Panty fetish

I do not usually get turned on by panties but last night changed me. My GF and I had spent over an hour licking and sucking and fucking when the fire alarm went off in our building and we quickly had to evacuate. She threw on a sweat shirt, a short skirt, and a pair of silk panties. This morning, after she left, I found the panties on the floor. I picked them up and the most delicious fragrance rose from them. It was the smell of freshly fucking. Her tasty juices and mine had been trapped in the gusset of her panties when we evacuated the building, and this morning, were over powering. I held the panty gusset to my nose and my cock swiftly became rock hard. I licked the gusset and more smell along with a tasty flavor had my senses reeling. Since then I have been alternately sniffing that wonderful smell and rubbing my super hard cock. I am approaching my third cum and am totally hooked on soiled panties.
Publicado por phillymark
há 11 anos
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Even tastier when she menstruates!
I would of like to be smelling them and getting sucked off. Nice story. Thanks for posting.