Manchester Milf, Mrs D, Frances Belzner

These are all old videos from the 90s. The woman is from Bethlehem Pa, and I had a 30 yr long affair with her. She was turning tricks in high school, and I met her in 1976. She was the GF of my buddy, and introduced me to my wife. In 1985 we had a threesome at a hotel, and she had her first born son with her, we had our daughter, got them adjoining rooms so we could play. She was skinny as fuck and flat as a board. But she was tight and wet, and sucked me off twice, swallowing my nut, which she loved. I saw her sporadically for a few years, mostly to get a blowjob, as she was a fucking master.… Läs mer

Publicerat av eastonhard 4 år sedan 1

Nick's Mum.

I cycled to my friend Nick's house one sunny Saturday afternoon. I put my bike in the back garden and let myself into the kitchen. "Hello?" I shouted. Silence. All the downstairs rooms were empty. I shouted again up the stairs, still nothing. I started walking up the stairs and could hear the faint sound of music, it was coming from the spare room where Zoe kept her sunbed. I slowly walked along the landing to the door to the spare room, my heart starting to race in anticipation. I first saw her feet with their red painted toes pointing up, as she was lead on her back. I changed angle slightly… Läs mer

Publicerat av Penfold200 2 år sedan 2

Sally my ex girlfriend

Sally my ex girlfriend who's pictures are on my profile was an 80 's girl she did a few shoots for fiesta magazine anybody who has seen them are has pictures of her I would be very appreciative if you could let me know and share them with me as sadly I don't have the original magazine's anymore just the pictures on my profile. thanks… Läs mer

Publicerat av handyman225 3 år sedan 4

Do prostitutes enjoy sex?

Do prostitutes enjoy sex? Do they have orgasms or do they fake it? To shed light on this issue, we conducted a study involving 22 hidden camera videos, showing prostitutes having sex with their clients and 8 videos showing wives having sex with their husbands. We presented these videos to 130 xhamster user experts for review and decision as to whether the women were really enjoying or faking. We did not reveal which were the prostitute videos and which the wife videos. The results presented here strongly support the hypothesis that hookers enjoy sex with their clients at least as much as wiv… Läs mer

Publicerat av larryhorse 4 år sedan 126