Old urges renewed.

It was just a glance, a brief locking of eyes, but his gaze lingered. It was almost summer and as we all gathered for a group photo, I noticed him next to me. As the photographer said for all of us to move in closer together, he stepped in front of me. With everyone side stepping and adjusting, he moved back towards me. I was certain when he pushed back, putting his ass agaisnt my crotch, that it was innocent and meant nothing. I ignored it and stepped back as much as I could, but he moved back also. Again, I felt him up against me, moving back and forth. My mind raced, but it had to be my imagination, right? Yet, there was a tingle and an electricity. I felt myself begin to swell and immediately felt so embarrassed with myself. I felt flushed, was I blushing? My face felt hot. Of course, I thought, I must be misreading all this. As the photos finished, we all broke away. Then, there it was again. I caught his gaze again, he was looking at me again.

Several other times it happened. Everytime my eyes searched him out, it seemed he was looking for me also. Our eyes met and I felt a jolt of electricity through me once more. I was surprised when he approached me. I mean, I knew him, but why did this feel so different. Of course, it had to just be me. It had to just be in my own, horny, perverted mind. I felt nervous, get a grip on yourself, man! He spoke first, "Well, I guess that's it then," he said. I knew he had to be talking about the coming summer break. "Yes, I guess so," I said, trying to not let my imagination run wild. He asked about my plans, he asked if I knew of any summer jobs. I knew it all had to be innocent misunderstanding. It was actually I relief. I knew there was no way someone his age could be coming onto me. Then, as he left, he said, "Maybe I'll see you around," and again gave me that sly, lingering smile. Casually, hidden from other's sight, he let his hand drag across mine. That same jolt shot through me yet again, I almost tripped over myself. Stupidly, I said, "I hope so." I said it without thinking and immediately regretted it. A second look from him, our eyes connecting. My head was floating.

So much younger, how could he be into me? How could I be into him? We get older, but alot of times our desires, urges and passions remain the same. A better question might be how could I not be interested? Still, I could be totally off. However, there were the looks, there was that touch.

Against my better judgement, against all common sense, a few weeks later, I asked if he was still looking to make some money. I had some yard work he could do. I could of done it myself, but my desire and curiousity had to know if there was more to this. It was all I had thought about. Deep down, I was sure I had let my imagination run away. Still, it had been fun to think about, even if unrealistic. I knew that at his age, his sex drive would be wild and rampant. Wanting to, needing to, cum several times a day. It was fun to imagine draining his young, virile balls over and over. I knew I couldn't though, even if against all odds he was willing, I just couldn't.

He arrived at the set time and immediately went to work. I admit to stealing a look or two out the windows, but that was all. There were those familiar glances, but now, after having some time to let reality set in, I was able to dismiss them. Yet, knocking on the door, sweaty and without a shirt, did not help. Young, fit, lean and handsome, he did make the mind race. He left without leaving me with any more wild fantasies. I laughted at myself, now sure he wasn't interested and how silly I had been. Besides, I had not been with a guy since I was his age anyways.

The next day, he was back as planned. He was to continue working in the yard, but knocked on the door instead. I had already come to realize that I had let my imagination run wild. I had taken something innocent and created a fantasy out of it. Actually, it was a relief. I had just resolved myself to it, when I heard the knock.

Standing in the kitchen, he asked if he could ask a question, "Of course," I told him. "How do you let someone know that you like them?" I was not about to let my imagination run away again. I simply said that I tought it was best to just be direct, just to be yourself. You could of knocked me over with a feather when he touched my hand, looked me in the eyes and said, "Thank you." I felt like I was going crazy. I stopped him and asked him if I was missing something. I didn't know how to ask it, but I had to know if he was hitting on me. He turned, nervous but ready and stepped towards me. He said, "I just have to try," and kissed me as I stood there completely frozen. It was just a peck, but my cock immediately swelled and so much pent up need and lust exploded. I felt helpless to that lust and put my hands on his shoulders, guiding him down to my raging cock.

It had been so long, this had been so building up. He filled his mouth with cock and my hands on him encouraged him to take it deeper. I felt out of control, I bucked my hips and fucked his eager, young mouth. "Suck me! Yes, suck my fucking cock!" He gagged, but contiuned, just as horny for it as I was. "Take that dick!" He moaned out around his cock stretched lips. Breathless, he pulled away, saying, "Will you fuck me?"

So out of control, I pulled him to his feet and took off his shirt as he wiggled out of his shorts. Naked and hard, his young, firm cock, swung from side to side as I grabbed his upper arms and moved him to the sofa, pushing him down. Ass in the air, his tight balls and asshole sent me into overdrive. That little, tight ass, that inviting hole, I licked and spit on it. Fuck, it only made me harder! I pushed the head of my dick inside him. The only thing that stopped me from burying deeper in him was his crying out. With a tight grip on his waist, I slowly pushed into him even more. Fuck, he was so tight! Fuck, I was so turned on! He looked so good, back arched, lean, and smooth. "Ah, yes!" I said as my balls pressed against him. He lifted his face, I saw a look of both pain and pleasure as I started to move myself in and out of him. Slowly building, slowly pounding his hole. His crys of, "Yes, yes!" only made me thrust into him harder until I was sweating and grunting and groaning. "Yes, yes, yes!" My finger dug into his sides, I could not hold back and exploded inside him. We both cried out as my cock spasmed and spurted hot cum into him.

We stayed like that as I struggled to catch my breath. My cock still deep inside his now, well lubed hole. I had no idea what to do, or say, next.
Publicat de PaulMayer00
3 luni în urmă
Te rog să te sau să te pentru a posta comentarii.
mmm, loved it
such a tease paul     i will have to hear the rest of the story.   
He'll be back.