Hey Mom

This is a story written by bjlove for me. Hey Mom." "Oh, hi honey." "Mom, this is Nikki, Nikki my Mom." "Hi Nikki." "Hey Mrs. Duncan. Happy birthday!" "Thanks Nikki, but it's not until tomorrow." "Anyway Mom, isn't she hot?" "Yes Jodie, she's very pretty." "And she's a brunette." "Yes Jodie, I see that." "And she's very busty." "JODIE!" "And she's young." "Jodie, why are you saying all this?!" "Mom, remember a couple of weeks ago when your computer crapped out?" "Yes honey." "Well, while I was fixing it, I checked your browser history and I saw photos, videos and stories of ma… Citește mai mult

Postat de fiddler66 5 ani în urmă 6

A Joke...

The teacher asked the class to use the word “fascinate” in a sentence. Molly put up her hand and said, “My family went to my granddad's farm, and we all saw his pet sheep. It was fascinating." The teacher said, “That was good, but I wanted you to use the word ‘fascinate,’ not 'fascinating'.” Sally raised her hand. She said, “My family went to see Rock City and I was fascinated.” The teacher said, “Well, that was good Sally, but I wanted you to use the word ‘fascinate’.” Little Johnny raised his hand, but the teacher hesitated because she had been burned by Little Johnny before.… Citește mai mult

Postat de fiddler66 5 ani în urmă 7