Friends following me read announcement

I just sign up on image fab website 6 hours ago. I start post my pictures on that website. I need be approval before post videos that website. Please start following me that website. I be soon post link you see it if want sign up yourself website here let link you sign up. that website i soon have link my profile on there. I have regular pictures me smoking pictures me have pictures you on there Sandy cherrybomb0803 also Trisha Annabelle too. I post random pictures favorite smoking people. Also post gallery porn stars smoking gallerys too on there. I only 5 following… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 2 года назад 3

I getting mad at Xhamster here why

I getting mad at xhamster here is situated? I Wednesday try send them picture myself approved they message me back said " we do not accept a smoking fetish picture yoy holding a cigarette 1 hand as holding sign name other hand. We recommended normal picture yourself. Drawing hamster symbol required on your approved picture. What hell hamster symbol look like? Anybody knows? Why cannot picture myself holding a cigarette? That almost getting bad as fm radio censorship songs now. Anybody remember song " Turn The Page " by Bob Seger ? That song on fm radio now censorship he sing " later evening as… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 2 года назад 16

Im back stay on here thanks confidence me stay

Im not leaving yet friend Sandy and i talk yesterday she confidence me stay attention friends I'm leaving this website not yet. i need get approved by everybody pictures post on here hamster let my pictures be public again. I leaving i no way get approved by 10000 plus people pictures i post on here. Hamster saying next want approved by videos people post on here too. I leave website before they start screwing my videos too.… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 2 года назад 26


Attention im now married guys or Girls stop private message me ask me date you or definitely do not send me naked pictures yourself !!!!!!!!!!!! im now married. DO YOU PEOPLE UNDERSTAND THAT? That means im be less this website. I only be on here cheek my messages or friends requests and comments not be on here long. If know more about daily life cheek out my twitterl " " i be twitter more than this website for future. Enough said im hope see some y'all add me on twitter. P S wish everybody happy Halloween soon. Or within 2 months be Christmas wish everybody m… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 2 года назад 1

Attention y'all friends & people Read!!!

Attention y'all after  October im not be This website alot no more. Some people on here cannot read profile before messages people. I has 2 people messages me nude pics them. I hate people cannot read profile before messages people. I told 100 times tht read my profile before messages people. Im not keep tell tht. Im after October im not be This website alot no more because people cannot read profiles.    I feel i do tht almost every week delete someone and block them they cannot read profiles before messages them selfs a nude pics of them selfs… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 2 года назад 9

Find New Hidden Waldo for September 5 2021

I just post a new hidden pic Waldo on 1 my gallerys pics. First person find pic win a pack your favorite brand cigarettes also as bonus some my fancy lingerie too. No mumble winners. First person answers right winner. Contest starts 7 o'clock September 5 2021 to October 5 2021. Anybody do this contest. If know you looking for? Read older posts did find pic Waldo i post get ideas what you looking for also older posts where Waldo pic been remove they cannot be used again where Waldo. P S pic Waldo hidden 1 my gallerys. Must post link you find it. First person post link and said they found it win… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 2 года назад 19

Why We All Play Foolish Games? Here Why

You took your coat off and stood in the rain

You're always crazy like that
And I watched from my window
Always felt I was outside looking in on you
You're always the mysterious one with
Dark eyes and careless hair
You were fashionably sensitive, but too cool to care
You stood in my doorway, with nothing to say
Besides some comment on the weather
Well, in case you failed to notice
In case you failed to see
This is my heart bleeding before you
Креатор: elizabethoney666 3 года назад 8

Attention All Friends Read

Soon im quit this website because hateful comments also hateful messages im getting about my smoking fetish. I had very hateful comment today made me cry. Some people cannot read top videos. Someone said video not me. I said top video type / this my friend Sandy Yiddish. I never said video was me. it made me mad they cannot read top videos thinking video was me. That why im thinking leave this website nobody do not read top videos anymore. I bet alot you never read this blog too. 1s do read this blog you y'all great friends. Thank you for all memorys and wonder comments. I delete alot comments… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 3 года назад 29

Walk The Dinosaur by Wes Not Wes

Boom boom acka lacka lacka boom

Boom boom acka lacka boom boom [x6]
It was a night like this forty million years ago
I lit a cigarette, picked up a monkey skull to go
The sun was spitting fire, the sky was blue as ice
I felt a little tired, so I watched Miami Vice
I walked the dinosaur, I walked the dinosaur
Open the door, get on the floor
Everybody walk the dinosaur [x4]
Boom boom acka lacka lacka boom
Boom boom acka lacka boom boom [… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 3 года назад 9

Me and your cigarettes

Sorry i not post long time i forgot about thing until a friend message me asking why not post long time. I have really not blog about say. Maybe i post 1 my favorite songs by Miranda lambert lyrics here. [spotify size="large" id="track:4Yt1hzaeJHdSRAfSS43C4j"]

"Me And Your Cigarettes"
Gives you something you can do with your hands
Makes you look cool and feel like a man
In the morning you will probably regret me
Me and your cigarettes
Started young it’s too late to quit
Креатор: elizabethoney666 3 года назад 6

Gonpowder & Lead by Elizabeth Douglas

And my Friend Miranda Lambert i meet 3 Years ago making music video this song "Gunpowder & Lead" County road 233, under my feet Nothin' on this white rock but little ole me I've got two miles 'til, he makes bail And if I'm right we're headed straight for hell I'm goin' home, gonna load my shotgun Wait by the door and light a cigarette He wants a fight well now he's got one And he ain't seen me crazy yet Slapped my face and he shook me like a rag doll Don't that sound like a real man I'm gonna show him… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 4 года назад 6

Try find Waldo February 21 2019

Nobody last month never found Waldo. Here answer i hide new Waldo. See if find Waldo. Price be my lingerie and pack my favorite brand cigarettes. This last 1 im making this if nobody going to do my contests anymore.… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 5 лет назад 2

A new can find Christmas Waldo December 12th

I place hidden Christmas Waldo somewhere on my pictures or videos can find it ? Winner get my Christmas lingerie i got last year Christmas present. Sandy or Trisha or Naomi cannot do this contest they already won my previous contests before. Here hint, Waldo wear something Christmas that you need look for win my contest.… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 5 лет назад 3

A New Waldo Still Missing Help Me Find Him.

Waldo still missing there a Waldo on a video not on pics somewhere on my gallerys, help me find him you get pair my lingerie if smoke i toss in pack my favorite Cigarettes too. If you drink beer i toss in free pack my favorite beer.You be first 1 comment right answer to win. Name of video and time he was at on video. No last month answer not last 2 winners Sandy Yiddish CherrybombO803 and Naomi Gardener Im_Se-xy_Naomi88 you 2 won my contest already cannot do this contest. This contest start right now at 12 o'clock am August 2nd tho 12 o'clock am August 22nd so good Luck find Waldo. P.S. Si… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 5 лет назад 5

Waldo Still Missing Help Me Find Him.

Waldo still missing there a Waldo pic or video somewhere on my gallerys, help me find him you get pair my lingerie if smoke i toss in pack my favorite Cigarettes too. If you drink beer i toss in free pack my favorite beer.You be first 1 comment right answer to win. No last month answer not 1 i want when Sandy Yiddish CherrybombO803 won my contest. This contest start right now at 8 o'clock am July 16th tho 8 o'clock am July 24th so good Luck find Waldo. P.S. Side note. Sandy Yiddish CherrybombO803 you won my contest last month you cannot win again you out my contest but you can look for… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 6 лет назад 13

For Last Time Please Read This Info Blog

5 friends on here bombshell me wanted know my 3 friends on here sandy naomi trisha there profile names, here all do click profile name it automatically take you profile. You add them after click this 3 links stop private message me wanted there profile names please.… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 6 лет назад 1

Im 6 months pregnant Please read see what new

6 months ago i had cream pie. I got pregnant. The video of my cream pie on here, Im slow down on my smoking. I not smoking Maroboros or newports or camels until i have my baby. My boyfriend said i can smoke only methols brands like Virginia slims 120. I'm getting married to in July or august, my best friend Sandy Yiddish cherrybomb0803 getting married too sometime soon i be at her wedding at bridesmaid. After i have my K I D i will not be on here alot check my messages or comments. Please do fill up my messages system. I seen my friend naomi had 200 plus messages 1 day. I do not want t… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 6 лет назад 10

Contest Waldo Still Missing ? Winner Get My

Lingerie no joke.Here what happen .Last year I put hidden picture of Waldo on 1 my sets pictures. Winner last year got my Liingerie. I have this contest again this year. If won last year you cannot do this contest again or help your friends know me where Waldo at. Waldo's Still Missing help me find him. Look at all my sets pictures find him. When you do find him please comment link where Waldo at. First 1 right winner get my lingerie. Also did contest last year if you remember where at you can do this contest. There only be 1 winner. If you are in this contest Please comment blog let me… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 6 лет назад 12

I got alot messages ask me what new with me? Read

4 days ago i meet nice guy at mcdonald's. we came back my apartment. after hang out him 4 hours we start kiss. he told me about his fantasy having sex girl as she smoking cigarettes. i said ok. we did it. we had sex as i was smoking camels menthol cigarettes. he almost ready cum he pull off his comdum cum in me given me cream pie. but cum did not drip out like in porn videos. now worry i might get pregnant. 4 years ago i did something like this i had my hair dye blonde they made video of it. here video link. cheek out video. time… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 6 лет назад 4

here what new with me Elizabeth?

my god i had 47 messages from friends asking me what new with me? first off i cannot answer all 47 messages. i blog what new with me. read. i join new website it better this website. please go sign up on there and look for my profile. ( ) there link my profile. you do not need sign up on there see my profile or pics. just comment this website blog let me know if you like pics. thx.… Читать далее

Креатор: elizabethoney666 7 лет назад 2