
My local newsagents are asian i call in there very early ever morning about 4.30 am sometimes Chan is there getting papers ready for home delivery.Once he has them ready his wife Jen takes care of the shop while he delivers the papers. I loved it when summer came as Jen would where lovely summer dresses she has nice legs slim body small tits more nipple really. Sometimes i would come in when Chan was out on delivery and Jen would be bending over arranging things and i would get a beautiful view of her naked thighs which always give me a raging hard on. One morning it got the better of me and i told Jen her husband was a very lucky man. Jen asked me what i meant. I told her he was lucky to have such a beautiful sexy wife to go to bed with every night. Jen thanked me then went very quite before telling me he hasnt been like a husband for a long time. I asked Jen was he not having sex with Jen went bright red before saying yes no sex for a long time. I told Jen i would love to have sex with her if she would let me.She nodded and ask where i said back room of shop you have alarm that tells when people come into the shop. With that i kissed Jen and took her by the hand and led her to the back room we started kissing and my cock was throbbing.I placed Jens hand on my cock and she gasped how hard it was. Meanwhile i was rubbing Jens panty clad pussy and could feel a wet patch already. I lifted her dress and removed her panties i then sat her up on the table opened her legs to expose her pussy covered by thick black hair.Jen was shaking with excitement and hornyness. I began licking her pussy she was soaking wet i no time and it didnt take long for her to cum. I couldnt wait any longer as i stood up I asked Jen was she on the pill she said no but cum in me anyway. I rubbed the head of my cock against her hot wet pussy then proceded to fed my cock into her bit by bit. After i got it all inside her i left it there enjoying her heat and wetness. I then started to fuck Jen with long deep strokes Jen started cuming and i could hold on any longer her pussy was gripping my cock as i fucked her and emptied my cum into her cock starved pussy. I fuck Jen most mornings now. One day she told me she spiked Chans food so he would fuck her incase i fucked a baby into her.
Publicado por mop1982
há 5 anos
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I love Asian women in summer dresses