Abby's Business Conference

This is a follow up to 'Abby's desperate bus ride', that I posted a few months back. It's a bit long, but hopefully you'll enjoy it. I'd advise familiarising yourself with the first story first, but am sure this will work as a stand alone story if not.

6 months had past since the worst day of Abby's life. She'd been really enjoying her new job, and was delighted to be a woman, excelling in a male world. She'd been on a team building excercise, only a few months in, and whilst she'd really enjoyed the day, she was caught short on the bus on the way home. When they were stuck in traffic she was so desperate, that she ended up begging the bus driver to stop, and completely breaking down and wetting hereslf. (See Abby's desperate bus ride). She couldn't believe that she'd gotten away with it. Noone that new her had seen, and, although she got a bit of stick for her frantic dash down the bus, everyone had just assumed she made it to a toilet. I mean, that's just what grown women do isn't it.

Whilst she was somewhat relieved that no-one knew her shame, she still felt absolutely humiliated. She had never thought it possible that she could get so desperate that she would lose control. She had always just assumed that no matter how bursting you felt, you could just hang on that bit longer. That hadn't been the case though. She tried and tried and tried, but there was absolutely no way she could stop it coming out, she had simply lost control and peed her pants like a toddler. She'd been outside a busy pub, and people had seen her, laughed at her, sneered at her. It had really affected her confidence, and she was certainly never going to drink a pint of lager again.

Tomorrow though, she was attending a business conference in Torquay. That was a 3 hour coach journey away with a 1 night stop over. There were 5 people going from her company, and she had been selected to be one of them. It was an honour, and her manager had told her that she was very close to getting a promotion, which would bring with it a very welcome pay rise. She was looking forward to a bit of hob nobbing, but, she couldn't help but be terrified of the coach journey. She was 18 years old, approaching a high profile promotion, and a 2 day break, and she was terrified of wetting her knickers. The thought was ludicrous, and she knew it. She'd be fine, she just needed to plan what she was doing.

The day came, and she was to meet at the coach for 9AM. She was up early, and had her usual, very much needed, morning pee. She dolled herself up with make up, and got dressed into her VERY expensive, brand new Armani business suit. It was a tight white shirt, a black jacket, and a tight black pencil skirt. She admired herself in the mirror, and she looked amazing, but she noticed straight away that her usual, comfortable cotton panties left a very noticeable VPL. She cursed as she noticed and changed into her best G-String. She wasn't a fan of the thong underwear, but it was a neccesary evil to complete her look. She wasn't naive enough to not realise that the company directors were men, and her amazing looking 19 year old ass would win her many admiring glances.

She went to the toilet three times after drinking her morning coffee, just releasing a tiny dribble each time, just to make sure her bladder was as empty as it could be. She noticed as she was doing it thet her skirt was quite restrictive, but it wasn't a disaster. She called a cab, picked up her bag, and waited to be taking to the meeting point, at a local McDonalds store.

When she arrived, she was met by Dave, who cheerily told her he'd got her a large coffee to drink before they went. They always made each other coffee at work, so there was no way she could refuse. Her heart sank as he cheerily accepted it and took a sip. I got here early so that it'd be the perfect temperature, he beamed. He was right it was perfect, so she drank it quickly. It was ridiculous how a simple cup of coffee was causing her such a trauma. "Pull yourself together Abs" she chistised herself, "you're an adult, what happened was freak incident, you can handle a cup of coffee."

They made small talk outside until the rest of the party arrived, and then she saw the bus approaching.
"Won't be a sec" she whispered to Dave, "just nipping to the ladies".
She had planned this thoroughly, limit your fluid intake, then make sure you pee just before your leaving. She didn't even wait for a response, she turned on her heels and went inside, heading over to the toilets at the back, she became painfully aware that the ladies room door was propped wide open with a mop bucket. She knew from previous visits that there were only 2 cubicles in a very small ladies room, and her heart started pounding. As she approached the door, a spotty male teen strolled out and started to wring out his mop. "Erm, could I go in please" she asked nervously, but the teen looked up, "Sorry miss" he said, "Some idiot has flooded the place, just give me ten minutes and I'll have it all cleaned up again".
"No, no, no" her mind raced, this wasn't the plan. She had planned it so perfectly, but now she had a large coffee inside of her and her last gasp pee was being denied.
"But my coach is leaving now" she said,
"Sorry" replied the teen, "like I say, its gonna be ten minutes."
She looked at the mens room and thought about it, but at that moment an old man approached, and she could see him looking her up and down. "FUCK" she muttered, as she had no choice but to head back out to the coach.

As she got outside she noticed that everyone had boarded and the coach was already quite full. She scanned the aisle and saw her colleagues about half way up.
"Over here", said Dave "I've saved you a seat".
He was obviously interested and trying to impress, and Abby had to admit that she wasn't disappointed, Dave was hot, the very epitome of tall dark and handsome. As she walked over she was greeted by Colin, who was on the seat behind them, literally shouting, "here we are, at last, has the little girl gone pee pee, we don't want any incidents like last time do we?".
She was absloutely mortified, her cheeks blushed beet red as she prayed for the earth to swallow her up. "Why, what happened?" asked Dave,
"Well" started Colin eagerly, "It was after that team building shit, we'd been in the boozer and then hit a bit of traffic, we were only ten minutes from home, and Abby here made a right show of herself, dancing around, grabbing herself, begging the driver to pull over so she could run into a pub and use the facilities".
She felt like crying, she'd never been so embarrassed. The only positive was that they had no idea how badly it had actually ended, they all assumed she'd made it. She did a little giggle as she sat down.
"Shut Up Colin" said Dave, "I'm sure she doesn't need reminding about it from some old perv like you does she".
"Could have been worse" he said "That Katarina from accounts dashed out and dropped her knickers on the motorway, pissing like a bloody racehorse she was, never seen anything like it mate, I swear to god"
"Don't worry about him" said Dave as she sat down, "dirty old bastard probably got off on it, look at him, he's definitely getting none at home. You must've been bursting to have asked the driver to pull over?"
"OH FUCK" she thought, her mind racing, this was the last thing she needed, she thought there was a chance of her and Dave getting together, now they were sat on a coach, in a terrifying condition, and he was asking questions about the time she wet her knickers!"
"Oh, I was" she replied sheepishly, "everyone was, all the lads went on the motorway, and poor Katerina couldn't wait. It was a bladder buster for sure" she tried to make light of it.
"Thank God for pubs eh!" he said jovially, "Imagine if you'd have had to queue!"
"hehe, yeah" she giggled, "that would have been really bad!"
The topic was changed shortly afterwards, and they all started talking shop. Abby scanned around the coach, and noticed it was a much more even split. There were employees from allover the company on board, and it was probably a 70/30 split of men to women. She looked at her watch. It was 9:20, they were due to arrive at 12, she'd be fine, she told herself.

Around 90 minutes later, and Abby was panicking. She'd become acutely aware of a need to pee around half an hour ago, and her need had been steadily rising since, and she was now at a level she would describe as bursting. She wasn't desperate, not yet, and she was nowhere near the level she was at when she lost control, but she was definitely needing to go, you know, the sort of level where you drop what you're doing and make finding a toilet your priority. Only, it couldn't be her priority. She was on a bus, and there was nowhere for her to go. A look at her watch told her there was just over an hour to go, and the thought of that made her want to burst into tears. Not only was her need becoming more pressing, but what she had also realised was that, in her current attire, there was no way of helping herself. She couldn't sit on her heel without flashing her intimate parts, and her skirt was so tight she couldn't press between her legs, hell, she couldn't even cross her legs. She was bursting for a wee, with over an hour to wait, and all she could do was press her thighs together and pray.

For ten minutes she sat there, panicking, her heart pounding, and her mind replaying over and over the humiliation of weeing in her knickers, the humiliation of begging the bus driver to stop, and even the humiliation of Colin taunting her, and Dave questioning her. Her predicament seemed to be making her need worse, as she wanted to go more and more, involuntarily starting to jig her leg up and down. Dave noticed this immediately.
"Are you OK?" he questioned.
"Erm, yeah" she stammered, stopping dead still instantly, "its just, erm, well, erm, I'm a bit cold",
"ahh, don't worry Abs, we're stopping at the services in a second, I'll get you another coffee to warm you up!"
She almost gasped out in joy at what she'd heard, "Are we stopping?" she gasped, desperate to make sure she'd not misheard,
"yes, a couple of the girls upfront asked for a toilet stop, so we're nipping into the services", sure enough, as he said it, she saw the coach pulling off the motorway. The thought of relief seemed to increase her need yet further, as her heart skipped a beat. Her bladder pulsed, but she hardly cared, she was going to make it to a toilet!

As soon as the coach stopped, everyone stood up and started to dash forwards, the driver said something bout ten minutes, but no-one was listening. Abby tried to appear calm, but there was only one thing on her mind, getting to the Ladies room, and quickly. She was walking as fast as she could, trying desperately to keep her thighs pressed together.
"toilets, toilets, oh where are they" she muttered as she dashed through the main doors. Dave shocked her by putting his hand on her shoulder,
"are you coming for a drink?" he enquired.
Abby could've slapped him, she needed to be pouring liquid out of her body, not putting more in!
"I'll catch you up" she said, through gritted teeth, as she caught sight of 3 of the girls from the coach dashing towards the huge "TOILETS" sign.
"Come on" she muttered as she dashed towards it, rounding the corners, and pushing open the door labelled "LADIES", her need intensifying yet more at the thought of glorious relief.
"Yes, yes, yes" she said out loud, as she almost fell into the ladies room, to be faced with 4 bolted doors, and 7 women waiting outside them.
"OH" she gasped, a bit too loudly, as she joined the queue, and started to jig up and down. The 7 ladies waiting were all from the coach, and the woman at the front was making a hell of a fuss!
"PLEASE HURRY" she shouted at the bolted doors "PLEASE" as she shouted she hoiked up her skirt to her waist, pressing hard between her legs,
"OH GOD HURRY" she begged again, "Don't make me wet myself!"
"Calm down Laura" said the next girl in line.
"I can't wait, I can't" she said, as a toilet flushed,
"Oh fuck YES" she shouted, "PLEASE let me wee" as the bolt slid across the girl was already pulling down her knickers, pushing the woman coming out and dashing past her,
"ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" she gasped, as the sound of an almighty torrent of pee filled the room.
"She wasn't joking was she?" said the girl infront of Abby in the queue, "Oh god that sound is doing nothing for me though, I'm bloody bursting here, these coach trips are a nightmare for us girls aren't they?"
Abby just giggled and nodded as her bladder pleaded with her to empty it.

When, at last, it was her turn Abby could barely walk, she was shuffling forwards, pressing her thighs together for all she was worth, as soon as she was in the privacy of a cubicle she went into a full blown pee dance as she fought to hold on foor the last couple of seconds. Her skirt was so tight across her bladder, as she fought to hoik it up. "Come on, come on she said, as she bunched it higher and higher, just enough til she could grab the waistband of her panties, "Oh yes she gasped, yanking them down to her knees. as soon as they were clear, a blast of pee shot from her before she was even sitting, and as she collapsed onto the toilet she relaxed, and blasted her urine into the toilet below. The relief she felt was so overwhelming, she almost burst into tears. "Ahhhhhhh" she sighed, as her gushing stream quickly faded into a trickle. It felt so, so good, as her most intimate parts throbbed and tingled, and her agonised bladder finally felt empty.
"Oh god I needed that" she thought, but was quickly snapped back to reality when she heard another girl outside her door crying out for her to hurry. She gave herself a long, luxurious wipe, shuddering with pleasure at the feeling she got as her hand brushed over her, now, sensitive parts. She noticed, as she pulled up her expensive panties, there was a slight dampness between the legs, but she smoothed down her Armani skirt, and unbolted the door. She was pushed aside by a desperate young girl, who already had her skirt hoiked up around her waist, but Abby washed her hands and made her way back out.

Dave was waiting for her outside the ladies room, with another large coffee. He handed it to her, saying "you've been ages, was everything alright?".
"Oh yes" she replied, "there was just a bloody queue, there always is in the ladies, you men don't know how lucky you are!". She played it cool, giving away no hint of the intense panic that had filled the ladies room just moments earlier!

They strolled off back to the coach and took their places. Abby reflected again on how bursting she'd been, after she'd been so careful too. What was it on these coach trips that always made her need a wee?
The rest of the journey passed without any issue, it was only 45 minutes, but Abby was painfully aware of what a state she would have been in without that pitstop. She was feeling the effects of the coffee already, but she was fine, they'd made it to the conference centre!

As they all departed from the coach, they were greeted by Tony. Tony was the regional manager, and the man they were all out to impress. He spoke to some of the guys first, and then turned to address Abby.
"Hi there dear, I hear you are speaking too? I'm really looking forward to finalising your notes with you, I have to say, a beautiful young lady on that stage will make a very refreshing change, you could be our secret weapon, come on lets go".
Abby was both flattered and appalled. She hated male chauvinism, and just wanted to be treated equally, but then, she was there to impress. She was the 4th of their companies 5 speakers, and the speeches were due to begin in about 90 minutes time. She was feeling nervous, but eager to please. She thought they were having lunch first, but Tony led them all off into a small office.

The other women were involved in much more menial stuff, and Abby was sat with some of the biggest names in the company. She was somewhat overawed to be honest, but glad that she still had Dave by her side.
"OK folks" started Tony, "the bad news is, we aren't having lunch, but, I have some sandwiches and drinks coming through. We really need to make the most of today, we could secure some life changing business, so we need to get it right."
As he spoke, the doors opened, and an astonishing platter was laid out infront of them. Abby wasn't really hungry, her stomach was doing somersaults, but she gratefully poured herself a cup of coffee.
The next 45 minutes passed so quickly. She was in a different world. She was delighted to be there, but terrified of making a howler and messing up the whole day. She was a 19 year old girl on her first conference. Of course the directors knew this and she was briefed fully. She sipped through 3 cups of coffee without even thinking about it, when, 30 minutes before the speeches began, they were told to have a break.

Abby was grateful of this, as she could, once again, feel her bladder starting to demand her attention. A quick trip to the ladies room would be very welcome indeed. She stood up, but Tony said,
"Abby, would you mind waiting behind, I could do with a quick 5 minutes with you".
Her heart sank, but she agreed and retook her seat whilst everyone else left the room. Tony started talking to her about who was who, and how to impress them. He complemented her on her suit, saying it was just the look that screamed professional business woman, the minutes ticked by as her bladder slowly filled, until there was only 5 more minutes left until the speeches were due to begin. Her bladder now was starting to become distracting, and the thought of having to hold it throughout was not a good one, so she knew she would have to excuse herself.
"I'm sorry sir, but could I just quickly freshen up before we begin?"
"Oh, yes, of course" he replied, "do hurry though, as we don't have much time"
"I will" she replied, standing up, "I won't be a minute"
She turned and headed for the door, but it flung open and she was greeted by a flustered looking man.
"Tony, are you planning on joining us?" he almost shouted, "speeches are starting in 5 minutes, get through here now"
"Sorry love" he added, looking Abby up and down, "You must be Abigail, I'm Martin, the company director". She did a little curtsey, partly out of respect, and partly to stop herself jigging about, now she was standing, her bladder was demanding her full attention.
"Abby's just nipping to freshen up" said Tony, but he was shot down immediately,
"No time for that, don't worry dear, you look amazing, come on now",
Tony stood, and they were led away before Abby could protest. They moved swiftly down the corridor, passing the ladies room as they went. She thought about just ducking in, but it was more than her job was worth, so she continued into the conference room.

As she entered she saw her friends, giving a nervous smile and wave, but Martin kept on leading her to thefront of the conference hall. It was absolutely packed, there must have been about 400 people in there, and the thought of speaking infront of these people sent a shiver through her. She was led to the very front of the room and up onto the stage by Martin, who sat right next to her.
"OK" he said, "I hope you've got a great speech prepared, this is such a big day for the company, and I've heard nothing but great things about you. If you nail this you are in line for a very healthy bonus."
Without further ado, introductions began, and the first speaker was introduced. Abby's mind was racing, she looked out over the sea of people as the first guy started to talk, in a really dull, and monotone voice. She was barely paying attention though as she looked at the very back of the room, lit up like a beacon to taunt her was a sign for the LADIES. Her bladder was making itself known, and felt even worse now the nerves had started to kick in. A quick glance at the running order told her that hers was the 5th, and final speech, not the 4th as she'd been told earlier.

The first speaker droned on for just over 25 minutes, during which Abby's need rose alarming quickly, she kept having furtive glances across towards the ladies room door wondering if she could make a quick dash for it between speeches. When the first guy finally finished everyone stood to applaud, Abby followed suit, but to her horror the second speaker was introduced immediately. Martin leaned over to her and said,
"Well I hope yours is better than that yawn-fest, that was bloody awful",
"haha, I'm glad you said that" giggled Abby, "I hope they don't all last that long".
She was desperate to hear that the speeches would be over quickly, because without an interval there was no way she wouldn't have very wet knickers after 2 and a half hours.
"They seem so much longer when they're so boring don't they" he repeated, giving nothing away.

The second speech was slightly shorter, but no a lot, it was another 20 minutes, and by the end of it Abby was starting to get seriously bursting. She was pleased with the chance to stand up to applaud, and as she frantically looked towards the ladies room, she saw 2 girls near the back make a quick dash for them. How she longed to do the same, she looked over to Martin, who was applauding furiously. He was terrifying, but it was starting to get urgent, "Erm, could I please just..." started Abby, hardly believing what she was abut to do, but she had to ask to be excused for a second.
"It's OK Abigail" said Martin, talking right over the top of her, "I know what your thinking, more coffee, I'm on it",
he shouted over a waitress and ordered large lattes for everyone up on the stage. Abby could have screamed, more coffee was absolutely the last thing she needed, she started to protest, but the third speech was being introduced, she had no choice but to just squeeze her thighs together and sit back down.

The coffees arrived 5 minutes later and Abby was starting to bounce her legs around, her need was getting so very urgent. As she sipped slowly at her coffee she convinced herself that there had to be an interval after this speech, and if there wasn't she would have to admit her need and make a frantic dash for it. As the speech droned on Abby was getting more and more desperate. She was trying to keep her thighs pressed together tightly, as her feet beat on the floor like a drum. 25 minutes he went on for and by the end she was nearly beside herself, as she stood up to applaud, she felt like she was going to lose control. She bent double, and was about to beg Martin for a wee when to her absolute delight, the speaker announced a short, ten minute interval.
"Oh thank god" she gasped out loud, as she made her way to the edge of the stage. The sound of chairs scr****g across the floor filled the room, as Martin stopped her,
"Should we go through your speech again" he asked, but there was no way she could be denied, she absolutely had to have a wee, it was becoming extremely urgent.
"NO" she stammered a bit too loudly, barely stopping her frantic dash,
"I need to, I mean, I'm just nipping to the ladies room quickly",
He tried to protest, but she was like a woman possessed. storming past him towards the sign she'd been staring at for the past hour.

Her bladder was screaming at her, just like it had been in the services earlier, she absolutely had to wee, she needed it. "Just hold on girl" she thought, as she gritted her teeth. To her horror though, as she got to the ladies she was greeted with a queue snaking out of the door. "No no no no no, not now" she muttered as she joined the end of it. There must've been 15 people waiting outside the door, with good knows what sort of drama going on inside. This could not be happening she thought, as she stood in line, trying to hide her frantic desperation. 10 minutes later, the queue had started to die down, and she was just at the enterence to the door. There was no hiding it anymore, she was desperate, absolutely bursting for a wee, she was grinding her thighs together and bobbing up and down, as she peered past the woman infront of her she could see that there were just 3 cubicles, and still about 5 desperate ladies before her. Her mind raced, and her heart pounded, as a toilet flushed and the woman at the front dashed in.

At that moment she heard an announcement that caused her to yelp out.
"OK, thats the end of the interval, please make your way back to your seats".
She couldn't be late, she was on the stage, next to the main company director, but she had to wee, she absolutely had to, there was no way she could hold it for another hour, and certainly no way she could give a speech like this. It was now or never, she pushed past the woman in front of her and ran to the front of the line. She was greeted by an 18 year old PA, who was pressing a hand into her crotch. Abby's mind raced, as she started to beg,
"Please, please, please can I cut the line" she pleaded, as the young girl looked horrified. There was a protest from a girl three girls back, but Abby continued, "Look, its an absolute emergency, I'm absolutely bursting for a wee, and they're calling for us back".
"We all are" said the girl second in line, "Fuck off and wait your turn like everyone else".
"I know" stammered Abby, "But, but I'm on the stage, and have a presentation to do, I have to go back now, but I absolutely must wee first, if I don't I'll wet myself for sure". Her pee dance was getting more and more frantic as she spoke, but the girl at the front almost broke down. "I neeeeeeedddd to weeeeeee" she wailed, "I'm sorry but I'm bursting, Its starting to come out".

At that moment Sue came charging into the ladies room, her terrifying line manager.
"Abigail, what on earth are you doing in here, everyone is back on that stage apart from you, Martin looks fucking seething, you're showing us all up".
At that moment, a toilet flushed, and the heavenly sound of a lock sliding open filled the room.
"Please" begged Abby, looking longingly at the next girl in line, but she just pushed past her, lifting her skirt as she went, revealing an already substantial wetspot on her baby pink knickers. Seconds later the sound of a huge, hissing deluge filled the room, as the PA gasped out in relief.
"NOW" commanded Sue, staring at Abby.
Her bladder screamed, as the thought of not being able to pee tormented her, then out of nowhere, SSSSSS, she lost control, just for a second, but it was enough, she hoiked up her skirt and thrust both of her hands between her legs.
"SUE" she begged, praying almost for divine intervention. "I absolutely must pee, and they wont let me cut the line".
"There's no time" said Sue, "I need you out here now, you'll have to hold it."
"I can't" she gasped, "I really can't, its coming out now" She was frantic at that point, and saw a cocktail glass on the side. Her mind raced, she had to find some relief, she grabbed it, pulled aside her panties, and thrust it between her legs. Immediately a blast of pee shot from her tightly clenched lips, and as she allowed herself to relax her stream blasted out at incredible force. The girl at the front of the line started to protest,
"You dirty bitch, stop it, oh god, oh please stop it" she was in a furious pee dance, and watching Abby find relief was clearly not helping her. Sue stormed over, just as the glass filled, and it was so hard to stop peeing, as her bladder just wanted to empty itself.
"UUUMMMPH" she grunted as she got herself under control. She placed the glass on the side, it was full to the brim of frothing, almost clear business woman piss.
"I'm so sorry" she said to Sue, "I absolutely had to do that".
Her stomach still ached, and her bladder demanded its full relief, the pain of having to hold on again once the floodgates had opened was agony. The glass was only small, probably about 150ml, and she felt like she had an ocean trying to thrash out from between her legs.

"I'll deal with the disgusting show I've just witnessed later on, but get back on that stage this instant" replied Sue, with a face like thunder. She ushered her towards the door of the Ladies, with a bladder still uncomfortably full.

She was panicking as she headed back to the stage. How much longer would it be til she could finish her wee. She tried to convince herself that now she'd taken the edge off it, she'd be fine, but she felt anything but fine.
She pressed her thighs together as she staggered back up to the stage, where she was greeted by Martin, who looked bright red.
"ABIGAIL" he boomed, "Where the hell have you been, do you realise how important these speeches are, I knew it was a risk putting a little girl in charge of the most important one, people kept telling me you were driven, that you had something special, but you don't seem to be taking this seriously at all!"
Her bottom lip started to quiver. She couldn't cry, not here, but her bladder screamed at her and she was being literally shouted at by the most important man in the company.
"I'm sorry sir" she started, "but, erm, well there was a line" she barely even knew what she was going to say. She certainly couldn't tell him the whole story of what had happened in the ladies room, or admit to the fact that she was still easily as bursting as she'd been when the coach stopped earlier and frantically panicking about the possibility of wetting her knickers.
"I don't care" said Martin, "I just hope your speech is good, you better not let me down"
As he said it the master of ceremonies started to talk, and introduced Abby up the the front.
She'd put so much work into her speech that she had to focus. The first ten minutes went well, but her bladder seemed to be filling more. She knew it was the coffee, and she involuntarily started to bob up and down, rubbing her thighs together. Her need was coming in waves, each one seemingly a little more urgent than the one before. She started to sweat as she ploughed on through, desperately trying to appear calm and relaxed, but she could hear people whispering. By some miracle she made it to the end of her speech, and actually pressed her hand into her crotch, almost as a celebration. Her mind raced. She'd actually done it, that was it, it was time to pee! Then Martin stood up and took the mic. Abby looked longingly accross to the Ladies room, she knew hers was the last speech, should she just run for it now. Her bladder sensed this thought and demanded it. "Umph" she grunted, as she bobbed up and down.
Martin announced over the microphone that they were opening the floor to any questions, to any of speakers, and immediately a sea of hands shot up. Looking at more denial, she felt her legs starting to shake, she didn't know what to do. She'd been so focussed on making it to the end of her speech, that she'd almost convinced herself that would be the end of her trauma. Martin pointed to the first question asker, but Abby was barely listening.
"Yes, erm, question for young Abigail, what is it like being a young girl succeding in such a male dominated industry."
"Abby" said Martin, handing her the mic.
She hadn't prepared for this, she couldn't think straight, her bladder burned, it needed release, sweat poured from her brow, as she started a subtle, but obvious pee dance.
"Erm" she stammered "Its erm, yes, its good, all of my male colleagues have been very helpful"
She was almost floored by an incredible urge. She looked accross to the Ladies room. Her mind screamed at her to make a run for it, her bladder demanded she run for it.
The question asker pushed for more, "At such a young age too, you've done incredibly well, do you see yourself progressing right to the top of the company"
Out of nowhere, another urge, almost as big as it had been the day she'd wet herself outside weatherspoons. A blast of pee escaped her tightly clenched lips, and soaked into her expensive panties. She tried to press her hand between her legs, but her skirt was too tight, she couldn't get any pressure where she needed it so badly. Another spurt escaped, this time causing a rivulet that she could feel dripping down her thigh. Everyone was staring at her, but she had to pee, right this second! It was, undoubtaby the worst moment of her life. She could hear people sneering and laughing at her, but she was out of control, on stage, and actively starting to wet herself.
"I'm err, I'm sorry" she stammered into the mic, "I erm, that is, I'm sorry, I just need a quick break". She dropped the microphone onto the floor and just ran towards the Ladies. She could hear Martin saying something, and others told her to wait, but there was literally only one thing that mattered. More pee escaped from her, as she staggered accross the room. "I'm sorry" she cried, as she went, "I'm so sorry, I have to, I can't wait."
Sue stood and tried to block her path again, but she was like a woman possessed. Any delay now, would be absolutely disasterous, she was literally out of control.
"Abigail, get back on that stage this instant" commanded Sue, but she didn't even break stride.
"I need a weee" she gasped as she pushed open the Ladies room door and saw an open cubicle infront of her.

It was literally too much, the sight of a toilet was what she'd been dreaming of for so long, that she started to release as she frantically hoiked up her tight skirt. She could feel pee cascading from between her legs, as she pulled aside the gusset of her panties and collapsed onto the toilet, without even bolting the cubicle door.
The relief she felt was like nothing she had ever encountered before, as she literally exploded a deluge of pent up pee into the bowl below.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" she gasped "oh my god, I've needed this for so long, oh a pee, oh I thought I'd never get to do it"
she was crying as her stream dwindled down to a trickle, sobbing and peeing for all she was worth. She was lightheaded and the whole bottom half of her body tingled and relaxed. She seemed to pee on for ages, before finally she felt empty.

Only at that stage did she assess the damage. She stood up and immediately felt how wet her panties were, she she removed them. She was also mortified to feel the inside of both thighs, and then noticed the streaks running down the back of her ridiculously expensive designer skirt. The mess she'd made on the floor of the, clearly, well maintained Ladies room was clear for all to see too.

At that stage, Sue came charging in. Abby expected the telling off of her life, but seeing the state that she was in, she saw a different side to Sue. Her make up had run down her face where she had been crying, and her glistening legs, streaked skirt, and sopping wet panties in hand clearly showed there'd been quite a serious accident.

"Oh my God Abby" said Sue, "What on earth happened, how can you just pee yourself"
Abby, still crying started "I don't know, I had to go so bad, I told you I had to go. I couldn't wait, I tried, I really tried, I got through my speech, and then there was questions, it hurt, and I tried to stop it but my skirt was tight and I needed it, and I wet myself!" she cried more as Sue hugged her.
"Do you have a weak bladder or something?" questioned Sue "We've all had to go at these events, but you don't just wet yourself."
"I don't know Sue, but I premise I couldn't help it".
"Get yourself cleaned up and I'll tell them you're ill she said, as 2 giggling girls came into the Ladies. Abby locked herself back inside her cubicle and dried her legs. She'd made a huge show of herself, but as much as she tried to think about all she could think about was the coach trip back tomorrow!! But that's another story.....
เผยแพร่โดย pguy691
4 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
โปรด หรือ เพื่อโพสต์ความคิดเห็น
Janphil1897 3 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
ถึง pguy691 : Excellent! After chatting with you , I too can get a major horn up esp when lady is bursting to use the loo. So much to the degree of  playing the clips of waste hitting the water of them just hanging on !. The better ones dont actually get that far and end up lagging them selves their hot piss streaming down their legs and forming a hot yellow pool in a toilet  Q...
ตอบกลับ แสดงความคิดเห็นเดิม
pguy691 ผู้เผยแพร่ 3 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
ถึง Janphil1897 : I'm glad you enjoyed it! I have more desperation stories in the pipeline!
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Janphil1897 3 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
Written so well..
sexykinkyboy 3 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
so hot
Jdoherty0417 3 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
Can’t wait to hear about the coach trip back seems like she’s in for some serious desperation then also 
Jdoherty0417 4 ปี ที่ผ่านมาแล้ว
Damn that’s hot AF 