Accidentally Cuckolded

Accidentally Cuckolded
by lookingforfirst

Chapter 1
Emily was cooking when she decided to search for a recipe on her husband's computer. She stood at the kitchen counter, with flour dusting her fingers, as she searched through her husband's internet history. The familiar scent of chicken roasting filled the air, but she couldn't concentrate on the food.
She opened the laptop and clicked on the history tab. Her stomach clenched as she saw the various websites her husband had visited. She felt her cheeks flush as she realized what kind of sites he had been browsing.
The first page of his search history was filled with pornography, including sites offering black cock worship and cuckolding.
Emily felt a mix of emotions: shock, disgust, arousal, and shame. She couldn't believe that her own husband would be so brazen as to visit these kinds of websites. But at the same time, she couldn't deny the thrill that coursed through her body when she thought about him watching other men pleasure her.
She quickly closed the laptop, a sense of guilt washing over her.
However, a new emotion began to surface, one she hadn't felt in a long time - desire. As she looked around the kitchen, she felt a new kind of energy coursing through her.
Emily stood at the kitchen counter, feeling a newfound sense of power. She began to fantasize about the possibilities that lay before her. Maybe she could show her husband what it meant to be cuckolded. Maybe she could finally experience something that had always been out of reach for her.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn't notice Todd entering the kitchen.
He smiled as he saw her standing there, flour-dusted and deep in thought. "What's going on?" he asked, walking towards her. She shook her head, trying to snap out of her reverie.
"Nothing," she muttered. "Just thinking about tomorrow's meal."
Todd raised an eyebrow. He knew his wife's habit of researching recipes before starting a new dish. He sensed something was off. "Is there something on your mind?" he asked, concern creeping into his voice.
Emily hesitated, trying to decide if she should tell him about what she had seen on his laptop. Part of her wanted to confide in him, to share the strange and intense emotions coursing through her.
On the other hand, she wasn't sure if she could trust him. She didn't know if he would understand, or if he would be angry with her for snooping.
But she needed someone to talk to, someone to help her process these strange, new feelings.
With a deep breath, she told him everything.
She confessed to searching his internet history, to seeing the sites he had visited, and to feeling both aroused and guilty in equal measure.
Todd listened carefully, his eyes flickering between Emily and the floor. When she finished speaking, he stayed silent for a moment, his face a mixture of confusion, worry, and something else – something that made Emily's heart skip a beat.
“I'm sorry,” he said eventually, his voice low and husky. “I don't know why I do these things, why I look at these websites.
It's not like I need to,” Todd admitted, his voice rough with emotion. “But sometimes, when I'm browsing the internet, something just catches my eye. And before I know it, I'm lost in this world of sex and fantasy.”
Emily listened, tears welling up in her eyes. She had never heard Todd speak like this before. It was like he was opening up to her, showing her a side of himself that he had kept hidden for years.
And yet, she still felt a sense of uncertainty.
What would happen next? How would Todd react? Would he be angry, or would he be turned on by the idea of exploring their fantasies together?
Emily's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the doorbell ringing. She glanced at the clock; it was almost time for their son to arrive home from school. She quickly set the timer for the chicken and rushed to greet her son at the door.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in a whirlwind of activity.
Emily busied herself in the kitchen, preparing dinner while Todd sat at the table with their son, helping him with homework.
She could hear their voices softly drifting into the kitchen, punctuated by her son's occasional giggles. They seemed to be having a good time together, and a sense of warmth and contentment washed over her.
As she chopped vegetables and seasoned the chicken, her thoughts drifted back to Todd. She couldn't shake the feeling of desire that had coursed through her after discovering his internet history.
She had never felt that way before, but now, every time she imagined him watching another man pleasure her, her body responded with a twinge of pleasure.
Todd walked into the kitchen, holding a stack of papers. "What do you think of this recipe?" he asked, placing the papers on the counter.
"Hmm," Emily replied, studying the recipe. "It looks interesting." She felt a pang of guilt as she remembered the reason behind her search for a recipe.
Over the next few days, Emily struggled with her feelings.
She couldn't stop thinking about what had happened, about the idea of her husband watching other men pleasure her. It made her feel both excited and guilty, aroused and ashamed.
She tried to push the thoughts away, but they wouldn't go away. Instead, they grew stronger, until she found herself consumed by them.
Todd noticed the change in Emily. He noticed the way she clung to him at night, how she sought out his touch. He could sense her desire, but he didn't know why.
Was it because of his porn collection? Or was it something else, something deeper?
"I want to explore this fantasy with you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Todd's eyes widened in surprise, and he took a step back. "Are you sure?" he asked, his voice hoarse.
Emily nodded, her heart racing. "Yes," she said firmly. "I want to see where this goes."
Todd hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward, wrapping his arms around Emily and pulling her close.
"Would you like to continue this conversation in the bedroom?" Emily asked, a hint of flirtation in her voice.
It was a loaded question, one that left Todd feeling both excited and uneasy. He had never explored his fetish fantasy with anyone before, much less his own wife.
But as he followed her upstairs to their bedroom, he couldn't resist the thrill of the unknown.
This was something new, something that had never crossed his mind before. And he couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.
Once inside the bedroom, Emily closed the door behind them, and turned to face Todd. Her eyes locked onto his, and she ran her fingers down his chest, feeling his heartbeat quicken beneath her touch.
Todd couldn't resist her, and he pulled her close, his hands roaming over her curves. They were both fully clothed, but the tension between them was palpable.
Emily ran her hand down Todd's chest, enjoying the feel of his warm skin beneath her fingertips.
"Do you really want to do this?" Todd asked, his voice husky.
Emily paused for a moment, taking in the look on Todd's face. She could see the desire burning in his eyes, and the thought of surrendering control to him both thrilled and terrified her.
"Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible.
He leaned in, his lips grazing against hers. Emily responded with equal fervor, her hands moving from Todd's chest to his back, pulling him closer.
The kiss deepened, and Emily could feel Todd's desire for her coursing through their connection. She could taste the hunger on his lips, and it made her heart race with excitement.
Her mind spun with a thousand thoughts, each more intense than the last.
She was aroused, confused, and scared all at once. But in the midst of the chaos, one thing became abundantly clear: she wanted this. She wanted to give her husband what he needed, to explore the boundaries of their marriage, to experience something new and exciting.
Todd's mind raced with the possibilities, the thought of his wife submitting to his desires a turn-on unlike any other.
In that moment, their eyes locked and they knew what they had to do. They began to explore each other's bodies, their touches becoming bolder and more intimate.
Todd's heart raced with anticipation, his lust for his wife all-consuming.
He knew that allowing her to be with another man would be a violation of their sacred vows, but he couldn't deny the magnetic pull that drew him towards this forbidden desire.
As Emily continued to explore, Todd reveled in the sensations coursing through his body. The thought of her with another man was a turn-on unlike anything he had ever experienced before.
But he couldn't deny that it scared him too. What would happen if she didn't come back to him afterwards? What if she became attached to this other man?
Todd pulled away from the kiss, his breath coming in ragged gasps. "Emily, are you sure about this?" he asked, his voice rough with emotion.
She looked up at him, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "Yes," she whispered, taking his hand in hers. "I want this.
I want to explore this fantasy," Emily whispered, her voice bare.
The sex they had that night was the best sex they have had in years. Both were excited but scared at the same time, and for the first time Emily came to the idea of a man not her husband fucking her senseless. Todd had often cum to the idea of a large black cock dominating his sweet little wife.

Chapter 2
The next few days Emily and Todd had many more steamy encounters and talked in depth about their new shared fantasy. They settled on talking to their young neighbor Kyle. A 32 year old black man who was often working out in his back yard with his shirt off and tight pants. The outline of a substantial bulge was normally visible. Kyle had always been very friendly with Todd and his wife, but he always stared at Emily a little longer than he should. But he seemed very much the nice young man, and a safe choice. Emily and Todd had no idea what they were going to ask of him was a common request and he had a thing for turning out pretty wives. They had no idea he was a strong dominant black bull, and no idea he had long thought about taking Emily and turning her husband into a no sex cuckold.
Kyle was working outside in the yard when he heard Emily’s sweet voice call to him from her side of the yard. He had no idea he was about to get an offer he couldn't refuse.
As he approached her, he noticed how she was looking at him. Kyle had always had a thing for her, and he couldn't deny how attractive she looked in her white summer dress, her long dark hair falling in soft waves over her shoulders. She was radiant, and he couldn't help but feel drawn to her.
"Hey Kyle!" Emily greeted him with a smile. "How are you?"
"I'm good, thanks," Kyle replied, his voice filled with a mix of cool confidence and excitement.
"What can I do for you today?"
Emily stood there for a moment, looking at Kyle with a mixture of trepidation and desire. Finally, she spoke, her words tumbling out in a rush.
"I have a proposition for you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "My husband and I have been going through some things, and we're looking for someone to help us explore our fantasies."
Kyle's heart skipped a beat as he absorbed her words.
He had always had a thing for Emily, and he couldn't believe she was offering him this opportunity. He had dreamt of turning her husband into a cuckold and dominating her himself, but he had never imagined it would actually happen.
"I...I don't know what to say," Kyle stammered, his mind racing with excitement.
Emily reached out and touched his arm, her fingers tracing over the defined muscles. "You don't have to say anything," she said softly.
"Just think about it, okay? We'll talk more about it later."
With that, she turned and walked back towards her house, her hips swaying seductively as she went. Kyle stood there for a moment, watching her go, his thoughts whirling. This was it, he realized. His fantasy was becoming a reality, and he couldn't wait to see where it would take him.
Over the next few days, Todd and Emily spent hours discussing their fantasy and the role Kyle would play in it.
They talked about the rules, the boundaries, and the limits. They talked about their fears, their desires, and their hopes. And they talked about how it would feel to finally act on their secret longings.
As they talked, they grew even closer, bound together by their shared passion and curiosity. Their conversations became increasingly intimate, and they found themselves confiding in each other like never before.
Finally, the day arrived. Kyle arrived at Todd and Emily's home, his heart pounding with anticipation.
He had never been more excited in his life, and he couldn't stop thinking about the possibilities ahead of him.
As he knocked on the front door, he felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. This was it, he thought to himself. This was the moment he had been waiting for.
Emily opened the door, and Kyle couldn't tear his eyes away from her. She looked stunning, wearing a sexy red dress that showed off her curves to perfection.
Her long, dark hair cascaded down her back, and her big, brown eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint.
As Todd led the into the bedroom, Emily felt a twinge of guilt. She had always been a devoted wife and mother, and the thought of cheating on her husband made her uncomfortable.
But as she laid down on the bed, she couldn't deny the thrill of excitement that coursed through her body. She felt empowered, and a slight edge of nervousness mixed with her excitement.
As Todd and Kyle stepped into the room, Emily couldn't help but notice the way their eyes locked onto hers. They both looked so handsome and sexy, their confidence and raw masculinity pulsing through the air around them.
They both took a moment to look at Emily. She lay on the center of the bed, her legs spread apart, exposing herself to them. Her lips were slightly parted, and her eyes glanced from one man to the other. She felt a mix of excitement and anxiety, and her heart was racing.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Todd asked her, his voice filled with concern and doubt.
Emily nodded her head, her eyes locked onto Kyle.
She could feel his strong, powerful presence in the room, and she couldn't believe how turned on she was becoming. She couldn't deny her attraction to him, and she knew that he had wanted to explore their fantasies together.
Kyle walked over to Emily, and as he got closer, she could smell his masculine scent. It was a mix of aftershave and cologne, with a hint of sweat and musk.
It was a scent that Emily had always found irresistible, and she felt her body tingle as she breathed it in.
Kyle leaned over her, his muscular chest pressed against her breasts, as he looked deep into her eyes. Emily felt a rush of heat between her legs as she stared back at him.
"You have no idea how long I've been wanting this," he said, his voice low and husky.
Todd watched them, feeling a mix of jealousy, lust, and guilt. He couldn't deny the appeal of Kyle, or the power dynamics of a husband and two lovers. But he also didn't want to lose Emily's love and devotion, and he worried about the consequences of their actions.
Still, as he watched Kyle and Emily interact, he couldn't deny the excitement and tension building between them.
They were both so into each other, and the way Kyle's eyes locked onto Emily's, Todd could tell that something was definitely brewing between them.
Kyle reached down and gently caressed Emily's cheek, making her shiver with delight.
Kyle leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. It was a gentle kiss at first, but it quickly grew in intensity as they explored each other's mouths with reckless abandon.
Todd couldn't believe what he was seeing.
What happened next he would never forget.

Chapter 3
As they kissed, Kyle began to caress Emily's body, tracing his fingers across her curves and dipping them between her thighs. He could feel her responding to his touch, her breath quickening and her hips bucking against him.
"Touch me," she whispered, her voice husky with desire.
Kyle obliged, cupping her breasts in his hands and massaging each nipple with his thumbs. Emily moaned as he fondled her, feeling herself becoming wetter and more aroused by the second.
She had never experienced such a powerful sexual attraction before, and she found herself lost in the moment, oblivious to all else.
Kyle continued to kiss and touch her, his lips moving against hers, his hands roaming over her body. He pulled down her dress, exposing her full breasts to him. He took one of them in his mouth, sucking and nibbling on it while still kissing her.
Emily let out a small squeal of pleasure, her hips bucking wildly against him.
Kyle could feel her muscles tensing and relaxing beneath his hands, the warmth of her body radiating against his skin.
He bent down and took her other breast in his mouth, suckling on it gently as he stroked her delicate skin with his fingers. Emily arched her back, her body trembling with desire.
Todd watched them from the corner of the room, his eyes wide with shock and fascination. He had never seen Emily like this before, her usually quiet and reserved nature transformed into an unbridled force of raw passion.
He could see how much she was enjoying herself, how much she craved the experience of being with him.
Kyle was taken aback by the intensity of her desire. He had never experienced anything quite like it before, and it made him feel alive in a way he hadn't since he was a young man.
As he continued to kiss and touch her breasts, he felt Emily's desire reaching a peak. She was breathing heavily now, her back arching up off the bed, her fingers clawing at his clothes.
Kyle felt his own body responding to the intensity of her need, his own desire for her growing stronger with every passing moment.
He ran his hands up her body, feeling her muscles quiver beneath his touch. He leaned over her, his face close to hers, and started to kiss her again, his tongue probing deep into her mouth.
Emily was lost in the sensation of his kiss, her own desire driving her onwards.
She wanted more, she yearned for him to touch her in ways she had never experienced before.
Kyle could feel the fire burning within her, and he knew that she was ready for him to make her his.
His hands roamed over her body, exploring her curves, caressing her skin, and teasing her senses. He moved down her body, lingering over her stomach, her hips, and finally her thighs.
Emily moaned softly, her body trembling with anticipation as he reached for her panties.
Kyle could feel how wet she was, her juices already soaking the fabric. He slowly pulled them down over her hips, watching as they fell to the floor.
Emily's pussy was exposed before him, dripping with desire. Kyle knelt down between her legs, his eyes fixated on her most intimate parts. He reached out to touch her, tracing a finger over her lips, feeling them part at his touch.
Emily moans deeply, feeling a surge of pleasure coursing through her body.
She can feel Kyle's fingers exploring her, teasing her flesh, and probing her entrance. She knows that tonight will be a night she will never forget.
Todd watches from the corner of the room as Emily is consumed by passion. He cannot believe the transformation he is witnessing, how his wife has been consumed by desire. He feels a mix of emotions, but mostly jealousy, as he watches Kyle touching her so intimately.
He knows that he should stop them, that they will both regret this in the morning, but he can't help himself, he is too aroused by the idea of his wife having sex with another man. His own cock was now rock hard watching the scene unfold in front of him, he rubs and pulls on it through his pants.
Kyle continues to explore Emily, his fingers tracing over her skin, teasing her clit, playing with her nipples, and exploring her body with a sense of abandon. She is responding to his touch, arching her back, moaning softly, and pushing her hips up towards him.
Emily wants more. She desires him more and more with every passing second.
Kyle smiles to himself, feeling confident and aroused by the sensation of her desire. He begins to kiss her once again, his tongue probing deeper into her mouth, his hands roaming over every inch of her skin.
Emily is lost in the moment, her mind consumed by the pleasure of Kyle's touch. She runs her hands through his hair, feeling the strands between her fingers, while he runs his hands over her body, exploring every curve and contour.
"I want you inside of me," she says, her voice shaking with desire.
Kyle nods, already fully aroused at the thought of being inside of her. Kyle quickly strips off his shorts and boxers. He quickly slips on a condom and gets closer to her. Here is where he makes her his he thought. He positions himself above her, feeling her wetness spreading around him as he enters her slowly.
Emily arches her back, her head falling back onto the pillow as Kyle slides deeper into her. She can feel every inch of him, every ridge and valley, and she moans softly as he withdraws and then penetrates her once again.
He is long and thick, filling her up completely, and she can feel every stroke of him as he moves inside of her.
Emily feels her body begin to tighten, her muscles tensing as she approaches climax. She can feel her orgasm building within her, rising up to meet Kyle's thrusts.
"Yes, yes!" she cries out, her voice high and shrill with desire.
Kyle feels Emily's body tighten around him as she reaches her climax, her juices flowing freely around him. He holds her tightly, feeling her body shudder in his arms as she rides out the wave of pleasure.
Once Emily has come down from her climax, Kyle continues to fuck her, his strokes slow and steady. He can feel her muscles relaxing around him, her desire giving way to a sense of peace and contentment.
As Kyle slowly fucks her he decides now is the time to start pushing the envelope. He pulls nearly out of Emily. Her eyes fly open "Please dont stop" she said. Kyle with a almost evil smile looks down at her, then over to her husband in the corner who is now frantically pulling at his much smaller white cock.
"Do you love this cock?" he asked. She bites her lip and nods.
"Thats not good enough tell me". he said. She stares up at him pleading with him with her eyes to keep going.
"Tell me or it stops here. Tell me you love this dick."
Emily rocks her hips trying to get him back inside. "I love your cock its amazing." she almost hissed.
"I want you to tell your husband over there whose pussy this is now, and what you think of black cock. I don't plan on sharing this pussy." he said with a growl catching them both off guard.
Half moaning Emily could only just manage to say "He is my husband and I love him, I cant stop fucking him"
With that Kyle began to slowly pump his cock in and out of her while rubbing her clit. Teasing her so close to yet another mind blowing orgasm.
"You can't have both, look at him over stroking his dick watching a real man fuck you, you are mine now its best if you just understand that now. This is my pussy only. I plan on fucking you daily until your carrying my baby. Your husband can stick around and help, but his little white cock never gets near your pussy again now either tell me everything i want to hear or im pulling out and you'll never get this cock again." He again slid to the very entrance of her pussy.
The words he just said hit her like a truck, she had such an amazing connection with him, he was so incredibly sexy and dominating in a way she didn't know she needed. Having another man dress down her husband in front of her and declaring his was going to breed her might be the hottest thing she had ever heard. She immediately felt the need to submit to this black god and his huge cock.
She took one look at her husband, then back to Kyle.
"This pussy is your property now; my husband's little white dick will never enter me without your permission. I’m yours anytime you want me. I’ve never felt anything as amazing as your big coc...." he cut her off.
"My big black cock" Kyle said.
"Yes, your big black amazing cock. It owns me now please fuck me."
Kyle smiled broadly, turned to Todd who had blown his load during the exchange and was now looking defeated and concerned.
"Now take off the condom so I can claim this married pussy" Kyle said.
"Wait we agreed...." Todd said before he was quickly stopped midsentence by his wife.
"I cant help it, I love you but his cock brings out something in me i cant deny" and with that Emily slipped off the condom from that life changing black dick. She took one quick look at his huge balls and wondered if there was any chance he wouldn’t knock her up. A black baby would be hard to explain but the idea of being bred like a a****l by this alpha male was to much to resist.
Kyle slid back fully into Emily’s hot tight pussy and began fucking her.
Her legs locked behind his back almost like she was trying to make sure he couldn't pull out again. He knew now that he had her.
It was like an addiction, a siren call that she couldn't resist. She wanted to feel his massive hands on her body, to feel his lips on hers, to feel his cock deep inside her. She couldn't stop thinking about it, couldn't stop wanting it.
Kyle began fucking her long and deep. Emily came again on his massive dick. His own orgasm was quickly building.
His dick pulsed in her, his head rubbing against her cervix with each thrust.
Emily looked at him, her eyes burning with lust.
She ran her fingers through his short,
slicked-back hair, feeling the weight of his body pressing into hers as he rode her to
glorious climax after glorious climax. She reveled in the sensation of his big, powerful
body over hers, grinding against her and moving inside her in a way that made her feel
completely possessed and totally in his control.
Kyle was now getting close, his big black cock was hammering her, and he felt that familiar feeling in his balls that meant she would be getting bred any moment. "You're mine now Emily, you will never get away from me now. You will always be riding this black monster, and I will always be filling you up with seed." Kyle said as he held her tightly as he felt his climax building.
As they both reached their orgasms, Kyle grunts and groans as he let out his primal instinct to mark his territory by cumming deep into her womb, making sure to leave his seed inside of her.
Kyle panting and groaning, he looks up at her with pleasure in his eyes. Knowing that he has left his mark on her, and she is his.
He leaves his massive cock buried deep in her to make sure she takes every drop of him.
They lay there entwined for some time, both of them feeling the aftereffects of their intense encounter.
Emily is still adjusting to the changes in her feelings and desires. She knows that something has changed within her.
As they lay there, Kyle reaches over and begins to caress her cheek. He is looking into her eyes and speaking in a tender, loving tone.
"I know you are struggling with these new feelings. You are mine now.
They begin to kiss and much to Emily's surprise she can feel Kyle starting to stir inside her. He could read the surprise on his face and rolled her over, so she was on top of him.
Emily began to rock her hips; she could feel this amazing dick coming back to life already. She couldn't believe it. It was going to be a long night.
Neither of the two lovers had noticed, but Todd had left the room and was now downstairs taking a sip of a strong drink. Him accidently not clearing his browsing history and indulging in a dirty fantasy had just turned him into a cuck. It was indeed a long night on the couch as they had to have fucked a half dozen times between when he left and morning. He heard them but didn't dare go upstairs for another dose of his new reality. In the morning he will see what's left of his marriage.
Publicat de lookingforfirst
1 an în urmă
Te rog să te sau să te pentru a posta comentarii.
lookingforfirst Editor 5 luni în urmă
la SubmissiveDave : You are very welcome!
Răspuns Arată comentariul original
SubmissiveDave 5 luni în urmă
OMG! I have just found this, and was stroking away whilst reading! Thank you! 
mrporn1 1 an în urmă
hopefully there is a part 2
jojosmallone 1 an în urmă
great story. My tiny limp white penis is leaking in my panties