Pantyhose love story

FIRST this is not my story but a story I found in pantyhosexperience website. At first I was still a little sceptic, not sure I'm doing the right thing here. But when my mom returned from an event tonight, wearing nude pantyhose, I was already getting excited, imagining getting to wear her pantyhose. Palms were getting sweaty, heart started beating faster and my dick started twitching. It had to happen tonight or never. She disappeared into her bedroom and came out wearing a top with shorts, definitely no pantyhose. Her pantyhose were ripe for the picking. Once I knew she was engrossed into… Läs mer

Publicerat av Nylonhose269 5 år sedan 20

Premiers émois - Années 70

Premiers émois - Années 70 Episode 1 :L’armoire aux trésors Passionné de photos, pour mes 15 ans mes parents m'ont offert un ensemble labo photo (agrandisseur, bacs,...) Manquait la chambre noire et mon père me proposa d'aménager l'immense cave que nous avions au sous-sol de notre immeuble. Cette cave était grande, et haute de plafond, mes parents (surtout ma mère) y stockaient leurs vieilles affaires. Durant plusieurs week-ends mon père et moi avons nettoyé, débarrassé, rangé et aménagé cette cave. En face de l'espace labo, se trouvaient deux armoires penderies et un canapé cuir t… Läs mer

Publicerat av dviotdviot 1 år sedan 8