Forbidden Love Begins

As time passed, Greyson and Eran's love only grew stronger. They found themselves constantly sneaking away to be together, finding new and exciting places to explore in the magical forest. But with every passing day, they knew that their love was becoming riskier. They feared that their secret would be discovered and that they would be punished for breaking the rules of their respective communities. The werewolf pack and the elven village had always been at odds, and the idea of a werewolf and an elf being together was unthinkable. Despite the risks, Greyson and Eran refused to let their lov… Läs mer

Publicerat av benyorkxxx 1 år sedan 1

Forbidden Love

Once upon a time in a magical forest, there was a werewolf named Greyson. He was a fierce protector of his pack and roamed the forest every night under the full moon. One night, while on patrol, he stumbled upon an elf named Eran. He was the most beautiful creature he had ever laid eyes on with his pointed ears and delicate features. Eran was lost in the forest, trying to find his way back to his home in the elven village. Greyson, being the kind-hearted werewolf that he was, offered to help Eran find his way back. As they walked through the forest, they couldn't help but feel drawn to each o… Läs mer

Publicerat av benyorkxxx 1 år sedan 2