Sally's Fifth Conquest

After the party both Paul and I were a little overwhelmed and not that turned on by the experience. We meet some nice interesting people but the sex was not that much fun. It seemed scripted and lacked any real passion. As far as orgasms go, I can whip up a nice one in about ten to fifteen minutes with my vibrator. I guess the part I liked the least was a lack of desire.
Carol and Benny were interested in coming over occasionally, and they were certainly welcome. But honestly that FWB thing had worked out to a once a month deal where we would go out for a nice dinner and a show then fuck each others brain's out for a few hours and crash in a motel room till Sunday morning- It made more sense to have our Lifestyle activities outside the purview of our k**s.
I doubt that I would lie to any of them if they ask me about it. But honestly I don't want to know the intimate details of my k**s sex lives and I am sure they are not interested in mine.
We did start going bareback with them, the rule was we all got a blood screen,(it costs nothing if you donate blood) and played safe out side our little circle.
I guess I was ready for some new thrill, something sexual that was a little bit of a challenge. But I was a loss as to what. I by this time had done every thing I had ever imagined doing, I did not even find any porn inspiring any more.
I guess I was looking for another conquest. I was the subject of the conquest, not my husband, not my sexual partners, this was I who was conquering my fears and inhibitions.
I relaxed a bit. Paul and I were happy, we swing just enough to keep things interesting and our extra curricular activities haven't caused us any problems. Still I wanted to do something different. I started to feel a little guilty about this because I knew that Paul was game for about anything. How could he fulfill my desire if I didn't know what to ask for?
Me and Carol had started visiting at least once a week. Coffee and cake, nothing special, but we started to enjoy each others company. I was never much for gossiping or simple girl talk. I had suffered through those awkward work things Paul dragged me to. The PTA and Scouts were a little different, there were actual tasks to do and the conversations dwelt with something besides me. I do not have a poor self image, I just do not think I am that interesting, and I detest listening to women going on and on about their personal drama. Life is not a soap opera.
I know you want to me and Carol to have some hot lesbian action, sorry to disappoint. I like Carol and we have had some pleasant pastimes with each other when we get together to play, but if there isn't a man involved it really doesn't get me going. I am about as much a lesbian as Paul is gay, not at all.
As Carol and I spoke, I realized that she was probity the only person in the world I could confide with about my minor problem outside Paul.
So what is your problem? Carol ask.
It's not really a problem, I just don't know what I want. I replied
So what are you missing? Your dance card looks pretty full to me. She said with a grin.
That is just it, I don't know, But I feel like something is missing. Fucking is fucking, but it has lost some of the passion and desire I need. I confided.
So what are you missing? She ask. Tell me the last time you felt the passion you feel you are missing now.
I thought about it, then replied. I think it was when I seduced that k** Randy, the tease and the sex was phenomenal.
Oh, the problem is a plain as the nose on your face, Carol smiled. You love the power. There is none greater than the power of pussy.
We both busted out in laughter as I realized she was correct.
Look, I would not call you a control freak, but you like to have your hand in what ever happens, she added.
I knew she was right. I wasn't challenged by the consensual adultery me and Paul were engaging in, The conclusion was determined before we got into the car to leave. I guess I would have to scheme a little to get what I wanted. I realized what I wanted was my power of seduction. Not to corrupt, but to empower myself.
My mother told me when I was a little girl still waters run deep, and I guess that lessen sunk in.
Paul and I discussed the situation and I told him that I would like to seduce someone. He immediately made a suggestion of a younger guy at work who had just emerged from a rather nasty divorce. His divorce had become final the week before. The first rule I have developed was “Do no harm”. In my sexual activities. In this case I believe that I might be doing someone a little good. After his wife’s rejection I am sure his ego was more than a little deflated.
The first opportunity we would have to meet my target with a legitimate social occasion was one of those mandatory fun things the crew had with the boss about once a quarter. Paul and I had worked out a plan which was simple but gave me the opportunity I was looking for.
At about nine Paul approached me while I was speaking with Dave, my target and told me that Julie's car was broken down and he had to drive the ninety minutes to see about the car and get her back to her dorm room or home, it was a Friday. He was actually going to the university-but Julie's car was in the parking lot by the dorm and it needed a new battery.
Paul asked David if he would see me home to save a hours worth of driving and he volunteered like a true gentleman.
I told David that I was in no hurry to get home and to depart the party when he felt comfortable. Paul and I do not drink much at all, so I was legal to drive. When David got around to making his goodbyes. I stayed close, but a respectable distance. On the ride home we spoke about our situations, my k**s, his divorce and things in general. He drove one of those low slung Jap sport cars with a nonexistent back seat that no adult could set in. I allowed my dress to ride up my legs as I adjusted my seat back lower to get more comfortable. I guess I had about an inch below my cookie. I was wearing one of those silky black clingie dresses and I had opted for the commando look, I had a nice push up bra and hose but nothing else. The bait was in the water, I relaxed and quietly observed if David would show some interest. We were driving on the expressway towards my suburb and through half closed eyes I watched his eyes travel down to my legs. Now was time to get the hook.
Oh these heels have to go! As I brought up my feet to unclasp the buckles, left then right giving David a nice peek of my cookie as I removed them. Oh what torture we go through to look good!
I drew up my foot to massage it, but in the limited space of the bucket seat I felt it wasn't worth it. As we drove on with the heater on I noted that he was shifted in his seat to accommodate his erection. The limited confines of the car my scent must have been having my desired effect.
I know in an age of deodorants and perfumes we underestimate the power of our natural scents. In reality they are powerful. From what I have read,(I do read, especially sense I stopped working), one sent is enough to cause all women in a proximity to have there periods at the same time. That being in the same room, how much more powerful should my sex pheromones be in a stuffy little car?
We exited the and move onto surface streets, five minutes to our destination. As we neared our destination I slipped down my shoulder straps of my bra and slipped it around, unclasped and removed it from the front of my dress. Excuse me, It starting to pinch.
I leaned forward to point out the correct turns,(it had been years sense he had been been to our house, then to attend Paul's promotion party). I move close to give instructions, putting my left hand lightly on his shoulder to steady myself. I could feel his body tense up.
As we approached the house “Pull around back, it's cold and wet and I don't want to walk barefoot, it is cold and wet.” I pulled out my phone and punched up the app to open the garage doors. “Pull on in” and as his car came to a stop, I closed the doors behind us. Would you like to see the work I put into remodeling the place?” He agreed and I noted it was just a little shy of eleven. Starting at the basement I pointed out my numerous improvements till we arrived at the master bedroom, and I told him I was especially proud of our bathroom. He said that was fortuitous as he made a beeline to the toilet.
After he closed the door behind him, I determined it was now or never so I stepped out of my dress and set down to remove my stockings. He opened the door just as I removed my last shred of clothing.
He immediately backed up and excused himself, but I stopped him. “It's OK.”
“But Paul?”
“He knows, we are 'open', we swing, whatever you want to call it”.
“Are you sure this is cool?”
“Come over here and find out”.
David was cautious, but he obliged with my command and his palatable desire. Then lifted me up for a nice deep kiss from my padded bench at the foot of my bead. As soon as we broke our kiss, with both our efforts we had him dressed for the occasion within a minute. I figured it had been more than three months sense he had been with a woman so I felt that any extended foreplay was pointless. This was going to start with him penetrating me, he was fully erect in any case. He had a average pecker, about six inches and cut, a little thick. More than enough to work with. I walked along one side of the bed and motioned for him to go to the other. We pulled down the comforter and top sheet. The play ground was ready. I dropped a nice thick pillow in the center of the bed crawled over, sat upon it and with I leaned reback and lay there with my legs open wide, my knees folded and gave him a command I am sure he welcomed.”Join me now.”
As he approached on his knees I reached down and spread my lips to remove any obstruction. I was correct assuming that I was ready to take him on his first stroke and I hooked my heels behind him drawing our pelvises tight together. With him as deep as he was going to get I began to work on him with my muscles. It is a point of pride with me that over the last two years sense me and Paul have been swinging I have gotten to the point that I could put a crimp in a paper drinking straw. I also have dropped from a thirty inch waist to a twenty six. All in all, swinging had done wonders for my figure. As I manipulated him with my pussy, he put his arms around me and gave me a full on kiss. I am sure David wouldn't last long initially, so I brought up my knees and broke my kiss gave him room to start his ride. I can honestly say that his technique was one of a desperate speed. He ravished me like a hungry dog would go for food. David was obviously starved for pussy. Most of the executives and officer's had to have a physical every six months because of the substantial life insurance the company had on them, and I knew from Paul it included a STD screen. David was getting me bareback.
He started to buck at that old four four count and his lunched forward as he climaxed deep within me. The warmth from his eruption within me triggered my own little orgasm. One I would have to be satisfied with a few years ago, but this is now.
As I felt him loose his hard he dismounted. I tightened up to keep his gift deep inside of me. Honestly I have found no better lube than semen, and I intended to use this load for that shortly. We moved to the head of the bed and cuddled a little while we caught our breath.
“Thank you” was the first words out of his mouth.
“Would you like something to drink” I ask.
“Sure, got any beer?”
“Be back in a flash” On my way to get a few beers, I realized that I wanted to share my experience with Paul. Upon my return I ask David if he would like to record our action, he was hesitant but gave his consent.
“Don't worry. This is for Paul” I said, “We share everything”. Paul had mounted two cameras in our room. And with a few commands both were recording. They were not HDs or anything expensive, but for our purposes they did the job, especially under the low light in the room. I know that the fact that I was recording this on my computer should not make any difference, it did. I felt more assertive and active than normal because I knew that Paul would be watching them tomorrow afternoon at the latest and more than likely was watching already.. That made it a turn on.
David was apologetic and said” I'm sorry but the divorce got me so paranoid. Honestly I have never did any thing like this”.
I announced to the camera for Paul to call us as I proven that he had logged on to my computer and had a view to every thing going on. My phone rang and Paul asked for David and after I answered.
After a brief exchange I could see David viably relax and smile. “He said to log in to his computer, when we took a break.” David said as he handed my phone back to me.
I was looking forward to a nice deliberate fuck with David and I assumed the possession for a full on missionary, even putting my favorite pillow under my butt and lower back to give him the best angle. I had my eyes closed and I first felt the warmth of his body between my thighs and then his cock entering me. My labia was still wet and smeared with his come and I did not need to manually open myself to his penetration. As he bottomed out inside of me I was thankful that he was supporting most of his weight on his arms as I grasped his butt to encourage his performance. I wanted him to pop three times tonight. I figured that each set would be twice as long as the previous fuck so I was reasonably sure David was going to give me a twenty minute ride, more than enough time to pull a nice hard orgasm.
Unknown to David, Paul's trip to our daughter consisted of him taking JJ to dinner and giving her a set of jumper cables and a credit card to buy a battery the next day. I expected him to be home down in his basement office by now. David quickly found a nice grove and was doing a good job getting me off. I sensed his head swell and his warm cream fill me. I felt the orgasm I had been cultivating wash over me like a flood. After he dismounted I logged in to Paul and got a video image of him in his basement office.
I asked David if he was enjoying himself and he replied that he had not had so much carnal pleasure in years. Now for the nut cutting. “You understand that we are swingers, do you know what that means?
David said he basicly understood that we had sex with other people with each other's consent.
No it is more, we enjoy watching each other having sex with others. We have no jealousy because we are secure in our relationship. Could you handle it if you both were here right now and fucking me?
He was honest, He said that he had never done anything like that but he believed that he could cope.
“Well no time like the present”, with that Paul entered the room nude and rude. He pushed me back on the bed and was inside me within ten seconds. Paul asked David if he knew what a tag-team was as he was riding me. David was just standing and watching, but he was developing a hard. He asked Paul for a little more information.
“What I mean is that you and I will take turns on Sally, for a few minutes each. Long enough that she enjoys it, not too long that we lose our hard.
I guess that David got the jest of what we were intending, and he started to jack himself to get ready to take his turn. I watched David until I saw that he was reasonably hard and gave Paul the signal to dismount. I motion to David to get on me and he did with surprising speed. I had never done this before but I witnessed something like it at the club we went to. Even there it was pretty hard core. But I was curious how long I could fuck and how much I could cum, how far can I go?
Paul and David continued this team effort for the next ninety minutes, I know that is accurate because the camera was still on recording on to a file on my hard drive and afterwords I was curious. Basicly I got onto a plane where my body was erupting in orgasm as soon as the previous one diminished enough to make room for the next. I suppose I had between thirty to forty Os. I know that in all the porn shots the women moan loudly and shout encouragement to their bulls. I actually have never seen that in real life yet. As for myself, I usually grunt out a low yessss... as they occur I usually do not talk much while I fuck- I find it a distraction.
By the time Paul delivered his load in me I was grateful. As much as I love to screw, I was getting to the point of exhaustion. David was back in the saddle in a flash and was definitely trying to do the same. As he came he let out a high pitched squeal. I was done. Too relaxed and too tired to move. I guess I could have done more, but I would not be participating more than to lay there.
The next thing I realized it was ten in the morning. Paul and David were not to be seen. The first thing I needed to do was to piss, then straight to the shower. I was crusty with sweat, dried cum and the combined aromas of our colognes, perfume and after shaves. The hot shower did a lot to chase the cob webs out of my head. After I dried my self I walked back into my bed room and found Paul setting down a try with a nice breakfast on it.
“Did you have a good time?” he asked.
“I don't have words to do it justice. What happened after I passed out?
“ Nothing much, David asked if you were OK and thanked us profusely. Then he asked if we ever wanted a repeat of last night to please call him”
“I'll do one better, let's hook him up with the Supper club and Jill, Lackofnookie is a terrible condition, we need to eradicate it anywhere we can.”
Publicado por Dantheman55
há 8 anos
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