Shemale mother and son

This story belongs to a young by named Raz age 22. Raz family is so happy but one day he saw a very unique things that his mother has a dick.he became shoked to see this and he become he knows that Champa devi is not his real mother coz champa has no pussy... From that day raz watched his mother everyday and jurking his dick thinking his shemale mother. Oneday champa got understand that raz watched her naked everyday. The next day champa went to bath but she did not locked tbe door.raz come to see her mother again but this time champa see him and act like an angry lady.she wans to punish raz then she forced raz and salpe after that she bring out her big dick and put it into raz,s mouth and start fucking her son,s mouth......rand was very excited and enjoy his mothers dick and he told her mother that fuck his mouth hardly.after that champa fuck his mouth so hard and raz was making sexy sound ahhh ufff umm yaaa......
Part 1
Publicado por Radhax1
há 2 anos
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I would love to be him!
Lucky son 
looking forward for nesxt part
I like your story :wink:

I'm already looking forward to the next part. . .
Part 2 coming soon if u wand 2nd paet than comment here...