopped working, all too reduce my androgen levels. Besides all this i recently had too stop using it because of other nek and headache problems where i beeing treated for now. It is till now a struggle and fight for my part. Sorry for all the complaint, i have too realize there have been people diagnosed worse! XXx 
you can see the improvement.
Look great babe
Great result
Look fantastic x
you look beautiful, desirable and proud