222 – My New Cleaner Friend Part 2

The car park was rather bumpy and Sonia took it really slow as she knew the position me and Emma were in however my cock was growing and it had nowhere to go with her legs tightly together and I knew she could feel my discomfort as it pressed against her, I think she felt it and the motion of the van going slowly over the potholes seemed to widen her legs which at least gave my rising bulge some more room.. “Are you ok there” Emma asked concerned for my comfort as there was no way she couldn’t feel my bulge pressing between her thighs.. I held her tummy tight as I glanced over her at the bare flesh of her thighs..

“Um.. yes Emma, thank you.. (I felt my cock pulse).. will be better when we get on the smooth road” I said and as the motion of the last pothole was violent it pushed my hands up her body and I inadvertently had hold of her little bee stings feeling her nipples in my palms, I held her tightly to avoid her bumping her head.. “Be careful mummy” she cried out as Sonia straightened up and finally got on the smooth road.. “Sorry guys” she replied and my hands lingered on her little breasts while my cock pulsed hard against her.. “Thank you for holding me Mikie, mummy’s a terrible driver and you make me feel safe” she said as I felt her wiggle to get a more comfortable position but only succeeding in rubbing against my growing bulge.

“That’s not true Emma, well, not entirely but she’s right, I’m not the best driver Mikie so.. (she looked across at me holding Emma’s chest).. that’s it, keep a tight hold” she said quickly diverting her eyes back to the road..
It didn’t take long to arrive and of course my next problem was getting out of the van with a fucking boner.. that is gonna be hard to hide and although Emma knew of it’s existence her mother certainly did not.. “Here we are, safe and sound” she said jubilantly as she turned off the engine breathing a sigh of relief.

As Sonia got out Emma eased off my lap and as she slid out the van she gave me a warm smile, “I likes your lap Mikie, so cosy” she said as stood up glancing briefly at my clearly visible bulge, this was embarrassing especially as Sonia came around to get Emma’s school bag.. she couldn’t fail to notice as she glanced down.. “I hope she wasn’t too heavy on you Mikie” she said with a giggle as I got out the van pulling my tee shirt down in an attempt to hide my obvious arousal, I think it worked as nothing was said as we walked to the entrance of this small block of flats, “It’s only a little 2 bedroom flat Mikie but it’s home” Sonia said proudly as we went inside, it smelt fresh and homely and although sparsely furnished had a very homely feeling, I immediately felt relaxed and my boner was starting to soften..

“Oh it’s very nice Miss, very cosy” I said as we walked into the lounge, “Please.. take a seat” she added pointing to a comfy armchair which had a matching little sofa next to it, with the television in the corner there wasn’t much room for anything else, small and cosy.. “Thank you” I replied as I sat down comfortable in the knowledge that my bulge had returned to a normal flaccid state..

“I must get out of these horrible work clothes and get comfy, Emma sweetheart, you get yourself ready for bed and then show Mikie your homework” she said as Emma got excited.. “Yay.. ok mummy” she said as they both went into their rooms to change leaving me to ponder my thoughts.. they were certainly a few sandwiches short of a picnic but equally naive, they were sweet and I was excited about helping with Emma’s test and sampling Sonia’s cooking.. I waited silently soaking up the homely atmosphere.. Mmm, it was nice and they reminded me so much of my own mother and sister.

The little flat had a weird set up, small lounge with beaded curtains leading to a little kitchen to the side, I’m guessing the bathroom and bedrooms were equally small but to them it was home, Sonia was the first to make an appearance and OMG she looked so different dressed in her long nightshirt that hung halfway up her thighs, her legs looked so much better and from the sight of her nipples poking against the thin fabric and the slight wobble it was obvious she had no bra on.. “You alright there Mikie?” she asked as she entered.. “Emma won’t be long; can I get you a drink” she added as she gave me a warm smile..

“Yes please, that’ll be nice.. oh I do like your shirt Miss” I said with a grin as I checked out her form.. “Aww thank you.. sorry but we’re very relaxed at home Mikie, hope that’s alright” she said as I felt totally overdressed in my sweatpants.. “Yeah Miss, we’re the same at our house too” I said as she walked through the beads to get some drinks.. “Emma’s so excited to have you help her Mikie, she never had a father or a brother so apologies if she comes across clingy” she remarked as she came in with a tray of squash and as she bent down to put the tray on the little table between my chair and the little sofa I was able to get a quick glimpse down her nightshirt.. Mmm, she had nice little titties on her.

As she straightened up she glanced down at me and with the heat in the flat from the sunlight bursting through the window she noticed a few beads of sweat on my forehead.. “Sorry mate, it does get rather warm in here.. it’s alright if you want to slip off your sweatpants and get more comfortable” she suggested and from my exposure in the toilets I was convinced she knew I had no underwear on but I felt I needed to confirm that.. “Great idea Miss however.. Um.. I’m not wearing underwear” I said hesitantly which forced Sonia to glance down again..

“Oh really?” she said like it was a surprise.. “Then maybe that’s not such a good idea then.. (she hesitated as she took her drink and sat down on the sofa).. stand up.. your shirt looks quite long though” she said trying to figure out if it would be decent, I stood up and she looked at the length of my shirt, it was possible I suppose although risky as my shirt would only just cover my bits.. Sonia smiled.. “Hmm.. it’s not too bad Mikie, it’s up to you though but I think you’ll be more comfortable” she said with a hint of excitement and I figured it was worth a try.. “OK Miss, you’re probably right” I said as I eased my sweatpants down my legs and sure enough I was just about covered and I saw Sonia’s eyes widen as I stepped out of them..

“Wow Mikie, you do have fit legs” she said with a giggle as I sat down quickly, I knew that if I became aroused it would be impossible to hide but for now it was like I was sitting in a little minidress, “So, fancy some chips for tea?” she asked as Emma walked in excited to see my state of undress.. “Wow Mikie, you look nice” she said seeing me in just my shirt but that was nothing compared to my excitement seeing her in her nightshirt which only just covered her little white panties, her slender legs showing nice development.. “Thanks Emma and yes, chips would be nice” I replied as Emma grabbed her school bag to get her test..

“How we gonna do this mummy, we both need to see the paper?” Emma asked slightly disconsolate and while I had the perfect solution I kept quiet waiting for their ideas, Sonia looked over at me and while the sofa was a solution.. “I know” she said excitedly.. “Why don’t you sit on Mikies lap Emma, that way you can both see the questions and I can sit here while the chips are cooking.. makes sense doesn’t it” she said enthusiastically which was my idea from the start, Emma looked down at my muscular thighs and my strategically placed tee shirt, her eyes widened as she recalled the drive home.. “Really mummy?.. that would work, I likes sitting on Mikies lap” she said as she looked up at me for approval.. I wasn’t going to decline such a wonderful offer and with Sonia clearly showing off her nativity by suggesting such a thing it is going to be an interesting supper especially with the openness of our attire, the odd flash of knicker didn’t seem to bother either of them, maybe I shouldn’t be so paranoid about the odd accidental flash..

I kept my legs together as Emma backed onto me which I felt it best she had her legs outside of mine for comfort and as she slid into place I could feel her pushing my shirt up my lap, good job I had my legs closed however I couldn’t close them entirely as I had equipment between them which couldn’t be squashed.. what I hadn’t thought of was with Emma’s nightshirt being quite short it had ridden up and with her legs spread she was clearly showing her panties to her mother who glanced down widening her eyes which were transfixed between her daughters legs, I felt my cock start to tingle and then it suddenly dawned on me that not only could Sonia see Emma’s cotton clad pussy but she’d also see any movement in my cock, I knew from the look on her face that she could see and as Emma wiggled to get comfortable I had to widen my legs a little more almost totally exposing my bits..

“Wow.. you two look really comfortable, it’s like you’re brother and sister, so nice” she said softly.. Emma looked up as she felt my cock starting to stiffen underneath her caused by her wiggling into position.. “I wish he was my brother mummy; can we adopt him” she said chuckling which made her mother raise her eyebrows.. “I wish” she said as I felt my cock pushing against Emma’s cotton knickers and I could tell by the look on her mother’s face that she had a perfect view.. “Maybe I’ll wait with the chips, let you guys get into the test.. I don’t mind sitting here and helping where I can, it’s nice seeing you two so close, Emma doesn’t have many friends” she said which I was alright with as knowing I had an audience made my cock pulse pushing harder against Emma’s gusset which I knew she felt, I put my arm around her waist and as I widened my fingers I could feel the hemline of her shirt which had risen to her lap.. Mmm.

We both looked at the paper and there was 10 questions testing her times table, they were easy however poor Emma wasn’t convinced and had a puzzled look on her face which I wasn’t sure was the questions or something pressing between her legs, “Oooh it’s hard mummy” she said softly looking at the paper and her mother leant forward with her head pointing to us, her eyes lowered.. “Yes Ems, hard is good though, right” she said with a cheeky giggle and I was convinced that it was NOT the test they were talking about..

My fingers twitched in her lap and I was able to pull her shirt up a little fully exposing her little white knickers to her mother’s gaze and I could just about feel the warm skin of her belly just above the waistband which didn’t go unnoticed by her watchful mother.. “That’s it Mike, keep a hold of her, her balance is terrible” she said watching where my hand was and all this micromanaging was making me harder and my cock was now pressing hard against Emma’s gusset..

“64 is the answer to question one” I said cheerfully and happy that no fuss was being made of my inappropriate contact.. “Yay Mikie.. we’ll done” Emma said happily that we were on our way.
Emma fidgeted again on my lap which forced my now throbbing cock to rub hard against her gusset and I was convinced if she didn’t have knickers on I’d be well inside her and the way her mother was I don’t think anyone would have minded.. “That’s it Ems, get comfortable, laps can be quite bony at times can’t they” she said clearly seeing my exposed cock rubbing her daughters gusset.

Emma was getting quite fidgety as we flew through the next few questions and my fingers eased inside her panties feeling her fine tuft of pubic hairs causing Emma to moan softly under her breath, “Must be getting harder Mikie, it’s ok I’m sure it’ll come you” Sonia said innocently as I saw her biting her bottom lip, her eyes still focused and seemed to widen as I brought my other hand around running it up her thigh.. I answered another couple of questions to keep the flow going as my fingers ran up the inside of her thigh towards my throbbing cock which was obstructing my target.. Sonia was in a trance as I pulled my foreskin back exposing the swollen head and eased my fingers behind gently feeling the dampness of her little cotton gusset trying to ease my fingers inside to pull them aside.. Sonia smiled as she figured out what I was trying to do and I could see her licking her lips subconsciously as I tried to pull them aside, Emma fidgeted again helping me to achieve my goal, my fingers ran across her now exposed lips as I withdrew pushing my shaft hard against her moist pussy..

“9 x 11” I said looking for suggestions to the answer and without looking up Sonia cleared her throat to answer.. “Oh that’s very hard Mikie.. (Emma fidgeted again rubbing herself against the shaft).. You can see how fidgety she is, hope it’s alright.. she’ll settle soon” she sighed taking a breath as my cock pulsed and my balls started to swell.. “It’s 99” I said as Emma gasped feeling my boner as she filled in the answer..

With my hand still on the top of her thigh close to my throbbing boner and my other hand inside the front of her knickers she again started to fidget but unfortunately I couldn’t force myself inside her, her mother again found the perfect solution.. “Emma, why not raise up and let Mikie adjust his position.. I think you’ll be much more comfortable” she said softly as she now moved to the edge of the sofa turned slightly watching our every move, I didn’t mind because her suggestions were top drawer..

Emma did as her mother suggested and raised her arse up from my lap and without thinking I took hold of my dick pushing the swollen helmet between her moist lips searching for the entrance.. as I found the spot Emma slowly lowered herself giving her mother the perfect view of my cock disappearing into her daughter.. “Oh god yes.. what’s the.. oooh Mmm.. next question” Emma sighed as my cock pushed inside her, mum looked excited too as she watched me slowly going in to the point that she’d parted her legs slightly giving me a nice peek at her knickers..

“You’re doing this so well Mikie, I know we both appreciate your efforts.. (Emma started to grind softly).. I’ll get the chips on soon.. oooh does anyone fancy a sausage” she said light-heartedly as Emma forgot about the test and started to slowly bounce as I thrust up in time with her motion.. “Oh yes guys.. that’s it, nice and steady.. Mmm.. that’s so good isn’t it Emma?” Sonia sighed not trying to mask what she was seeing.. “God yes Mummy.. OMG yes” she sighed as with one hand still in her panties caressing her growing little boy cock my other hand reached up inside her nightshirt cupping her little bee stings giving them a gentle squeeze..

“OMG YESSSS” she cried out as her body started shaking and I could feel the squirts running down my balls as her orgasm ripped through her body.. “Yeah babygirl, yeah” Sonia cried jubilantly as she witnessed her daughter cum.. I upped the pace thrusting harder I could feel the tingles in my balls and with a loud grunt I felt my cock pulsating deep inside her little body, “Oh god yes, good job Mikie” Sonia gasped as she watched my shaft pulsing with my cum shooting through, Emma gasped in delight as she felt the warmth inside her belly.. “Wow Mikie, 10 out of 10 for that.. Wow” she said excitedly as she caught her breath.. I pulled my hand out of her knickers as I felt my cock softening inside her but her cunt muscles contracting avoided any messy slips and we all just stayed silent while I finished off the test.. Sonia looked down seeing my softening cock slipping out covered in Emma’s creamy discharge..

“Right, sausage in chips for three” she said as she got to her feet pulling her nightshirt down respectfully.. “Oooh yes please” we both said in unison, “Great, I’ll let you two finish off the test, please double check it Mikie..” she said as she went into the little kitchen.. I gave Emma’s tit a quick squeeze before withdrawing it and taking the paper.. “All good Emma.. you’ll ace this” I said excitedly as I handed it back to her.. “Now go put it in your bag and we can eat supper” I said as I grabbed her by the waist lifting her up onto her feet, my cock flopped down still fully exposed as Emma stepped across the room bending down to put her paper away safely.. her nighty rose up leaving nothing to the imagination as her panties were pulled to one side clearly showing one side of her arse along with her hanging puffed out lips between her slender legs.. wow!!

To Be Continued…
Publicerad av britguy
1 år sedan
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I think dear old mom was abetting!
going to be a great night and Mikie mite talk Sonia into working for him as a duo
Well done mikie, Sonia s turn now?
Fantastic roll on the next one!
Mom watching made it extra Hot 
I can’t wait for the next!