Carolyn Bryant is one of the sexiest Professional

Carolyn Bryant is a class act in the fitness world. At the age of 33 she began her career as. A woman bodybuilder she made a name for. Herself in the world of Professional Women's Bodybuilding. Her sex appeal caught the eye of a lot of men. The first time I saw her it was on an episode. Of the defunct day time talk show Jenny Jones Show. Ever since then I was hooked on Carolyn Bryant. She has it all and that is no lie. Her tight well toned muscular physique. Is well paportioned and her symmetry is amazing. From head to toe she is a Total Muscle Knockout. She is in her early 50's and she still. Turns heads she is like a fine wine. She just gets even more sexy as she ages.
Publicat de jwatson911
9 ani în urmă
Te rog să te sau să te pentru a posta comentarii.
fbbfan34 9 ani în urmă
I agree she is very beautiful woman