First Job First Love

First job first love

Way back in the 20th century, when I was 19, not even old enough to have a beer, I seemed to be extremely horny a lot of the time. I was still a virgin and had no opportunity to be with a female. Lord knows I had tried. I had dated in HS and had gotten to first base a couple of times but second base was a real treat, third base was seemingly unattainable and a Home Run was out of the question. But all bad things must end.

19 years old, an average guy average height and weight and looks. Not real physical but not a wimpy physique either. Just average----everywhere. Yes my pecker was of average size also. One day on the bus ride home from school the working class crowd filled the bus. Only a couple seats left. One was next to me. An older man took it and others finished filling the bus. As we made a stop my seatmate got off and a nice looking lady got on. She looked around and saw the empty seat next to me and plopped on down into it. She looked to be in her late 20's, red hair about 5'4” and nice enough looking. She sat and said hello so I said hello. The rest of the bus trip was pretty silent.
The next week, same bus stop, same woman got on the bus. She saw me and sat down next to me again. Again hello's were exchanged. I told her “My name is Eddie”. She looked at me and said “Well Eddie, my name is Edith.” We exchanged pleasantries and talked a bit. She worked near the bus stop and lived alone. No parents, no brothers or sisters, no relatives at all in this town. She worked at a glass manufacturing plant that makes windshields for automobiles and trucks. No she is not in the manufacturing end, she is a secretary. One of many. I explained that I was just out of High School a couple months ago and was looking for a job. She told me to try the company she works for. Maybe I can get on there. We exchanged a little more information and she left the bus.
I found myself taking that bus route every couple of days hoping she would show up again. After a week I decided to take her advice and ask about a job at the Glass Factory.

Coincidentally, when I applied for the job they looked at my application and saw my High School classes. They asked questions about my mechanical and other experiences. I was interested in auto mechanics but had no experience. They offered me a full time job in the machine repair dept that took care of all the mechanical truck, lifts, and other stuff they use. I took the job.

Two weeks later I was called to the main office for my section to talk about how I was doing I got there, walked in and there was Edith from the bus rides. She was a secretary there. Smiling, she said “Hello Eddie, nice to see you again. Please go right in to the office, the boss is waiting for you.”
I thought Now why would the boss be waiting for me and what does he want? Fire me? I hoped not. I was only on my second pay period and had done nothing wrong or silly. Only one way to find out, I went into the office. The boss was sitting behind his desk and glanced up from his work, nodded and said, “Eddie, have a seat, this wont take but a minute to finish.” He soon pushed papers aside and told me that Edith has said you seem to be a steady-young man right out of school, looking for job and had some mechanical shop classes. Is that correct?” “Yes Sir” I said. He asked if I knew anything about fork lifts and I told him I know what they are but never even been on one.” Willing to learn about them and how to use one?”he asked. Five minutes later I was on my way to the transportation office to apply for a license to operate forklifts. Edith smiled and said, “See you on the bus after work.” she smiled and kind of winked when she said it.

That afternoon when the whistle blew I signed out and walked to the nearby bus stop to go home. When I got there Edith was there too. “Congratulations on your new job Eddie! I hope you like it. Most of the people here are very nice and friendly and the older workers know exactly what they are doing.” I told her that I agreed and got on the bus. We sat together again. This time though we were not just acquaintances, we were friends. She and I talked about working at the factory, school and life at home. I found out she was living alone and was from a town about 50 miles south of here. She came in from High School by way of a recruiter for the company 5 years ago. She was 27. The company had hired her and trained her in her job. She was satisfied working there for now. She lived alone in an apartment. She also invited me in for coffee, tea or a soda and I accepted. She was a very nice person and actually, the more I looked, she was good looking.

Arriving at her stop, it was a short walk to her apartment, which was separate from an older house and seemed very private. It was a two bedroom one bath with a small kitchen and some storage space. Not a bad place for a single woman.

We talked more that ever before and she said she was unattached, no boyfriend and only a few close friends in this town. I told her I was definitely unattached and had some friends in town but a lot of them have moved on since HS graduation. Some into the military, a couple into college and a few into jobs. Some still lived at home, like I was. I told her I would be looking to move from home when I could find a place I can afford.
We talked and talked about everything and nothing. By the time I left for home I felt like I had known her a long time already.
I got up the next morning with a smile. I had a new job, a good job and Edith and I were now what I would call friends. So the world was good for me today. My parents bid me goodbye as I left for work. Got on the bus and got off at work. I was a bit disappointed the morning bus route did not go past Edith's house.

That first week went fast. Hours of learning all about forklifts, book work and practical work. Then the second week I was given driving lessons. I admit, it was harder than I thought it would be. The course to drive through was lined with cones. I ran smack over about half of them! Still, the others teaching were pretty good about it. Yes they laughed but were not malicious about it. Everyone of them said that they too did terrible at first. So I did my best and the next time through I only ran over half has many!

Within a week I was getting the hang of it, rear wheel steering and all! The end of the second week I took the driving test and passed. I passed with the admonition from my supervisor that I still had a lot to learn. That was proved right the following week in the advance course. Tighter paths, carrying loads and driving in reverse and forward in the course. Then of course was learning to use the lift itself. Up Down Tilt, Move Right Move left. And I was going to be responsible for maintenance on the thing. Actually I was responsible for making sure our guys got it maintained right.

The fourth week there I passed the final tests with no bad marks, no cones run over no loads dropped and the machine was maintained meticulously. I was a bona-fide Forklift Operator! And my pay went up a bit. YAY!!!

That afternoon Edith and I talked and I ate dinner at her house. Yes it was take out but it was dinner! I enjoyed her company and she enjoyed mine. She was my older babe and I was her young stud.

Every now and then we would go to a movie together and eat out. I was actually making enough money to do that for the first time in my life.
This idyllic lifestyle of mine went on for about a year. I was 20 and Edith was 28. We had both done well at work and I even put some money away to get a car or truck. Just so it drives and has 4 wheels I was going to be happy. One day I saw an ad for a 68 GMC PU for sale. “Runs good, couple of dents and needs paint! $800. I took a look, it ran great and it did need some body work and paint, but I bought it anyway. I stopped at Edith house and showed her my “new” ride. She was happy for me. I also told her that she would not have to ride the bus anymore because I could take her to work and back. She thanked me and gave me big kiss. A real kiss, not a peck on the cheek. I had not been kissed like that since High School by Carla Jenkins! I was a happy man!

About a month later I was driving Edith home and she just out-of-the-blue- asked me “Why don't you move in with me. You can have the spare room and use the driveway. That way you cut down on gas too. Not to mention getting to work and back home a bit sooner too!” I told her I'd think about it. But truth be known, I had made up my mind when her lips hit mine! I wanted to be with Edith and that's that! I told my parents the next morning at breakfast. They asked if I was sure and if I had “romantic intentions” for Edith. I assured them all was good and on the up and up. I moved that weekend. Got settled in and was happy. My own place! My own Car! My own Job and then it struck me. My own woman—at least I hoped so.

After a month Edith and I got closer. Kisses were given every day. Even a little “slap and tickle play” from time to time. We were doing well. The biggest arguments were over what for supper or what movie to go to. Not one time did we raise our voices. In fact the conversations had been much more intimate as the days went by.

Edith was not a virgin (I didn't care) she had a sweetheart in High School that got that from her. But she was not really experienced either. I confessed to her that I AM a virgin but she did not care. In fact she mumbled something like “that will take care of itself”. I was wondering what that meant but eventually I found out.

One evening after dinner she was washing dishes and I was putting them away when she stopped, dried her hands and while I was reaching up to put dishes away she came up behind me and pinched my butt! I almost dropped the dish! She laughed and pinched my butt again. Laughing with her now I pinched her butt too. This went on for a couple of pinches when she did not pinch me but grabbed my pecker! I was a bit shocked but she just held on and moved her hands on me. I was suddenly rock hard and standing tall (OK 6” is tall for me) and she kissed me like never before. Deep with tongue probing my mouth. I kissed her back and we found ourselves laid out on her queen sized bed. She kept stroking me and I fondled her breasts then she moved my hand between her legs, up under her dress and I felt her panties. They were damp. I almost shot my load right then but she told me to take it easy and slow. I let her guide me. She took off my shirt, my pants and then my underwear. Now I was totally exposed to her for the first time. The first time exposed to any woman! She moved my hands to lift her dress off, then turned and helped me take off her bra. Then the panties. As they fell I saw her bare butt for the first time. I liked it. Nice and full and taut. Then she turned and put my hand on her crotch. Her hand was engulfing my cock. For a moment I was worried she would stop. But she did not. She laid back on the bed, spread her legs and pulled me face first into her pussy. I had heard and read out eating pussy but I really did not know how. As My tongue fumbled around her hands pushed my head into the spots she needed licked and sucked. I was enjoying her taste and getting used to fingering her and feeling her butt. I even ventured so far as to put one finger up her tight butt-hole and one in her pussy while I licked and sucked her. She was moaning and telling me where to lick where to suck and what to do with my fingers. I was loving it. Then she moved me to lay on top of her. I thought “This it it! I am going to be a virgin no longer!” She got me in position, took my stiff pecker and pushed on me as it went into her! NO MORE VIRGIN!!!

I started pumping but she slowed me down. She knew it was my first fuck and wanted it to be a great fuck! She guided my every move. I found out where and what her clitoris was for and how to manipulate it with fingers cock and tongue. I found her nipples and sucked them. I must have been doing something right because she was moaning and squirming all over. Finally she let out a muffled scream that she was cumming! I was also close but she stopped moving and told me “No Eddie, not yet! We have a lot more to do!”

Relaxing in bed with Edith was tough. My cock was still inflated but not steel hard right now. I knew Edith would take good care of me. And indeed she did! She laid face down got on her hands and knees and put me in the doggy position to fuck her! I slid into her pussy very easily but she insisted not to cum there and took my cock and moved it to her butt-hole I used some lube she had by the bed and at her direction, used it to make her hole slippery and open. I played with her pussy and butt-hole until she said, OK now, in you go and guided me into her nice tight butt! Another first! One night and got pussy and now ass! I was in heaven. She told me to fuck her hard and cum in her. So in about two minutes her butt was full of my cum! She smiled and made cooing noises as we laid there and when I pulled out she went to clean up. She told me that “later on, when you and I get to know each other a lot better you can be my cleanup man.” I figured that would be no problem a clean washcloth and soap would not cure!.

We fell asleep cuddled together my cock between her butt cheeks and my hands on her breast and finger in her pussy! I was in Heaven. Or so I thought.

The next morning I woke up to a strange sensation. I quickly realized I was Cumming! I thought I would be making a mess but Edith said nothing. Then I realized that she said nothing because she was the cause of my orgasm. She was sucking my cock and as I woke she mumbled to me to “cum in my mouth please, I like that.” Of course by that time I could not have stopped for any reason My cum released into her mouth and down her throat. I felt her suck me dry and felt her throat swallow my sperm. When I was done she let my cock drop from her mouth, crawled up to me and gave me a big wet kiss! Bits of my cum went into my mouth and I did not care. I knew it was not gay because it was cum from my body not some other guys. When she and I talked over breakfast she said she had enjoyed EVERYTHING we did. That I was great at eating her pussy and I had gave her a great orgasm that way and with my cock in her cunt. (first time I had heard a woman use the word cunt)

She said she had also enjoyed my cock up her butt. Especially when I shot my cum in her. But her favorite was this morning when I shot my load into her mouth and down her throat. She said I could do that anytime I wanted. In fact I could fuck her anytime anywhere any way I wanted. Talk about a major ego boost! Not many guys my age get told that I bet!

We ate, cleaned up and since it was Saturday she asked if I want to just stay home and fuck all day or do something else? It was a tough decision but I opted to go on a picnic then to an afternoon movie. She smiled and said that sounds good. She packed the picnic and I got the stuff to make it an on the ground picnic. I even took a fishing pole because I knew a place where we could eat, fish and do pretty much anything we wanted because it was out of the way. She and I got into the old GMC and drove out to the river and found the spot. It was on a small oxbow in the river with a place big enough to park, eat fish and whatever else we wanted to do. We set up everything in a shady spot on the grass and spread a blanket. We ate, talked kissed petted and then finally fished a bit. One catfish and two bullheads later another PU truck arrived. I looked and it was one of my classmates. Freddy. He was the quarterback for the football team. He had Betty with him she was a cheer leader and a great looking blond.

They got out and said hi and asked if they could picnic here too. We couldn't say “No because we will be fucking here later” so we told them sure. They settled in and Edith and I talked with them a bit. Then Edith and I got our fishing gear and set up on the grassy part of the bank. We heard the others talking some and they sounded happy and when I looked they were eating. Then the talking stopped. Edith looked and poked me saying you look too! Freddy had his cock down Betty's throat and was looking like she was about to make Freddy cum. We said nothing and paid attention to our fishing. After a bit some grunting an mumbling came from the two of them. A few minutes later Freddy showed up next to us with his fishing pole. I asked where Betty was and he told me she was

just cleaning up. I thought nothing of it and Edith and I resigned ourselves to fishing and that was all.

Soon Betty showed up and Edith asked if she had needed help cleaning up. Betty looked at her funny and then smiled and said, “oh no, it wasn't much to take care of” Edith and I almost laughed out loud knowing that her cleaning up meant she brushed her teeth and swallowed cum! We all sat talking and fishing for a while.

After an hour with no more fish Betty told Freddy she may as well go back home if this is all that is happening. Freddy told her to get in his truck and off they went. Edith and I looked at each other and smiled.

Soon as Freddy's truck was out of sight Edith stood up and dropped her panties signaling me to get over there and start licking! I did. Edith really did enjoy my licking her pussy and asshole and all that we did. When she had an orgasm from my tongue she laid down and told me bluntly “ NOW FUCK ME GOOD!” I stuck my cock in her mouth for her to get it wet then right into her pussy. I fucked for about 10 minutes and then suddenly shot my load! Edith was surprised and so was I. Must have been because those two were getting some cock sucking when we peeked! “We laughed and Edith asked if I minded eating her pussy clean. I said, you mean after I just shot my load in you? She smiled and said, yes of course. After all you said licking me last night was OK so get over here and make me cum! I took a look and she had her dress up panties off and legs spread wide. I saw some cum oozing out, shrugged my shoulders and dived in face first. 15 minutes later I was sitting there as she licked my cum and hers from my face. We were in the middle of catching another catfish when Freddy showed up again with Betty. “Thought you two were done for the day.” “Nope we didn't even go far. Just up the road a piece then we parked and got out. Walked back here in time to see you two fucking like rabbits. AND YOU eating her fucked pussy!” Edith was turning red and told Freddy “YOU and Betty were sucking cock while we were right here. We saw you and know the only cleanup Betty did was swallow your cum load!”

Well that put a damper on those accusations so we all calmed down and started laughing. “So we all enjoy sex! That's a good thing Betty said. In fact I LOVE sucking a nice cock and making it cum in my mouth. How about you Edith?” Edith looked shyly at Betty and simply said, “Yes I do like to suck my Man's cock and eat his cum! And her likes to eat my pussy to make me cum. Even with his cum in it! I bet he would eat cum out of my butt if I asked him to! Right Eddie?” By that time I was bright red, Freddy and Betty just looked and said “You guys are going to have to prove that one!”

Edith and Betty chatted in private a bit and agreed that Edith and I would fuck and cum and Eddie would lick her clean. BUT only if Freddy did the same thing to Betty!!”

The gauntlet was thrown and we decided to do this at Betty's house because her parents were out of town on vacation. We packed up, cleaned up the picnic mess and threw the fish in a cooler and followed Freddy to Betty's house.

Betty lived in a very nice house on the “good side” of town. We parked and went in. Straight to Betty's bedroom. Nicely furnished with television stereo sound system and high speed internet for the computer “She told her parents she needed it for school work” Freddy laughed and said “Yeah school work. Sex education turn that thing on and all you will find is sucking and fucking!” Betty piped up saying “Not that F&S isa bad thing. Speaking of which, on with the show and the betting! Eddie drop your drawers and stick you dick in Edith, fill her up then eat her out!”

Edith undressed and everyone was staring at her. She did indeed have a great ass! She laid on the bed and I got undressed and joined her.

Betty said “OK the bet was that Eddie would eat his cum from Ediths fucked ass! So get to it!” With that Edith got on all fours, Betty gave Eddie the lube and even helped him lube her up. In fact she seemed to really like lubing her up. Edith had sucked Eddies cock hard, which did was not difficult to do. Eddie, having done this before, got behing Edith and slowly but steadily slid his hard cock up Ediths ass! Then he started fucking her. In and out fast then slow alternating deep with shallow plunges. Soon Edith was moaning and telling him to fuck her ass and fill it with his cum. Eddie was more than willing to do exactly that. He shoved his cock in her hard for several strokes then deep and stayed there as he unloaded his cum up his ladies ass! He laid on top of her and they both relaxed. As his cock slid out it was covered in lube and his own cum. Seeing this Betty started to tell Eddie to eat it out of her. But she did not need to as Eddie had already stuck his face and tongue up Ediths asshole and was slurping hard as he could. When he finished he moved up to Ediths' face and let the cum slide from his mouth into hers. Then they kissed deep and long. Finally laying back they told Freddy and Betty “Your Turn”.

Betty having seen what just happened was turned on like hotlamp! She was on the bed in a flash grabbed the lube and a toy and was fucking her own ass while Freddy was taking his clothes off. Freddy, no doubt, loved to ass fuck a hot babe like Betty but he looked reluctant to follow through with getting a mouthful of his own cum.
He got behind Betty, she spread her ass cheeks wide and Freddy smiled as he plunged his hard cock all the way in with one stroke! Betty moaned and, surprisingly, said MORE FUCK ME MORE!” Freddy pumped fast and furiously and in no time at all emptied his cum up Betty's pretty butthole. They relaxed a few seconds. Betty stayed on all fours like Edith had and like Edith, spread her ass cheeks wide open. Some cum was starting to flow and Freddy just looked at it. Betty shouted “DAMNIT EAT MY ASS CLEAN! I and NOT going to lose this bet because of you!

Freddy moved to lick her ass cheeks but did not do as Eddie did and stayed away from the cum flowing out. Edith said. “Looks like Eddie wins! Then told Eddie to “Show those two amateurs what needs to be done baby! Eat her ass just like you do mine! Eddie went to work and in no time at all had Bettys butthole clean of all cum! Betty thanked him and pulled his head down to hers and kissed him and even ate some of the cum too.

Having won the bet, everyone suddenly realized that nobody had bet anything. But Eddie and Edith were the winners so they decided to let them say what they wanted.

Edith and Eddie huddled up and came up with a decision. Edith said “ since Freddy forfeited I want him to suck my cunt right here right now and tongue my unfucked ass. Eddie smiled as Freddy nodded OK Betty told Eddie that if it's OK with Edith would you please 69 with me and let us each eat cum? Eddie looked at Edith and she nodded. He noted she had her camera ready for this too. Betty let Eddie lay down face up while she moved to put his cock in her mouth and her snatch in Eddies mouth. They each had a nice time eating the other. Betty loved it, Edith was happy to see her man eat Betty. Eddie mentioned that if it's ok mind if I fill Bettyy's mouth with cum? Edith and Betty said that would be a great idea. And they went to work. Edith got into position to feed Freddy her asshole with no cum in it. Freddy went to work and soon had his tongue up Edith's ass. Eddie was moaning and Betty was gasping as they ate each other. Then Betty let loose a torrent of cum from her twat right into Eddies mouth and he fed Betty a very nice hot load of his cum. Looking at Edith she had Freddies head locked into her with her legs. But all good things must end. Eddie was out of cum, FREDDY had some but it was from Edith Betty was really enjoying the face ride and Edith was playing with cum from herself. All's well that cums well.
Опубликовано fishinn
1 год назад
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I love your stories. I wish I could have had that kind of sexual education at 19.
кому: chiefconsultant : Thank you.  I will keep your suggestions in mind 
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кому: fishinn : My favorite scenario is cfnm events but not bdsm stuff.  Guys are stripped naked by girls then they play some games which results in all kinds of stuff happening,  as ladies measuring dicks, guys having to touch other guys, ring toss the dick etc, culminating in a great jerk off.  Some humiliation for the guys but all fun for the girls who stay dressed the entire time.  You do not have to write a story but since you asked I thought I would tell you what I liked.
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кому: chiefconsultant : Thanks I like writing them.  Got a fav scenario or act you enoy?  Let me know maybe I can write something for you
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Terrific story
This is great stuff, would love to see more!
Life is a flowing of experiences...great story!