Hello everyone

yesss ik as u might have noticed i had deactived may account for just person reasons... i just needed some space /.. annnd yeah nothing u have to worry about buut i might be back online sometimes so we can chatt /,,, again wish u a wonderfull day, im excited to hear from you again ^-^… Läs mer

Publicerat av Deaht_Reaper 8 månader sedan 5

Prob delet all of this ?

**IMPORTANT: I don't want ANYONE to be omg im sooo sryy this happens to you /... it happens to pretty much every normal woman here /... its just that i had the feeling to shout it out here. But I DON'T want any sympathy /... don't try it ** Im soooo fcking close to just delet my account here / delete all friends / make it that i was never here /... Its just so fcking annoying everyone is like uhh u wand dic pics u wanna meet u wann go on a date blah blahh blahhh ... fcking disgusting its like im 20 and some 40+ dudes wanna get me /.. and they think i like it It could be my FCKING DAD when y… Läs mer

Publicerat av Deaht_Reaper 1 år sedan 13

Frohe Weihnachten ! ❤

Frohe Weihnachten an alle ! Ich hoffe eigentlich ja dass ihr das ganze nicht schon heute nicht seht und lieber Zeit mit der Familie verbringt /... aber ich hoffe ihr habt eine schöne zeit und ein frohes fest ?… Läs mer

Publicerat av Deaht_Reaper 1 år sedan 5