Faces. by honeybee

A little night story ...

Beauty, beauty
I love beauty
For beauty is cleanliness
And cleanliness is godliness
Beauty is healthiness
It is satisfaction

So why don't we make Joy grow
By sharing, giving & loving
So why should we not make every face
Lightened with Joy glowing.

The truth sucks
The truth hurts
The truth ruins
The truth unveils
The truth hates
The truth disconnects
The truth destroys
The truth scars
The truth lies
it lies about the truth

But I love ...the truth.

My obsession is beautiful
Takes you to another world
Or another life...

Music is peaceful
Or destructive
But in all, it's music...

That's what and who I am
It's my life...

Music can change people
Music makes you live
Beautiful and expressive...

Music is my life
And I love it!

When I Kiss You

A moon on the sky
A moon in the room
A moon in the river
I see your face
I see all moons.

A sky of the stars
A night full of stars
I see your eyes
I see all the stars.

When I kiss you
I see sky moon and stars

You feed me g****s juicy sweet softly sensually our lips meet I taste the wine so sweet yet sour your juicy Sweet body I want to devour

Caress the curious soul

Savor the thundering lifebeat

Hearken to the vibrations of seduction

Scent the pulsing essence of desire

Witness the adventure of sensation

your scent the perfume of night blooming flowers
your taste salty and tangy like the warm sea air

your body trembles at my slightest touch
a willow tree, shook by the lusty wind

the flickering candle burns low, and out
we are entwined together, two as one
the sweet sound of our desire fills the air
loves dance greets the warm morning sun

her moans and sighs sweet music
calling me to her fervent worship
in that temple of secret delights
surrendering all I am to you freely

I sing for you an ancient primal hymn
soft muffled songs roll from my lips
shake the earth and rock your hips
take my offerings, mark me as yours

Press my face to that cup of sacred wine
and drink deep that sweet water of life
far beyond the realm of mortal desire
love's alchemy, carnal made the sublime

her heart's pierced with the beauty
breathless helpless, precious butterfly
she offers her life for Him to treasure
held fast for this moment of mounting


Music touches all of our lives
like a breeze in summer heat
soothing, calming, ever new..
we long for its repeat

And if we listen, music can
for just a little while
deliver us from daily woes
enable us to smile

We cannot belittle the effect
the power is too strong
just think about how good it feels
to hear your favorite song

From the first time man beat on a drum
to an orchestra’s resound
music has and always will
be able to astound

Like the whistle of a train
echoes through the night
music flows through all our lives
to every heart's delight

xxx........kiss jimmy

Опубликовано scheleman
10 лет назад
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xxx thank you dear ..

