The Human Race

This is just a rambling piece, spouting my own opinions and feelings on the current state of the world. Please take everything I say in this post as just an opinion of mine. You're entirely free to agree/disagree with any part of it as you wish. Don't take anything I say as total fact, regardless of how much I believe in it or how much you agree/disagree with it.

I'm just trying/hoping to get people thinking about things, and to question everything going on around them.

Always question everything, never ever take anything at face value, and make your own damn mind up!

I've genuinely been trying my very best to be more positive in my outlook on life this year. Even with the whole world burning up into ashes right before my eyes, I've just been sitting back, letting the flames lick at my skin all around me, with a smile on my face saying, "What a beautiful warm glow :)"

I've been trying my damnedest to just keep my damn mouth shut and enjoy the pleasant crackling sound of the fire amongst all the bloodcurdling screams and wails from all the innocents being burned to a crisp.

I tried my best...

But, dammit, if the universe is not just doing its best to make being positive such an impossible task to achieve! lol

You can take your World War Threes, your global viral pandemics, your global recessions, your murder hornets, and everything else that's horrible to happen in 2020, and shove it!

The newest addition to the big ol' soup of shit of 2020, is definitely going to be the one thing that completely stunts and destroys the advancement of humanity for at least the next several centuries. The developing race war that's taken the world by storm.

Oh, but this isn't a war involving weapons, mass destruction, executions, prisoner of war camps, trench warfare, or any other traditional sense of a conflict between warring factions.

Oh no, this is a war that's going to be far more destructive than any of those things!

Even nuclear warfare will seem like a better option for humanity compared to the destruction that's going to come from the fallout of all this hatred in the world.

Already, we're seeing just how fractured the world has become thanks to this. There's so much more hatred, vileness, bitterness, and anger amongst humans now, than at any other time in history. The divide between human beings is growing bigger and bigger, and that opening chasm is about ready to swallow us all up in one fell swoop.

Black Lives Matter has undone decades upon decades of hard-fought social development, understanding, justice and equality work from many a brave individual who sacrificed so much (even their very lives), in just a matter of a couple short weeks with their brand of divisive racist hatred.

It's no secret that I've made it clear in the past of my utter disdain for that horrific racist political movement, who seek to only drive a huge wedge between the many differing races of the world, who wish to divide humanity and stoke the flames of racist hatred until ultimately every group/race on the planet all hate each other.

Like the bitter hate-fuelled cowards they are, they hide behind their namesake "black lives matter" slogan, and they hide their true intentions of it all behind a veil of moral righteousness. They publicly explain themselves and their slogan to mean that they're combating the "global racism and discrimination towards the black race".

OK, combating any form of racism and discrimination against a group/race found in the world is indeed a good cause to champion. Racism and discrimination has no right to exist in the modern age of civilised enlightenment, it serves no purpose to anyone, and should quite rightly be wiped out. No human being should ever have to face racism and/or discrimination based on their race in their live.

Sadly, we don't live in a perfect world, and racism/discrimination exists. But we must never give up, we must always challenge racism/discrimination in all its forms until every human on the planet is safe from being discriminated against for the colour of their skin.

It's just a huge shame that Black Lives Matter doesn't wish to destroy racism and discrimination in the world. It wants to end racism/discrimination against the black race, sure, but only to the black race.

Now, forgive my ignorance here, but I ask the question; is it really only black people around the world who are the targets of racism? Do only black people around the world experience discrimination based on their race?

There are certainly places around the world where being black is a disadvantage. There's also places around the world where being black is an advantage. But that's the case for all groups and races around the world. In some places in the world it's very beneficial to belong to a certain group or race, in other places it's very unbeneficial to belong to a certain group or race.

And there's even some parts of the world where race is a total non-issue, where no matter which group or race you belong to, you have the exact same advantages/disadvantages as every other group/race living there.

Until we end ALL forms of discrimination and racism throughout the world, there's only ever going to be some places in the world where race is a non-issue. THAT'S what we should all aim for. Not just for one race to be "saved" from discrimination. All races should have and deserve the privilege of not being discriminated against.

Black Lives Matter are only representing and championing the rights, privileges and freedoms of the black race, and are only targeting racism/discrimination that's only targeted at the black race. Forgive my ignorance again, but I ask, surely only championing just ONE race out of all the thousands of different races found around the world, well, isn't that just a little bit of a racist thing to do? O_o

It just all feels very sinister to me. I'm seeing places online where people are trending the hashtag #WhiteLivesMatter, and everyone is attacking this and the people who tag that for being racist.

For me, personally, anyone saying "white lives matter" is just as stupid, pointless, and ridiculous as anyone who says "black lives matter". There's no difference at all between the sentiments. And to those who argue that #WhiteLivesMatter is racist, I ask them, "Would you still consider it to be racist if #BrownLivesMatter, or #YellowLivesMatter, or #PurpleLivesMatter, or #TartanLivesMatter, or whatever lives matters, started trending?"

There's even plenty of idiots who are now claiming that #AllLivesMatter is a racist thing to tag! hahaha xD

Like, seriously, the least non-racist thing of all to say is that every human life on earth matters. But, nope, according to certain dumbasses, that's a very racist thing to proclaim.

Only #SomeLivesMatter is acceptable(!) hahaha xD

Ahh, there's no end to the stupidity found in humans lol but maybe that's something the human race can all unite together behind? That humanity, regardless of race, is a very stupid thing, we're all just dumbass idiots, and we should all join together as one big gelatinous mass of stupidity? Just a thought :)

Prepare yourself, folks, there's going to be a TON of positive-discrimination that's going to come from all this.

..Ugh, PoSiTiVe-DiScRiMiNaTiOn is the worst fucking tool for "defeating racism" that has ever been conjured up in the brain-dead minds of the most incompetently stupid idiots on the planet.

I mean, fuck judging someone on the content of their character and acting just and fair to someone based upon who they are as a person and how they act/behave around/towards others, fuck all that noise. Let's just all judge people on the colour of their skin and/or group/race they belong to, and reward/punish them thusly for only that sole reason! That'll defeat racism(!)

Like, let's all destroy discrimination WITH discrimination! That'll definitely solve that particular problem in humanity and bring all the races together in harmonious unity, by rewarding some groups/races and punishing other groups/races(!)

That won't divide humanity at all(!)

...Fucking dumbass morons...

But I digress, and will put the lid back onto that whole can of worms for now :P lol

Am I the only one who's horrified by the censorship and wiping out of human history that's come from all of this?

Black Lives Matter "protesters" (re: thugs, hooligans, and nasty violent scumbags) are tearing down statues, and crossing out the names and events in the history books to appease their own agenda and the sensibilities of the modern age.

What total fucking bullshit!

Yes, some statues can be found in the world which depict people who benefited to varying degrees of involvement from the 17th - 18th century African slave trade. Slavery was/still is a very horrible shitstain that blots the sheets of humanity and it has no place whatsoever in a civilised world -- though, sadly, slavery and trade in humans still exists in the world to this day, yet no one likes to talk about that because it offends certain people/governments...!

But guess what, that wasn't the only time people and governments practised in and benefited from human slavery.

Oh no, slavery has been around since the dawn of man (possibly even before modern humans rose up through the evolutionary ranks?).

The Ancient Greeks owned and traded in slaves, does that mean we're to tear down all the Ancient Greek artefacts around the world? Are we to tear apart everything the Ancient Greeks taught us about language, maths, science, and democracy, amongst the many other things we got from the Ancient Greeks, because they owned and traded in slaves?

The Ancient Romans traded in slavery, does that mean we're to wipe away all the architecture and the names of modern places around the world that derived from back when the Romans had an empire and built/named our towns, roads, and places? Are we to tear apart everything we got from the Ancient Romans because they owned and traded in slaves?

If we're to do that, then we're going to have to destroy EVERYTHING we own/use right now. Because even today, governments are trading in slaves/benefiting from slavery, and there's very little if anything that we own/use today that's not the result of/or has been dirtied by slave labour in some form or another.

All just the appease our modern sensibilities. What total fucking bullshit.

Tearing down and defacing statues, is just a piss-poor excuse for dumbass thugs to take out their impotent rage and urge for violence on an inanimate object that has very little if anything to do with their cause -- that's if they're not too busy looting shops for that brand new TV they got their eye on, or ganging up on and beating up a defenceless person just because they don't agree with them...

I'm not going to justify any slave trades that's happened/happens around the world, because there is no justification for that level of cruelty placed upon humans. But I'm not going to wipe those whole events from the history/record books, either. There was pros that came from those vile trades, as well as cons too. That's something we're all going to have to decide as individuals for ourselves as to whether such human suffering was ultimately a good thing for humanity in the long run (the ends justifying the means), or whether that price was just too terrible a cost for humanity to have paid...

Either way, I'd rather we all use history for what it's best for, and that's to LEARN from it. But how are any of us to learn from history, if we cross out all the parts/names/places/events in history that's unsettling to our modern sensibilities? The simple answer is, we cannot. We need to look at and study ALL the parts of human history, no matter how unpleasant some of it is, if we wish to know our future and advance humanity for the better.

Censorship has NO PART in the world. Nothing should ever be censored. No facts should ever be crossed out or twisted around to suit the current narrative, or to appease modern sensibilities.

The only thing that should ever be censored, is censorship itself, for censorship is a blight on the freedoms and privileges of ALL humanity. We should all unite together to combat censorship, because censorship is used by those in power to keep everyone, regardless of race, in chains...

Do we not all wish to be free?

...I ultimately just want all humans to unite together against life itself.

Life is a very cruel mistress. She hurts us and punishes us without any care for who we are or what we do. No matter if we're a good person or a bad person, if we're rich or poor, she'll always crack her whip over us and make us suffer in one way or another. To some lucky ones, she's more merciful to them, and to others she's more cruel.

That is life.
That is what life does.

We, as humans, must all come to realise this, and decide to help each other out. We need to realise that, when life is being cruel to us, she's also being cruel to others. Let's not give life that satisfaction of breaking us and turning us against each other. Let's all see our fellow human suffering the way we do, and offer them our hand in understanding, love, and kindness.

That is how we defeat the evils that plague the world, and how we dispel the evil found within humanity.

We don't defeat the cruelty of life by being cruel and mean and evil to each other. We win life, by being kind and loving and caring.

Any person who is evil, should not be accepted in humanity. Anyone who revels in anger and hatred of their fellow human, who show no sign of being kind to anyone, doesn't deserve a single ounce of our love or kindness or mercy in return.

If we all acted together to reward acts of love and kindness with love and kindness in return, and if we refuse to reward acts of anger and hatred with anger and hatred in return, soon enough this world will be filled with love and kindness, and life itself will have no power over us...

Just think about that next time you feel like hurting someone - you're only hurting yourself with self-inflicted wounds. Try to heal others instead, and you'll end up healing yourself.
Publicado por ms_cream_puff
há 4 anos
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a Mikkkl : Glad I'm in some way or another, providing pleasant and interesting surprises to the world :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: lol

I think the most important thing to ever come from discussions/debates, is to get people thinking about the world around them and questioning it all. It's only when people stop thinking and stop questioning their world, do we end up in... Well... Do we end up in the world we're currently in right now! lol

I thank you for your thought-provoking additions and questions :smile:
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a Nelman33 : Absolutely.

I just think that the means to reach that goal of putting a full end to those forms of discrimination/racism/bigotry/misogyny/etc still faced in the world by many people, needs to be fair and equal when implemented in its practises for all the people of the world.

By its very nature, humanity cannot ever hope to be united, if it's still being separated and forced into divisions (regardless of if the divisions are a new form of separation compared to the old form of division), as it's still forever trapping people in a constant and divisive "them vs us" mentality.
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a ms_cream_puff : Once again, very surprised to be having such a discussion here - I usually come for a different reason lol! Just to clarify, I don't have answers to my questions either but I'm glad you found them worth thinking about. Not sure if I have much else to contribute to the debate, so I'll take a back seat for now and just say that this has been a very pleasant and interesting surprise :wink:
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a ms_cream_puff : I don’t mean to make a lecture, but it is a long time since lawyers and philosophers have distinguished between formal (we are all the same before the law) and substantial equality (we have in fact the same opportunities). In our society, there are people who are not treated the same way (black people killed by police; violazione of formal equality) and who have not the same opportunities (poor, women, black or immigrants etc.). It is a duty of civil States to try to reach formal and substantial equality. 
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a Nelman33 : Equality, to me, should mean that everyone, no matter who they are, their race, their gender, what background they come from, who their parents/friends are, if they're rich or poor, religious or atheist, whatever. From birth, everyone has a nice clean smooth slate ahead of them, where they can carve their own way in life onto it, with the same equal opportunities as everyone else to either succeed or fail in their pursuits in life, based solely upon their own natural skills/abilities and their desires for personal improvement in whatever aspect of life that they are able to personally achieve. Just the same as every other person that's born with their very own clean slate.

That, in my opinion/belief, is the most ideal form of equality that humanity could ever hope to achieve.

Of course, we don't live in such an equal world right now. Until we do, I'll always champion for everyone, regardless of anything, to strive towards that equality. I want that equality for ALL people. Not just equality for some people for a bit, and then equality to other people for a bit afterwards. That practise will always be unequal and unbalanced.

Like, I just don't see how punishing some and rewarding others will ever lead to that equal balance in life. By doing that, that'll eventually lead to those who were once punished needing to be rewarded and those who were once rewarded needing to be punished. Then eventually the scales will be tipped, and those who were once rewarded will now need to be punished, and those who were once punished will now need to be rewarded. Then the scales will eventually tip again, and you'll then need to punish those who were once rewarded, and those who were once punished will now need to be rewarded. And this unbalanced back-and-forth scale-tipping will continue, time and time again, ad-infinitum, until either the scales completely break down, or until humanity tears itself apart because one side of the scale will always feel the other side has it better/worst than their side does.
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a Mikkkl : These are my thoughts on your questions you raised;

1) I'm trying to figure out how to put my thoughts onto this into the correct wording. ...I think the sins of the father doesn't mean the son ought to be punished for his actions. Basically, whatever wrongs someones ancestors committed, doesn't now make the descendants of that ancestor personally/legally responsible for their ancestors actions and shouldn't be personally/legally required to "make up for it" to the descendants of the wronged ancestor.

That said, if the transgressor's descendants do actually want to make up for it to the wronged person's descendants (for moral reasons, to absolve themselves of their ancestors guilt, or for whatever reason) then they should be free to do so, providing the wronged descendants is happy/willing to accept it. Both parties need to be sensible/reasonable about it, though, and after a while, both descendants have to draw the line in the sand, get that chip off of their shoulder, and aim towards mutual friendship where both parties can prosper in their lives to whatever extent they can.

Sadly though, for some people, enough is just never enough. Some people will always have that chip on their shoulder, demanding that the world owes them more even after they're given more than enough. They will always want more and more, and nothing will ever be good enough for them no matter how much they get. And that's not a race thing, either, I know plenty of people of differing races who go through life thinking the universe owes them more than what they have and are just never happy with what they're given. I also know plenty of people of differing races who go through life who know when enough is enough and can move past any past trauma/transgressions they or their loved ones suffer and get on with living/enjoying their life to the best they can.

2) I don't know how to educate people on how to avoid/not suffer from that victimhood-mentality mind trap. If I knew that secret, there'd be a hell of a lot less "victims" walking around now haha

I suppose I'll never understand how to do that, because I absolutely detest ever being a victim myself. Like, even when I'm wronged in life (and I've been wronged a whole bunch of times), I never think, "I'm the victim here! I deserve ALL THE SYMPATHY from the whole world!!! Give me MY SYMPATHY, dammit!! >:O" haha

Instead, whenever someone wrongs me in life, I just calmly say, "OK, so you've chosen to wrong me -_- that's cool, I'll just make you either sincerely apologise for it, or pay for wronging me, and then we'll both move on from it as happy as a bunch of daisies. Cool? Good :pensive:" lol
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a Mikkkl : That's very kind and generous of you to call my opinionated ramblings "nuanced opinions" lol it felt more like I was just throwing my messy knotted twine-ball of deep-seated thoughts onto the page and letting it untangle as it may lol but thank you :smile:

You make some very good points and raise very thought-provoking ponderings/questions, which I always appreciate :smile:

I think if you're fortunate enough to live in a democracy, where every adult has the right to a fair vote, the press/news media is free to report on any factual stories they find on anybody/about any issue, and all the citizens of the land have that oh so precious and sacred right to the freedom of free-thought and free-speech and can openly/publicly criticise their government without fear of reprisals, then peaceful protesting is the only acceptable way to protest for the changes that the protesters want in such a place. As soon as violence and vandalism and physical aggression towards anyone who opposes/disagrees with their protest comes into it, it is no lo longer a protest and instead just becomes a bunch of vandals causing public chaos just for the sheer self-serving anarchic pleasure of it, and it deeply damages whatever cause the protesters had.

I totally understand, of course, that if you're conducting a peaceful protest in such a free place, and the cops who are meant to just be corralling the protest, start acting physically aggressive towards you that you want to/must defend yourself. People have every right to defend themselves from physical harm. But there's a huge difference between acting in self-defence when under attack, and actively kicking the hornets nest, as it were, by leading the physical attack against your aggressors.

People who wish to protest in a free democracy, should first go out of their way to learn/study their rights and freedoms as a citizen, and the rights/legalities of how to conduct a peaceful protest first, long before they start painting their slogans onto their placards. Such knowledge would serve them better than any other tool ever could, and it would also help them to garner even more support from the quiet masses, and any wrongdoing they face they'll know how to properly bring about legal retribution/justice towards any police officer who breaks the law in failing in their duty to legally corral the organised protest.

(I'll continue this response in my second comment)
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Angie, iban pretty sure the movement black lives matter wants to end any kind of discrimination. Also, remember that the principle of equality means treating in the same way same situations and in different ways different situations. So if anyone is disadvantaged (on a social, economical etc. Level), it is right to adopt positive measures.
I wasn't expecting to read nuanced opinions in xhamster but here it is, and well done! I agree on many points you have raised, I just think it may be useful to distinguish between the deliberate political/social doctrine (if it exists) behind the positive discrimination etc phenomena, and the masses of people that are part of this flow because of noble motives that you describe (eg social injustice problems etc). I am definitely not an expert in all this, but as far the political/social doctrine goes, I have heard/read of social constructionism, post-modernism and even neo-marxism arising in all sorts of cases of (more or less) oppressed (smaller or larger) minorities. While I don't fully understand these doctrines/theories, I have seen several people make very logical and convincing cases against them. The rebuttal to these arguments is often very emotionally charged, lacking in reasonable dialogue and sometimes verbally violent. And this brings me to the masses: in any oppressed minority group (racial, sexual identity - take your pick) it seems to me that there is often a silent majority that is just trying to figure life out and then a very loud minority that speaks as if representing the whole group when in fact it doesn't. Granted, in recent events a significant part of the silent majority is much less silent and (I believe) with good reason, perhaps this time enough is enough - as long as it's just peaceful protesting and not vandalism, although violent suppression of peaceful protesting doesn't help either. I can't tell if I'm contributing to the debate or being captain obvious but here are my two bottom-line thoughts/questions: 1. In the equal-opportunities vs equal-outcomes debate, how do you get a (formerly more, nowadays probably less) oppressed minority to choose the equal-opportunities side and not ask for more in what they view as fair compensation for their own or their predecessors' oppression? 2. Moving past the (by all means non-negligible) trauma, being a victim (applies to oppression but to other situations too) puts someone in the psychologically advantageous position of being right, deserving sympathy and pursuing fair compensation as a good cause. Again, not neglecting all the pain, I can see (sometimes in myself too) the dark appeal of assuming a victim role in order to feel better for myself and perhaps attach meaning to my existence. How do you educate people to be aware this trap, sidestep it and most important of all, attach meaning to their lives by other means? Perhaps I should ask for world peace too? :wink: Anyway, that's my two cents - hope it made sense. :smile: