Worst Messages

I'm going to keep a running blog of the worst messages I get from other users. These are not the ways to get my attention.
12 ani în urmă
Te rog să te sau să te pentru a posta comentarii.
where did the message go?
how's a man suppossed to learn from others bad if there not nailed on a wall (eh blog).
Excellent thread
I live at 311 paranatta lane aptH 207 houston tx 77073... I am home, you can come over so we can talk, get to know each other well, have fun and be friend. What time you will be here tonight. Text me at 5013982452 as soon as you get here
check me on :

P.s.bored but ok... my dick is getting small ... it has been more than a year since I moved to Houston I didnt fuck...
I'll just add my piece too - first they must get responses from other 'fake' females other wise they would surely just give it up if all they got were non-responses or negative ones.

Secondly, I actually get stuff like this from time to time too, from gay guys - if anything it just puts a smile on my face and I just carry on.

Thridly, in relation to MAiNeIAC-T's comment - the least they could do do is have proper grammar and say "you're hot" :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
this thread is great... i cant believe some of this stuff... like for real??? i guess i dont understand... i mean, do sum of these guys actually think that if theyre horny, sum chik from site is gonna like, what, hop on plane to go half way around the world to fuck???? idfk, just makes me laugh, lol. the other thing that makes me laugh is when sum1 posts a random vid of sum random person theyve never met b4, & sum1 comments "your hot".... like really? half the time i see this, its a vid posted by sum dude, & another dude just called him hot, cuz he thinks the chik in the vid posted it... too fuckin funny if you ask me... LMAO
Ye gods: some of these make me ashamed to be male -- or are they from (non-intelligent) non-humans?
hi, a man will tell you anything he thinks you wanna hear, when there wanking they think a woman wants what they want. i must agree with kuns n 8 tho, it is porn site.......thats what we're all here for isn't it,
love fully self confest slut, have fun xxxxx
No one says that we don't want to interact with others but I promise you that a female requires a little more building up than hey my dick is hard.
I do agree that there are many idiotic people on here! But as kunst-erotik says, what do u expect? After some months in here, I have discovered that many grils in here totally misunderstands the concept. My statement:
1. This is a PORN site, not a dating site
2. When men logon to a pornsite, they are horny, and not interested in smalltalk
3. If you just want to watch porn and not interact with others, why do you create a profile?
I'm sorry, but these made me laugh.. I think we all should start keeping a record. Maybe it'd get the idiots to stop.. although I doubt it. Don't think many can actually read. :wink:
is it bad when i like to see animalsex-movies and woman like to taste this real perhapes???
whats your fantasies???
Hi Here is a little joke for you.

A father and his 8 year old son walk into the local chemist. They walk pass the condom display. The son turns to his father and ask. "Dad what are these". The father looks at what his son is holding and says "They are condoms son. They are for men to have safe sex". The son grabs a 3 pack and ask. "Who are these for". The father replys "They are for highschool boys. 1 for friday, 1 for saturday and 1 for sunday". The sons say"That great". He puts back them back then grabs a 6 pack. "Who are these for dad". The father replys againg. "They are for college boys. 2 for friday, 2 for saturday and 2 for sunday". The son had a big smile on his face and said. "Wow I cant wait till I am in college". He then puts it back and then notice the 12 pack. With a big smile on his face he ask. "Who are these for then dad". The father lets out a sigh and says "They are for married men son. 1 for Jan, 1 for Feb, 1 for Mar......" and so on.

Glad to chat sometime
thats just messed up
Is ur cunt is on fire to be used and abused like this slut? http://xhamster.com/photos/view/646665-10454020.html

if yes, answer by saying:" Yes Master, use me like a slut
mmmmmm omfg wow you are so amazing! i recently signed up so i can message with girls on here, but when i saw your profile i couldn't help it...my hands and fingers just started squeezing my balls and massaging my cock ...soon i was holding my throbbing hot hardon in my left hand and a warm gooey puddle of cum in my right hand mmmmmmmmm it feels soooo kinky and naughty but now i want to lick it all up and swallow it too....do you think i should do it?
you are my fantasy women! your pics they make me get soooo hard!

when i was a boy i was infatuated with my sister and cousin and you look so much like them that its brought back a world of old horniness! thank you.

i hope you will ad me, i dont have a face pic because i am a teacher, but i'd be happy to text you one or share some thru a i/m :smile: