Giving birth?

After an unusually fabulous fuck, my Daddy had gone and i'm kicking back with a glass of wine, asshole burning but in a good way, when something happened that started me thinking. Daddy pounded my fat ass pussy really good. Steady hard pounding, off and on, for an hour before he blew his load deep inside of me. Don't get me wrong, every time he fucked me it was incredible but this time, well he must have been pissed at his wife because he really worked me over pretty good! Anyway, as i sat and sipped my Merlot i started to feel strange, deep in my bowels. i felt slight gurgling and some mild c… Pročitajte više

Objavio/la DanaF Pre 3 godine/godina 19

After the fuck!

Objavio/la DanaF Pre 3 godine/godina 6

Video Views!!

[image class="blog-image align-center size-large"]410577069[/ima… Pročitajte više

Objavio/la DanaF Pre 3 godine/godina 12

dana as a woman and steve with tits

Well, my photo shopped photos of me have been posted for a week and it seems like people just don't enjoy dana/steve except as i really am. Only a few comments, nothing negative but most people didn't even view them. Oh well. i'm going to leave them posted, mainly because they do excite me. Who knows, maybe i'll make some new friends who enjoy them...never know!!… Pročitajte više

Objavio/la DanaF Pre 4 godine/godina 24

My wildest fantasy

Ever since i was in my teens i have always fantasized about running away and being in a carnival. Yes, true...a travelling carnival. A place where my humiliation would be on display all over the country in a sleazy environment. A place where a perverted sissy queer like me would thrive. A place where the lower classes and like minded people would go to humiliate a slut like me to make themselves feel better. Let them know that there are lower forms of life than could walk down the midway and cum upon my tent. For $.25 they could cum in and watch me perform. Watch m… Pročitajte više

Objavio/la DanaF Pre 4 godine/godina 66

My wildest fantasy

Objavio/la DanaF Pre 4 godine/godina 4