Maids Need Sex Too: Part One

I've been back here in the Philippines for about three months now. My marriage broke up around Christmas time and I decided to come out here to see my Dad. Well, that's what I told people back home. But the real reason was my cock wanted Filipina pussy - well any pussy to be exact... My Dad's got a new Filipina bride now, and I couldn't help thinking about all the great times I'd had with our maid when we last lived out here a few years ago.

I already knew that maids in the Philippines often lead a life with little or no sex. They are more or less sex starved. They have little time off to explore their sexuality. They are kept busy from morning to night with the washing and ironing and cleaning. Yet they are acutely aware of sex: they hear their "sir" and "ma'am" having sex, and they see the stains on the bed the next morning. They know the secrets that hide behind the respectable blinds on the sub-divisions. They find the condoms hidden in sir's coat when he goes away on "business", they wash ma'ams cum-stained panties after she's been to see her "friend" down town. And they wonder at the sex-toys hidden on the top shelf of the closet.

Some maids in the Philippines just resign themselves to quiet masturbation in their room. Even when they are 25 or 30 many are still virgin. Others get to know "sir" a little better, and then have some extra money to spend or to send back home. While others get to have a quick, furtive groping and kissing session with a boyfriend they met in the market when running an errand. There are some abandoned houses near us, and they're regularly used in this way by young couples for sex during the afternoon and evening: sometimes two couples doing it at the same time. But if they're really lucky,
maids and ya-yas get their puki poked when their employers are out shopping at the mall: the boyfriend waiting outside until she gives the signal for him to come to her room and satisfy lust.

So I thought my Dad's maid was luckier than most. He and his new Filipina wife were open minded, and knew that Cristobel had the same sexual needs as them. That her puki was aflame inside her panties, hungering for cock. They always used to give her time off on Saturday night to attend the local village dance, knowing that was the usual place where 'romance' began and couples went into the long grass to have sex: or later to the short-stay hotels once the relationship was established. If Dad saw her outside with a man, with him saying goodnight to her with hand pressed against her puki, he would tell her that she could bring him inside and take him into her room. Well, that's what I thought was going on.

I was certainly there the first time it happened, or I thought it was the first time, and remember the maid being very embarrassed as she brought her man through the sala: her cheeks flushing as she went inside her room with him. But it wasn't long before I heard her bed creaking faster and faster as her boyfriend got to know her better, and I imagined his cock pushing into her mound and pressing her bottom into the mattress. And I remember my Dad and his new wife disappearing upstairs at this point, probably aroused by the sound of the love making and to have a good fuck themselves.

But after I'd been living there a few weeks, I discovered that all wasn't quite what it seemed. When my Dad's wife was out one morning, I caught sight of Dad disappearing into the maid's room one morning. Usually, she went upstairs to clean the bedrooms after she'd cleared away the breakfast things, but that morning she stayed in her room. I suppose I was curious about what was going to happen, and went into the laundry room next to the maid's room to see if I could hear what was going on. At first I didn't hear anything at all, and for perhaps five or ten minutes there was silence. Then, just as I was starting to lose interest, there was the sound of a smack on a bare bottom...then a giggle....then another smack. As he spanked her, I could hear him saying: "You've been naughty again, haven't you? Tell me what he did to you....."

I soon realised that this was a routine. Almost every time my Dad's wife went out, unless he'd been fucking his wife all night, I'd see Dad going to see the maid. Sometimes he'd take a small bag into the room, but always I could hear him questioning her on every aspect of her sex life, and with each reply came a smack, and then eventually the sound of him having her up against the thin partition wall that separated her bedroom from the kitchen and laundry room. She always sounded fully aroused by this time - moaning with each thrust into her - and then the sound of Dad groaning as he came into her.

After about a month of this, I was horny with the thought of her having regular sex with Dad, and impatient to know more about her and Dad. I wanted to see her cute ass and titties naked, as Dad saw them. And so was determined to first see them doing it, or question Cristobel about her sessions with Dad, and then get inside her pants myself. When she was down at the market one afternoon, I was able to sneak into her room and have a look at her panties: knowing that they'd give me an idea of what sort of girl she really was. And sure enough there were lots of black, lacy undies underneath the "sensible" stuff in her knickers drawer.

My conversations with her usually started off innocently enough. I started talking to her whenever I saw her making the beds, or putting the washing out to dry. I found out that she was from Toledo, which is quite a long way from here, and that she hadn't had a boyfriend until she came to stay with Dad as a helper. She told me her Mum never used to allow her to date boys....or even to talk to them. Whenever a boy would call on her, she would send him away. So she said she was happy to get away from home, as it gave her some money to send back home and that my Dad had actively encouraged her to get a boyfriend. He'd told her that all girls of 19 needed to have a boyfriend. So she said she felt free when she came to work for Dad and his wife, even though she missed her Nanay and Tatay.

Slowly, ever so slowly, because I didn't want her to see what my intentions were, I got our conversations around to sex.....and particularly to her relationship with my Dad. I asked her if he treated her well, and she told me that he bought her clothes. I asked her what sort of clothes he'd bought her, and she told me mostly panties and shorts, but sometimes a skirt from the mall (didn't I just know she was going to say that from the undies I'd found in her bottom drawer). I asked her about her boyfriend and how she'd met him, and she told me that my Dad had introduced her to him. I somehow knew she was going to say that as well. Because then I started to realise just what Dad was up to with Cristobel.

I realised that he was using her inexperienced boyfriends to 'tease' her, with the intention of coming along when she was aroused (but not satisfied) and to enter her like a stallion. He would allow her relationships with men to develop so far, and even help them to develop by supplying Tanduay and Coke for the young lovers to drink: but then he would tell them that it was time for bed (usually just as the boyfriend was about to get his hands up her skirt) and he would send her young man off home: presumably to wank himself silly over thoughts of Cristobel's titties and puki.


Опубликовано bobsmart
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