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Las Vegas, United States
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The way you feel about a moment is very important... do you ever wonder in a beautiful moment, whether you'll always be waiting for it, some people even wonder if they are in it, did it just pass and is it gone forever, and the thought about this moment, makes your heart feel that feeling, which is realized in a moment, to be the only moment felt, tasted, smelled, touched, the one percent is the one that always mattered, and that is the exact realization felt. When you both discover life together, it will be a moment when nothing else matters, and this moment is the 1% against the 99% No one ever said anything about what kind of moment we can reflect on, I think it's called free will, and the funny thing about that is, every older hip cat girl and boy who isn't quite the 100% perfect can look in each other's eyes with that special feeling, and breathe the words IT'S PERFECT, FOR ME.

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Las Vegas
"United States"
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Любимые фильмы и ТВ-программы:
I'm the type that believes you only live once. I also believe that all the parts of the body follow a certain shelf life... USE it or LOOSE it. To know thy self is to discover and explore oneself, with what is in this world. Indulgence is a spice of life, and what keeps each of us interesting. is when you close your eyes to the truth you are seeing. Giving up pleasure is the most difficult thing to do, so I discover counter positive and enriching measures that I can embrace fully, to enrich my life.
Любимая музыка:
To be grateful for all that you have, is to celebrate each gift, and I have .... been lol, except for all that belongs to the body... "body part" call me critical, extremely selective and unforgiving.
Любимые книги:
Honoring your gifts is to celebrate each one, honoring your life is to explore unfamiliar pleasure.
Opposites attract, skinny, slim-average, small tits, long hair, short hair, good girl with kinky, dirty thoughts, inexperienced, teaching, training, and perfection, sexual activity throughout the day, waking hours, partying, experimental, submissive, step daughter, bare fucking, all holes, sodomy, kink, doing all the things the rich people do in stupid porn videos, YOLO,
Не нравится:
People who think money is everything, and too stupid to realize it's not a right, it's a privilege, arrogance, ignorance, racism, , unnecessary, pain, people who don't take care of their bodies, bad hygiene, devious, greedy people
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