Crossdressing,some facts

What is it,who are they,is it wrong and more questions answered.....and by the way Im missing Strictly to do this!

Anyway these are the things Im going to try and address,as there is no end of crap out there on the internet about this very subject,so Im going to try and transmit some truth back into the matrix.
Ive studied this subject since I was 6 years old and I first wore girl clothes and sexually active since 9,Im now 57,so I think that qualifies me a little,enough to rant on I hope.

Ive always tried to go back in history as far as I can to get at the facts,the truth,and taken as much info from as many different sources as possible especially opposing forces as the truth is usually somewhere in between.Dont take my word for it,you have a mind of your own,use it.Feel free to investigate this yourself.
Prepare to be amazed as it is quite fascinating.
Please forgive the terrible writing and spelling mistakes,as I am very dyslexic.
Before we start you will need to know one term-"axe grinder".I will be using this a lot.It means simply a bully.Usually male,that is so cowardly,so inadequate as a male,that they use position or 'power' to control and bully others,in order to make themselves feel all powerful and manly as they arent and they all have their own little agendas,their own little pet peeves.
Men,real men are not like this,they do not bully or put down or control others.Axe grinders do.
So,crossdressing,what is it.
The Oxford English dictionary would have us believe it is "the act of wearing clothes usually worn by the opposite sex".
Is that correct?Lets see.
According to that,I am a gemetic male,well sort of,so if I wear girl clothes,Im crossdressing and a crossdresser.
Sounds so simple doesnt it.Sadly its much more complicated than that,and this will upset so many axe grinders.
I am male.I do wear girl clothes.But am I a crossdresser?
Initially we were designed and made to run around loose on this world naked.Adam and Eve.We all know the story.
That is when we first started to wear clothes just before being evicted from the garden of eden.
The earliest mentions of clothing all seem to describe a maxi dress that was unisex.Both males and females wore them,and would wear them for thousands of years afterwards.All nations,nationalities seemed to don the maxi dress.
It was as late as 1940 that clothes actually became gendered which I found shocking.
So as a male,while ever Im wearing a dress then,Im in male or unisex clothing.Fact.
It gets better.
Trousers,the most gendered of all clothing,was invented somewhere around a 1000BC,probably a lot earlier than that.Horodedus first mentions trousers,as items of clothing that the Amazonian women wore.There is a depiction of this on a vase from around 770BC,and she is clearly female,and clearly wearing trousers.
Also we have evidence that this could have been widespread,as the horse tribes on the Russian Steppe,women wore trousers while horse back riding,and in China too we have women wearing trousers for riding horses.
There are some mentions of trousers being invented by women,for women,but as yet I havent found any evidence of this.
All we know for sure,is the first people to wear trousers are women,the women of the Amazonians,no male wore trousers.The are many other mentions of trousers being worn by women only but they are dated much later,and again its the great horse tribes and nations,and very much later do we see men take up wearing womens clothing (trousers) for horse back riding as it gave them an advantage in battle.Well you cant shoot a bow from horseback with your dress blowing up in your face can you.
So you see,Im sat here in a minidress,Im male,so Im not actually crossdressed.But if youre male,and you are reading this sat in trousers,Im afraid it is YOU,that is crossdressed not I.

The dress has always been associated as a unisex garment.Throughout ancient Greece,Rome,Sparta,Isreal Egypt China etc.Across the whole continent,even in Britain or Albion as it was first called,and across to the vikings up to our ginger cousins the scots and back again.It was a global garment in various styles and cut that covered many thousands of years.From the lovely flowing cold shoulder maxi dress of the Roman Sentate later more styled in a wrap around dress,to the seriously sexy pleated mini skirt of the Spartans.The dress has always been unisex,yet strangely the shorter versions of the dress were usually reserved for the men.The exception being the Polenesians,where climate dictated mini skirts for all.

Do clothes have gender?
Well they arent made out of vaginas and cocks are they.And is a vagina or cock gengered anyway?If a man has his cock chopped off does he cease to be a man?No ofcourse not he is still a man.
If a woman has a terrible bike accident and her vagina falls off is she no longer a woman?No ofcourse not,she is still a woman.So clearly its not body parts that make a male or female,it is something else entirely.
Plus a sailor on board my uncles aircraft carrier (it wasnt his personal carrier ofcourse lol) had both a cock and a vagina,both fully functional apparently and would show you for a cigarette,yet very much a male in apearance.
Clothes are made of cotton,lycra silk,all sorts.Both boy and girl clothes are made from the same materials,and usually in the same factory by the same workers.So no,clothes themselves do not have gender.

So where does the gendering of clothes come from?
No suprise,its from the axe grinders at the time,or more commonly the ones in power,or more true to the point the few with power over many,eg kings and queens,mp's,presidents,the rich,or even sadder as in today-celebrity.
Influence.Control.Thats all.
As Kane one said "he controls the media controls the people".Yet we have internet warriors stating "you have no power here,this is the internet".So the war on controlling the internet has begun.

For example,influence,power,control over the people-only two hundred years ago do we have princes and kings,lords and gentry walking around in silk bloomers,stockings,powdered wigs and wearing foundation and stick on beauty spots.Mmmm butch.
At the time it was.The poor were still in wrags,somethings sadly dont change.
So why werent they accused of crossdressing?All these rich people?Well there is your answer right there,as they were the ones in power,with power over others,and influence over others.
Control.Nothing more.Nothing less.
They call the shots and dictate to the people right and wrong,or should I say what THEY think is right and wrong.

Stockings,my fave,were invented by men,a reverand actually claims to have invented them and presented them to both Elizabeth 1 and James 1.Yet lots of digging reveals it was Egypt who were the first,and it was reserved for Pharoah,as we have seen from the artifacts buried with the Pharoahsof all that he would need in the afterlife.So again,an item of girl wear was in fact to be worn by men both now and in the afterlife aparently according to pharoah.
So was the suspender belt,Albert Thurston around the 1820is as I cant be arsed to google it and see what year it actually was.
Again we see,this was invented by a man,to be worn by men,as it was orginally to hold up wait for it,trousers.Girl clothes again!
So you see,those at the top dictate that silk stockings,panties and wearing wigs and makeup was perfectly fine and manly.
You also dont hear any axe grinders quoting bible references at them do you?Or getting their pitch forks out ready to kill them all do you.
No ofcourse not,as the ones in power say its fine so it is,and the axe grinders grind their axe and find another easy target to persecute.
What about shorts?Man clothes right?
Sorry,err no.Around the 1900 in America was the first mention I could find of men starting to wear female knickerbocks in wintertime to try and keep warm,whereas short shorts came popular in Europe in Summertime to keep cool.
So again a ladies only garment Im afraid.
Funny its not only cds that pinch girl clothes is it?

BTW 70s footballers-french knickers or what!Google pix of 70 footballers and you will see what I mean.They are french knickers are they not.I know I used to wear them.
So as we can see from this and lots of other evidence,we can see anyone who wears trousers or shorts are crossdressers.And those of us in stockings minidresses and a bit of slap on,are in fact in correct man attire.
Im wetting myself here.
Im sure about now an axegrinder would say something stupid like "well you wear high heels too so its you thats crossdressing!"
Sorry honey,high heels were invented by men,to be worn by men.It was the persians who first wore them,and traded them in Europe around 1600 onwards.Men wore them,rich men ofcourse,again not the poor,but rich men wore them to show their high status.Was it Abbas the great?Im sure it was around his time.Sounds like something he would come up with.
So Im sorry axey grinders,its not I that is crossdressed here.AS you will see-Minidress check.Stockings check.Bit of slap on check.Knickers,errr no forgot them as usual,but High heel boots yep check.Yep Im in full on man mode here.Are you?hehe.
Im glad Im not wearing a bra though,whew.As that was invented for women only.Nope not whats her face in America,Mary Phelps or something seems to like to take all the credit.
A bra garment is first ever mentioned in Homers Iliad Chpater 14 I think (superb read btw,get the original translation its far more gross and horrific than the laters ones),again in the Greek and Roman mosaics and texts,also in Minoan culture.
The modern bra seems to date back to 1400 Austria as scaps of a bra type garment have been found a dated to this time.
So Im still in man mode then as no bra today gurls.Total slob as usual.
Corsets.I adore corsets.Love them.But I do love to be squeezed tightly.
But there is huge debate over this one.
The earliest claim seems to be around 1500,and its inventer was a woman,for women.But there are several claims from several women.
However Roman legions wore corsets.Lets be honest,the breastplate,its a corset isnt it.Same style,coverage,cut,its a corset ladies.
There is an earlier example,a type of gem encrusted breastplate mentioned around the early Israelite tribe soon after their exodus from Egypt.Worn by the priests,which were all male,so again a male garment invented by men for men.

Why are only men accused crossdressers?
Women have never been accused of being cross dressed.There have been times when they have been scorned and threatened and put down for wearing trousers,whenever the axegrinders have no other target to go after,or we have yet another sad pathetic women hater around,but generally they are not accused of being crossdressed,as you can see,you cannot actually acuse them of it.As if they are in a dress,thats unisex always has been so thats fine.Bra fine.
If they are in trousers,well that was an item of ladies only clothing originally,so again thats fine.Corsets,dodgy ground ladies unless you want to go for the 1500 reinention of the breatplate which would be the first corset we recognise today,as that was a ladies only item.So again thats fine then.
So you cannot actually accuse them of crossdressing as no matter what they wear,its fine.Lucky sods.Plus they look good in anything anyway.
Its not

Why do males get called crossdressers then?
We do get called crossdressers becouse we are male.But why?
It must be becouse we sometimes put on trousers,we tend to call it boy mode usually,and go out dressed like that,in public too!
Thats why.Becouse yes we sometimes wear trousers,a girls only item of clothing,thats why.
The rest of the time we are in a dress,and thats a male garment so thats ok and normal as we have seen.
Why all the hate then?
Fast forward to today.How many axe grinders have come and gone over the years?Remember Mary Whitehouse?Her hate filled rant on obscene things on tele which were in fact harmless and entertaining yet she never once mentioned all the p*******es running rampent on c***drens tv.
Remember Margeret Thatchers hate filled rant on the steps of number 10 against homosexuals and aids.
Today,that would be a considered hate chrime and rightly so.
We had that nobhead axe grinder from America filling the airwaves with hate over aids,or "the gay disease" as he called it.
So much hate out there for any one different.Disabled.Cds.Trans.Gay.Lesbian.race.colour,class,status.You name it,there is hate for it.
Axe griinders nothing more.
They should be laughed at,then ignored.Its the best thing,and the worst thing to do to them.As they clamour for an audience and I love denying them that.So it is only hate,and that doesnt beat love,not once has it beaten it,and never will.Basic physics.
As you can see,for women there is not such a thing as being crossdressed,its impossible for them.
So it is just a term that can be applied to a male,whenever he is daft or pervy enough to put on trousers.That really is it.
Fashion changes they say,but it doesnt actually,it just goes around in circles.But fashion as we have seen can have men dressed as women,thats fine as long as they are in charge,and a few years later it can change again and they would then be seen as crossdressers.Ridiculous isnt it.
So as long as us blokes stick to wearing miniskirts and high heels,if we wait long enough that will be the norm for ALL men to be dressed like that again.For once,we will be accepted as normal!
Becouse this is the horrfying truth,we are normal.We are just this way,and you are that way.We are all different.Nothing wrong in that.
Is it wrong?
Well we arent hurting anyone in any shape or form so no.
We arent twisting the truth,or twisting or forcing anyone to come over to our way of being.
And as we have seen,as long as we dont wear trousers we are dressed appropriately.We dont force anyone to look at us or to copy us.
We dont force what we love onto anyone.It is simply the way we are born,and we all do seem to be born this way.

About now we do have axe grinders throw the bible at us.So let me clear this one up as its easy.
To quote a line of anything and twist it is easy.Let me show you.
"I love cobras".
Thats it,simple,true and I mean it.Now lets play at axe grinders.....
Well clearly he loves snakes,or serpents,oh no hes in love with the devil kill him!
Well clearly it means actually that he loves cobras,or snakes,so loves to shag snakes.Arrrggh kill him!
See how easy it it.I actually meant I love Carol Shelby's 65 V8 Cobra,I prefer the 427 to the 289 Cobra.I adore its curves sound presence,purity of design and construction.Superb.Love it.
Anyway,as you see its easy to twist a line,bloody hard to twist a chapter though isnt it!
So cds trans and tvs get Im guessing get Deuteronemy (cant spell it sorry) 22 thrown at them by the axegrinders.
Note I give chapter,not verse or line.As you should read the whole of it,not one line.Never one line.Always read the whole thing,only then can you get a clear picture of whats really going on.
The line they quote is about men not wearing female clothes as its hateful to god.
So that would mean what we do is wrong then?
Seems so.Axe grinders try to tell us so.
Yet if we read the whole chapter its very different.As we see its not God talking here,its an axegrinder gobbing off to the Israelites.This axegrinder also goes on to say two consenting adults having a quicky on the way home should be killed for that.
I can think of many crimes that demand the death penalty,but a quick knee trembler on the way back from the pub isnt one of them.
He goes on to say amongst other things that we also have to have pa****ts on our houses to stop an idiot falling off the roof.
Well according to that then,99% of the worlds population should be killed right now,as how many of us have a pa****t on our houses?Non?One?A few?
Was this axegrinder right though?
Lets see.When Jesus popped in to put everyone straight,he didnt agree with any of it,instead he put them all right.Read all of Mathew and you will see.So if anyone is going to know the truth its Jesus,a billion year old Arch Angel taught by God himself isnt it,not some priest,some human,some axegrinder who knows nothing.
And we know of Jesus and what he did and said as fact as its also written about in detail by the christains worst enemy,the romans.
Roman (and other nations too) chronicles,especially Emperor Claudius writings.
Well worth a read btw.Especially Claudius' rants on the new designs for the docks at Alexandria and its cost!
So no it doest seem to be wrong again does it.

Btw,did that axegrinder that was saying not to dress in womens clothes and kill women for little to no reason have issues or what.

BTW I do love how the axegrinders of our day quote Mathew where Jesus said "beware the male prostitutes on the temple steps" and twist it to mean kill all gays.
Jesus was warning the people at the time,if you read the whole chapter again and not one little line,and you can clearly see he was warning them NOT of the gays,but of the corrupt lyeing axegrinding priests that gobbed off about kill women for nowt and cds and anyone pretty much anyone not like them.In other words they had prosituted themselves,or sold their soul to the devil if you prefer,as they were twisting the truth to suit themselves not God,and also had their hands in the poor pot to boot.So not to listen to them,as they are not telling the truth.

So dont forget God is love,forgiveness,understanding,caring,nurturing,supportive,all things good and wonderful.Over and over again the bible shows this.
So if you ever hear anything being said different from that,or anyone saying any different,ignore them.They are wrong.

Or to put it another way,what was Jesus last words,or instrustions to us?Was it kill all gays,cds and anyone in a red hat?Or did he just say "love each other as I have loved you".
Doesnt sound like hate does it.I dont see any hate in that do you?
Its becouse there is non.

To look at it another way,look at the natural world,we have peacocks,robins,you name it,the male of the species always seems to be the one all dolled up,with the odd exception.Plus we have gay in the natural world,we have both sexes in plants,and we have the frogs which will boink anything and everything in sight and anything that doesnt throw them off.
I like to joke that us cds are the frogs of the world as theres a lot of us like that lol.
So for arguments sake,lets say we have been corrupted,nature hasnt has it as its uncorruptable,they do what they were originally designed and made to do (forget evolution it was disproved so many so many times by too many to mention) and its all there,mirrored perfectly.
So being corrupted doesnt stand up to scrutiny either.As I have a showgirl outfit thats the same as a male peacock has naturally.We have ants waging global warfare on each other like us,we have lesbian couples in the albatross world that are a proper breeding pair and raise one egg,and ofcrouse us pervy frogs whos motto seems to be "every hole is a goal",gay a****ls,showgirl peacocks and robins,a****ls that use tools,you name it,whatever we do,its mirrored in the natural world.Shame we are hell bent on wiping it all out isnt it.
So no,we are not actually doing anything wrong from any angle as we have seen.Hmmmm.
Why are we like this?
I think we are born this way.Very rare for someone to fall into crossdressing late on in life,and then its usually becouse theyve always wanted to from being little but never had the chance for whatever reason.
So I think its gays are born gay,lesbians are born lesbians,cds tvs born that way,and trans born as women,but with the wrong body bits,as they are women.
Us cds seem to start crossdressing as soon as we can get our paws on our mothers high heels or sisters clothes.
We are born this way,and we cant help being this way,it is how we are,so how can it be wrong,or corrupt when an innocent wants to wear moms high heels when has no concept of right or wrong,or girl or boy clothes.
I loved Yorkshire growing up,as boys and girls where dressed the same,white silky dresses,had the same long hair,I thought that was wonderful and how it should be.Only when we had to go to school did that all stop and along came so called boy clothes and girl clothes,yet we didnt get a say in which we wanted.So isnt that us,being forced into someone elses idea of what we have to wear?Isnt that just wrong?
Yes.As its wrong to impose your will on others as we are all equal and no other human above us.We are all equally crap.
Is wearing makeup wrong?
Lets see.Throughout history makeup has again been the male of the species fave thing mostly.Pharoahs had the most gorgeous eye liner and 'cat eye' sweep.Love it.
Gaels Celts,Red Indians etc,to todays Marines and Commandos have all worn makeup for battle.
Kings princes gentry for centuaries have worn makeup to more or lesser degrees,and so did Queens Empresses etc.Again it seems to be unisex but again with the male of the species making the most of it through the ages.
Is it girly or sissy to wear girl clothes or makeup?
You know what Im going to say now dont you?Yep,would you call a Scotsman a sissy for wearing a kilt?I think you would be about to have a really bad day if you did.
Would you call a Marine or Commando for wearing,lets be honest here,full coverage foundation,even if its black or green camoflage makeup.By all means do,but it could be the last thing you do in this world,and probably would be.
Sissys they are NOT!
But we also shave our body hair,so surely that makes us sissies?The Spartans used to shave all their body hair off before a battle and donning their seriously gorgeous mini skirts and strappy sandles.
Would you go up to them and call the most feared soldiers of the ancient world sissies?It really would be the last thing you ever did and Im sure your body would be found in several different postcodes.
So clearly its not a sissy thing as many of the best and fearsome soldiers the world has ever seen from past to present have worn makeup and also dresses or skirts at times,and they are the toughest of their day.
If thats all true,why do we call ourselves cds then?
Becouse its a term everyone is familiar with,and understands,so they know there are cocks under our frocks.
I prefer girlyboy personally as that describes me perfectly,as I am a girl with a cock,or was at the time.
And we do wear trousers sometimes!Girl clothes!arrrgghh.
Personally I dont like labels.We dont need labels.Yet everyone seems hell bent on labelling themselves and others.Metrosexuals.Pansexual.Gender neutral,and no end of other 'sexuals'.
I will start one then,Im a carsexual.As I have had sex with a few cars,well gear levers and a couple of towbars have shagged me.So yeah Im a carsexual.Or am I a shoesexual,as I have shoved a few high heel shoes up me.
Im doing this as I personally hate labels,and we dont need them.You are you,and I am me.You are like that,I am like this.So you be you and let me be me.Isnt that easier?Labels limit us,box us in,try to define a creature that is way too complex for one label,and seems to instruct others in how to view us or treat us.
So if you must put us in a box,I like girlyboy to cd.
Can we be cured?
Why should we be?And no.As to 'cure' us of our cd tendancies is to force your will,your ideals,your standards your thoughts which might be right,or could and probably are wrong,onto us and that is not right in any shape or form.It is actually hateful and a chrime.
This isnt a disease.It is the way we are.The way we are born.Its exactly the same as being born with ginger hair,or blond hair,or black hair.Thats the way they are born,all are fine,non are wrong.
Its the same with gay or cd.Its the way we are,the way we are born,and we are all born innocents,with no knowledge of wrong so we arent born wrong.They are not defects as I will show later.
Do all cds come out of a factory in China?
It would seem so,as no end of people think all cd's are the same.We are not.
Think of us as girls,no two girls are the same or like the same things.We are the same.We are all different.We all like different things.We arent sex mad sissies,subs,obsessed with bbc (I like strictly though) and exist only for your pleasure and nothing more.
Some are like that,and thats fine,thats how they are nowt wrong with that.A lot arent like that.I like older women,some dont.Some like this or that.Some are dominant,some arent.So no,we are all very different.
We are all sex mad though.
Can anyone be a cd?
We do all seem to be born this way.Its not like taking up golf or fishing.Its not for the faint of heart thats for sure.
But if you want to give it a go,why not that what I say.It is a lot of fun!Its also very expensive and its not all tiaras and high heels,its not easy going sometimes,but there is a lot of fun to be had.So why not.
Will it ever be accepted?
One day.Im sure.
As if we look at the gays,gay didnt exist when I was growing up.
Then in my teens rumours and gossip started about men kissing men.
Rumours of a club in town where men danced with men.
We went,we saw,and yes it was true.
Gays were attacked for being a soft and easy target for the bullies,much to the bullies regret when they picked on the wrong one.As I knew one was a champion boxer.That was a bad for the bullies to say the least.
Then it was on tv.Then openly gay men on tv.Then on soaps.
Then it became acceptable and normal,as it was then seen as just the way they are and nothing wrong with that.
It took 40 years or more,but we got there in the end.
Trans is taking the same route.It wasnt heard of.Then rumours of it.
Then its on tv.Then its openly trans on tv.Then in soaps.So that soon,will be accepted.
Cds seem to be the forgotten tribe.But theres mags of us,rumours of us,we are all over the internet,we have appeared in a couple of films,and a couple of times in a sitcom.So hopefully,bringing up the rear,we too will be accepted.We are all taking the same road as the gays pioneered all those years ago.
I did see two gay men walking up the road hand in hand,and no one battered an eyelid and they werent attacked or killed.
So I thought,about bloody time.
I doubt I will live long enough to see cds walking about unm*****ed,but maybe I will live long enough to see trans going about their business without anyone batting an eyelid.
Are we subhuman so need to be treated or talked to like crap?
We are people too,just like you.So treat us are you would like to be treated.Be nice.Youd be suprised how well that works.

Is it all tiaras and cock?
Sometimes!But not always.
As its not easy being a cd.Try plucking your eyebrows.Oh look theres the tears.Try waxing your bits,Ive heard thats horrendous.
Oh theres the tears again.
Try spending an hour doing makeup only for it all to go horribly wrong.
Try sticking on false eyelashes.Let me know when youve glued your eye shut and got your hand unstuck from your hair and next doors dog.
Try shoving something up your butt.Most blokes dont even like letting the meter reader into their houseto read the gas meter let alone owt else.
Try walking in high heels for hours.
Try coping with boy mode girl mode.
Try coping with two lots of emotions.
Try coping with two lots of feelings.
Try coping with the sex drive of several people.
Try coping with yet more cock pix in your messages for no aparent reason.
Try coping with being in fights every week since your first day of school.
Not easy.Not for the faint of heart.Sissys we are not.
But.... it is wonderful.
So dont pity us,we dont need pity,we love the way we are and wouldnt change it for anything.As we-
We get two worlds to play in.You just the one.
We get two lives to live.You just the one.
We get two wardrobes.You one.
We get to play two roles.You one.
We get tiaras,evening gowns,minidresses,lingerie,hair bands,bras,corsets,stockings,high heels,boots,leggings,crop tops,lippy eye shadow blusher foundation false eyelashes dildo sex machines vibes motorbikes cars mountain bikes you name it we have it.You,errm....well its not a lot is it.
So no,we are lucky,so lucky,we love it,love being this way.Wouldnt change it for anything in the world........well except I wouldnt mind being a B cup.That'd be nice.
How do you treat a cd?
Easy.Be nice.Simply as that.Talk to us like we are people,as that is what we are.We have feelings,fears,thoughts,wishes dreams etc same as you.
We have lives outside of our crossdressing.Some are married,have k**s,jobs careers,all sorts.
We are just normal people really,we just love to play dress up.
Dont send cock pix,as no one actually knows why you do that,or what its supposed to do.Instead write a simple message.You dont have to shower us with compliments.Just say hello,how are you,love your look or something if you want.Talk to us like you would liked to be talk to.Treat us like you would like to be treated.It really is that simple.
A cock pic will just get lost with the hundreds of other cock pix.A message,a real message from a real person,will stand out and get a response.It may take hours days weeks,months even,as we all have busy lives so be patient.But being nice will make you feel better about yourself too.And who knows you may just make a really good friend to boot.

Dont ask to meet us,then be arsed off when we wont.Some will and do do meets,they say so on the info,some charge some dont.But not all do meets.
Please remember,a lot of us have had bad experiences over the years simply becouse we are girlyboys.So we are a bit gun shy.Plus we dont know who you are or what you are like.
We dont have to fly to another country to meet someone with no name,no info on their bio page,no content,just a cock pic and a "hi meet me I will put you up" kind of message.
We dont know who you are,or what you are like.You could be nice,then again you may not.But we dont exist just for your and yours alone pleasure.We can get shagged just going out the door or to a cd bar.
Its real easy.Plus a lot arent interested in men.Some like women,some like other cds,some do like men.We are all different.But we wont meet someone we dont know,it would be stupid for most of us.
Let me turn it around to show you what I mean.
You think Im a blonde blue eyed cd?Thats a bit on the short side?Thats a bit pervy and over sexed?That I answer to Julia Kat?Im a Yorkshire lass?
Are you sure?
How do you know Im not a 6ft 5in 20 stone Glaswegian thats out on licence from prison after a 25 year sentance,and Im after some fresh victims?
How do you know I havent pinched some demented old tranny's pix off the net and are making out they are mine to lure fresh victims to my freezer?
Are you still sure Im a blonde blue eyed cd?
Sure Im not 6ft 5 with a ginger beard so bushy you could hide a badger in it?
Are you sure my name is Julia Kat?Are you sure its not staby joe?
Willing to bet your life on that?
Now Ive freaked you all out,at least you can see why we arent all willing to meet someone we know nothing about and have no proof of.As that would be daft.
By all means ask,but dont be offended if we politely refuse,and please understand the reasons why.Thank you.
So message us all,say hello,tell us about yourself,anything.We do love to chat when we have the time,just dont be offended if we dont do meets.
Why are we like this?
Why indeed.
Ah yes,the id the ego and the super ego.
Bollocks,bollocks and super bollocks.
The garbage supplied by our resident mad man Freud beggers believe and has been disproved so many times by so many,too many to list here.
How mental was he?!I mean really!Theres a rubber room with his name on it thats for sure.
There is only a duality in humans.There is a duality in the physical universe,natural world,physics,chemistry everything.Every single thing that exists has something to counter it,to balance it.Up down left right cats dogs forwards backwards gravity time mother teresa boris johnson.
Every thing has its opposite as everything in the universe balances itself out.
We see this in what we make too.We can build hospitals which help,prisons that dont.Guns,can be used to kill,but can also be used to protect.
Duality is in every single thing,every entity.
Our brain shows this too.
We have two halves,two hemispheres.One side is pratical.The other creative.One side controls the opposite side of the body,the other the other opposite.One side is male.The other female.
This bares out as we are from mom and dad whoever they may be.We have come from a male and a female,so are a mix of both their genetic codes,and so a completely new unique human in our own right but the composition of male and female dna,so are actually both.
So we do have girl half male half,as we have both codes making us up as we have come from one male and one female.Only one chromasome decides if we are to be male or female.But we know of hermaphradites,girlyboys,manly men,femboys,girls,lesbians,you name it we have it so clearly there is so much more going on here not one simple switch to dictate you are a boy,you are a girl.
Hence we are clearly a combination of both male and female genes,so will exhibit more or less of one or the other depending on the balance of which genes we got the most.
Eg,I have a sister.We both had the same parents.So we are both from the same mix of both genes.I was male.She was female.Yet she is fantastic at languages and speaks around ten of them,Im dyslexic and can hardly read or write.Shes useless at maths and physics,Im not.Shes not pratical at all,I am.Shes arty farty Im not.Shes reddy hair,Im blonde.But we both have the same terrible temper!
So you see,its the mix of genes we get that dictate how girly we are,or not.Either is fine.Its simply the way we are born.

It seems that those of us that are born girly boys,have that chromosome switch that gets us a cock,but we got a lot more of moms genes,than that of our fathers genes.So we lean towards girly,or if you prefer our female side of the brain is more dominant than our male side.Or,in a lot of our cases,both sides are perfectly in balance as we dont lean more towards boy things than girl things,or vica versa,and can jump between one or the other side at will,yet still have the same personality.So its not split personality,as I act and feel and think the same no matter whether in boy mode or girl mode.Its still me.Yet oddly,I am softer more caring gentler etc when in girl mode than boy mode.
Whereas in men,manly men their male side of the brain is more dominant,so like football and boring crap like that,rather than window shopping on pretty little thing dot com.
For us cds,we enjoy both sides of our brain,and switch between the two.One day we can be all dresses and stockings,the next stripping a brake caliper down.
Now can anyone see where Im going here?Can you see Im leading you into a trap?Becouse yes I am.
Becouse girls can do man things.They can repair cars,climb mountains ride motorbikes,anything and everything.So you see,these so called male things arent actually male,they are in fact unisex.Every single thing is unisex.And before you mention giving birth,all Im going to say is seahorses.
And as Ive shown earlier us cds arent doing anything girly actually.We dont do anything males havent done in the past.
But we definetly have a much more developed female side of the brain,as we all seem to exhibit a lot of female traits.We do tend to be supportive,caring,nurturing,mothering even,protective,encouraging,gentler,tender,loving,etc etc.
It would also explain why we adore being in girl mode so much,and why it just feels right,becouse we have a more developed female side of the brain.

Are you a cd?Tv?Trans?
Im a carsexual if you dont mind.Or am I a shoesexual today?Tomorrow Im planning on being a bananasexual.Well I have had the lot up me at some point.
In all seriousness though,what are we.Some are trans.They are women.They happen to have been born in the wrong body.
Its like if you knew you were a cat,and looked in the mirror and saw a dog reflection,you would know that is wrong,and its not you becouse you KNOW you are a cat.
Thats trans,they are women.Simple as.
Tv.I think a tv is someone that is genetic male that goes to lengths to be utterly convincing as a female.
CD.We are genetic males,that like to wear womens clothes and makeup for many different reasons.
Are you gay?Am I gay?
Some cds are,some arent.But you arent.If you find yourself attracted to a cd,you are attracted to the feminine form,thats all.
But we have a cock!
Ok fine,you do know a clit is a cock dont you?When the Y chromersome kicks in and decides what you are going to be when still in the womb,then your cock will shrink and develop into the clit,or if youve been chosen to be a boy it will carry on developing into a cock.
So every time youve sucked on a girls growler,youve been sucking cock in reality my friend lol.
So I dont see even that as being gay,as clits are ok,so are cocks.Becouse really they are the same thing.
But if thats true where are our vaginas?
If the Y chromasome (I will never be able to spell that get used to it) decides its cock time,as you do start with the makings of both organs,vagina will recede and cock will develop.If you look between your legs,you see that red zipper that runs between your bum and balls?You know,like it looks like you were made at buildabear,thats where it used to be.If you were switched to be a girl,vagina develops and cock recedes into clit form.Easy.

Now Im really going to mess with you......
Is it gay being a crossdresser and sucking cock etc?Is it?Is it really?
Well in boy mode,Im straight,I only fancy older women.So Im straight right.
In girl mode I fancy other cds,and have been with a couple of girly boys and a few blokes.But is that gay?You might think so.But Im in girl mode,I think sound act like a girl,I look like one,so again its straight sex isnt it,a bloke and a girl,doesnt matter she has a cock as thats just a clit thats developed so still straight sex isnt it.
But if Im with a women and Im in girl mode that is gay you might say.
Well no,not if you look at it like this,Im a genetic male mostly,shes female,so again its straight sex isnt it.
But being with another cd surely must be gay you may ask.Nope.As Im male,shes in girl mode,looks like one sounds like one etc,has a developed clit so female so again straight sex.But if Im in girl mode,well she is a genetic male so again straight sex!
See how much fun you have messing with axegrinders heads?hehe
I can turn it around to be gay too.Easy.But thats the fun of it all.We have two worlds and twice the fun.
You post pictures of yourself on the net just to get cock right?
No.Some will,some wont.We all have our own reasons for posting our pix on the net and they are many and different.
Mine are primarily for myself,so I have something to look back on.Secondly,as I love to look at other cd pix and see what they are wearing,how theyve done their hair,or makeup,or a pose I really like,I post mine up as someone out there might like to see mine.You never know.Which leads me to the last reason,if just one person enjoys seeing my pix,that makes me happy knowing Ive made them happy.
The bonus is,I like to think that all those cds that are coming up now,can see you are never too old,you dont grow out of it,and you can enjoy it all the way to the grave if you want to,and to show that there are many of us,and you arent alone like I always thought I was growing up like this.

Is it fun?
Hell yeah!
It really is wonderful,wonderful wonderful.I love it so much,and like all I love,I guard it fiercely.Wouldnt change it for anything.
From window shopping on Boohoo to slobbing around the house in a minidress and bugger all else.From getting my makeup right,to opening a box with my new boots in and they are ace and sooooooooo comfy.
The list is endless.I can sum it up in one example though.
Cleaning the house,sucks right.Boring dull crap isnt it.Its like death only not as exciting.
But in high heels,stockings,plugged and french maid uniform on,and it suddenly becomes fun,huge turn on,and no longer a mind numbing chore,plus you get to shag the hoover when youre done!Bonus!

The one and only thing I cannot explain is why we are so so lucky in being this way.I really cant.x
Опубликовано julia135
2 года назад
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sandratvtg 3 дня назад
You are right: "one is not born a woman, one becomes one" Simone de Beauvoir.
CPTV 7 мес. назад
WOW, this is one of the funniest, best and most correct posts on what being a TV, CD, Crossdresser or Trans gurl is all about. 
iwptoodou 8 мес. назад
You are a together person .I mean that with all respect.thank you
blue_kiss 1 год назад
Cool post Julia, well done!
karimkaima 2 года назад
Plonk123 2 года назад
Wow , you certainly had a lot to get off your chest and I hope you feel better for it ??. For me it comes down to who loves to suck my cock the most. Ever since discovering a gloryhole in a toilet in the Park, on my way home from school, I’ve LOVED getting sucked off . 
peggyflouncey 2 года назад
Your wonderful sense of humor comes shining through in every one of your posts.  You do have to keep your mind open and be able to laugh at yourself to do this.  You sound to me to have your head screwed on properly Honey.  You're the kind of girl who is the most fun of all the personality types. 
julia135 Издатель 2 года назад
кому: artoriusrex : awww thanks honey,lovely message thank you x
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julia135 Издатель 2 года назад
кому: fullyfashionedfan : Sadly for now we must carry on putting on female clothes eg trousers and flat shoes before goine out.Its only a matter of time before we can once again go out in our manly male clothes of mini skirt and high heels.x
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artoriusrex 2 года назад
"if just one person enjoys seeing my pix,that makes me happy knowing Ive made them happy"....sweetheart im sure thousands of people enjoy seeing your lovely pics......youve made thousands of people happy. Trust me its beautiful girls like you that make this world go round x
snrcurious 2 года назад
Perfectly put Julia. Xxx
fullyfashionedfan 2 года назад
Yes Julia-i agree with You on this issue!- its the 21st century & women can go out in trousers &flat shoes but we cant go out in a skirt & heels!- & they say its a mans world?- oh well i'll just keep dressing at home! X