Any Cock in the World?

If you could suck any cock in the world, who's cock would it be? I'd suck Bailey Jay.… Ler mais

Publicado por scarlson959 há 1 ano 33

still an impotent loser

today i managed my first limp orgasm of the year. i am now into year 3 of being impotent and do not even get semi hard. i am still a poppers addict and this seems to have made my limp little cock even smaller it now never gets bigger than 2.5 " which i am still delighted about and it amuses my mistress and her friends no end.My limp orgasm was quite unexpected as i still struggle with them and am still left frustrated most of the time. this latest one was quite strong and i even dribbled out a thumb nails worth of cum. hopefuly throughout this year i will find it easier to cum and dribble more… Ler mais

Publicado por polly12372 há 1 ano 9