The Family Ranch - Chapter 4

While Ron's mother, Ruth, was making her sales pitch for a family-run business to his sisters - a concept he was entirely onboard with, Ron himself was in the final stages of trying to sell their herd for the season at the best possible price. He was sitting down to dinner at the hotel restaurant with four others. The main person he was negotiating with was Pete, a no good bastard in Ron's estimation, who would fuck anything - including the cattle, to save ten cents a pound on his purchases. There was Pete's wife, Shelley, who was friendly, outgoing, and definitely a MILF even though she leaned more toward the BBW class of the category. The other two were Jack and Terry, a couple of Pete's yes men there only as witnesses to whatever went down. Pete was known for backtracking and reneging on his agreements and Ron was doing his best to get it locked into a written contract before he left. Otherwise, he knew he and their ranching business would be fucked before delivery of the herd was completed.

Dinner was a game of cat and mouse and neither Ron nor Pete wanted to be the mouse. Ron had started predictably high on his pricing desires knowing market pressures were pushing down, not up, on cattle prices. But he also knew he had the highest quality herd in the country and that he could get top dollar if he was willing to work harder by making deals with more people like Pete. Pete ran one of the largest cattle buying companies in the region, so he carried a lot of influence. But he was also crooked, ruthless, and lacked any moral compass whatsoever. While this wasn't Ron's only option, it was the quickest way to closing the best deal and assuring the cashflow needed to support the ranch for the next year.

"Well, Ron," began Pete, as he nearly guzzled his first cocktail as they awaited service of their dinner, "I think we are close to a deal. I just need you to lower your price about 5% and we will take the entire herd. I am sure you realize that your asking price is considerably overstated and you simply need to be a little more realistic. People's tastes are changing and beef isn't as popular as it once was. You know that as well as I do. Can you do that for me? We've done a lot of business together over the years. Surely we can work out a fair price."

Ron smiled as he watched Pete's wife squeeze her husband's bicep, smiled beamingly at him and hugged his shoulder. Pete looked at her and patted her hand twice and kissed her forehead. Ron showed no other expression other than his polite smile. He had his mother's gift for reading a face, a room, without expression or reaction and knowing exactly what was happening and what he would have to do about it. He nodded that he was sure a deal was close at hand and they all proceeded to enjoy their dinner. After a couple of rounds of cocktails and way too much small talk after dinner was finished, Ron was getting ready to leave the others. Pete looked at Ron much like a snake looks at a rat before it strikes.

"I and the boys have a friendly poker game lined up in one of the private meeting rooms if you care to join us. We keep it friendly and limit it to table stakes if you are interested."

"Thanks, Pete, but I will pass. My daddy told me never to play poker with my friends, enemies, or business partners, so I will leave you to it and get ready to head back to the ranch tomorrow. I imagine we will have a deal before I leave."

Pete was disappointed, but not surprised. They said their goodbyes. Shelley announced that she was going back to their room and would not be waiting up for her poker playing husband. She kissed him on the cheek again and he patted her hand again. Ron left the table and headed for the elevator. Shelley waited behind him and they entered the elevator together.

Shelley was surprised when Ron punched the "4" button for his floor when she was sure he was staying on the penthouse level next to Pete's room on the 18th floor.

"I thought for sure Pete would have booked you for a penthouse room, Ron."

Ron just smiled and exited the elevator. Shelley followed him.

"Isn't Pete on the penthouse level?" Ron asked as Shelley followed him down the hallway.

"Sure, we are on the penthouse level. But I thought he had you right next door to us. I thought you and I could have another nightcap before you left town."

"He booked me in the penthouse alright," said Ron, "but I chose to stay in the room I booked instead."

"Why on earth would you stay on this noisy floor when you could have the peace, quiet, and luxury of a penthouse suite?" she asked, thoroughly intrigued by Ron's behavior.

"For a lot of reasons, Shelley. Why are you following me to my room? Doesn't that seem a little forward?" he asked, raising one eyebrow in her direction.

"Well, for one thing, I was hoping for a nightcap and a little decent conversation for a change. For another, I hear you pack a "big daddy" and I was hoping to find out it that was true," she said all warm and fuzzy with a hit of the cat and mouse game continuing.

Ron opened the door to his room and invited her in.

"Wouldn't it be more cozy and inviting in the penthouse?" asked Shelley as she stepped up to face him and put her arms around his waist.

"Probably, but also not nearly so safe up there. To be honest, I don't trust Pete any further than I could throw him. This room is safer for me and for my business dealings with him."

"Why on earth would you say a thing like that, Ron?" Shelley showed just a hint of concern, but Ron caught it.

"You wanted to know if I pack a big daddy as you put it in your southern charm. Let's deal with that for now." Ron said as he put his arms around Shelley's waist. Shelley was 5'10" tall and wearing heels, she was nearly as tall as Ron was at 6'3". She was broad shouldered and wide at the hips. She was probably 30 pounds overweight, but had tits the size of footballs and with each other holding their arms around each other, those tits pressed into Ron's chest and he could tell they were firm. She had a large ass, but it was equally firm as he let his hands slide down over her cheeks beginning the foreplay that would lead to what he expected would be quite a workout before the night was through.

"Let's have that drink first and you tell me why you don't trust Pete. Then we will explore your big daddy." Shelley stalled.

"Fair enough. So here it is. I am going to paint you a picture. If I am one hundred percent right, you are going to fuck me all night whether you can handle big daddy or not. Just for the record, most women can't. And if I am one hundred percent right, you are going to make sure I get a 5% premium over my asking price this year and that Pete will buy my herd for the next two years as well at the higher of my asking price or market at the time. Otherwise, I go to the authorities and Pete's penthouse will be an 8 by 10 cell and you might be living next door to him."

Shelley's face went white, but then she recovered. "And if I choose not to play this silly-assed game of yours?" she asked as she headed for the door.

"Then I don't get fucked and I go to the authorities anyway."

"You have no proof of anything, Ron."

"I have more than you think. Now do you want to play my silly-assed game or not?"

Shelley shrugged. "Why not? I have the evening to myself and you have nothing but a big dick apparently."

Ron poured them both a drink and sat down coolly on the sofa. "First, you are not Pete's wife. Most people don't know this, but Pete prefers men. I have photos of Pete introducing other women as his wife in less financially substantial deals. You are actually the brains of the operation. Pete wouldn't know a good deal if it fucked him up the ass. Your name is Belinda, not Shelley and you are content for whatever reason to play your game behind the scenes. You two communicated with your squeeze of his upper arm and him patting your hand. The smooches were a last attempt to get the message across and he was telling you to buzz off. You are not the first woman to ask me if I had a big cock. Pete has heard this from somewhere and it is a good lead in to getting more information from those he does business with. He would not let you out of his sight if you were his wife and I was roaming around loose while he played poker. He wants you to fuck me and get the better deal. This is his fallback position if it won't work any other way. The other two goons at the table don't know beef from chicken. They work here at the hotel, which as I understand it is 49% owned by Pete. Which is why I booked this room under a different name. I had a detective check my penthouse accommodations and it was bugged. This room isn't. Now, tell me where I am wrong and you can leave. Then you take your chances with the legal system. If I am right, get the contracts ready and signed now just as I have already instructed. Come back in an hour and we begin to have some real fun."

Belinda headed for the door. "I will have the contracts ready, but give me 90 minutes. I have to hunt down Pete and give him the "good news" and get his signature."

Ron smiled politely, "I will check every inch of your body and anything you carry in with you for bugs, Belinda. If I find anything, not only will I go back to the authorities route, but I will burn your clothes and you can return to your room bare ass naked."

Belinda believed him and two hours later returned. Ron took 30 minutes to read the contracts and they were just exactly as he instructed.

Belinda undressed in front of Ron and he was certainly impressed. He inspected her clothing down to the inch and then he stood and ran his fingers and hands over every inch of her body. He slipped his fingers up her pussy to find nothing there but dampness indicating she was more interested in fucking than her face indicated. He walked behind her and slipped two fingers up her ass as he kissed her neck and she gasped but did not resist. Nothing there either. Just a nice, warm hole to stuff his cock later in the night.

Ron removed his clothes as she watched and he revealed his nearly foot long and very hard cock. Belinda's eyes widened and she swallowed hard. She was not frightened by his size, but was surprised that it was everything Pete had indicated. She wrapped both hands around it and there were still three inches, including his large cock head protruding from her grasp. He had her lie down on the sofa on her back with her head supported by pillows and tipped over the edge of the arm.

"I feel like getting deep throated, Belinda. Let's see how well you can handle that," Ron said as he slid his cock deep in her mouth, not really giving her time to prepare. He went all the way down her throat in one stroke and then pulled it right back out. She gagged and sputtered and swore at him, but then grabbed his cock and swallowed it again, this time ready for it. Ron was already hot and bothered, but getting to throat fuck a woman was a rare treat and he took full advantage of it. After several plunges down her throat, Ron was ready to cum and told her so. She took a deep breath and held it as he went balls deep in her mouth and spewed cum straight into her belly for what seemed to her an eternity. He pulled out just as the last squirt was exiting his cock and it splattered on her chin.

"Alright, I have had my fun, Belinda. Now let's see about both of us enjoying ourselves the rest of the way."

He led her to the bed and played with her enormous mounds of tit flesh and sucked her nipples hard. They stood out more than half an inch and she was cooing at his skill with them. He let his hands roam her large ass and she explored his as well. They kissed and rolled around, both ready to fuck all night, but not wanting to rush it too much. He spread her long legs wide and she guided his huge cock to her pussy opening and he stuffed several inches in at once and she let out a loud growl, as if this was only the beginning of what he could expect. She wanted it deep, she wanted it hard and she wanted it fast. And that is what he gave her. In three strokes, he was balls deep and she seemed to have room for more.

"Fuck me hard, you dirty bastard! Give me everything you've got. I want to know I have been fucked when I leave in the morning."

Ron pounded her hard for 15 minutes, never giving either of them a break. Belinda came multiple times and she was just getting warmed up. She was the most verbal woman he had ever fucked and every pump inside of her seemed to energize her all the more. Nearly exhausted, Ron came harder than he could remember and flooded her ample depths with a heavy, thick load of cum. He let his body weight relax on top of her and she breathed heavily in his ear as she praised his fucking skills and durability.

They relaxed now and actually enjoyed each other's company and made small talk for awhile while they recovered and enjoyed another drink. Belinda stroked his cock back to full erection sometime around midnight and rolled over onto her stomach, spread her legs and asked him to fuck her ass. Ron took this fuck much slower and they both relaxed and enjoyed the pleasures they both derived from it. Hers was the first ass that could take all of him and enjoyed every stroke. They shifted to different positions, the last one with both standing and her braced against the wall next to the bed. She had fingered herself to several climaxes before he emptied his balls into her ass and then watched as she let his cum run out and down the insides of her legs. They took a long, cool shower together, had another drink and got back in bed. Ron put his face between her legs and gave her pussy a good licking, getting her off again a couple of times. She gave him a treat he had not experienced before. Lying face down on the bed, Belinda went down on his ass and rimmed him while she stroked his cock and played with his heavy balls. Her tongue in his ass was a bit of heaven he didn't know existed and nearly shot a wad onto the sheets. But she rolled him to his back and went for a joy ride on his pole until they both racked up another climax and required another shower . They ended the night giving each other head until both had cum once more and fell asleep in that position until the alarm went off. Ron's eyes opened to a view of Belinda's crotch and hers opened to see his stiff cock rubbing against her tits. She pulled him on top of her and had him tit fuck her while she ate his ass again. She felt the warmth of his hot cum on her belly and knew he was finished.

They snuggled for awhile, her still coated in his cum. "You know," she said, "I also heard a rumor that you like to bang your mother. Since we are so close now, could you confide in me if that is true and if you like it?"

Ron laughed, "Have you really ever met a man who actually fucks his mother?"

"My son does," Belinda said quite earnestly. "And he is just about your equal in every way."

Ron smiled. "I think you need to ditch that prick you work for and come visit the ranch sometime."

That was as close to a confession as Ron was willing to give.

"I would really enjoy that," she said smiling.

"Bring your son with you," Ron suggested.

"I think I will."

The next morning, Pete was sullen but shook hands on their deal and walked away. Ron left the hotel and headed for the airport. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Marti and Wendy talked over breakfast the pros and cons of what their mother had offered the night before.

Both seemed to think it was what they both needed and thought it would be good for Jason and Susie as well. Neither of their k**s really had a plan after graduation, so it would at least be good for them for a few months as they tested out the possibilities. Both were feeling strangely horny and considered going to bed together to play with their toys again when they both received a text from their mother. She invited them up to her room for breakfast. They had already eaten but decided to go to her room anyway and let her know they were all in but could not speak for their k**s just yet.

They entered and their mother was lying in bed with her tits jutting out above the thin sheet. They both laughed at the sight.

"We thought you had breakfast delivered to your room, mom. We had already eaten, but thought we would chat with you while you ate." said Marti.

Ruth laughed, "I thought we could all be each other's breakfast," she said as she pulled the sheet back to reveal her nakedness and her wet pussy shining the light of the room. "It would be a shame to waste a good, horny feeling , by just fingering myself when I know I have some expert help on the property. And I give as good as I get," she said with a hopeful tone to her voice.

The girls shucked off their clothes and climbed in. The three of them formed a triangle and wasted no time giving each other head. And their mother was as good as her word. She went down on Mart, who went down on Wendy, who was eating her mother with an eagerness that surprised them both. Hands were moving and fondling anything they could find. Fingers explored every crack and crevice they encountered and every few minutes there was a pause in the action as someone went over the top and came, making all kinds of a****l noises in the process. It was late morning when they finally decided they had cum enough and cleaned up. Over lunch, they told Ruth they were on board with her offer and she was delighted.

"But we will handle the conversation with Susie and Jason, mom," Marti said. "We will handle it our way."

Ruth agreed and they all went about their day.

Marti went looking for Susie and Wendi for Jason. They wanted to talk to them separately so that neither felt pressured. If they wanted to think about and talk it over with each other, that would be fine, but with no pressure. Marti found Susie by the pool and they talked for quite a while. Susie thought it sounded like a great idea. Then she added a request.

"You know, mom, we haven't had any time together since we got here. Could we go up to our room for awhile know...?"

"That sounds like a great idea, honey," said Marti.

Wendy entered one of the barns and encountered a groom who was just finishing up unsaddling a horse from a morning ride by a couple of guests. He was a tall, handsome young man and Wendy felt intensely the long absence of a real man inside her. He was wearing a tight fitting pair of jeans and a tight tee shirt. His tanned muscles and large brown eyes had her suddenly aching between her legs. She tried to get herself under control, when he walked up to her.

"You must be Wendy. I hear you and your sister and your k**s are visiting. They said you were the one who most resembled your mother and they weren't wrong."

He wasn't making a pass at her, but his innocent charm took her off guard. She blushed a bit and he apologized for being too forward.

"That wasn't forward at all and I appreciate the compliment," Wendy stammered. "I haven't gotten a friendly compliment in quite a while."

"Come back any time and I will be happy to pay you some more. "I'm Brad and pleased to meet you. If you need anything, holler and I will do all I can."

"You busy now?" Wendy asked.

"Naw, just have to put away the horse and I have some free time. What do you need?"

"You mentioned if there was anything I needed..."

"Sure," said Brad, "name it."

Wendy blushed at her own cheesiness as she opened her mouth. "I need you. Now."

Brad walked the horse to his stall and then led Wendy to the empty stall next to it. There was fresh hay on the floor.
As he led her in, he shut the gate. He said nothing as he took her into his arms and kissed her. She quickly reached for his cock hoping not to be disappointed. He had more than average and that would be plenty. She unbuttoned her blouse and pulled her tits out of her bra. Brad was more than eager to get his hands on her. He grabbed a tarp hanging over the stall railing and spread it out on the hay. He was undressed quickly and Wendy went ahead and stripped as well since the straw was covered. This would be a quickie, but that was all she needed. Just a quick, hard fuck. Brad moved into position on the extremely horny mom and she spread her legs for him. He was in her in no time and fucked like an expert. He rested his hands on her large mounds to start as he fucked her hard and fast. He pinched her nipples and she grabbed his ass and pulled him in as deep as possible. She cried out in orgasm louder than she had intended and hoped it did cause any unwanted attention.

Brad continued the desired pounding in her pussy and she was soon on the verge of another orgasm. He moved her to her hands and knees and began fucking her hard again doggie style until she came hard on his cock again. Just before he came, he asked what he should do. "Do I need to pull out?"

"No! Fill me with your cum, Brad. Shoot it in me deep!"

Brad let go and she felt his cock pulse and jerk inside her as he unloaded his cum in her pussy. They lay together briefly and she played with his wet cock with one hand and with the cum oozing from her pussy with the other.

"Thank you! Damn I needed that." Wendy said, only slightly embarrassed now.

"I needed that too, ma'am. Any time you want more, just come on by."

Wendy, for one, was already enamored with her decision to stay.
Publicado por jamesmasters40
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yum I will read more
Well done. The story keeps getting better with each chapter.