Susan’s naughty and strange dream

Susan’s naughty and strange dream Susan was fed up of being stuck back in the closet! One of her other id’s Family members had moved back in and were restricting her time as the dominant personality. Even though the times she did get control were always a happy and wonderful feeling her frustration was growing. Well she hadn’t been able to spend time with a nice man since before Christmas when she had visited the Attic! That was a very good day, being made love to by a gorgeous hunk for over an hour as well as getting hammered over the back of a couch in the cinema whilst another gurl slippe… Läs mer

Publicerat av sexysusang 3 år sedan 6

A night out on the town in York

Susan had posted she was free on the night of March 22nd and was hoping for better responses than she had received from the two previous attempts to attract a date in the city. A few days passed with no one seemingly taking an interest when a message arrived - plain and to the point "Could spend the day and evening with You.....dinner out? What time will you get there". Susan was taken aback! "Dinner out?" she thought. That was a very tempting offer, could she feel confident enough to actually go out on the town? She stalled, replying she had to sort out arrival times. "Ok. Do you want me to s… Läs mer

Publicerat av sexysusang 3 år sedan 21