Roe vs. Wade - Her Body Her Choice.

To xhamster members, I believe every female from moment she starts ovulate has the right to choose. She has sole and absolute decision what is put in and what is taken out in private, safety. Lets hope our girls still want to fuck us. This is form protest against the Roe overturned decision, Please post a pic of your girl/female partner/wife's pussy spread with these words. #HerBodyHerChoice above it. This is what Roe gives you guys. https://www.youpornЧитать далее

Креатор: hotleaf 2 года назад

Old Movies Search (UGRENT REPLY)

I am looking for 70s -90s movies. Name or Links ? 1. Election Erection 2. Drive In Hookers 3. Is a Movie about a man who sperm is so powerful that go thru birth control 70s 4. A Movie clip about a gang bang of maid in a diner (late 70s or early 80s) 5. A Movie clip from Viewers Choice Canada of girl fell off a bicycle and help by a man she repaid with sex (a hot 69) 90s movie 6. A Movie clip of gang bang of 18 yo teen on poker table (Censored oral/ penetration) from the spice network (95 or 98 ?) 7. A Movie clip of gang bang of stripper or female customer by Chippendale style men. Film late 7… Читать далее

Креатор: hotleaf 2 года назад

Undone Dogpile Productions?Fan Club**=a74093be-36d0-43ab-932c-f62aa89bf318&ref=aHR0cHM6Ly94aGFtc3Rlci5jb20vdmlkZW9zL2JmLWN1Y2std2hvcmVzLW91dC1oaXMtZ2YtdG8tY29sbGVhZ3VlLWFuZC1nb2VzLXNlY29uZC0xMDgxODExNA%3D%3D&c=eyJhIjo3LCJvIjoxMzYsInAiOjN9Читать далее

Креатор: hotleaf 5 лет назад

Real pics for CASH ! ( 2019 UPDATED)

Hi Everyone. I am looking for ladies and girls (18+ plus) to provide private (not posted on xhamster/or elsewhere) on nude/explicit pics in exchange cash (paid by paypal) Its for my personal use only and enjoyment. They must be yours - Who took the picture, date of the picture and you have an a REAL proof of ID card with it. Look forward to them. PM me.… Читать далее

Креатор: hotleaf 7 лет назад

Just found out my wife's been going down on m

I'm definitely not complaining. I actually find it enduring. I just didn't know she was doing it until I found out today. I don't really have a point to this post outside of just wanting to tell someone... This morning while I was sleeping she was going down on me and she says I woke up, asked her what she was doing, smiled and went back to sleep. I don't recall this personally. She stopped, but a few minutes later I fully woke up, had quite the erection and saw she was partially awake so we wound up having sex. Then we fell back asleep together. She ended up mentioning it because she th… Читать далее

Креатор: hotleaf 8 лет назад

Savage Love: Swinging, Pregnancy and Termination

My husband and I have been happy swingers for four years. Our issue? I'm pregnant. My husband had a vasectomy two years ago, and neither of us has wavered in our desire to remain c***dfree. We know the "father" is the male of a couple we play with regularly. We used protection, of course, but we know these things are never foolproof. We consider ourselves good friends with this couple, but we are not in any sort of "poly" relationship with them. Our question is this: Do we need to tell the couple about what happened and our decision to terminate the pregnancy? We wouldn't ask them to help pay… Читать далее

Креатор: hotleaf 8 лет назад 1