Trying to help someone out.

Here follows what can unfortunately happen when I try and help someone. Thankfully, I have made some quite good friends on here. Some I have even gone out of my way to help out. OK, maybe I have not always done everything that some might expect of me, but under my current circumstances, I really try my best. In bold will be my part of the PM and the other will be the "very nice person that insulted and abused me" (BITCH!) pantiesboy65 Hi there. Please don't take this the wrong way. I am just trying to help you out. I noticed that you only seem to accept invites from females or… Читать далее

Креатор: pantiesboy65 8 лет назад 6

Amazing massage on PM Chat.

This is a genuine PM Chat that I had recently. I hope you all enjoy reading it. I can assure you that we both enjoyed it very much indeed. Before I go any further, I need to point out a few details. This is the actual transcript, with minimal modifications and corrections. I will NEVER say who this happened with, so please don't ask. If you do ask, I will probably block you. Do not ask me to give you a massage, It's something special just for me and ............... Obviously, the writing in bold is me, while the rest is what ........ wrote. Hi sexy. Thanks fo… Читать далее

Креатор: pantiesboy65 8 лет назад 33