322 – Paying The Papergirl

I knew that Sadie was calling round for her money a bit later and I loved that I was usually her last call, I loved her innocence and naivety but she would insist in rolling up her skirt and teasing me and she loved her orange squash too which made it all the more fun and to my knowledge she never remembered much after she left, this was the indication that she’d given me as every week she calls all sweet and innocent, even when I catch her delivering papers there’s never any indication that she wants more, and she was a lovely girl too..

It was a shame that Jackie had moved out from the upstairs flat and moved back home to look after her aging parents but I did like the peace and quiet of the flat being empty although for how long was always going to be a mystery, in a way her missed her adventurous nature but it did leave me the freedom I so desired..

I took a shower to clean myself up and decided that my baggy shorts still had some life in them and without a shirt I decided to chill out and read the paper while waiting for the inevitable knock on the door, I always gave Sadie a bit extra and she always seemed so grateful although could never really understand the reasons why.. “Excellent service” I’d always tell her which seemed to confuse her as all she did was stick a paper through my letterbox, shows how innocent she was I suppose..

I’d left my back door open to let the cooling breeze run through the flat and as I watched the students walking by at kicking out time I knew it wouldn’t be long before my visitor arrived, I always seemed to get people looking in my widow as they passed, some I recognised and some I didn’t but I wasn’t exposing myself in any way and just for fun I gave a few a wave just to let them know I’d seen them.. I didn’t find it unusual really as I often peer through windows as I walked up the street, I guess it’s just the curious nature of people when confronted with open blinds and no net curtains, I find it quite exciting really and god know what people have seen through mine, I didn’t care in the slightest.. that’s the exhibitionist in me, never scared to show skin..

I heard a little tap on the back door.. “Are you there sir, it’s Sadie” said the familiar voice which although I was expecting it still made me jump, “Yeah Sadie, come on in” I said back as I got up from my chair and walked out to the kitchen seeing her smiling face, her shirt was dishevelled and untucked from her rolled up skirt clearly showing too much of her smooth thighs, I couldn’t almost see her panties but I emphasise ‘almost’.. “Oooh I’m glad I’ve finished now sir, don’t suppose there’s a drink on offer, I live your orange squash” she said looking all hot and flustered as she stood by the door.. “Of course you can Sadie, I make it specially for you” I said opening the fridge to a big jug of readymade squash.. “Now go in and sit down and cool off, I’ll bring it in for you” I said smiling as I got two big glasses out filling one with her readymade squash and the other just plain water giving me a much needed top up and headed into the lounge..

As I walked in I’d forgotten that I’d left the drawings on the side and Sadie was standing there looking at them, she quickly turned her head towards me with her face looking very red and embarrassed.. “Oh sorry sir, I didn’t mean to look” she stammered as she quickly sat down on the sofa.. “No Sadie, I’m sorry.. I’d forgotten they were there” I said quickly as I walked around the sofa and as she took her drink I noticed her glancing down at me, luckily at this point I was flaccid and nothing seemed untoward.. “Are they you sir? Who’s the girl?” she asked tentatively as she took a big gulp of her drink still blushing and looking somewhat embarrassed..

She quickly finished off the rest of her drink still focusing her eyes on my baggy shorts like she was unable to get the vision of the drawings out of her mind, “Wow Sadie, looks like you needed that, can I get you another?” I asked as she tried to pull her skirt down to cover her exposed legs however with it being rolled up so short it was pointless as I glanced at the white of her loose fitting regulation cotton knickers.. “Yes please sir, I did not have a drink all afternoon” she said handing me her glass and I’d purposely not answered her question maybe hoping it would go away but as I was leaving the room I saw her sneakily turning her head to take another look and I knew it would be a talking point on my return, that was alright as at least it would break the ice and I could possibly work it to my advantage..

I quickly returned with her top up and she’d settled on the sofa looking away from the drawings.. “Thank you sir, very kind of you” she said taking her drink and as I sat down the subject reappeared.. “So sir, sorry for asking but about the pictures sir, there very good” she said as I looked across at her and even with her legs together I could still see up her little skirt, I guess I had to give an explanation..
I tried to divert the conversation again by giving her the money, “Oh thank you sir” she said smiling as she shuffled to nor her bag for change.. “Oh I don’t want any change Sadie, you keep it” I said softly as I glanced down at her legs, “But sir, that’s a lot and you always do this” she said widening her eyes but I knew my diversion was only temporary but from her body language I could see it pleased her as she sipped on her drink, I couldn’t feel a stirring in my shorts as I decided to broach the subject of the drawings..

“Now, the drawings Sadie” I said reluctantly as I noticed her little legs had widened a bit and I had a pretty good view of her loosely fitting panties, she smiled as I thought about my explanation.. “Yes, they are of me.. I did some modelling for an artist a little while ago and unfortunately he passed away and the girl is his granddaughter who thought it best if I have them” I said diplomatically as she glanced back at the pile on the side, she looked a bit puzzled as I stood up and walking across decided to let her have another look, I passed them to her as I felt my cock starting to fill up inside my shorts creating a little rise at the front.. “Oh wow.. but you’re naked sir and OMG you got a boner.. Oooh I could never do anything like that sir” she said and I couldn’t see she was blushing and slightly embarrassed.. “Oh it was easy work Sadie, all I had to do was lay there, actually I think you’d make a great model” I said which seemed to make her blush even more as she studied the picture giving my rising shorts the occasional look..

“Really sir?.. but look how the girl is posing, that’s showing everything.. I could never do that.. do you really think I’d make a good model though” she said looking closely at the picture of Daisy.. “Oh yes Sadie, you have a lovely figure and such nice legs too, I think you’d be great but I understand and it’s not for everyone” I said looking down at her lovely smooth thighs and she even subconsciously widened them a little more knowing I was looking.. she giggled but seemed a little more relaxed albeit she was half-heartedly pulling at her skirt but it was rolled so much that it didn’t budge still showing her knickers, I decided to change tack..

“You do have nice legs though Sadie” I said softly justifying my gaze, “And your skirt is so short.. tell me, do you like people looking at them or even up your skirt” I asked as she finally put the pictures aside with the one showing my bottom on the top, she blushed again not really knowing what to say trying to act all sweet and innocent, my cock was growing and my baggy shorts were rising.. “Can you see the effect it has on guys Sadie.. surely you enjoy it” I added as she tried not to look at me, I waited for her response standing just a few feet away from her…

“Um.. I guess I do like teasing sir, it gives me tingles and I have to admit I do like the attention sir.. is that wrong? Do you like looking sir” she said making no attempt to cover herself and with her baggy gusset on show I could clearly see a few stray hairs poking out the sides and I didn’t want to burst her bubble as I knew that the only reason these little sluts wore their skirts so short was for the attention, they knew what they were doing and long may it continue..

“Oh I don’t see anything wrong in it Sadie and yes, I do like looking, it’s very pleasing on the eye” I said softly as I focused my gaze between her legs and as she sat back on the sofa she seemed happy that I was looking, “It does make me feel all warm and fuzzy sir just knowing that you’re looking up my skirt, I get that feeling at school sometimes too.. Mr Burgess always makes me sit at the front of class sir” she said with a giggle as my flagpole became much more visible.. “Are you getting a boner sir.. oh wow.. it does have an effect on you.. just like Mr Burgess sir” she said as she took a deep breath and looked right at my flagpole…

“Mr Burgess is a lucky man Sadie, did you see his bulge growing too” I asked wanting to know more and again she giggled.. “Hehe.. yes sir, he’d sit at his desk right in front of me when we were doing assignments and I’d tease him trying not to make it obvious and I knew he was looking and yes, I did see the bulge in his trousers, it wasn’t as big as THAT” she said looking directly at my pulsing shorts.. “Oh wow.. did he ever show you his penis?” I asked as her gaze seemed fixated on my erection.. “Oh god no sir, I think I would’ve run a mile if he’d got it out” she said giggling as she again blushed..

“Really Sadie, well you’ve seen mine now” I said with a chuckle as I pointed to the pictures on the sofa beside her, she glanced down embarrassed pushing the top drawing aside to see the one of my penis again.. “Yes sir but it’s only a drawing and even that is scary sir” she said focusing her eyes on the drawing for a few seconds.. she was shuffling a little uneasy on her seat like she didn’t know what to look at, the drawings or me, I decided to test the water..

“What if I showed it to you in real life Sadie.. would you like that? I don’t mind showing you” I said encouragingly as my cock gained stiffness and I could see her looking at it pulsing up and down inside my shorts, she seemed very hesitant and there was a moments silence while she contemplated my suggestion..

“OMG.. really sir?.. I don’t know.. it’s kinda scary, I mean.. it’s big.. I don’t know sir.. you won’t tell anyone will you sir” she mumbled and I couldn’t sense some excitement in her voice.. “It’ll be our little secret Sadie; I promise won’t say anything but it’s up to you” I said softly and I couldn’t see she wasn’t dismissing the idea.. “You’ll just show me right, nothing else.. (she hesitated).. I mean.. I’d like to see it for real sir, can I really” she said as her eyes widened as she looked up at me briefly before returning her eyes to my shorts, she quickly reached out and gulped down the rest of her drink while I teasingly prepared to fully expose myself to her, I so loved her innocence..

She put her empty glass down and focused on me as I slipped my fingers into the waistband, she leant forward a little and as I stepped closer she actually widened her legs a little more which showed even more of her baggy gusset and with her skirt almost around her waist I could clearly see little gaps appearing either side showing more of her straying hairs and the puffiness of her outer pussy, I do t think she realised exactly what she was exposing but it was certainly eye catching..

I slowly eased my shorts down my hips and her eyes widened as my flagpole became more prominent and because of the stiffness of my erection I had to pull out the front to allow my shaft to become exposed.. “OMG sir.. WOW!” she gasped excitedly as my penis slowly became exposed and as I pushed my shorts down my thighs gravity took control and they dropped to the floor leaving me totally naked in front of her.. her jaw dropped as she stared at my throbbing cock standing loud and proud in front of her, she was speechless as her eyes fixated on my meat and two veg..

I took hold of my dick and stepped a little closer, her eyes widened in total disbelief and she looked nervous as I pointed my cock at her, her subtle head movement showed she was looking at the head and veiny shaft from all directions, “Wow sir.. that’s even better in real life” she gasped as her hands fidgeted on her knees.. “Why don’t you have a closer look Sadie, don’t worry.. it won’t bite” I said getting as close to her as the sofa would allow and without spoiling my view down between her legs which was soon going to become hidden as she tentatively leant a bit more forward totally fixated by my exposure.. she briefly looked up at me for confirmation that it was alright and slowly moved her head closer and still holding my weapon pointing at her face I could feel her warm breath and wondered how far would she go, she did look a bit nervous but she wasn’t pulling away..

“Wow sir, it’s amazing” she gasped and with her jaw still dropped it was so tempting just to push it right into her mouth, but she still looked hesitant and I didn’t want to upset her but with a subtle thrust of me hips my shiny bellend touched her lips causing her to pull back quickly, but only by an inch or so.. “What are you doing sir” she gasped rather abruptly and apologies were in order.. “Oh I’m so sorry Sadie, I lost balance for a second” I said softly full of remorse which seemed to do the trick.. “Oh ok sir.. I thought for a minute that you were trying to put it in my mouth.. that’s kinda Eeew sir” she said focusing her eyes on my penis again.. “Oh god no Sadie, I wouldn’t dream of doing such a thing” I replied softly as her head got closer again..

I could see a little precum ooze out the tip and her lips were so damn close but I tried my hardest to refrain from pushing forward and I couldn’t let go of my cock as it would spring up to my belly and the opportunity would be lost, her hands were still nervously twitching on her widened knees and my view between her legs had long gone but was pleasingly replaced with a view down her open necked shirt and I could clearly see her little bee stings, such a nice view as she didn’t wear a bra..

She looked dazed and I was wondering what was going through her mind sitting there nervously with an erect penis right in front of her face but she sure did enjoy looking at it and after what seemed like an eternity her head got a little closer.. “It smells really weird sir” she said softly as I heard her sniffing the tip, “What does it taste like” she said nervously and with that I subtly thrust my hips forward but this time and for reasons only known to herself she didn’t back up and I could feel her warm and wet tongue on the underside of my dick as her lips slowly closed around the shiny helmet, I guess she was about to find out and although it was only my helmet inside her mouth it was a good start..

With my cock now supported I pulled away my hand giving her control and just eased forward a little bit as she murmured softly, it felt so good and I couldn’t feel her tongue moving around the head as I felt the gentle suction.. “Oh that’s so nice Sadie, do you like the taste?” I asked softly with encouragement in my voice and although she couldn’t speak she didn’t pull back either, which was a good sign in fact her head seemed to be inching closer taking more of my sausage into her mouth, I could feel her warm saliva on my veiny shaft, Mmm….

My natural instincts took over and as I started to gently thrust in and out I saw her cheeks bulging and her lips did tighten around my shaft, she reached out her arms and took hold of my waist which I thought was to push me away but she didn’t and I couldn’t even feel her pulling me closer to the point that I could feel the tightness of her throat, “That’s a good girl Sadie, you know you like it” I said encouragingly as she started to bob her head back and forth and her suction increased as she briefly glanced up at me, her subconscious mind had taken control and she probably didn’t even know she was doing it but she was doing oh so well..

Her oral technique seemed different this time, gone was the attentiveness and licking the shaft and sucking my balls and it was like she’d never sucked a cock before but that was alright, I loved her innocence and nativity, it made it exciting and different which I knew would bring me off quicker and as she gently bobbed her head I gently thrusted in perfect synchronicity, her saliva was giving perfect lubrication but the question was would she swallow or pull back at the point of no return, we will just have to wait and see..
I could feel her tongue swirling around and my knees started to tremble as I got closer and I decided to lend a helping hand by reaching down and grabbing her head hoping to avoid the subsequent mess if she decided to pull back, how would she explain to her parents how her uniform got covered in spunk..

“Keep going Sadie, this is so good” I said encouraging her to finish the job and I felt the suction increase, I decided to pre-warn her of my impending ejaculation.. “Don’t pull back Sadie, swallow whatever cums, you’re doing great.. oh yes” I sighed softly as my breathing increased and as I felt the pressure buildup I couldn’t hold it back any longer and held her head tightly as my spunk flew into her mouth..

I did feel a bit of pressure as she tried to pull back but I wasn’t going to let her, it was for her own good and she had no choice but to swallow reluctantly..

As my spurting subsided I could feel her pushing at my hips and trying to pull her head back and after the last drops landed I released my grip on her head as we both caught our breath, she pulled back quickly and looked up at me with a very confused look on her face but with her legs still spread her body language told a different story.. I stood in front of her still very much naked with my cock still erect.. “It looks nice sir, but I think I should go” she said rather abruptly as she tried to avoid eye contact looking straight down at my boner.. “Oh you don’t have to go Sadie but I understand, how about another drink before you go, I still got some left” I said as she finally looked up at me making eye contact, her eyes seemed lost and very glazed but at least it will keep her here a little longer.. “Ok sir, just a quick one then, I do like your drink” she said innocently as I picked up her empty glass…

To Be Continued…
Publicat de britguy
11 luni în urmă
Te rog să te sau să te pentru a posta comentarii.
Atadpervi 8 luni în urmă
Very sexy story, well told
hollis66 11 luni în urmă
Loved this post Frank, can't wait to read what happened next
fdj 11 luni în urmă
Fucking good girl.
nicolaslut 11 luni în urmă
mm shes a good girl