Fucking My Mother-in-Law's Huge Tits

Prologue: On my profile, there is a short video of me jacking off with a 38G bra. That bra belongs to my wife’s mother, the main subject in this story. I had jacked off with her bras hundreds of times over the years, but they were always the same lace ones. This video was of a brand new cotton bra that I had never seen before. The cups were bigger and far softer. It was also the day I finally learned her bra size.

Anyway, after recording that short video, that bra caused me to blast out the biggest cumshot I’ve ever done in my life. It was spectacular, to say the least. After I exploded, I put the bra back in the laundry basket and put my clothes back on. Two minutes later, she came home early from work… I had forgotten she was done work early on Fridays.

This story is my fantasy of what might’ve happened if she had gotten home just five minutes earlier…


5:57am. That’s what my clock read after tossing and turning in my bed for over an hour, which often happens when I’m nervous or excited about something. Today, it was a little bit of both; I had big plans after work today, and I'd been looking forward to it for almost a month, but today was the big day.

I kept trying to fall back asleep, at least just until my alarm went off at its usual time of 6:30am, but all I could do was keep tossing and rolling around. I tried to get my mind off of it, thinking about literally anything else, but I just couldn’t. I’d count at best six or seven sheep before my mind went back to my plans for today. There was no way I would go back to sleep, knowing I’m getting up in half an hour anyway. I looked over at my wife, Melissa, who was sleeping peacefully under the covers of our king-sized bed.


“Don’t have too much fun at my mom's house tomorrow,” she said to me last night, laughing.

I chuckled and replied, “I’ll just be playing on my phone all afternoon. She has no internet at her place. What else could I possibly do over there?” But I knew exactly what I was going to do.


I looked at my clock again. 6:05am. Seriously, I thought. It’s only been eight minutes since I last looked at the time? Fuck it, I’m getting up.

Reaching over, I grabbed my fully charged phone off the nightstand and unplugged it. Slowly removing the covers from my naked body, I sat up and got ready to begin the day, but it seemed that my dick was already excited for the day, as it normally is every morning. But today, it had something very special to look forward to. I gently stroked its head. Don’t worry, my friend. Your time will cum soon enough.

I leaned down to the floor, picked up my pre-sorted clothes for the day, and stood up. My wife shuffled in the bed and I turned around.

“Have a good day at work,” she said sleepily, “and have an amazing rest of your day.” I leaned forward to give her a kiss, her morning breath wasn’t as noticeable as it normally is. She reached out her arm to give my fully erect cock a quick stroke. “Mmm so big and hard. Wish I could have that today.” I don’t know what she meant by that, but whatever, I had other plans for it. I made my way through the darkness of the room, quietly opened the door, and stepped into the hallway, lit only by the streetlight shining through the living room window at the other end.

Still naked and holding onto my clothes, I walked along the hardwood floor and turned left into the kitchen, where I was instantly blinded upon turning on the light. I placed my phone down on the counter and my clothes on the kitchen table. I had begun putting on my underwear when I noticed my morning wood had started to drift away in sadness. Aw, sorry buddy, I’ll cheer you up.

I picked my phone off the counter, unlocked it with my thumbprint, and opened up a hidden folder within my gallery, which only contained a single picture. I opened it up, and displayed on the screen was a picture of my wife’s mother, Angela, sitting on our couch with her arms crossed on her thighs and looking out the window. While she’s not ugly by any means, the years had clearly caught up to her in the form of crow’s feet since her 50th birthday last year, and her grey roots had become more noticeable in the last year since the Covid-19 pandemic prevented her from getting her monthly blonde hair dye.

But her most prominent feature was what rested upon her forearms. This picture displayed a low cut black shirt, with cleavage a mile long that separated her all natural milky white watermelon-sized tits. I had fantasized about those tits for the last 15 years since I first saw them while dating Melissa in college. She once said she never wants to get them reduced, because she loves the attention. Well, she certainly had my attention, even when I was 18 years old with the way she paraded them around the house.

My dick began to cheer up at the mere sight of this picture, which I had taken candidly when she came over to visit two weeks ago. I gently stroked the tip until it rose up a lot more, then I gripped it at the bottom with my right hand. With my left hand, I grabbed the upper half of my shaft, allowing the head to remain visible, and began pumping away with both hands while looking at the picture of my wife’s mom’s gigantic tits.

I loosened my grip with my left hand to allow it to lightly stroke the whole of my cock’s head. Staring at those melons on my phone screen, I jacked and jacked with both hands for a few minutes. Soon, my cock’s head started to swell up as it prepared for its release, and I stopped pleasuring myself. I kept staring at those tits, imagining my cock between them and how amazing it would look and feel. But it started to drift downwards again, so I continued to stroke it for a couple more minutes until just before the point of no return, then stopped again. I could hear my cock yelling at me, “You fucking asshole! Just let me cum already!” But it wasn’t time yet. I stared at those tits for a little while longer, then suddenly the screen flashed as it switched over to “alarm mode.” It was now 6:30. Time to get up and start the day. My disappointed cock softened and drifted down as I put my phone to sleep, turned on the coffee machine, and put my clothes on.

I sat down on the couch in the living room, in the same spot Angela had sat just a couple weeks before when I took that picture. I drank my coffee and scrolled through social media on my phone while the morning news played in the background on the television. Before I knew it, it was 7:00am, and it was time to go to work, which I normally would dread, but not today.

The 45-minute Friday morning commute went smoothly as it always does. Working at a job near the end of the city so close to my hometown is very convenient. I clocked in at the office with a smile on my face, and my boss looked at me.

“What are you so happy about?” he asked.

“It’s Friday!” I replied, “and I’m getting out at noon. I have a dentist appointment at 4.” Normally I get rather upset that our work policy allows us to only take off half-days or full days, but I didn’t mind this time because that meant I had all afternoon for my plans before my appointment.


The work day went by agonizingly slow. I spent four hours sitting at a desk feeling precum dripping down my leg all day. Guess that’s what I get for teasing my dick so much this morning, plus I spent my time in the washroom looking at that picture of Angela. Don’t worry, my friend. It’s almost time.

I turned off my computer, wished my co-workers a good weekend, and got into my car. Angela’s house was on the other side of the city, as was my dentist’s office, so going there for the afternoon was a good idea to save time and gas. I drove extra careful down the freeways, watching everybody very closely, because I was NOT going to allow anything to ruin my plans this afternoon, especially with lunch time traffic and idiots speeding to McDonald’s.

After about 25 minutes, I arrived at Angela’s street. My heart already started racing with excitement. I slowly drove seven blocks down the empty suburban street, and arrived at her house. Well, her landlord’s house, actually, and she had rented out a cozy single bedroom basement suite from a restaurant owner after her divorce last year. I parked in the driveway, because I knew she was at work and wouldn’t be home until 5:00. I had all afternoon to myself and I started feeling warm with excitement.

I stepped out of my car and looked at the house. I had never even been here before, and I was surprised such a nice house would only have one bedroom in the basement. I approached the front door and nervously inserted the key, unlocked it, and pushed open the door. It was a simple little area, well kept and painted white, with just two small sets of steps, one going up and one going down. I went down the stairs and even more nervously unlocked the door there with the other key. I pushed it open and immediately got a slight whiff of her laundry detergent, the same kind she’s been using for years.

I stepped into her suite and smiled. Here we go, my friend. Your long wait is over. I looked around the suite, and it was indeed small, but nice. I turned on the light beside me and it illuminated the seven-foot brown ceiling, brown walls and beige carpet of the living room, as well as the white-walled kitchen further down. Immediately to the left of the door was a little table with a small plant on it. To my right, mounted on the wall was a beautiful flat screen TV. Along the far left wall was a single black leather couch and an end table with a box of tissues and TV remote on it. The couch was a gift that Melissa and I bought for her last year for her 50th birthday, but also as a housewarming gift as well as a “Congratulations on your divorce!” gift.

I took off my shoes and looked around. In the kitchen, there was not a single dish on the counter. It was rather fascinating. Even as a divorcee she’s living a clean single life. The fridge was decorated with some colorful drawings done by her grandc***dren, as well as some birthday cards from last year.

To the left of the kitchen was a small hallway leading to the bathroom and Angela’s bedroom. I nervously stepped into her bedroom and turned on the light. Directly in front of me was a neatly made queen sized bed with a pink floral print quilt on top. Beside the bed was a black nightstand with a single drawer and an old lamp on top. Along the left wall was a fancy white dresser, and a small closet beside it. All along all of the walls were pictures of her grandc***dren, including my own son.

I can’t believe I’m in here alone. Even more nervously, I walked up to the nightstand beside the bed and opened up the drawer. Oh my god… Just as I had expected, based on everything I’ve learned about this woman over the years, laying there in the drawer was a single eight-inch ribbed pink vibrator. I picked it up, brought it up to my nose and gave it a sniff, but it only smelled like plastic. While I have no interest in her pussy, it was still a very arousing sight to behold, seeing how she pleasures herself, knowing her to be a very sexual person. I placed the toy back into the drawer, because that’s not what I was here for.

I walked over to the dresser and opened the top left drawer. I looked inside and saw some panties and socks. Nope, not that one. I closed the drawer and opened up the top right drawer. There we go. I gazed upon the precious treasure I had waited so long to acquire – Angela’s bras. I reached inside, grabbed a strap, and pulled out a large, faded pink laced bra. I recognized this bra, because I had jacked off with it many times in the past. Angela would come visit our family about once a month and stay overnight for the weekend. For the past ten years, when the women went out shopping, I would sneak into her overnight bag and masturbate using her spare bra. I had done this over a hundred times, but today I was actually in her bedroom, and because of the pandemic, it had been nearly a year since I’d seen one of her bras, but today, I got to see all of them.

I brought the bra up to my face and gave it a huge whiff. It smelled more like her laundry detergent than anything else, but that didn’t bother me. Those cups I held within my hands are used to hold up the biggest, heaviest tits I had ever seen in my life. My dick started squirming and begged to be released from the confines of my work pants. I happily obliged as I left the bra hanging on my face and undid my belt and pants, allowing them to fall to my ankles, followed by my boxers. My dick could now breathe and it began to stand up excitedly.

Alright, my good friend, your wish is about to come true. I removed the bra from my face and brought it down to my dick. I wrapped one of the cups around its head and lightly stroked it. Oh my god, this is so awesome. It felt so good, the sensation of the soft lace fabric rubbing against the head of my cock, which was almost fully erect already by now.

I repositioned the bra by wrapping one cup around the bottom of my shaft and the other cup around the tip and stroked with both hands. I looked forward to this for so long, I felt like I was going to cum buckets today, and I had all afternoon to do it multiple times. I looked around the room and realized I was surrounded by family pictures. Maybe I should go into the bathroom. I was just about to head over to the bathroom when something else caught my eye. The closet door was slightly open, and I eyed what appeared to be a laundry basket. Hmm… I wonder…

I left the bra hanging on my cock as I opened up the closet, and there was indeed a laundry basket in there. I opened up the basket and at that moment I could swear I heard angels sing. Laying there at the top of the pile of clothes inside, worn and slightly crumpled, was a brand new white bra. Holy shit… no fucking way. I picked the bra up by the strap, and saw that it was a different style than the ones she’d been wearing all these years. I gazed upon its full breast covering cups, and felt the soft cotton fabric that it was made of.

I placed my face into one of the cups, which enveloped my whole head. The soft cotton rubbing against my face was a real delight, but when I inhaled and detected a slight hint of breast sweat, I was in love. Less than 24 hours ago, her gargantuan tits were inside of these very cups. The tag was still on it, and in big bold letters it screamed at me. 38G. Oh my fucking god… I never knew what her bra size was until today. I looked down at my hard cock, which was now drooling with precum. My friend, you are in for a real treat now.

I shuffled back to the dresser and returned the pink bra back to its original position in the drawer and closed it. I wrapped the new bra over the head of my cock and gave it a couple light strokes. Oh my god this feels so amazing. The soft cotton fabric of this new bra was heavenly compared to the old lace bras I’d been using for ten years. I left the bra dangling on my very happy cock and shuffled out of the bedroom with my pants and boxers still around my ankles as I made my way to the bathroom down the hall. I left my pants on the floor halfway down the hall and stepped into the bathroom, and turned on the light.

The bathroom was completely spotless, and also very white. The walls, toilet, sink, bathtub, linoleum flooring, all white. Even her towels were white, hanging on the rack to my left, and the ones rolled up inside the white vanity cupboard over the toilet. Well, looks like I’m about to make this room even more white.

I continued to stroke the soft cup over the head of my cock, then repositioned it so I could use my other hand to stroke my shaft with the other cup. It was so fucking soft, and nothing like I had ever felt before. I gently jacked off my dick with both hands, feeling the soft cotton fabric of this massive 38G bra over every part of my skin. This was the closest I would ever get to having my cock between those amazing tits. It wasn’t long before I started to feel the cum building up inside me, and I stopped stroking.

“What the fuck, asshole? Not again!” I could hear my cock exclaiming.

Just hold on a second, buddy. Let me think about how I want to do this. I thought about my options, which I had plenty of. I thought about removing the cup from the tip and cumming into a wad of toilet paper. Then I thought about cumming right into the sink so I could count how many spurts this amazing bra could force out of me. I even thought about just letting it fly straight up or onto the wall.

“Just let me cum right into this large, soft, wonderful bra cup. She won’t even notice. She’ll just throw it right into the washing machine.”

No, we can’t do that yet. We’re going to want to use this bra at least four more times before we leave. After going through all of my options, I decided the easiest and best way would be to cum into the toilet. Easier cleanup. I began stroking my bra-covered cock again. The soft swishing sounds of the cotton fabric against my cock was the only sound in the building. That is, until I heard the jingling sound of keys in the distance.

Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh fuck. Oh fuck. What the fuck? I heard the sound of the door opening and I quickly closed the bathroom door. Then I heard Angela’s voice.

“Jordan? Are you here already?” she called.

Oh fuck! Oh fuck! What the fuck do I do? “Uh… uh… yes!” I called back, with Angela’s bra still hanging off of my quickly softening cock. My heart was racing and my body was shaking. Oh my god, my life is over. What am I going to do? I could hear her approaching closer.

“Why are your pants on the floor?” she asked, and then it clearly dawned on her. “Are you doing what I think you’re doing in there?”

I sighed and stammered, “Y… yeah. I… I was…”

“Well finish up in there,” she said. “I have to pee. I’ll leave your pants in front of the door.” I heard her pick up my pants and place them down in front of the bathroom door. Wait… what? She’s not upset? I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. She knows I like to jack off. I might be able to get out of this one after all.

Obviously I wasn’t going to finish at this point. My very disappointed cock softened up and drifted down. I'm sorry about this, my friend. I left Angela’s bra on the floor and partially opened the door. My pants and underwear were there, just as she said they would be. I grabbed them, closed the door, put them on, and stuck her bra in my belt behind me. Hopefully she doesn’t see this.

But it was too late. I opened up the door and Angela was standing there with a concerned look. She stood about 5’6, just a few inches shorter than me, wearing her black work pants and a loose fitting blue t-shirt, which wasn’t loose enough because her tits were still very visibly big and round. Her hair was done up in a tight ponytail, the back half blonde and the front half grey.

“Were you in my room?” she asked. Oh fuck! I left the light on in there. My heart started racing faster, and I was shaking nervously again. I didn’t respond; I just lowered my head.

“Did you take something out of my laundry basket?” OH FUCK! I left that open too! Fuck! My life is fucking over now! Fuck fuck fuck!! I felt like I was about to have a heart attack. My entire body was vibrating and I could no longer think. I lowered my head even further, reached around behind me and pulled out her bra from out of my belt. Angela lowered her eyebrows and pierced me with her green eyes, snatching her bra out of my quivering hand. I could swear she grinned at me as she did it.

“P… please don’t… please don’t t… t… tell M… Melissa,” I could barely get the words out, and my eyes began to get very moist.

“We’ll talk about this when I get out of the bathroom,” Angela said. I stepped around her and scuffed slowly to the living room. My ass crashed down onto the black leather couch, I put my hands over my face and sobbed.

What the fuck? Why did I forget she’s done work at noon on Fridays? My life is over. What the fuck is wrong with me? I’m such a fucking idiot. The sound of the toilet flushing announced the commencement of my reckoning. Behind my loud sobs, I heard footsteps in front of me, and I removed my hands from my soaked face. Angela stood in front of me with her bra dangling from her index finger.

“So,” she said, “care to explain what this is about?”

I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t say anything. What was even the point? All I could do was sit there, looking at her with remorse, body vibrating, and tears still streaming down my face. Angela dropped her bra onto the floor, sat down beside me, and put her hand on my thigh, rubbing it.

“Jordan, calm down, I won’t tell Melissa,” she assured. She reached behind her and grabbed a tissue from the box on the end table and gave it to me. I dabbed the tears off my face.

“Y… you won’t?” I asked. I felt a lot better already. My wife learning about this would most certainly be the end of me.

“No, I won’t,” Angela smiled. “This is just between you and me, but I would like to know what you were doing with that.” She pointed at her bra.

“I… um…” I began, but to no avail.

“No, don’t tell me. I know what you were doing with it,” she sighed. “Have you done this before?”

“Uh… um… well… I…” I suck at being interrogated.

“How many times?” she asked. “Twice? Ten? Twenty?” I closed my eyes and lightly shook my bowed head with each number. “A hundred???” I raised my head at that number and gave a light nod. “So… every time I came over to visit???”

“I… I’m sorry…” I sobbed, dabbing my eyes again with the tissue. I turned my head to look at her.

Angela’s kind eyes looked at me. “So you really do feel that way about me, huh?” she exclaimed. “But I suppose I’ve always known, and that makes all of this easier. I’ve seen you look at my tits many times before. Melissa’s told me you’re a huge tit lover.”

She removed her hand from my thigh and lightly caressed her right tit. I looked down at her hand as she started from the bottom and ascended up the large surface, then I looked back at her eyes, which were still looking at me.

“Would you like to touch them?” she asked. “Would that make you feel better?”

I started shaking nervously again, I really wanted to say yes, but instead I said, “I can’t. I really want to… but I can’t do that to Melissa.”

Angela laughed. “What? What do you mean?”

“Touching her mother’s tits?” I replied. “You don’t think that’s a no-no?”

Angela laughed again. “Oh my god. She didn’t even tell you?”

Now I was very confused. “Huh? Tell me what?”

“Oh my, she probably should’ve just told you…” Angela said. “She knew we were going to be alone together today. She’s a lot more open than you think she is, if you know what I mean. I’m not upset about the bra thing. I thought I would get home before you.”

Wait… what? Is THAT what Melissa has been hinting at these past few days? Holy shit I really love her. I slowly and nervously brought my hand over Angela’s left tit. I looked at her and she just smiled and nodded with approval, so I gave it a light caress. It was so fucking big - my hand was barely half its size. I ran my hand lightly over the whole upper surface area, and suddenly she pressed my hand right into it. I gave it a few gentle squeezes, amazed at the softness, yet I was still uneasy about the situation. Much to my surprise, I felt nothing down below in my crotch. She forced my hand harder into her large watermelon breast. I began squeezing it harder, appreciating its incredible size. My dick now started to move.

“Melissa tells me that titty fucking is your favorite thing in the whole world. I’ll bet you’ve always wanted to fuck these.” Angela pulled down the collar of her shirt to reveal the same mile-long cleavage I was edging to this morning. “Would you like to fuck my tits?”

“Whoa, uh… um…” I stuttered. My dick started to soften again as my body began to shake nervously again.

“It’s okay. It’s the one thing she said you’ve always wanted but she could never do for you. She said it was your greatest fantasy.” Angela grinned. “Come on. Stand up. Get those pants off. I want to see what my daughter’s been raving about all these years.” I removed my hand from her breast and stood up slowly, turning around to face her. Angela positioned herself on the edge of the couch and briskly removed her shirt, tossing it to the side.

I couldn’t believe what I was looking at. My wife’s mother sat right there in front of me, only five feet away, wearing only her pants and a faded green laced bra, another one that I recognized, having jacked off with it dozens of times before. This bra could barely support the insane amount of breast meat that I was staring at. Her skin was surprisingly smooth, not as wrinkled as I would’ve expected for a 51-year-old woman.

“Are you just going to stand there and stare at my tits?” she asked. I undid my belt and zipper, pulled down my pants and boxers and removed them. I stood in front of Angela with a scared, intimidated, flaccid penis. Am I not even going to get hard? What the fuck is wrong with me? I’m ALLOWED to do this! I should be excited!

“Are you going to be alright, Jordan?” she asked, puzzled. “I thought this was your greatest fantasy.”

“It… it is… but… oh my god…” I stuttered. This was ridiculous.

“Maybe you need some more reassurance,” Angela giggled. She squished her tits together and began fondling them over her bra. She squeezed and squeezed, all the while looking at me seductively. My dick finally began to grow now. She continued to play with her tits while my friend continued to rise.

“Oh ho ho, there we go,” she exclaimed. “Mmm Melissa got a good one, didn’t she?” She kept playing with her tits for about another minute until my cock was pointing straight to the ceiling. Angela smiled as she reached her arms behind her back and I heard the snapping sound of her bra clips. One snap, two snaps, three snaps. With each snap, the weight of her enormous tits pushed down the lace cups just a tiny bit more. On the fourth snap, gravity did the rest, causing those all natural 38G flesh bags to crash down onto her thighs.

“Now come here,” she demanded. She ran her hands underneath and lifted up each of her heavy breasts, and I finally could see her gorgeous nipples that I’ve often seen poking out of her shirts. Surrounding those perfect nipples were equally beautiful two-inch light pink areolas. I would’ve expected them to be a lot darker. She lifted up her tits and spread them apart invitingly. “Come here and prove to me how much you love your favorite mother-in-law.”

I stepped slowly towards this amazing open invitation. Oh my god… I can’t believe this is about to happen… I don’t think I’m going to last very long. My cock was as hard as it had ever been, and seemed to get even harder with each step I took. Angela’s mouth gaped as she gawked at what was about to placed between her tits.

“Oh my god… THIS is what my daughter gets to have all the time?” she gasped. “These big tits were made for you, big boy. Too bad I’m not allowed to suck it.” Her choice of words didn’t help the fact that I already knew I wasn’t going to last long.

I was now only a couple inches away from her body and the massive flesh cavern that would suffocate a horse. I ran my cock along the inside of both of her tits, lightly caressing each one along at least eight inches of soft white breast flesh. The long wrinkled stretch marks along her tits was such a huge turn on. My cock was so hard that I felt like it was literally going to explode. I placed it on her chest, right in the middle of that deep cavern, with the tip just a few inches underneath her neck. Angela smiled and looked at me, then looked back at the head of my incredibly erect cock pointed right at her chin. She slowly and gently closed her tits around it, and I moaned when I felt the warmth and the softness as her skin made contact with mine. Soon it was completely smothered, with nothing but the tip still barely poking out.

Oh shit. “OH MY GOD! Unnnnngggghhh!” I groaned as a small wad of cum immediately shot up from my cock, followed by a much larger second one violently impacting Angela’s chin and knocking her head back. Another rope flew up extremely high and hit the ceiling, followed by even more and more flying nearly just as high. I was experiencing the most incredible orgasm of my life, with almost no stimulation whatsoever. Neither of us moved a muscle, and I stood there in shocked pleasure as I watched my pulsating phallus do all the talking. “Uuunnnnghhh ohhhh goooddddd…” My cock continued to spurt ropes of white hot cum, over and over and over again, splattering all over Angela’s neck and especially her massive tits.

“Oooohhhhh wooooowww,” Angela exclaimed, looking down at my still-spurting cock. “You really have wanted this your whole life, haven’t you? Holy shit!” I never counted how many spurts of jizz had shot out. I doubt I’d be exaggerating if I said it was at least 20 spurts, and it still wasn’t even done. One would think I hadn’t ejaculated in over a year, or, more likely, that my prostate contained a spare reservoir of cum, saving itself for just the right moment.

Soon, after about twenty seconds, my cock finally stopped pumping out large, thick ropes of cum, but continued to pump smaller amounts, oozing out the tip, dripping down between Angela’s enormous tits. “Oh my god… oh fuck… oh fuuucckkk, ooohhhhh,” I groaned one last time as my record breaking orgasm subsided. Angela’s chin, neck, and tits were glazed with the largest amount of cum I had ever produced in my life by far. The black leather couch was also neatly decorated with all the ropes that flew up and missed her entirely.

“Holy shit, Jordan!” Angela cried, “I’ve never seen so much cum!” She looked down at the oozing tip of my still fully hard cock. “Oh my god… oh wow. Mmmm.” She pushed on the sides of her tits a few times, and I heard the squishy sound of my cum being stirred around my shaft between them. As she pushed and pulled her tits together, the sticky cum formed thick white slimy strands between them and my cock. “Mmmmm wow. Oh my god, look at all that! Mmm don’t tell me your greatest fantasy is over already, is it?”

My eyes pierced her with my burning soul. “Not a fucking chance,” I declared. I grabbed onto her giant cum-covered tits and squished them tight around my cock. These were by far the heaviest tits I had ever felt; they were at least five pounds each. The soft all-natural breast flesh was so heavenly, and I gave them a few hard, vicious squeezes as I pressed them as tight as possible together. I started bucking my hips at great speed, mercilessly fucking my mother-in-law’s gargantuan tits. My own cum provided all the lubrication I needed.

“Oh my god, yes!” she cried out. “Yes! Fuck my tits! Fuck my huge fucking tits with your huge fucking cock! Oh my god!” Her entire body was convulsing with the power of my thrusts. Her heavy breathing and intense moaning… I didn’t think she would like this that much.

Oh my god this is amazing. This is literally a dream come true. Oh my god! I held tightly onto her tits and squished them hard as I continued to fuck them with all my might. After a couple minutes of violent pounding, I slowed down the pace and enjoyed watching the sight of my very, very happy cock just barely poking out from between Angela’s giant 38G tits with each thrust. She grabbed onto them as well, but all four of our hands together weren’t enough to handle all this breast meat she’s been lunking around her whole adult life.

I let go of her tits and let her squish them together herself. I grabbed her by the back of the neck and pulled her close as I started thrusting harder again. Oh my god I’m going to cum so fucking hard again. Fuck these fucking tits. Oh my god. I continued thrusting for another minute, then I placed my tired arms down to my side and continued thrusting slowly, each time watching the head of my cock emerge. The inevitable feeling began building up down below.

“Oh my god I’m gonna cum again,” I announced. I arched my back a little and placed my arms behind it as I kept thrusting, picking up the pace a little bit more.

“Mmmm yes,” Angela moaned. “Cum on my tits again. Spray between my big fucking tits again! Mmmm yes!” She squeezed them as tight as she could and looked down at my cock playing whack-a-mole. When I felt the cum getting ready to release, I clenched and thrust a few more times until I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

“Nnnngghh oh my god here it comes!” I exclaimed, and then screamed. “FUUUUCCKKKK! AAAAGGGGGHHHHHH!!!” I unclenched and fired another violent volley of cum onto Angela’s chin. She thought she was prepared for it, but this blast was even stronger than the first one. The sheer force caught her by so much surprise that her head jerked back harder than the first time. She gasped and looked up, watching as two more thick ropes hit the ceiling.

In between each pump, I would thrust in and out again, making sure that my cock was poking out every time it puked up another thick white projectile all over Angela’s humongous tits. This stimulation-enhanced orgasm was even more intense than the first one I had just a few minutes ago. There was only about 11 or 12 large spurts this time, but that’s still far more than I normally shoot in a normal ejaculation, but it felt so fucking amazing. This was a dream come true for me, so it didn’t surprise me that I would produce this much. My cock continued to pump and ooze out what I believed to be the last drop of semen in my body.

“Mmmmm ohhh my gooodddd,” Angela moaned, looking down at her drenched tits. “Mmmm look at all that fucking cum! Mmmmm wow! How much do you have in you?” She looked up at me with bright eyes and huge open smile. She was clearly very proud of what her body is capable of doing.

I thrusted my dick through her twice-soaked cleavage a few more times as it pumped a few small oozes out of the tip. She smiled again and kneaded her tits together, squishing the cum all around. The amount of all that creamy white fluid currently covering her tits was nothing short of amazing.

I began to pull my cock out from between my mother-in-law’s monster tits, and she opened them up a bit as I pulled out, then squished them back together, wiping some cum off my shaft. I stepped back and looked at my creation. My cock was still pointing straight up, and oozed a little bit more. Angela let go of her heavy tits and allowed them to flop down onto her thighs, splashing her black work pants. All over her neck and between her tits was a very thick waterfall of love fluid, cascading down her abdomen. Her tits themselves looked like someone had dumped a bowl of vanilla pudding on them.

Angela got up from the couch, her huge frosted breasts swayed and bounced down to her belly button. “I’m going to go clean up this mess you made,” she laughed.

“Really? Angela… YOU made this mess,” I replied, breathing heavily.

Angela giggled and pointed at the jizz-splattered couch. “Sit down, relax,” she said sweetly. I obliged and sat down right where she was sitting, in the only spot where I wouldn’t get semen on my bare ass. I reached over and grabbed a tissue from the table and wiped off the remaining cum from my very satisfied cock, which had yet to begin to soften, then I heard the sound of running water coming from the bathroom.

I leaned back on the couch and sighed. Oh my fucking god. I can’t believe this actually happened. 15 fucking years… wow. That was amazing. I looked up at the ceiling and saw a few wads of cum still stuck up there. Holy fuck… I’ve never cummed that hard… or that much before… oh my god… I looked at my dick resting solid on my shirt. Bet you never expected that, huh buddy? Holy shit… this was the best day of our lives by light years. Not a single thing could top this day.

I heard the water in the bathroom stop, and after a few moments, a still-topless Angela walked down the hallway toward her bedroom. She stopped and turned to look at me. “Would you like some water, hun? You’re probably quite dehydrated now,” she asked, giggling.

“Yes, that would be great, thanks,” I replied. Angela grabbed a glass from the cupboard, filled it up with water from the sink, and brought it over to me. Her heavy hangers swayed with each step, and brushed up against my shaft as she leaned over to put the glass in my hand. She smiled at me, held up her index finger and walked into her bedroom. I pounded back my water and set the glass on the table. A few seconds later, Angela walked into the living room with a pillow from her bed.

“Looks like you’re not done with me, yet,” Angela grinned. “That’s good, because I’m not done with you either.” She placed the pillow on the floor at my feet, then stood in front of me. She leaned forward and placed her hands on the head of the couch, her giant sagging tits brushed up against my dick. I placed my hands underneath her natural heavy hangers and squeezed them. God damn these things are so fucking soft!!!

In between squeezes, I ran my hands gently along the entire surface area of those soft blimps. She rocked her body back and forth, grazing my cock up and down with her tits. “Oh my god… mmm they’re so fucking huge!” I groaned as I played with them and flopped them around on my dick and stomach.

Angela stopped rocking and pushed herself back into a standing position. She smiled at me and held up her index finger again, then went down the hallway and back into her room. Her closet door opened and shut, and she walked back out with a bottle of oil lube. I gasped, knowing exactly what she had in mind. Maybe this day can get even better.

“Just relax, Jordan,” Angela said softly. “I bought this just for today. Meant to use it the first time… but… oops.” She giggled and fell down to her knees onto the pillow, and pulled my legs towards her until my ass was right on the edge of the couch. She popped the cap of the bottle open and held her tits up with her forearm. She drizzled the oil all over her soft, white breasts, and focused a stream right down the middle. Angela grinned at me as she put the bottle down, and rubbed the oil all over her massive naturals. “Let mom do all the work now,” she said with a glint in her eye.

Angela shuffled forward and hefted her heavy, slippery tits then plopped them down onto my junk. All ten-plus pounds of her breasts were now resting on me. They were so warm, and so beautiful. “Oh no! Where did it go?” she giggled. She grabbed onto her tits and spread them apart, revealing my excited cock below. She shimmied them on top of it and scooped it right up with her breast flesh, then squished them hard together, forcing it through eight inches of slippery cleavage until it came to a stop on her chest. At least I think that’s where it was; I could no longer see it, so I thrust up to make it poke out.

“No no no,” Angela scolded and glared at me. “I said… let Mom do all the work now.” She gently massaged her tits around my dick and pushed them down, allowing it to pop up and say hello. “See? There he is.” She squeezed her slippery tits together and bounced them up and down lovingly. She would alternate doing it quickly with her wrists, or slowly with full body motions. When she moved her whole body up and down, she would squish them down to allow my cock to poke out, which was my favorite thing to see. When her wrists got tired from holding up all that weight, she would squish them together with her upper arms and bounce her body sexily. I loved every second of this. Sometimes, she would move her body up too high, causing my dick to slip out, and she would quickly scoop it back up with her tits and keep on going. She was very, very good at this. After a few slips, she found the sweet spot where she could move her body up just enough until the tip reached the bottom, then go all the way back down, allowing my entire length to slide through that warm, slippery cavern.

This looked and felt so amazing, but after about ten minutes, I said, “Angela… I don’t think I have any cum left in me. I’m not sure if I’m even going to.”

Angela kept on bouncing, smiled and said, “That’s okay. I’m enjoying this. Doesn’t it still feel great?”

“Oh my god, yes,” I replied, “and it looks amazing too. This is so fucking hot. This is all I’ve ever wanted.”

She smiled again. “Then that’s all that matters. We’re both enjoying ourselves. Now just relax and savor this moment. I can do this all day. We don’t know if Melissa will let us do this again, so I’m not stopping until you cum again.”

Maybe I didn’t want to cum again. I would love to watch this for the rest of the day. My greatest fantasy has become reality. My cock was getting an oily titjob from the one woman I’ve wanted one from the most. Angela had already made me ejaculate more volume than I ever have in my entire life, and here she was, determined to make me cum between her gargantuan tits for a third time. She would hum some familiar tunes, bouncing her tits to the rhythm. She would often smile at me, and also often look down at my happy cock poking between her glistening cleavage. She was very patient, but also very proud of her body.

Of course, it was only a matter of time. As amazing as this was, how it felt inside of there, how it looked, all good things must end. After nearly 30 minutes, my body told me it had finally replenished a sufficient amount of semen in the form of that familiar rumbling down below.

“Mmm, Angela… I can feel it getting ready now,” I said.

“Mmm yes,” she moaned, “cum between my tits again.” She pressed her 38Gs together tight with her hands and steadied her pace as she moved her body along my whole length. Up and down, up and down, making sure the tip poked out each time. Angela smiled at me again, patiently waiting for one last explosion. The feeling was building up slowly, much slower than I had anticipated. I had a feeling this was going to be my most extreme orgasm ever. With Angela’s tits doing all the work, I didn’t have to focus on anything except the great pleasure I was feeling.

“Oh my god, Angela… half way there,” I warned. “Oh my god just like that… mmm keep going just like that.” The tension kept rising, rising, and rising. I kept watching my dick pop out from inside its slippery new home and now I couldn’t wait for it to vomit again. “Mmmm almost there. Oh fuck!” I announced again.

It was now time for this experience to end. I started breathing heavily as I prepared for an orgasm that I believed could very well kill me. “Just a little bit more, Angela!” I cried.

“Oh fuck, yes,” Angela smiled. “Yes! Cum all over my big fucking tits again!” She continued the exact same pace, and I clenched as I felt the inevitable. Angela squished her tits as tight as she could, bounced a little more, then pushed them down to fully reveal the helmet, and prepared for impact.

“Oh fuck here it comes!” I called. “OH MY GOD HERE IT COMES! UUUURRRRGĢGHHH! AAAAAHHHHHHHH!” I screamed as I unclenched and let loose another violent and relentless volley of love juice. Angela was ready for this one, as she leaned forward and allowed the first few geysers to explode right on her chin and neck, ricocheting all over her body. Fuck... this incredible woman… she had positioned herself and squished her tits to position my barfing bulbous dick in a way that ensured not a single drop didn’t land on her. A few more ropes continued to spurt all over her neck and tits.

This third orgasm was indeed the most extreme one of all, as I had expected. My whole body quaked as my lower half continued to fire shot after shot of that precious white cream. The strength of the ropes soon stopped hitting Angela’s neck, but continued to gush on her tits, and slowly become just small ooze pumps. I felt paralyzed by what my wife’s mother had just finished doing to me. My dick kept pulsing a little more, but by now, nothing else would come out. Angela’s tits literally drained me, and the result was very clear in front of me on her neck and chest.

Angela grinned and jiggled her breasts. “Mmm, very nice, big boy,” she said. “Now I have another big mess to clean up.” She smiled and began to pull her body back away from me, causing my soggy phallus to slip out and smack down onto me. She stood up and allowed her boobs to hang down, still glistening from all the oil she used, but now also a third load of cum. Angela smiled again and turned around to go back to the bathroom.

I sat up and was about to reach for a tissue when I noticed that Angela’s bras were still on the floor. I picked up the white one and wiped my dick off with it. It was going back into the laundry basket anyway, plus that was kind of what I was here for in the first place… my how things can change.

When my dick was dry, I collapsed back down onto the couch. The wads from my first two cumshots were still stuck to the ceiling. I looked at my soft, but very satisfied, penis. You did awesome, buddy. Best fucking day of our lives. Holy shit. Good job, my friend.

Angela came back into the living room, fully cleaned off and still topless. “Would you like some coffee before your appointment?” she asked.

“Sure, that sounds great. Thanks,” I replied. She proceeded to the kitchen and brewed up a couple cups of coffee for us. I stood up and but my pants back on, then sat down again. When the drinks were ready, she brought them over to the couch. She handed me my cup and sat down beside me. Her breasts rested happily on her thighs.

I took a sip and asked, “So… Angela… tell me something. How did you even come to talk to Melissa about this?”

“Short story,” she replied, sipping her coffee, “she asked me to.”

“That is NOT the Melissa I thought I knew,” I said. “I never even told her what my greatest fantasy was.”

“You didn’t have to,” Angela smiled. “She knew what your favorite thing in the world is. She asked you a couple months ago what your greatest fantasy was, but you said you wouldn’t tell her because you didn’t want to upset her. She had a fairly good idea what it was then, because she’s caught you looking at me many times.”

“And… you agreed to this?” I asked. “Not complaining, of course.”

Angela laughed. “Melissa and I talk about a great deal of things. She enjoys sex with you, and honestly… I was curious. But she gave me a small list of rules.”

“What kind of rules?” I asked.

“Straightforward rules,” she replied. “I wasn’t allowed to use my mouth, and I wasn’t allowed to use my hands either. But… there was one rule that we broke…” she grinned.

“Which rule was that?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.

Angela giggled. “I wasn’t supposed to let you cum between my tits. I was supposed to ask you to warn me when you were getting lose so you could use a tissue. But… I didn’t think you wanted it THAT badly.” She looked up at the ceiling and giggled again.

“Yeah, that ship kinda sailed before it was even docked,” I laughed.

“So… when I realized how much it meant to you, I chose to break that rule,” she winked. “Let’s just keep that our happy little secret. You REALLY loved that.”

“I guess things are gonna be weird between us now, but I hope not,” I said, shrugging. “I hope she lets us do it again someday… mmm fuck… you are so awesome.”

Angela smiled. “Thanks, I was hoping I would fulfill your fantasy well enough.”

“You did it more than well enough, Angela. Why else would I want it again?” We both laughed and finished our coffees. I looked at the clock and realized it was time to go. I stood up and looked down one more time at the incredible breasts that just finished giving me the top three orgasms of my life.

“You’ll get it again soon, I promise,” Angela winked, then laughed, “have fun at the dentist.” I proceeded to the door and put my shoes on. I put my hand on the doorknob and looked at Angela still sitting on the couch. She smiled, lifted up her tits and jiggled them.

“You know what? Fuck my dentist appointment,” I said as I took my shoes off.

The End
Publicerad av titfucker8008
3 år sedan
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till titfucker8008 : I would be interested, Thanks.
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till fdj : Thank you! I have a few other stories on a different site if you're interested :smile:
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Fucking excellent.
till tiger147 : That pleases me. Glad my story made you cum! :grinning:
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fantastic story .Wanked hard 
till titfucker8008 : awsome
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till billygram1463 : Thanks, man! Glad you enjoyed it! :smile:
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till TJ_4ever : Nice vid! Thanks for reading my story :smile: 
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Just before reading this, I had watched an Angel Wicky vid with a nice titfuck section - great story that got a whole fucking lot easier to visualize https://xhamster.com/videos/angel-wicky-fucked-by-stepson-xhRxaAv
till sbcwby44 : Wow, thanks so much! That pleases me greatly :wink:
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Awesome story!!! I came hard
it did a lot more as you know
till rocketman4cm : Thank you, my friend. I hope it helped you cum as well as her picture :wink:
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amazing story