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Cambridge, United Kingdom
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General Info

If you have read my BIO you know that I don't accept everyone that adds me. To clarify what it means a little think of it like this "The more it seems like you care about your profile and how you present yourself, the higher are the chances of me adding you". That's all, hope everyone is having a great day!                                                                        
  • 22
3 лет назад
I appreciate your honest post and profile. I’ve send you a request and if you accept it I’m grateful, if you don’t I understand x
  • 0
4 лет назад
Hi Sarah, am adding you on my mobile so I can't write on the friend request. Hope you see I have taken time with mine though she hope for the add. Be good to chat, Jonathan x
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добавил 9 новое(ых) видео к плейлисту
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For those wondering

Many people have been asking why my stream is so empty. The reason is because I have a slight form of OCD so I can't stand having a bunch of stuff all over it so I clean it every now and then.
  • 11

I don't share pictures or do hookups, you are not special, you cannot change that. I live in an open relationship, I am on here to talk and have some fun! Mostly horny girl, loves to chat and loves to answer questions so ask me anything. I don't share social media or other messaging applications like Snapchat or Instagram. If I am online I might respond. I only accept people with serious profiles and that have actually put time into it. So a picture but no information is not okay (9/10 times). I don't do meetups/hookups etc

Последний визит::
Семейное положение:
"Открыт(а) для всего нового"
Парни и Девушки
"United Kingdom"
I'll tell you if you ask
Интересы и увлечения:
Gaming, taking nudes (I don't share them), talking about random stuff and enjoying myself. (I also like getting dominated)
Любимые фильмы и ТВ-программы:
I watch mostly Anime. (Yea yea I'm a Weeaboo I guess)
Любимая музыка:
A bit of everything. TheFatRat, SIAMÉS, Caravan Palace and other indie artists but also A7X and other major artists.
Любимые книги:
Manga and Lovecraft mostly but also Sci-Fi, Fantasy and a lot of erotica honestly.
Girls, guys and everything in between. Heavily into BDSM and Exhibitionism. I'm very submissive and willing to try everything once. I like tattoos, piercings and prefer natural tits, dicks and such. I have a naughtier and kinkier side that I might share if we talk... I'm a large toy collector and have 33 toys in total, some of them are the same but most are different in some way.
Не нравится:
Bad hygiene, overweight, fakes and smoking
Просмотры профиля:
10 242
Просмотренные видео:
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