The Slow Seduction Of The Stunning MILF

Back in my 20s, I was blessed as a young adult with a long-standing semi-affair with a lovely married woman in her mid 40s, that was just so incredibly charged with excitement and arousal, that to this day I'm still immediately aroused to urgent erection whenever I think back on those sultry and arousing experiences. I say "semi-affair" in that we never actually "consummated" our encounters, they consisted of what I can best describe as daring and challenging teasing, and not always ending in orgasms, per se.

As a working musician, I of course had the many and distinct opportunities to stand in front of crowds of people and gaze out at them as we would perform, and being a young and excited male, I always was on the look for lovely ladies whom I could make eye contact with and enjoy some casual flirting. I married and divorced early (I was an idiot, too immature), and somehow i thought that had given me license to become a roving gangster of love. The benefits of having recognition on my instrument brought me numerous opportunities to perform with various different groups up and down the NW coast of US, mostly around Seattle coastal and island towns. Some of my favorite experiences were in those smaller cities and towns where the ladies were a bit different than big-city women, and that seemed to be more amplified by the smaller the township location.

I kept a small apartment in Seattle, but spent a fair amount of the time on the road in my Chevy van, tooling up and down the I5 corridor, from Portland on the south to Bellingham on the north, with a lot of time playing at fun festivals in the coastal and island towns. There would be "residencies" sometimes, where I might be housed on an island for a week or two, and it would be common at that age for me to be blessed with a hookup with a lovely lady (or more) during an engagement run, that would make my non-performing time much more enjoyable. For the most part, those arousing encounters would take place pretty much only on the sly, almost always initially in my van (it was set up as a traveling apartment, carpeted, fold out bed, dresser, closet, satin batik covered walls, etc.), as they would typically follow a sequence of initial flirting, simple conversations, an invitation for a casual coffee or lunch somewhere, and often leading to an invitation to see the van ("oh, yes, my van is quite comfortable for my travels, equipped with modest comforts, with no windows in the back, allowing me to pull the curtains and sleep whenever/wherever it's desired... would you like to see it?). Once in the van, seated on the low bed, perhaps a pipe-load of pot would be smoked (we're talkin' the late '70s, and early 80s!), followed by an invitation to a massage ("oh, clothed, of course!!"), sometimes ending there (for the first encounter), or perhaps going forward a bit. I made it a point to have a couple of prominent books on massage displayed, to help with the ambience. It was common that in my return trips to a locale I would already have a few "appointments" already waiting for me, to make my time more enjoyable and memorable. Typically, though, those rarely evolved to someone coming to visit me at my apartment in Seattle.

But... there was this one lovely lady in a well-known city north of Seattle, who made it a point to come up and compliment me on the performance each time we visited that locale to play. Clearly married, with an obviously more-than-comfortable lifestyle, sporting a substantial diamond(s) wedding ring and equally substantial matching engagement ring, prominently displayed. She was beautiful in a masculine and strong way, with that wonderful "MILF" "mom-bod" type physique, curvy hips, slight extra weight, and full breasts that drew my attention at every conversation. Typically in a fitted blouse, sensual and silky draping material that accentuated her ample breasts, and displaying the hint of a sexy bra with textured material. In conversation I would keep darting my eyes to her chest, hoping to see a bit of erection of her nipples (not to be seen, alas), and while the conversations were always innocent, my excitement for her was surely visible to her. A sustained and extremely understated tease would best describe the moments of conversations. Brunette, easy-to-smile and laugh, and while never (initially...) seeming to be overtly flirting, always made it a point to come and greet me at any performance in her town, and of course, I became aroused every time she would talk with me... you know, that moment of adrenaline and excitement that takes place between a late-20-something male and a mid-40-something female, it's indescribable, but palpable! I dropped casual hint after hint to no avail over a number of conversations, and ultimately had decided that she was just one of those amazing ladies who just has an open, positive and confident personality, but not overtly seeking pleasure. But every time we visited her town, I hoped to see her yet once again!

And then, that one time... there was that turning moment, when, after one of our performances, we greeted once again, her lovely shape well represented, and this time, her blouse clearly was of a more sexy material, and there was no mistaking the outline of the shape of her breasts, and her nipples just barely came in and out of view as they hardened and softened during our conversation. I was transfixed. It was during this chat in which she let me know that she was planning on coming to Seattle the following week, staying over night at SeaTac airport in order to catch an early morning flight back east, and was curious about a recommendation for where to enjoy a quiet-but-delicious meal during her break in her day, as she would be arriving downtown late morning for a meeting, before having her afternoon free. She said she preferred some place that felt more private and somewhat indulgent. I asked if she was looking for more vegetarian fare, or more carnivorous in nature, which clearly grabbed her attention and caused her to stop and think. "Oh, I'm definitely a meat eater..." with a slight smile on her face, staring into my eyes as she responded, with her nipples both coming to attention through her fabric. I looked down and saw them pointing my direction, taking my time and then back up to her eyes. My cock noticeably twitched in my pants, I'm sure, though likely not visible.

I replied that I knew of the perfect place for that, the revered "13 Coins" at SeaTac, a fixture in Seattle's social history. Revered for it's sumptuous menu, prized for its privacy in dining, a long single aisle-way from front to back, with deep, private, over-stuffed leather booths on the right of the aisle, as well as uniquely-private high-back bucket seats at the eating bar on the left, all with low-hanging pendant lights at the tables and bar for a feeling of low-key sensual indulgence. A 24-hour operation, lights always low, soft vocal jazz classics (think Sinatra, Bennett, etc.) playing, no matter what time of day you walked in, the low-light and soft atmosphere was renowned as a place where clandestine rendezvous were explored, by folks of all walks of life. Musicians, business people, lovers, movers and shakers, both above and below the board, would fill the place 'round the clock. Nobody looked at you as you arrived, and you knew not to look at anyone once inside, for to turn and peer into a booth was known to be inappropriate, as it was best not to know anything about anybody.

As I described it to her (less obviously, of course), she simply interrupted me, stating "It sounds PERfect. I'm in. What's your favorite dish there?" I looked down at her blouse, more obviously this time, and back up to her eyes, stating "I think the chicken breasts are delicious, but I've never dined there that I didn't walk out with a smile on my face." A long pause as she took that in. I then posited: "Would you like me to join you, perhaps I can be of help in your choices?" She took in a deep breath, her breasts pushing out, clearly aroused in her mind, and said "Yes, I think that would work. I'll be there mid day next Tuesday, I'll make a reservation. How do I reach you to let you know when to join me?"... I gave her my card, and that set the tone. I was HOOKED.

I didn't hear from her until the following Monday afternoon, a simple phone message left on my answering machine, no name, just "I have a reservation for 2:00 tomorrow, perhaps you would show up a few minutes early and find a suitable table." And, click, that was it. I knew she meant business. Or pleasure. Or something. But I knew it was serious.

The power lunch crowd was just clearing out as I arrived, and once my eyes adjusted to the dark interior, I saw the perfect booth on the right, at the far end of the long walkway. The bar was divided into two wings up and down the aisle, with all of the cooking done right there at the long horizontal open cooking stations in front of the bar diners. Waitstaff entered and exited from the center of the two wings, so the table I had picked at the far end was perfect, basically no one would be sauntering by us during our lunch.

I sat facing the long aisle and entry, to be able to see her, and also so that when she was seated, she would not be visible from her backside. I ordered a diet coke, and waited.

At 3 minutes until 2:00, I could make her out as she entered, confidently and inconspicuously striding down the aisle, looking straight ahead. I stood up from my table at the end and caught her eye, and then sat back down until she made her way to the table. She was dressed in a crisp business outfit, slim fitting dark skirt, woman's waist coat, and that silky-fabric blouse buttoned almost to the top, that I had come to love so much. Her medium heels brought her legs and backside up to that delicious profile that only heels can do for a woman. I breathed in slowly.

As she reached the table, her back to the entire restaurant, standing in front of me, she stared at me, and stated: "Yes. This is perfect." She then removed her waist coat to hang on the hook between booths, and stood tall again, clearly for me to take in the view, and I immediately could tell she was wearing a half-cup bra, as her nipples were almost screaming for attention through the silk; large, erect, and I could make out even the bumps of her areolae through the fabric. I slightly shook my head and muttered softly "Oh my, that is quite a lovely blouse you are wearing..." and she looked down at her nipples and said "well, it's a bit brisk outside, as you can see." And then she sat down. I was stunned, desperately hoping to recover and not blow what clearly was turning out to be one of the most erotic moments in my young adult life.

"Let me start with 'Welcome', I think, and so glad you could make it!" was the best I could come up with initially. No worries, as she picked up the menu, looking at it, and after a quick once over, said "Thank you, I'm pleased you could break away as well... so what do you think is good here again?" My window had opened, a setup, perfectly placed for me to hit it out of the ball park.

"As I stated before, and even more now that you are here, I do so love the breasts. Absolutely stunning, I would say. (pause, no response) Full. Beautifully shaped. Inviting and expertly plated for maximum visual enjoyment. I can't take my eyes off the offering."

Without skipping a beat, she replied: "Anything else on the menu you would like to see?"

I replied: "I'm an omnivore. I love to taste everything."

"Good answer."

The waiter arrived, we looked over the menus, and I waited for her to order, to make sure whatever I ordered was less time-consuming than her choice, so that whatever might come next would not be delayed by my eating. She ordered a crab salad, I ordered a Caesar, and now we were at the moment of truth...

I looked at her closely, and let her know how lovely she looked, and she asked me to elaborate, which was totally arousing even more. I began to describe her overall body, as though I was touching her, starting with her lovely hair, eyes, nose, lips, chin, ears, each of those I described how beckoning they all were. Then there was her outfit... I stated that it was obvious that she had taken her already simple elegance to a higher level with the ensemble she had chosen this time, both visible and unseen. I thanked her for wearing such an alluring blouse, that it was difficult for me not to continue to scan her blouse for visible signs of enjoyment that called out for observance and admiration, about how exciting it is for someone like me to be teased by the hint of such unrestrained sensitive body parts. I struggled to keep my words in more obscure descriptive terms, not really knowing what would be crossing the line, but come on, this was all shaping up to be something amazing, right?!?

She smiled at the last comment, and asked when I had noticed her initially, and if I had appreciated her in that much in the past, to which the flood gates of compliments kinda just blurted out about how I had seen her in the audiences over the times she had attended, how I was always brought up a few degrees in temperature when seeing her there, and then often tongue-tied when she would come up to say hello and compliment on the music; I had noticed the very first time and all consecutive times after the silkiness of her blouse against her curves, something that was (is!) such a major source of enjoyment for me. I let her know that I would spend considerable time wondering if she was purposely teasing me, if she could read my mind about enjoying her figure, and if she could tell by my breath and awkwardness how excited I was when she would come up to me.

"Yeah. It's nice to have someone so noticeably effected in your presence, something that I haven't had for a while, so yes, I've enjoyed the attention, and honestly, it's been fun to tease you. You're pretty transparent in your eagerness to talk with me, and to look me up and down. Which you do. A lot. Like, a LOT." She was chuckling and all of a sudden quite a bit more relaxed, and I was laughing too, with the conversation consisting of remembering different conversations. I kept bringing up what I remembered her wearing at different moments, how sexy her crisp outfits were, clearly tailored, and fitting so strikingly appealing. I remember remarking how attractive her confidence was all that time as well, how focused and intelligent she was, about how she held herself and walked, and about her appreciation of the music.

And I returned to the blouses... how they teased me, how I would furtively and quickly dart my eyes to take in the curves that her blouse only portended to. I admitted how I had hoped to see signs of mutual arousal in the more obvious extension of her chest, but to no avail, yet how I enjoyed getting hints of the type of material just under the silky surfaces. She was drinking it in, to be sure, so I just continued verbally caressing her with my words. I brought up that last time, when, for the first time, I was able to observe some obvious disturbance through the materials, indications of some pleasure was being felt; she chuckled, and said that she had enjoyed dressing that morning, deciding which combination to wear that would send a bit of a signal. That she had felt a bit of adrenaline picking the top she picked and putting it on, being able to see in the mirror what I was going to observe, and then feeling it again as soon as we began talking, noticing how my eyes lingered on her blouse as I struggled to smoothly converse. She also said that my reaction that day gave her confidence to let me know she would be in the area the next week. And that she originally had no intention of meeting me like this, but my words about the restaurant had pushed her over the edge.

"It's a very nice feeling to feel appreciated, and to effect someone that way, you know." She then let me know that she was married (duh!), for 20+ years, and for a number of years now, her husband clearly had other interests. She let me know that they were prominent in the community, and that this meeting was the first time she had ever done anything even remotely similar. And that it was to NEVER ever be known. And that this was likely the only time she would meet me, that she just wanted to feel what it felt like to be desired, to be appreciated, to be wanted. Long pause. Lonnnnng pause.

I then blurted out: "I wanted to caress and feel your body and curves through that blouse from the first moment you said hello." That was a moment I will never forget. She quickly gasped, sucking in her breath, sitting up quickly, her face changing noticeably from controlled, to a look of wanting and desire, her eyes darting a bit, and her hands reaching to touch her stomach with one, and just under her breast with the other. Pausing, and just staying quiet, I waited for a number of seconds as she regained her demeanor. Hands back down on the table, a noticeable long exhale.

"That. That was... Oh, my, that was... ummmm. Okay. Well. That, well, that was something else, I must say." She was struggling to speak. "Okay, okay, well, wow. Okay..." I was guessing that she had just had a major rush of arousal.

"That looked kinda nice from my side, what just happened?"

Long pause. Lonnnnnnng pause. Looking up and out, clearly thinking, calculating, considering. Looking back at me, at my eyes, deeply.

"I just had an orgasm." My eyes went big, a smile on my face, and laughing, I said congratulations, how often does one get to have that happen in their life? A smile grew on her lips, and she laughed as well, a laugh of relief and release, to be sure.

I laughed: "Well, it wasn't 'When Harry Met Sally', but it was pretty fun to watch on my side, I have to tell you! And it's time to drop the pretenses here, your girls there pretty much went on full alert during that, one of the more arousing views I've had in a long time!"

She looked down at her blouses front, her nipples were indeed so visible behind the silky material and poking out, the bumps on her areolae noticeable as well... "They cannot tell a lie, it would seem." And she then unbuttoned the two upper buttons so that her bra middle was now visible, the globes of her breasts visible as well, disappearing under the blouse at either side. She looked back at me to see my reaction.

"Oh my, it's my turn to squirm now, you have no idea how arousing it is to watch you do that." I moved my hips and legs to readjust how my cock was fitting in my jeans, clearly not happy about being kept out of the conversation. She chuckled.

I continued... "Orgasms are wonderful things. One of the few great reasons for being alive, I think. You must know I've had a number of them thinking about you and what you look like under those awesome outfits you wear. I think it's okay to tell you that now. You must know that I will be without a choice but to think back on this after we part today, and it will be quite an amazing memory for me that will fuel many moments of arousal into the future, I'm sure."

"I imagined that you did do that after we talked those times, yes."

"And was that arousing?"




Long pause. Lonnnnnng pause.

"Eat your salad. Let me tell you about my van..."

It was a bit erotic from that point on at the table, I comically overemphasized attempting to look at her cleavage as she leaned forward as she was eating, she would lower her chest down as she watched me watch her, and allow her nipples to rub against the edge of her plate through her blouse. All the while I explained what a comfortable space my van was, I was able to visit different locations and park for the day, or for the night, and enjoy all that the Puget Sound Region has to offer, the beauty, the fun. I let her know that without windows in the back, and a curtain that pulled across behind the two seats, it was completely anonymous, a very non-de-script blue, so whenever I felt like I needed to pull over and either rest, or visit with a friend, it was quite accommodating. The fold down chair-to-bed was perfect for whenever I might need to share a massage with someone.


"Yes, love to share massages with good friends."

"I see." Pause...

"Are your muscles feeling a bit tight?"

"I think they are, yes."

"How much time do you have before you need to move on to your next errand?"

"Hmmm, let's say a half hour?"

"I think I can help you there. As you can see, my hands and fingers are quite strong and adept, from playing music."

"Yes, they're pretty hard not to notice when you are playing."

"Mmmm, I'll let that one pass." Laughter.

"The van is out on the side parking lot, and like I said, blue. Chevy. The license plate is (------). Let's pay now, and I'll go use the restroom, and head out there first. You can come out on your own so you are not seen with anyone. When you do come out, just step right up into the driver's side as though it's your car, we won't use the side sliding door." I tossed $40 on the table and got up, headed to the bathroom to pee, wash up, and then headed out. She could see me from the table, leaving the entry, and I wondered how long she would be before coming out. IF she even would come out.

It seemed like about 10-15 minutes before I heard the door opening, and seeing her hop up into the driver's seat. In the meantime I had made sure it was nice and respectful inside, and I had changed into some long-board shorts, as the jeans and boxers I had worn were just too much restraining on me. The van was facing into the looming hedge on the side of the parking lot, fairly dark, so once she was in, she was invisible to the world. I welcomed her as she stepped up and seated. She rotated around and looked back into my space, carefully. I sat on the floor cross legged, and patted the low chair, inviting her over. As she started to crouch down to make her way back, I suggested she leave her coat hanging on the back of the drivers seat, which she did. The rustle of her dress and nylons as she made her way back was intoxicating, to say the least. Love that sound!

Sitting down on the low bed/chair (kind of like a futon, but not as wide), she rotated her legs to the side, bending at the knees, so as to not have a drastic upskirt moment as the start of the experience. She remarked about the comfortableness and I responded that it was quite sound proof as well, making it easy to sleep near louder environments. I reached to her heels and touched them, complimenting her on what they did for her legs and profile in her skirt, and asked if she would like to take them off. She tossed them with a couple flicks of her feet, and my hand then landed back on her nylon covered feet. The feeling of the nylon was magical, I mentioned, loving how it feels to the skin. I massaged her feet and ankles a bit as she sat quietly, taking it all in. Asking if she would like more coverage, perhaps calves, she nodded yes, and so up went my hands, up and down her calves, gripping and squeezing, somewhat in a familiar motion.

She leaned back against the chair back, and I stared at her breasts as I stroked her legs. She released more buttons of her blouse to her belly as I gasped, enjoying the view. I began to make my way up onto her thighs, pushing up her skirt edge, which was so arousing to do, wondering what I would see under the fabric. She pushed her hips forward, forcing her skirt even higher, and revealing that she was wearing pantyhose, which clearly would be setting the tone for what might (and probably would NOT) be taking place. I slid my hands up between her thighs, and back down, repeating, urging her. I reached up and pulled her blouse out of her skirt, exposing her large breasts for the first time, and amazing nipples, at full attention. We both paused, and I whistled with wonderment. She had taken her bra and had folded the top halves back and under her breasts to accomplish the exposed nipple effect under her blouse, and I complimented her on her resourcefulness.

So, there she was, exposed, letting herself be seen by another man, her skirt up to her waist, in nylons, her blouse wide open to expose her beautiful ample mature breasts, nipples at full attention, panties visible under her pantyhose... I was purely focused on her, but my cock was so erect and wanting attention. I reached up to caress her breasts, but she pushed away my hands, and uttered, "No, no, I don't think so..." so I retreated back to her thighs and legs. She was wearing panties under her nylons, very intoxicating, but clearly not a hall pass for entry.

I asked her what she would enjoy that would be comfortable, and she said she was enjoying this, so I continued on, stroking her legs and inching close to her crotch with my movements. As I got close to touching her gap, she again retreated, apologizing, but not wanting to stop. My shorts were tented up with my erection, and so, I sat back and slowly pulled the pant leg up, until the head of my cock was peering out. She stared at it, smiling. I brought more of it out, until it was standing tall and proud, at attention. "I hope you are flattered by how aroused I am by you?"

"Oh yes. Yes I am very flattered."

She then asked me to stay seated, and she reached up and began to play with her nipples, clearly aroused by the touch. I sat back, exhaling, and moaning "Yesssss, very nice..." to it. She played with them a bit, with the arousal showing on her face, and then reached her hand down and began to softly touch her mound. I again voice my encouragement and pleasure at that, which she clearly found exciting. She caressed her gap, and I could see the formation of her camel toe taking place as she explored her lips. I pulled my pant leg all the way back so she could see my cock and balls, slightly bobbing with my heart beat. I said "You can see what the adrenaline is doing to my heart, by how I am bobbing, can't you?" and she just nodded yes as she caressed her pubis through the material.

I asked her what I could do to help, she said, "Just sit there. Admire me. Be aroused by me."

She then slid her fingers under her nylon's top, down under her panties and began to slowly play herself with one hand, while squeezing and fondling her breasts and nipples with the other. Rising up onto her knees, pushing her pussy forward, she began fully masturbating as though she was a man, jacking over another person. I let my hand reach to my cock and stroked very slowly up and down the shaft, with precum clearly coating the tip of my cock, which visibly brought her to another level of arousal, so I began slowly jacking my cock thoughtfully as she watched me watching her and taking in her sexiness.

Her first orgasm was exciting, she bucked a little on her knees, slight shuddering, a pause and then right back at it. I let my cock stand very prominent for her, to view, and to appreciate. Her second, came more quickly, and it was violent, with her gasping and moaning as she worked her pussy furiously under her nylons, squeezing her nipples and twisting them. The rippling of her breasts as she bucked and jerked in orgasm spasms was beyond hot. She then sat back down, legs parted, slowly rubbing her crotch, and said that she needed to go soon.

I began my final approach then, playing my cock with open fingers so she could view it and its hardness. I tasted my precum, which she gasped at, and I stated how sweet and salty it tasted. She pulled her fingers out and tasted herself as well. I asked if I might taste her, and she reached back in, then pulled out of the nylons and extended her fingers to my mouth. I began licking her fingers as I played my cock, her other hand went directly back to her pussy, and she began furiously rubbing herself again as I tongued her tasty and delicious fingers, with another orgasm quickly following for her. She sat back again, and I asked her to pull her nylons and panties down for me to view her, for my orgasm. She did just that, and seeing that beautiful, wet, fully furry pussy with wet curls, and dark lips, it brought me over the edge.

We paused. She pulled up her panties and nylons, fixed the cups of her bra, buttoned back up her blouse, tucking in, pulled down her skirt, and made her way to the front, grabbing her heels. Adjusting herself in the mirror I had hanging on the side door, she regained her poise, and then, seated in the drivers seat, turned to me and simply smiled. She let herself out, as I sat there stunned and blown away.

It was over a month before I got the next call.

More on that later.

Publicerad av simba45
4 månader sedan
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emigre69 2 månader sedan
Remarkable ! Very arousing to read
SancheZ069 3 månader sedan
so hot :smile: I can't wait for the next meeting
Greensleevees 4 månader sedan
omg! She's not the only gal who came under your spell... ~blushing~
Geegaw11 4 månader sedan
Love it.  Can’t wait for the next installment