This was me one evening! My stepdau pulled my cock out on the sofa while her Mother was having a bath, and I was already hard, and I exploded almost immediately! She had been teasing me, wearing her short black kimono robe after her shower, and flashing her bare thighs and 34d breasts.....she saw my rigid outline along my thigh over my jeans, and opened her robe, exposing her gorgeous big breasts, then pulled my jeans open! I fondled and squeezed her tits as she gripped my throbbing shaft, and she wanked me rapidly....I could not hold back, and spurted all across her bare thighs and my belly!
I totally identify with this, it's the anticipation of what's to come, if I'm horny and we've been fooling about a bit then if my wife undresses me I'm often absolutely at the point of no return as soon as she touches me, or before I even try and penetrate her.
efficient, why is it called premature when it's been boiling over ready to pop before undressed? It's a very natural response, he's ready to be admonished and locked into chastity for her. Keep him tight.