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I find this so funny so I have to post this, so over the last few days I’ve had a bunch of new friend requests(thanks for taking the time to add me) but I get these messages from some of these people and I open them only to find they’ve messaged me before
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Went on a little hiatus but I’m back now
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I completely understand why people sell nudes now, the amount of people who have added me on snapchat, and messed me about and given nothing in return is ridiculous. If I show you my body, I expect stuff in return. And also don’t save my stuff unless you have MY PERMISSION. It’s common decency, learn to have some damn respect.
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Huge thank you!!!

Thank you so much to the people I’ve had genuine conversations on here with, I came to this site without any knowledge about how I’d be treated or if I’d just be used, and i really have to say that even though I’ve been here for a couple of days I have met some of the nicest, most caring, genuine people I will ever know. You’ve built my confidence up a hell of a lot and you’ve all been so generous with your compliments. I went from 0 self esteem to starting to like myself... so thank you guys!
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4 лет назад
I wanna be supportive!
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This is a personal issue but you’ve all been so lovely to me on this site I wanna ask for your opinions. So I like a guy and I made an account when I thought he didn’t have feelings for me but it turns out he does... I’ve told him about the account and he says he’s uncomfortable with me showing my body off to you guys. My question is, why is it okay to watch porn but not to make porn?
  • 4
4 лет назад
I agree that you should be true to yourself. But also follow your heart. Do what you enjoy to do. What’s important is that you find pleasure in everything you do. If he truly has feelings for you, he will support you in your endeavors.
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4 лет назад
Only issue is he said it bothers him but he doesn’t want to tell me to stop. Because then it seems like he’s controlling me
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4 лет назад
Run as fast as you possibly can in the opposite direction. If this is how he is behaving now, then it will only become even worse later.
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4 лет назад
Exactly what I thought, he doesn’t want to be with me right now but no one can see what I’m doing...
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4 лет назад
Immature and probably jealous. You’re not doing anything wrong
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Just wanna say that I’m not ignoring any of you, I receive a lot of messages and I’m trying to get through them all, be patient.
  • 8

Welcome to my page!!! I’m Willow, I’m 22, I love to tease, And I’ve got a daddy kink : Willowmay98

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Makeup, Zombie Movies, Horror Movies.
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Dawn Of The Dead, The Simpson’s
Любимая музыка:
KISS, David Bowie, Stevie Nicks, The Eagles
Любимые книги:
Stephen King’s IT
Male moaning, Hair Pulling, Spanking
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Squirting, Fake orgasm/moaning. Feet.
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14 027
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