Fave porn stars

In no particular order Lisa DeLeeuw (my avatar pic) Janet Mason Cadence Luxx Leigh Charles Samantha Wynter Kelley Madison Ebony Ayes Tracey Adams Most BBW porn stars Redheads! I will add to my list.… Pročitajte više

Objavio/la kelwilliams Pre 7 godine/godina 41

Dee and Bill

Bill was sitting in a corner chair watching his wife Dee, as she went and opened the d****s like he had told her to do. Dee had a couple too many 7 & 7's and was giddy as she pulled the d****s back from their motel room window. She knew she was naked, but she was past the point of caring, as she put her hands against the glass and leaned forward, knowing that anyone who happened to pass by their window would see her getting fucked..... As she closed her eyes and leaned forward, she felt the black mans hands encircling her waist and come up and cup both of her small B cup breasts. D… Pročitajte više

Objavio/la VirginiaS Pre 6 godine/godina 21