Seducing Gayle

Gayle and I got off the elevator and headed down the hall toward our room. We had invited to make a presentation at the national bar conference about a major case we had just won. Our firm thought it would be great publicity for both it and us. One glitch was that the bar association had decided that it would be a good team building exercise to have women share a room while attending the three days of workshops and seminars.

We were both in our thirties and had been partners in the firm for several years but had not worked together until this case. We had become fast friends. I was slightly taller at five foot nine with a fairer complexion and golden hair. Gayle had olive skin and long dark hair. Gayle was curvier than me; she had nice firm breasts and great legs. I was thinner, small but perky breasts and a tiny flat behind. Our personalities were quite different. Gayle was fun loving , while I was much more reserved and introspective.

I swiped the key card through the slot in the door latch and pushed the door open. This was the second time we had been in the hotel room. The first had been just to drop their bags off before they rushed down to the meeting room for the opening session.

“I’m going to take a shower,” I announced as they entered the room. “Why don’t you take a look at the pamphlets and figure out where we should go for dinner.”

“Sure” Gayle responded, placing her purse on the writing table.

Opening the drawer she quickly found a list of local restaurants in the information folder and heard the shower start running as she browsed the list.

There was a good variety of cuisine listed. Gayle focused on a couple that offered Mexican fare and looked like they were only a couple of blocks away. Tossing the portfolio on the table, she picked up the TV remote and switched it on. Slipping off the jacket of her blue business suit she hung it on the back of one of the chairs and flopped on the double bed nearest the TV cabinet. Pulling her knees up and resting her head on her bent arm she aimlessly flipped through all the available channels. Returning to one of the talk shows, she put the remote aside.

The show had just started. It appeared that the topic had something to do with lesbian relationships. The host was asking some woman about leaving her husband to live with another woman. Gayle watched with mild interest as I emerged from the steaming bathroom wrapped in a white hotel towel.

“How do you feel about Mexican tonight?” Gayle asked, taking in my body clad in a skimpy towel. I turned away from Gayle and slipped on a sleeveless t-shirt. “Sure” I replied turning to her, now drying my hair with the towel. As I dried my hair, I could feel my breasts dance under my t-shirt in response to my arms being above my head drying my hair. Looking in the mirror, I realized that with my arms over my head, my t-shirt ran up and exposed my butt and pussy. Then I noticed that Gayle was sneaking a peek, actually almost staring at my bare bottom. Looking at my reflection in the mirror, she could clearly see my pussy. I turned bright red, ashamed of myself, but then I felt a little twinge between her legs. Gayle turned back toward the television.

“What are you watching?” I asked as I plopped myself down carelessly near the pillows of the bed Gayle was reclining on.

Out of reflex Gayle looked at me and I realized she was looking directly at my neatly trimmed bush since the bottom of my t-shirt had pulled up as I sat with one leg bent at the knee and the other still hanging off the side of the bed. I decided that I would let her look. Gayle’s legs were spread apart and I could see up the dark tunnel between them. I was sure that Gayle must know she was exposing herself and didn’t seem to care. Quickly turning her head back toward the TV Gayle replied, as casually as she could,

“It’s got something to do with lesbians,” she shuddered a little as she said the word. There was a pause as both women watched the small screen where two women were explaining to the host how they had become lovers after meeting in a grocery store.

“Have you ever made out with another woman?” I asked

“No!” Gayle replied quickly “have you?”


Gayle probably hoped that I hadn’t heard her little gasp; after all who was she to judge. She also turned to me and again let her eyes gaze upon my exposed pussy. I was beginning to feel the onset of arousal and figured I would see how far this would go

“Have you ever thought about it? You know… fantasized,” I continued.

Gayle felt the heat rising up her neck and she knew she was blushing. She had looked at other women and thought about what it would be like to touch their soft smooth flesh, and have their gentle little hands touch her but she was far too shy to admit it. She turned away from me, back to the TV trying to fashion a response. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed that I had moved my hand so that it was now resting on my crotch. She turned away, but when she looked back, I let her see that my middle finger was slowly stroking the soft folds of my labia. Completely flustered and unable to come up with anything reasonable Gayle finally said,

“I don’t know.”

“What do you mean you don’t know? You must know what you fantasize about.”

Gayle kept her head turned toward the talk show but couldn’t keep her eyes from watching me. My finger was now between my full lips up to the first knuckle and my thumb was rubbing my clit.

I could hear Gayle sigh softly as the first stirrings of arousal tickled between her legs. Still trying to figure out what to say, Gayle watched I pulled back my clitoral hood and showed her my hot pink pea sized organ. I slid my finger downward again between those pliable lips and collected some of the juice that was beginning to seep from my pussy. Moving upward again finger rubbed my juices over my clit, lubricating it.

Only a few minutes had passed since this conversation started but to Gayle it seemed like a long time. Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion. She felt her nipples stiffening inside her bra and the tickle between her legs was becoming a burn. She felt her pussy swelling and knew her own lubrication had begun to flow.

“Come on Gayle admit it! You’ve wondered what it would be like to have another woman go down on you.” As I said this, I extended my leg so that it made contact with Gayle’s thigh just below the hem of her short skirt. She flinched at the contact, but did not move away. I let my foot began a slow caressing motion on Gayle’s upper thigh.

“This one girl, Brenda was her name, got me started with women. I learned a lot from that her,” I said as my foot worked its way higher so it was now under the hem of Gayle’s skirt.

My soft painted toes made contact with the smooth warm bare flesh above the lacy top of Gayle’s thigh-hi stockings. My foot felt cool against her burning skin and again Gayle did nothing to dissuade the invasion. I rotated my ankle so my toes could stroke the inside of her thigh.

“You’d be amazed at how erotic it felt to have another woman undress you and then to be naked in front of her. I was never so excited sexually. The sensation of being kissed, and to have a woman explore my body was so exciting. And when she finally went down on me, I came so hard I thought I was going to explode!” The erotic statement coupled with the caressing toes forced a deep moan from inside Gayle.

Emboldened by her reaction, I slid my foot even higher until it contacted the silkiness of Gayle’s panties. Gayle didn’t dare look at my face; she knew her tense expression would betray her arousal. It didn’t matter.

My toes made contact with the crotch of Gayle’s panties. “My God Gayle, you’re so wet!” With my toes now pressing against her pussy, Gayle surrendered to the awesome sensations. Her head turn toward me I had pulled off my t-shirt and was naked before Gayle. I could see the lust in her eyes. My hand returned to my pussy and three fingers made firm circular motions at the top of my slit while my other hand was squeezed and pulled at her right nipple. All the while my foot was massaging Gayle’s seeping mound.

Then I decided to make my move. I rose to my knees and lightly pushed on Gayle’s shoulder. She offered no resistance in being knocked off her supporting arm and onto her back. I swung a leg across Gayle and sat completely naked straddling her hips.

Gayle looked up at my smiling face as I said “I’m going to make you feel so good!” With that I began to unbutton Gayle’s blouse. Looking down as my fingers released one button after another, Gayle watched as the lacy white bra encasing her breasts came into view. Raising her eyes, she watched the subtle jiggle of my breasts as I worked on her blouse. Trying to block the nagging conscience that kept telling me that this was wrong, and that I should stop it right now, I continued to unbutton Gayle’s blouse, then her sleeves. Gayle lifted off the bed, and I pulled her blouse away from her.

I slipped a hand under Gayle’s back, searching for the hooks holding her bra in place. This of course brought my breasts to Gayle’s mouth, and she stuck her tongue out to tease my right nipple, which immediately began to stiffen. I emitted a sweet little groan and ground my pelvis down on top of Gayle’s, as I continued to search out and unfasten the hooks of her bra.

After her initial tentative contact, Gayle sucked the firm cap of my tit between her soft lips and gently applied her teeth just the way I liked it. I squealed at the unexpected pleasure. Grasping the shoulder straps of Gayle’s bra, I pulled it from her. Gayle was now naked from the waist up. Gayle closed her eyes as she waited for me to take her.

“You have such beautiful breasts,” I sighed.

Reaching down I began to massage Gayle’s firm breasts. Rotating my thumbs around I teased the nipples to almost their full extension. Gayle’s skirt had ridden up above the waistband of her white bikini panties. I positioned myself and began grinding my pussy against hers. I could feel my juices soaking her panties. Gayle began to breathe in short pants.

“Do you want me to go down on you?” I whispered. Gayle nodded.

I slithered down Gayle’s body, dragging my tits across the soft flesh of her abdomen; a little friction over the crumpled skirt then on to the soft wetness of the upper thighs. Letting my knees slip over the side of the bed, I ended up on the floor between Gayle’s legs. I gripped the waistband of the tiny panties and started pulling them down.

“You’re going to have to help,” I whispered.

Obediently, Gayle bent her legs putting her heels on the bed which allowed her to raise her hips off the bed. I peeled the soggy silk up her thighs, over her knees and down her claves. When they slipped over her delicate painted toes I dropped them to the floor. I then put my hands on Gayle’s knees and spread her legs. She opened wide, pink and wet.

I reached under Gayle’s legs and wrapped my arms around her thighs, bringing my face up to her pussy. My hands reached around her, and my fingers pulled Gayle’s slick labia apart, her pussy opening like a flower. Her clitoris was the size of a marble and it protruded from under its protective hood and shone wetly. Gayle’s sex oozed a sweet musky aroma. My damp blonde hair spread like a fan across Gayle’s stomach and thighs as I plunged my tongue as deep as I could into Gayle’s pussy. She let out a deep guttural groan and thrust her hips against my face. The action caused her clit to grind against my teeth.

The sensation was so intense, her hips recoiled then thrust forward again. The convulsions repeated four or five times as Gayle’s hips pumped against my face. I adjusted my position slightly so that my teeth ground against Gayle’s clit with each gyration of her hips. Gayle’s hands seized her own breasts squeezing and pulling as her orgasm began to wash over her.

When I felt the first spurt of ejaculate hit my chin, I released Gayle’s clit and opened my mouth wider to enjoy her orgasm. The second and third spurts were not quite as powerful as the first. Gayle was, by this time, was reduced to quivering and moaning “Oh my God!” over and over. I gently continued to slide my tongue up and down Gayle’s slit as she came off her orgasm. This continued stimulation sent delirious little after shocks through her as her legs softly twitched.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anybody cum that hard!”

Gayle was too spent to respond; she just lay there still holding her breasts and trembling. I rose from my kneeling position and slid my naked body beside hers on the bed.

Gayle just whispered “I would like to try to make you come.” “What about dinner?” “Who cares about dinner now!” Gayle laughed and took me into her arms.
Publicerad av bianca44
3 år sedan
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Fuck? Saved. Highly erotic. Thx for sharing.
bianca44  LOVE tour stories..!!AAAA___!!
This doesn't begin to describe how I lusted after Gayle.  We worked side by side for more than a year and I never lost my desire for her.  
another erotic classic from bianca44
Das ist eine sehr gut, realistisch und erregend geschriebene Geschichte, die sich für mich bestens als Masturbationsvorlage eignet. Zwei nackte Frauen zu beobachten, wie sie miteinander Liebe machen, ist etwas Wunderbares.
Pure Erotica !
Great story Bianca very erotic X