A Model Mother Pt. 02

So, it was decided. Emily was going expose herself on the pages of an adult magazine. The only question was how she'd go about it. She'd arrived at a plan whereupon she visited a 'boudoir photographer' called Alan. She knew he would be OK with what she had in mind, because he advertised in the classified ads of 'Shaven Havens'.

It was nine weeks since Emily had spent a long and exciting day exposing herself to this man's camera, under the premise of giving her boyfriend a treat for his birthday. And, today, she'd flicked excitedly to the 'Reader's Wives' section of 'Razzle' magazine to find that, sure enough, she was now a published model.

The set was only five pictures, but it was spread across two whole pages. She was unmistakable. The first shot showed her with hands on hips, breasts poking free of her white bra. The other four featured her pussy too, with some close-ups where her shaved vagina and tight anus were very clearly visible.

Even more exciting to her was the sight of her pretty face, smiling green eyes fixed directly at the reader in every shot. There was no room for confusion or ambiguity. There was no getting away from it or hiding now. This was Emily, smiling, happy and naked, up for sale on the top shelf.

Emily stood and stared at herself. Until now, it had felt like she was on autopilot, letting her most base desires decide her actions. She'd almost felt like an interested spectator whilst this crazy, horny woman made unhinged decisions which would affect the rest of her life.

Now it was real. It felt more real than anything she'd felt before. She lurched between panic and exhilaration in equal measures.

"What the fuck am I doing?" she chided herself. Her mind raced. Even if she wanted to, she couldn't take it back now. Maybe she did want to, maybe that's what this dull, aching feeling which hung over her whole body meant.

She put the stack of magazines at her feet behind the counter, taking a minute to try to get her head straight. Everything had seemed so simple before. But now the fruits of her labour were here on the pages of this tacky publication and things were very different.

She could simply neglect to put the magazine out on display. Sure, there was a chance the odd person she knew might still see the set if purchased elsewhere, but there was a decent chance it would all pass by unnoticed. Yes, that was what she'd do.

What had she been thinking? Not just sending in those fucking pictures in the first place, but she'd been actively looking forward to today. Jesus, Emily! Can you imagine what people would say? Word would get round, her friends, people she worked with, everyone would find out. What if Stephen's friends stumbled across her, legs apart and showing off her cunt in this dirty magazine.

Emily's breath suddenly increased as these thoughts spun around her mind. For a brief time, the sensible mother had threatened to take control of things. But this briefly prudent, practical and rational woman was instantly washed away by a tsunami of arousal.

Everyone would find out! Stephen's friends, her suppliers, her friends, everyone who knew her would know she'd done this!

She found herself reaching for the magazine again. Any thought that this would remain hidden under her counter was wishful thinking on the part of the ever decreasingly sensible Emily. She'd done so much to get to this point -- as if she could back out now!

The first thing she did was put on the butterfly, bringing herself to an almost immediate orgasm with the sight of her own body on the pages of this wank magazine, and the thrill of what was to come. The pictures took her back to that day, when she'd got in and out of at least ten outfits, making the most of the two hours she'd paid the photographer for.

He'd actually 'worked' without complaint for five hours in total. Alan wasn't going to halt proceedings when Emily was clearly so happy exposing herself to his camera. He'd photographed enough women to recognise that Emily was a rare breed, and had enjoyed working with her, if it could be called work -- his erection throughout indicated he enjoyed his job.

It took a week or so, but Alan came up with the goods. There were so many pictures they arrived in quite a heavy box. Emily had a whole range of sets, wearing all sorts of outfits and getting up to all sorts of things. She loved every shot in the collection; it was exactly what she'd hoped for.

Emily took her time deciding on her favourite shots to send in. She'd sent in eight pictures, and they'd printed five, just the five she'd have picked herself, if the whole set wasn't to be published.

And now, here was the finished article. Any thought that she may not go through with this were washed away with the flood of fluid her buzzing little butterfly encouraged in between her legs. 'Razzle' was usually tucked away on the second shelf. Today she gave it pride of place, right at the end of the top row, the easiest to reach and most obvious of those magazines by far.

"Last chance," she told her empty shop, staring up at the top shelf. A brief, final vain return of sensible Emily threatened to have her running around and removing the magazines again, but the ringing of the bell as her door opened ended any ideas of hiding the evidence.

The first guy was one of the young lads. He'd never spoken, but came in at least once every two weeks. He was usually a 'grabber'; he knew exactly what he wanted (Mayfair, usually) and wouldn't be in the shop long.

Her heart was in her mouth. He couldn't miss seeing 'Razzle', pride of place at the end of the row. But, as expected, he located his favourite, paid the two-seventy-five price and left the shop.

A mixture of relief and disappointment hung over Emily. She went into the back and made a cup of tea. There was still time to take down the magazines. But this flirtation with discovery had set her mind racing. She wanted to be discovered. She needed it.

The next guy in was another young lad. She was behind him before he had located the magazine he wanted.

"Hi," she said, simply. He visibly jumped and turned in shock. This wasn't in his playbook; he simply wanted to get the goods and get out.

"Sorry, I know you like to be quick. But I felt like I just had to get in quick myself, just in case."

The boy looked confused and a little scared. Emily continued.

Far from try to hide what she'd done, her unquenchable need to be observed, desired and lusted after had driven her to manufacture a story which loosely explained a situation where she could make sure nobody left the shop without at least hearing what was on the pages of 'Razzle'.

"It's OK, nothing for you to worry about," she smiled at the young man, who she remembered usually bought 'Club International'.

"But it is something for me to worry about. You see, something really bad has happened -- for me, that is. I was really stupid; a few years ago, I posed for some naughty pictures for my boyfriend at the time. Well, it turns out that he's not much of a gentleman, and he's sent the pictures into Razzle!"

She pointed up at the magazine, leaving no doubt where said pictures could be found. The young man adopted a concerned expression, but his eyes were drawn to the magazine.

"I know! What a bastard! So, I mean, I understand there's no way I can stop this stuff getting out there. I wasn't going to stock it at all, but you can get it everywhere else, so where's the point in me trying to stop people buying it? I'm just wanting to make sure everyone knows what happened, that's all."

"Right," the boy said. He looked panicked, so Emily took charge.

"It's fine. I mean, I'm braced for the worst. You go ahead and get what you want -- Club International, right?" She reached up and handed a copy to him.

"Oh, who am I kidding!" she laughed, taking a copy of Razzle down. "After what I've just told you, you'll be straight off to buy a copy somewhere else, won't you? Talk about cutting your nose off to spite your face! I don't want my customers shopping elsewhere, so I'm not going to chase you away. Here!"

She handed the magazine to the boy, who was looking more confused by the second. In one hand he held the copy of his usual magazine, in the other the publication he'd just been reliably informed contained naked pictures of this beautiful shopkeeper who was smiling sweetly at him.

"Honestly, it's OK. I'm just going to have to get used to it, I know there's nothing I can do about it now. I'm just glad they aren't too -- I mean, I'm pretty sure he's got a lot of footage of me doing a lot more... some less tasteful things, you might say. So, if this is the worst he's got, I guess I got off quite lightly."

She was on a roll now. Feeling super horny, she continued, opening the magazine and flicking quickly to the pages where her lovely smile beamed out at them. She knew exactly where she was to be found, pages 34-35.

"Here you go -- like I say., I can't be shy about it now, can I? To be honest, I'm quite proud in some ways, I think I hold up pretty well, compared to some of the other girls. What do you think?"

She handed the magazine to the dumbstruck young perv who must have been pinching himself. Emily was dressed like a porn star and posing in positions which were only designed to arouse. Only one of the five pictures didn't clearly display her vagina, and in three of them she was enthusiastically thrusting her exposed pussy towards the camera.

"OK, maybe not tasteful, but it could be worse, right?" she asked innocently. She'd moved around the young man whose eyes were glued to these unbelievable images, and her warm, soft breasts were slightly squashed into his arm. He finally found his voice.

"Could be worse? Jesus, lady, you are one of the best-looking women I've ever seen! Anywhere, let alone in a magazine like this!"

"Oh, thank you, that's really sweet! You can call me Emily, by the way. So, are you wanting both of these?"

"Well, I would, but I've only got enough for one. Are you sure you don't mind?" he was holding up the copy of 'Razzle' and making to place the 'Club International' back on the shelf.

"Yes, that's fine, really. I think I'd be a little bit upset if you didn't want to take me home, after everything I've told you!" she laughed. "Thanks for understanding -- the more I get used to it, the more I realise it's not such a big deal. I mean, look at all these magazines, all with girls doing things just as naughty as I'm doing there. Here, let me get your change."

She could feel his eyes fixed on her backside as she deliberately paced around the counter to the till, making sure to accentuate the movement of her bum, tightly clad in a black skirt, as she did so.

She handed him his change and gave him another smile. Her white blouse was unbuttoned so that her bra and the inviting curves of her breasts were visible without any real effort, and she leaned forward to make she he got a nice view to remember.

"Thanks for being so understanding. I hope you enjoy... you know - I hope you enjoy me!"

As the door closed behind him, Emily let out a little gasp which combined intense arousal, disbelief at what she'd just done, and excitement. This would be her formula, she'd use it on every guy. Standing up on her tiptoes she pressed her crotch against the counter, at the same time dialling up the vibrations as high as she could stand.

Her orgasm was immediate and extraordinary. She whimpered and pushed her cunt against the hard wood of the counter, gasping with delight. Today was going to be a good day.

Driven on by the blissful urging of that little vibrator, incessantly driving her further into a place she'd never be able to back out of, Emily put an order in with Vik for more copies. She was going to make sure that nobody missed out on this. Any man coming into her shop in the market for pornography would walk away with pictures of Emily to wank over.

This performance was repeated with every perv who visited the shop over the following days. Her approach slightly differed when they were actually buying a copy of 'Razzle' in the first place, which a handful did. One older guy, who was quite a prolific visitor, was one.

"Right," she'd sighed as he put the copy of down, together with a copy of 'Eighteen and horny', for Emily to check the price. "Listen, before you take this home, I want to clarify something."

She repeated the story about the ex-boyfriend. Unlike others, this guy was much more animated about the situation.

"What? Are you serious? You mean you are actually in here? Really?"

"I am!" She had perfected the resigned, annoyed but 'what can you do' tone. "I mean, I was furious, obviously."

"Obviously," he repeated, feigning concern.

"I've come to terms with it now, I think. There's no point dwelling on it. But I just wanted you to know, before you, you know... I didn't want to spoil it for you."

"Spoil it? Are you kidding? Listen, I'm taking this home, and I'm having a wank. If you are in there, it's not going to last long. And I'm probably going to have another one not long after. The next time you see me, I might have gone blind!"

Emily giggled.

"And if I ever meet your ex-boyfriend, I'm sorry love, but I'm going to shake his hand!"

"I don't think there's much chance of that," Emily smiled. "He doesn't live round here. But thank you, that's a really nice thing to say. I hope you enjoy it as much as you think you will."

She was leaning forwards on the counter again, very aware that this position created an enviable cleavage, which she casually enhanced by squeezing her arms in slightly.

"I must admit, I've sold so many of these magazines and I'm not naïve, I know what you men use them for. If anyone had told me I'd be inspiring all you guys, I'd never have believed it. But it's actually quite nice, in a way. Next time you come in, tell me what you thought, OK?"

And thus, almost all of the pervs obtained a copy of the magazine featuring the lovely Emily, who they'd enjoyed and lusted after since she took over the shop. The only ones who didn't walk away with a copy were those unlucky enough to come in after she'd sold out, which happened after only ten days, even with the huge order she'd made.

Vikesh made an emergency delivery, a bit confused as to why this publication which generally would sell ten or twelve but which Emily had already received fifty, suddenly required a top-up of a further thirty copies.

Emily was in her element. On the evening of that first day, when she'd smashed away any doubt that she might go through with it, and found the thrills were more than worth any fear of consequences, she knew this couldn't be a one-off. It was just the start. She just needed a plan, to expand her sordid little enterprise.

So, to try to simulate the behaviour of a jilted and vindictive ex, she followed up the single submission to Razzle with a further one to the same magazine the following month. But that was just the start. Select pictures from all of her sets from the session with Alan the photographer were provided to every magazine which accepted submissions.

Emily was, by now, very familiar with the magazines she sold, and knew which ones had a reader's wives' section. If all of them printed her pictures, the next month's delivery of magazines was going to be something special.

Emily spent the month leading up to the next big delivery making sure everyone was aware that she'd received information that her ex hadn't settled with just sending a few pictures in to 'Razzle', and she was fully expecting there to be more revelations to follow.

She repeated to anyone that would listen that she was prepared for anything now, she was quite sure her unexpected appearance in 'Razzle' was just the start. Some of the pervs feigned sympathy and concern, but Emily knew what they were really thinking, which was exactly what she wanted them to think.

Others were less disingenuous, preferring to admit openly that if Emily was plastered all over all the magazines on the top shelf, they were going to spend a lot of money. Emily was getting hornier by the day and made sure anyone who might be interested was aware of what was coming.

"I just hope he hasn't sent the really dirty ones in. I keep remembering some of the filthy things he made me do. I can't believe I let him take some of those pictures!" Everything she said was calculated and designed to build anticipation ahead of her next batch of appearances on the top shelf.

Emily waited for that Wednesday like a ***** waits for Christmas. She'd already made sure Vikesh had doubled the order on all of the magazines she'd made submissions to. He put the increase down to Emily's continued salesmanship.

The morning arrived and Vik was nice and early, his van outside even as Emily arrived five minutes earlier than usual.

She had the shelves full before her first early birds started to arrive, workmen on their way to site or OAPs popping in for their morning paper. In-between doing her real job, Emily flicked through a copy of each magazine she'd made a submission to.

Only one of the ten magazines hadn't published her pictures this month. She was there in all her glory in nine magazines. Some of the content was similar to what had sold so well last month. But six of the magazines allowed harder stuff, and Emily had obliged, submitting pictures of her wet cunt spread open for the camera, fingering herself, filling her pussy with toys and even some fruit and veg!

She thought back affectionately to the session with Alan, who had disappeared out to the shops part-way through when Emily had reacted positively to his idea of her getting it together with a cucumber. She'd enjoyed this thoroughly, as well as the banana, courgette and aubergine he brought back from his little shopping trip.

Emily enjoyed the challenge of seeing if she could get these phallic objects up inside her and loved Alan's encouraging words and admiring comments as she'd managed to stretch her little hole with each.

And now, there she was, in all her glory. 'Shaven Havens' had dedicated four full pages to her set, and the final shot, where she looked into the camera with the dirtiest, most inviting expression imaginable on her face, was delightfully disgusting, she thought.

She was forcing the cucumber, which was already halfway up inside her, even deeper, and this beautiful shot had been blown up to fill the full page. Emily's knees went weak as she glanced up at the top shelf, which was loaded with such content.

She prepared herself for the influx of pervs which was inevitably coming today with the triple stimulation of the Chinese love balls, butt plug and the butterfly vibrator, which she set to a gentle buzz.

As expected, it was a busy day. Nearly all of the regulars had spent the best part of a month with the tease of the five pictures in last months 'Razzle', and the knowledge that more was very likely to follow this month. But nobody had any idea just how much of Emily was going to be available today.

Dave was the first to arrive, not long after nine. Emily greeted him like an old friend.

"Hi Dave. Well, I was right. I'm spread across pretty much every magazine this month."

"Really?" Dave didn't even try to pretend he was anything other than delighted with this news.

"Really," Emily confirmed. She shook her head, but she was smiling. "I fucking knew it. But I'm glad I'd prepared myself for the worst. He must have sent every picture he ever took of me to any magazine who would take them. I've counted nine different magazines I'm on display in, and lots of it, well. Let's just say it's not for the faint hearted. But, like I say, I've come to terms with it now, I knew it was going to happen."

Dave just wanted to know which magazines he had to buy to see this stuff, and he didn't try to hide it.

"So which ones are you in then?"

"Which ones am I not in is probably easier to answer!" she groaned dramatically. "Razzle, Fiesta, E*****, Parade, Shaven Havens, Park Lane, Wet and Open, In the Pink... I can't remember them all, but I think it's the first nine from the end up there."

She knew very well it was. She'd ensured that each of the magazines she was starring in was lined up to be easiest to reach. She'd even made sure that the filthiest stuff was going to be the first in line to get picked up, with 'Shaven Havens' on point there.

The total price, if you wanted all nine, was just under thirty pounds. Dave paid up without a second thought, although he had to briefly leave the shop to visit the cashpoint. He left with every one of Emily's sets bundled in one arm. As the door swung closed behind him, Emily turned up the buzz on her butterfly for a few seconds, but she had to turn it back down again as the next perv was coming into the shop.

Many of these guys had left last time with instructions from Emily to bring feedback on her last appearance. Nearly all were back today, and Emily struggled to keep her composure as many of them expressed just how often they'd brought themselves off over her pictures.

"Well, if you enjoyed those five pictures, you are going to have to brace yourself this month. I hope you like fruit and veg!" she giggled. Any pretence of being upset or even disappointed that this material was available was gone, her tone now shifting towards an 'if you can't beat them, join them' mentality.

"The more I look at them, the more I just think 'fuck it!' she laughed to the young lad who'd been astounded when she'd just gone straight for the jugular, opening 'Wet and Open' and showing him the aftermath as she'd just pulled the aubergine from her stretched cunt, gaping open as its elasticity was tested to the full.

"I mean, I can't go back now. You aren't going to unsee this stuff. So, I can either own it, or just run away and hide or something. I've got to come to terms with the fact that most of the guys in town are going to be wanking over me for the foreseeable future. I mean, that's what's happening, right?"

The young man nodded earnestly.

"So, I might as well get some benefit from it. And it's actually not a bad thing, I guess. I mean, imagine if everyone saw it me doing this stuff and nobody wanted to wank over me. That would be pretty depressing, wouldn't it? Anyway, which one are you buying then?"

Unsurprisingly, Wet and Open was his first choice.

"If you like that, you are probably going to love this one too," she handed him a copy of 'In the Pink', which featured her spreading her cunt open right from the first shot, and some amazing snaps of her dealing with two dildos, sucking one eagerly whilst pushing the other deep inside.

"Two at once!" she winked.

The young man only had enough money for those two magazines.

"I expect I'll be seeing you again, once you've finished with those two," she smiled, the sparkle in her eye betraying her enjoyment of today's events. "You might need to be quick though, the way this stuff is selling I don't think there will be much left in a week or so!"

"Enjoy!" she called after him.

Emily, in her supremely aroused state, fired up by the balls rattling inside her, the steel plug stretching her anus and the low buzzing on her clit, assumed any male who entered her shop was there to see her naked body.

This was usually the case, but not always. She managed to upsell one of her 'vanilla' customers who was only coming in for a newspaper and cigarettes, to a copy of 'Shaven Havens'. Once he saw that the beautiful Emily really was posing inside, naked and inserting a cucumber deep inside herself, he had to buy it.

By the evening, Emily was almost beside herself, so horny after her day of encouraging her clientele to masturbate over her. Everyone knew she was totally at ease with any cock in her vicinity getting hard at the sight of her. She wondered whether the cashpoint had any money left, as so many of her customers had visited for some extra funding.

She was just about to shut up shop when a young man arrived, out of breath, he'd clearly been running.

"Are you still open?" he gasped.

"Just about," Emily smiled. She recognised him, always quiet and polite, but a very regular purchaser and he'd become all the more regular since she'd started stocking the harder stuff. He worked at the supermarket, and she noticed his name badge -- 'Richard', it said.

"Richard -- 'R' for short, I presume?" The lad shrugged and smiled. Emily's heart fluttered. This was her pervy admirer! She remembered his words in 'Glitz' magazine. He'd fantasised about wanking over Emily and had written into the magazine to get his dirty thoughts off his chest.

His words had struck a chord with Emily. Her major motivation was picturing men masturbating over her. Richard's fantasy of masturbating for Emily in her shop was almost identical to many of the scenarios her dirty mind dreamed up.

"You are welcome to browse for a bit," she said pleasantly, "But I'm going to lock up, I need to get home soon so you are my last customer today. What are you after?"

Richard had not been party to the events of the past month. This was going to be fun, Emily got to tell him the whole story.

It took about ten minutes to explain what had happened, Emily detailing all about the illicit behaviour of her non-existent ex-boyfriend, how she'd been indecently exposed **************** once last month, but it had got so, so much worse today.

But she also made it clear that she was now at ease with the situation -- moreover, she had started enjoying it.

"I'll be honest with you, Richard," she breathed enticingly. I'm finding the knowledge that my body is up for sale in every newsagent in the country pretty exciting, all things considered. I mean, look at this."

Her shoot in leather in Park Lane was passed to Richard. She looked stunning, slightly dominating, and the set ended up with the end of a leather whip inserted inside her pussy, as her tongue moistened her lips seductively.

Emily had a split second of hesitation. She knew what she wanted to do. Almost every inch of her being wanted it. Today had been incredible, and she could see a perfect end to it in front of her.

But could she? She'd thought about it, dreamed about it. She knew Richard had too, he was hers if she wanted him. But could she actually follow through, now the opportunity was staring her in the face?

Looking back, there was no way she could have stopped this. Emily felt a surge of excitement filling her body. She still had steel rammed up her anus and pushed up inside her cunt, and a steady buzzing vibration on her clit which had kept her on the edge all day.

Richard was staring at Emily's pictures in disbelief.

"What do you think of that, Richard?" she whispered. "Is it making you hard?" He nodded.

"Show me," she said, simply. Richard looked as if he'd misheard. Emily nodded down at his crotch and raised her eyebrows. He didn't need a second invitation.

"Oh yes, that's a nice cock." His dick sprung up, pointing to the ceiling as it broke free. Emily felt another little quiver run through her body. This was the first cock she'd seen first-hand since Pavel. It was nice, she thought. Pavel's was a bit bigger, but it pointed slightly downwards when it was hard -- she could still picture it quite clearly.

The head of his fine, solid penis emerged proudly from his foreskin before his hands were upon it. She looked fondly at the bulging, pink glans. That delicate velvet skin, so soft and smooth, looked exquisite. She told herself that she needed to see cocks more often. A lot more often.

The shop was silent, and her whisper cut through the thick atmosphere which had suddenly arisen. "You've wanked over me before, haven't you Richard?"

"Y...yes!" Richard had pulled his jeans and boxers down to his thighs. His dick was rigid, and his right hand pulled back and forwards urgently. Emily's eyes didn't move from the sight. She was loving this.

"How many times? How often have you wanked over me, thinking about what a naughty little nymph I am?"

"Oh fuck. Every... every fucking time I get home. I love that you are so cool with it, selling the porn. It's fucking hot!"

"I find it hot too, Richard. What makes it hot for me is thinking about all of you guys getting home and pulling those rock-hard cocks off thinking about me. So now that you can take pictures of me home with you, that's a bit of a dream come true."

She watched in silence for a few seconds, absorbing his lust.

"You like the harder stuff, don't you, like to see a girl stretching her little hole open for the camera?"

"Oh, fuck yes I do."

"How about this, Richard, what do you think?" Emily held up a picture, she was supporting herself with one hand, both bare feet planted on the ground and raising herself up, pussy filled with a large black dildo and thrust into the camera without shame.

"Oh shit! You are fucking amazing!" he groaned. He looked like he was getting close.

"I want you to think about this, think about me, every time you wank yourself off in future, can you do that Richard?"

He nodded immediately.

"You've been a good boy, so here's your reward," she smiled, pulling down her top and sinking to her knees. She freed both large, firm breasts and pushed them up and together, smiling up at Richard.

"Wank all over these tits, Richard. Cover them in your cum," She ordered.

He was shooting before she'd even finished speaking. His aim was remarkably good, and he did exactly as he was told, coating Emily very thoroughly with a thick, white load.

Emily had turned up the butterfly very slightly, and the balls and the plug were filling her nicely. The feeling of the young stranger's sperm splashing onto her exposed breasts had triggered a mini orgasm, and she groaned in pleasure as his cum slid slowly down, over her nipples and onto her top, which was pulled down around her waist.

After making sure he was completely finished, and remembering Richard's fantasy, she rose and went behind the counter, sperm covered tits still on display.

"Right then, which ones do you want to buy?" Richard immediately opted for 'Park Lane' and 'Shaven Havens'. Emily served him with a smile, and then led him to the door and unlocked it, after a quick check to make sure there were no passers-by.

"See you later Richard. Oh, please don't get any ideas -- tonight wasn't the start of anything, OK? I wanted you to do that, and that's why it happened. If you come to me and ask for that, or anything else, I can guarantee you that it will never happen again. But if you are a good boy and keep quiet, then who knows, there's a chance you might get another go. Is that clear?"

Richard was more than happy with this arrangement. Emily gave him a peck on the cheek and sent him on his way, graciously allowing him one backwards glance at her cum drenched breasts before locking up.

She turned to the mirror. The white semen was dripping down onto her black clothes, and there was a string hanging from each nipple. She turned the butterfly up, immediately gasping as its vibration hit the spot she needed it to.

Twisting her finger around in the mess on her tits, she remembered Pav. He always used to cum on her body, her face, never inside her. He'd sit back and watch her clean herself up. He told her that good girls always clean up after themselves. As she sucked her finger clean, the taste came back to her. She liked it.

Emily had only ever sampled Pav's cum before, so this was just her second taste of sperm. She took some time to wipe up all she could from herself, watching in the mirror as she lapped it up dutifully. He tasted nice, she thought -- not quite the same as Pav, but similar enough to bring those memories back.

Emily would be very happy having a cock like Richard's to play with more often. She felt the urge to feel a cock in her mouth, in her throat, locking her jaw wide open. But she wouldn't go back to Richard, not any time soon anyway. Young boys like him got attached far too easily, and attachment was not in her plans for the time being. She was enjoying herself too much to complicate things.

She slept in the cum covered clothes because she knew waking up in her sperm-stained top and bra, would give her a thrill. It did exactly that. It was even fun showering, scrubbing the crusty mess from her lovely breasts.

Emily walked to work on air, she was very happy with life. Her mind kept drifting back to last night, the look of sheer animal lust on Richard's face as he jerked his cock frantically, splashing sperm onto Emily's willing cleavage. She could get used to that. She was already wondering when she might manufacture a situation where it could happen again,

Not long after nine thirty, another young man she recognised came into the shop, briefly making eye contact and smiling as he headed for the dirty magazines. Emily smiled back. She recognised him from a little while ago, and if her memory served, he'd yet to have the tour of her catalogue of porn. But before she could slip her heels on and walk over to him, he was at the counter.

He'd gone straight for 'Glitz, which was one of the few magazines Emily wasn't naked in this month. Before she could start working on him, giving the whole sad story of her boyfriend's betrayal, he started talking, which was very unexpected.

"Listen," he said nervously. "I'd never usually do anything like this, but I got advice that I might as well try. I get the feeling -- when you serve me, I get the feeling you enjoy all this, you know." He glanced down at the magazine, and then over to the shelves packed with porn.

"Oh, you do, do you?" she smiled, amused and interested as to where this was going. It was quite a change to have a young man actually approach and talk to her, awkward as he was.

"Yeah, and so... I'm just going to say it -- sorry. I've..." he steeled himself and took a breath. "I've... I think you're incredible. Every time I come in, all I can think about is... I even wrote a letter into this place," he gestured at 'Glitz'.

It took a second to register what he was saying, Emily's face was a picture.

"Wait, what?" Emily said urgently. "What's your name?"

"Ryan," the puzzled reply came.

"Oh! Christ!" Emily grabbed Ryan's arm, laughing slightly hysterically. Ryan stood, a little crestfallen. He'd not managed even half of the speech he'd prepared.

"You couldn't make it up!" she continued to chuckle. Ryan didn't know what to do, he just stood there, gripping his five-pound note sheepishly. "Oh, bless you! I'm sorry -- tell me what you were going to say!"

Ryan had half a mind to just turn on his heels and leave, but he was glad he didn't.

"Listen, Ryan. I think I know what it was. And, trust me, it's fine. You can tell me, whatever it is."

Ryans face was now the picture. Emily had released her grip on his arm and had instead leaned forward on the counter, propping herself up on her elbows. She knew exactly what she was doing, this was her favourite pose when she wanted to give a guy a look down her top.

"OK. Here goes. When I come in here, you really get me going."

"Get you going? Do you mean I get you hard, Ryan?"

Emily had mistakenly let the wrong teenage boy wank over her yesterday. But she still meant to give Ryan the treat she'd been planning since she read his letter. It wouldn't be fair if he missed out just because of her mistake, she told herself.

It was a Monday, her quietest day of the week. She put a 'back soon!' message on the door, locked it and moved around the corner, where she knew she couldn't be seen through the window.

"Do you know what I think, Ryan?" she smiled, unbuttoning her blouse playfully. "I think you come in here to buy magazines from me, and you take them home to wank over. Is that right?"

Ryan's jaw dropped. His fantasy was coming true. Emily knew her role. She was in her element.

"I've got such a nice surprise for you, Ryan!" She skipped excitedly over and pulled down a selection of magazines. Starting with the softer stuff, she put them down on the counter and began leafing through the pages.

"It's a long story, but I'm starring in all of these magazines this month," Ryan looked at her with a frown - there's no way he'd have believed her until he saw it. But with the next turn of the page, he realised. His dreams weren't just coming true, this was beyond anything he could have hoped or imagined.

"What do you think Ryan? You can take me home now, and you won't need to try to imagine what I look like naked." She paused for ten to fifteen seconds on each page, before turning to the next.

"Would you like to see me getting really naughty?" Ryan's silence was purely because he was speechless, but his face gave his answer.

"I hope I'm getting you hard Ryan. Am I?" Ryan simply glanced down at his crotch. Emily noticed quite a substantial bulge. "Let's see then. Show me."

Ryan's hands moved robotically to his trousers, loosening his belt and dropping them. His cock was straining against his briefs, and these were soon around his knees.

"Oh yes!" Emily smiled. This was, for some reason, even more thrilling than last night. There was something about the fact that the bright sunlight was pouring in through the top windows. Doing this in the cold light of day just felt even dirtier, if that was possible.

Emily repeated her performance from last night. Ryan's cock was bigger than Richard's, she thought. Unlike Richard, the whole head was engulfed by his foreskin. She smiled involuntarily as Ryan pulled the skin back and that beautiful swollen glans emerged.

His balls looked big. Could Ryan possibly produce as much cum as the other one had? She heard someone try the door but ignored it.

Her eyes were glued to Ryan's lovely penis, pointing up and out impressively. It was like a small rolling pin or something, she thought. She loved the way it stayed completely solid and motionless as the hand pumped out and in so firmly and regularly. She knew if she held it, it would feel like warm iron in her hand.

Ryan's cock didn't curve up to the sky like Richard's had, it pointed straight out at a right-angle from his body. Yes, definitely bigger than the one she was looking at last night. He could do some fine work with that, she decided.

A little bead of clear liquid built up at the end. As Richard continued masturbating for her, it became too heavy and started sinking slowly towards the floor in a long, silky thread. It reminded her of a spider's web. She was compelled to sink to her knees and taste it, but that wasn't today's fantasy, she reminded herself.

It was time to take Ryan to heaven.

"I think you're going to make a mess soon, aren't you Ryan?" she breathed, crouching and then kneeling on the floor, the pumping, swollen dick at eye level now. She opened 'Shaven Havens' to what she'd decided was her favourite shot at the moment, that thick, solid cucumber being eased deep up inside her shaven cunt.

"Look at that, Ryan." She whispered. "Do you know what I was thinking, right then? Look at my face. I'm loving that fucking thing right up inside me, and I know that guys like you are going to be wanking hard, watching me get so dirty. That's what I want. You want to wank over me, and I want it too."

Ryan's strokes were increasing in pace.

"Yes! Oh, fuck! yes!" he grunted.

"I know what you'd like. I'd like it too." She kneeled up, eyes still glued to the cock. Her white blouse was now unbuttoned, and she pulled down the matching white bra, freeing the same breasts which had just received a large load from another unknown young man just the previous evening.

Ryan's eyes were glued to these large, firm and flawless globes of eager flesh, topped off with a rock-hard nipple. And Emily's eyes still hadn't broken from their love affair with the large cock Ryan continued to pump, only a few inches from her face.

She pushed her tits up and together, just like she'd done for Richard.

"Is this what you want, Ryan? To wank that lovely hard cock over these lovely big tits? Because that's all I want, right now. I want you to empty those balls all over me, I want every drop soaking them. That's it, cover me!"

She watched each long stream with utter delight, loving the way it splashed and dripped and splattered her exposed breasts. It kept coming. Emily was delighted to feel the warm contents of that beautiful cock continue landing on her. She couldn't help giggling. There must have been twice as much as Richard had given her yesterday.

Finally, Ryan was done. For the first time since he dropped his trousers, Emily's eyes left Ryan's cock, and she looked up at him with a huge smile.

"Well, Ryan! Look at what a good job you've done! I feel like I've had three or four guys wanking over me!" She was still pushing her breasts up and together, and the sperm had gathered in a large pool in her cleavage. She stood, and a small amount spilled out and dripped onto the open pages of the magazine.

"Oh look, you're covering me again. You're going to have to buy that, I can't sell it now!" Ryan picked up the magazine obediently. "Hang on, here..." She took it off him, walked over to the counter and fished out a tissue, which she used to clean Ryan's cum from her picture. All the while she was holding her arm under her breasts, trying to contain the sperm, to stop it from leaving her loving tits.

"There you go -- not quite as good as new, but I hope that little stain will bring back happy memories, right?"

His cock was still out, drooping slightly but still quite firm. Emily felt a little pang of disappointment as he squeezed it a little awkwardly back into his trousers. She liked seeing guys' cocks.

Emily rounded off Ryan's fantasy by skipping back behind the counter and taking the money for his copy of 'Shaven Havens'. She deliberately let his sperm slide down her breasts, dripping down and making large trails on her black pencil skirt as she handed him his change. A large amount which had been hanging determinedly to her erect nipple dropped onto the counter with an audible 'splat'.

"Looks like I've got some cleaning to do! Hang on, I need to make myself decent before I unlock the door," she muttered, pulling on a jacket and covering the stunning sight of her breasts, shining and glistening in the bright light.

She'd thought about the words she'd left Richard with and amended them slightly for Ryan.

"Listen, I loved that. But it's a one-off, unless I decide otherwise. Don't come here expecting that to happen again, because you'll be disappointed. I might want it again, one day, but that's for me to decide, not you -- OK?"

Just like Richard, Ryan had no objection. Just a smile and a flash of her cleavage would have been more than he'd have dreamed of, and he'd just shot a massive load of cum all over her, while she egged him on. That memory would stay with him forever.

Emily found herself lapping up Ryan's sperm from the glass counter. She wasn't about to waste it. She stood up quickly when the door opened, wiping the sheen from the glass with a piece of kitchen roll and savouring the taste on her lips. Ryan tasted nice, different again from Richard.

It was interesting noticing the nuance in the flavour of cum, just like it was fascinating seeing the different shapes and sizes cocks came in. She was going to need more, a lot more. More hard cocks, more cum.

There was one complaint about the shop being shut for so long, but that was all. Emily's Monday went back to normal, which for her was now secretly covering a finger in Ryan's cum, which still coated her tits under her jacket, and sucking it clean. She was really getting a taste for it now. It wasn't that it tasted nice as such, but the salty, strange texture in her mouth was a very real reminder of what she'd done, and how much she'd enjoyed it.

In between customers, she'd stand in front of the mirror and open her jacket. This immediately brought it all back so clearly. Her tits were still proudly standing up, the bra supporting and pushing them up slightly, but not covering anything. The material was saturated with semen, and when she'd exhausted the supply in her cleavage and the nice little amount that had accumulated in her belly button, she squeezed quite a lot from the silk white material and ate that up too.

Emily just had time to pull the jacket closed each time the bell on the door alerted her to a new customer, even though part of her didn't want to. A couple of the pervs came in, and as she was showing them her dirty poses, she wondered if it would be too much to show them what she'd just done, the scene under her jacket.

A large part of her wanted to, but she knew where it would lead, and she thought that two different guys ejaculating all over her tits in twenty-four hours was probably sufficient.

For the time being, anyway....
Опубликовано canadianbbw
1 месяц назад
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I am loving every single word of these posts dear!
Very hot. Just imagine how those two young men felt and were affected by what happen. They would have felt like all their Christmases had come at once.