Building a fuckingmachine (I): A new beginning...

The origin...

   After some years, since I had left a bit abandoned the project -ambitious, in principle, given my possibilities- to build a fuckingmachine, I recovered the initial idea and decided to give another chance to this project.
   The first sex machine I built, dubbed "Sissy bitch tamer" and based on models that I had seen on the Internet like the "Intruder" and other similars, resulted to be an unviable project, despite the effort involved in its design and creation, and the expenditure on materials and parts, many of which were bought in several countries around the planet. And it was by several reasons...

Beginner's mistakes

   Firstly, the engine was not suitable at all. I used a brushed electric motor, that in addition to providing too much speed (3000 RPM, no less) lacked, however, of the enough pushing strength. The fact that it was a brushed motor supposed also that it would tendent to overheat, especially using a dimmer to reduce speed -another big mistake about I will to speak later- and considering that it was powered by AC 220V.
   Furthermore, the transmission system was not the ideal. I used a pulley connected to the motor axis to move a flywheel -in which was installed the crank arm- and at the same time rotates over a ball bearing bushing... The main mistake, even though I outfitted the motor mount with a tensor system manufactured by me, in order that the pulley kept always the necessary tension -and thus the traction power- to move the flywheel... is that a pulley, unless it be a jagged pulley and this was not, is an ineffective transmission method, because unlike other mechanisms of direct transmission, causes lost of traction.

Building a fuckingmachine (I): A new beginning...
   As I mentioned above, the control of the machine also resulted to be unsuitable, as I had use a dimmer to regulate the supply voltage of the motor. Really, a dimmer is used to reduce and increase the intensity of the electric charge and this is suitable for -for example- controlling the light intensity of a lounge... but it's not suitable for a motor, even less for a brushed motor. In addition to heating problems (in my case the motor almost was on fire, literally, I could not even touch it) when the the intensity of the power supply charge decreases not only reduces the rotation speed, but also the engine torque therefore the machine don't serves to what had originally been designed...
   The chassis itself, was heavy and also hard to operate, including the system of support legs that I had designed and that I did not get to build finally...
   Those were some of the mistakes I committed, but I also had hits, of course. It was a success to use linear bearings for guiding the linear shaft, incorporate a custom rod designed by me, with rod ends that allowing some slack of gyration and the flywheel and bushing system, as well as the depth of penetration control mechanism, that I had designed and developed for the machine.
The linear shaft as well as the dildos holder -including the coupling system in the shaft- were a hit too.
   Definitively, as always happens, you learn from the mistakes. It has always been so and will always be so...

A new beginning

   If anything becomes to be clear for me after my first experience with this kind of sexual gadgets it was: "simplify, stupid bitch!". Yes, I usually call "bitch" to myself... ;-D
   I decided to take as a new "inspiration" the commercial model "F-machine Pro II" -the last spring I was about to buy one, even I made the order from an online store, it just missing to send the payment...- It seemed a simple model, efficient and very manageable also versatile, so I decided to make something similar...
   These have been difficult months, I had to buy many pieces that came from various countries: UK, China, United States... and other produced by me and/or bought in Spain. But finally my new machine is in the final phase, about to see the light...

(To be continued...)
Опубликовано cristina_aroa
9 лет назад
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Such a wonderful post I am so intrigued!!!
May I suggest the motor and variable frequency drive from an old treadmill. 8^)
i will see the next video withe this black cock and fucking machine you dirty horny sissyslut.
I am on building one too. Will post photos and videos when its up and running.
keep us posted!
Very good job, cant wait to see you get used by this FM
can't wait